Katya Gershuni: When women get hooked on a scalpel, they stop assessing themselves objectively

Talented since childhood

Ekaterina was born in Tashkent on May 26, 1986. Ekaterina Gershuni, like all girls, loved to play with dolls and sew clothes for them. Only her clothes were very different from the dresses sewn by her friends, and the girls often asked her to create a beautiful outfit for their toys.

Later, already in adolescence, the girl helped her friends select dresses, altered them, making them more unique. She always told my mother what clothes to buy, advised the best outfits that were more suitable for her.

Because of her love for creating dresses, the girl enrolled in a ballroom dancing school, since all the dancers' performances involved beautiful outfits. Ekaterina Gershuni sewed the costumes for her performances herself.

Many girls, young women and women follow her example and, seeing her on the TV screen, dream of being at least a little like her. Katya Gershuni is a spectacular woman, striking with a dazzling kind smile, education and tact, skillfully transforming women, masterfully coping with a difficult task.

Our heroine was born in sunny Uzbekistan, about which she retains the most rosy memories: “Until I was 10 years old, I lived in Uzbekistan, in Tashkent. I remember very well our courtyard, mulberry trees, the scent of jasmine in the evenings, delicious Uzbek food, green courtyards, magnificent Stalinist architecture.”

In the mid-1990s, the family moved to Moscow, where the girl spent her adolescence and youth, who soon began to show interest in the alluring world of women's fashion. In her youth, she often sewed dresses for dolls, made outfits for her friends, altered something, and selected harmonious combinations from ready-made clothes. Rumor has it that she even took up ballroom dancing precisely because of the spectacular dresses that she herself designed.

Adults gradually began to listen to Katya’s advice regarding the appearance of friends and the combination of wardrobe elements.

Soon Gershuni entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and mastered English and German. This was very useful to her when Katya went to Britain, to the London University of the Arts for the Fashion Styling for Professionals imageology course.

In the capital of Foggy Albion, she learns the art of fashion and design from eminent masters and image makers - and, returning to Russia, quickly gains popularity. Gershuni becomes a participant in the programs “Bureau of Congratulations with Zhanna Epple” and “Beauty Queen with Oksana Fedorova”, a column about fashion in the program “Good Morning” on Channel One, the show “Too Beautiful” on the MTV channel, the fashion show “Gloss”, programs “If there was a reason”, “There is one secret”, the project “Boys” on the channel “Friday”. But the show “Ten Years Younger” on Channel One brings her truly stellar fame, where sad women, tormented by life and circumstances, in the skillful hands of Katya and her colleagues instantly transform and blossom, as in a fairy tale.

What is the secret of Katya Gershuni's success? Viewers are captivated by her relaxed manners, emotionality, charm, sincere goodwill and openness to the world, attention to the smallest details that others would not pay attention to. The public simply adores her!

Today, the popular stylist works very hard, discovering new facets of his talent. It seems that in her personal life there are joyful changes: after a short, provocative, slightly aggressive haircut, she began to wear a romantic long hairstyle and generally radically changed her image. She literally glows with happiness. “You know, I recently realized that I love to cook, but before I thought it wasn’t my thing at all! A lot in life is changing now, and now I have discovered such a talent in myself. I want and will do cooking!” – the girl exclaims with some childish joy. Katya also loves to travel, entrusting her time management to her closest person – her mother, psychologist Irina Mostovskaya.

Now our star is at the peak of a brilliant television career and femininity. Her next popular metropolitan project, “Katya Gershuni’s School of Style,” is a kind of result of her accumulated experience: “The school opened a little over a year and a half ago, it became the embodiment of my dream. I have been involved in imageology and style for many years, during which time I have accumulated a large amount of knowledge, skills, life hacks and I want to share them with the whole world!” – Gershuni says emotionally.

Of course, our main question to the expert is whether it is possible to be in trend and look relevant and fresh, without departing from tzniut, the law on female modesty. “I am sure that a Jewish woman can observe the laws of tzniut and at the same time remain fashionable and stylish, there are many examples of this. Having knowledge in the field of style, we do not deviate from traditions, but, on the contrary, adhere to them,” explains Katya.

It is known that wealthy people can afford to visit high-quality fitness clubs, an expensive cosmetologist, fashion boutiques, have a personal stylist, etc. Our heroine knows how to look good without spending a lot of money. Here are a few of her recommendations: you need to engage in sports, internal development, monitor your weight, live an interesting and dynamic life, move a lot, choose the right shades of clothing, fabric textures, and the right silhouettes.

And finally, a style formula developed by TV star Katya Gershuni: a dress doesn’t have to be expensive, it should just suit the woman who wears it, you can even sew it yourself. After all, after a season, fashionistas will certainly want something new. And the main thing is to remain yourself!

Harry Kanaev


Despite her hobby, the girl received her first higher education in a completely different field. She studied at the institute at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and now speaks fluently in German and English. Oddly enough, this knowledge was useful to her in her further studies, because she went to England after graduating from the Institute of Art with a degree in imageology.

In London, Ekaterina Gershuni received knowledge in the world of design and fashion from the most famous image makers and couturiers. With new knowledge, the girl returned to Russia, and soon became a popular stylist.

Katya Gershuni: biography

Katya Gershuni is a Russian fashion stylist and TV presenter, familiar to TV viewers from the popular programs about style and transformation “New Life” and “10 Years Younger.”

Ekaterina was born in Tashkent into an international family, so Ekaterina’s nationality subsequently constantly raised questions among her ill-wishers. The girl had not yet gone to school when her parents moved Katya to the capital of Russia. This happened shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Katya spent her childhood and youth in Moscow.

Stylist and TV presenter Katya Gershuni

Ekaterina early felt an interest in the world of women's fashion, and already in childhood it became clear that Ekaterina would connect her biography with style and fashion. As a little girl, she sewed bright outfits for dolls, and a little later she made dresses for her girlfriends or put together fashionable looks from ready-made clothes.

Katya was also always ready to give practical advice to her mother, who gladly listened to her daughter’s opinion, because Catherine’s taste had already been recognized by all the family’s friends. Katya Gershuni even chose her teenage hobby - ballroom dancing - because the competition participants had to perform in bright costumes, which the girl sewed for herself.

Katya Gershuni

However, the girl went to receive her first higher education at a university that had nothing to do with fashion and clothing creation. Ekaterina entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and today is fluent in English and German. This knowledge did not turn out to be superfluous, since after receiving a second higher education at the Faculty of Imageology at the Institute of Culture and Art, Ekaterina went to the English capital, where she studied with famous couturiers and image makers at the London University of the Arts.

Working on television

Stylist Ekaterina Gershuni became famous among the masses for many television projects in which she was invited as a presenter or expert. So she can be seen in the project “Bureau of Congratulations with Zhanna Epple”, in “Good Morning” (fashion section), in “Beauty Queen with Oksana Fedorova”, on the MTV channel in the show “Too Beautiful”.

The most popular television project with the participation of the stylist was the program “10 Years Younger.” Ekaterina Gershuni and her team of professionals in the world of beauty help mature women become truly younger. The participants completely change their style, manner of speaking, makeup, hairstyle and gait! The heroine of this project can be any woman who is ready for big changes in the goal of becoming prettier, becoming better in everything, more confident in herself.

Katya Gershuni now

In the spring of 2021, Katya joined a new television project. This is a popular transformation show “New Life”, in which women change their image, choose a new style of clothing and makeup, and also renovate their apartment. Together with Gershuni, TV presenter Tatyana Arno, architect Andrei Karpov and plastic surgeon Andrei Iskornev take part in the program.

Andrey Karpov, Katya Gershuni, Tatyana Arno and Andrey Iskornev

At the end of 2021, it became known that Katya Gershuni’s popular show “Ten Years Younger” would return to air on Channel One. This TV show, part of a galaxy of fashion shows in which guests from a number of average people changed their image and appearance, captivated the audience with its courage and lack of fear of radical measures. TV show stylists changed guests' hairstyles and wardrobes, also used the services of cosmetologists and dentists, and even resorted to plastic surgery.

The new season of the show started on December 9. The role of the TV presenter of the program remained with Svetlana Abramova, and Katya Gershuni continued to serve as the main stylist of the TV show.

The film crew promises viewers new non-standard formats of working with guests who came to the program to change their own lives. Some heroes will receive original tasks that will help people who have changed their appearance to quickly start a new life.

Others will get a hot air balloon vacation or a dream meeting, and one episode of the show will even be dedicated to the wedding of TV presenter Svetlana Abramova, who married Anton Shkurenko on July 14, 2017. Fragments of the show were filmed during the wedding celebration.

The heroine of the first issue in 2021 is a 49-year-old woman who dreams of meeting a man and starting a family. The program team gave the heroine a facelift and breast lift and developed a sophisticated and elegant look for the woman in which she could go on dates.

Worldwide popularity

Ekaterina Gershuni, whose photo is provided in our article, collaborates not only with Russian stylists and designers. She is also popular abroad, working with famous couturiers.

Celebrities also love Catherine. The outfits created by Gershuni can be seen on many television, film and pop stars.

Now Ekaterina Gershuni has also taken up teaching. She teaches a course called “Image and Style” at the Beauty Academy.

Personal life of Ekaterina Gershuni

Ekaterina Gershuni is married, the couple has a son. Ekaterina met her husband when she was a very young person, she was seventeen years old at that time. Roman is ten years older than his chosen one, and at that time he was already an established psychoanalyst, and now he has his own restaurant business. This man is an Israeli citizen and works in Russia on a contract basis.

Roman and Catherine’s relationship did not begin immediately, but only two years after they met. Throughout their family life they had a warm relationship. But, as often happens, they decided to separate, exchanged their large apartment for two smaller ones, and live nearby so that David (Gershunya’s son) could communicate with his father more often.

The couple are not officially divorced yet, and who knows, perhaps this once happy couple will reunite.

One of Catherine's biggest hobbies is collecting watches from various companies. She also simply loves rearranging the house, creating real stylish designer crafts from the most ordinary things.

Personal life

Ekaterina met her husband Roman Gershuni when the girl was only 17 years old. The girl’s chosen one turned out to be 10 years older than Katya, a psychoanalyst by training, and also develops his own restaurant business. The young people dated for two years, after which they got married. By the way, Katya’s husband is an Israeli citizen and works in Russia under a contract.

In 2004, the couple had a son, David. For many years the family lived happily, in perfect harmony. But in June 2021, in an interview, Katya Gershuni said that she and her husband decided to live separately. His own apartment has now been exchanged for two smaller ones, but they are located not far from each other so that his father visits David as often as possible. Katya and Roman have not officially filed for divorce yet, so they continue to be considered married people.

Catherine's hobby is collecting watches from different companies. Also, a woman likes to change the environment and do interior design. A young woman’s greatest pleasure comes from creating something new and unusual out of ordinary things.

Katya Gershuni promotes her own image both on television and on the Internet. The stylist runs a popular page on Instagram, which has 150 thousand followers. The girl regularly posts selfies and photographs with friends, but in all frames Ekaterina appears fully armed: with makeup, neat hair, and fashionable, harmoniously selected clothes.

In most photos, Katya Gershuni appears in large glasses with bright frames, which have long become a distinctive feature of the stylist. Also, the woman is not afraid to experiment with haircuts and styling, and then share the result with her fans. In a word, Gershuni’s Instagram is a working and PR tool, and not a personal page, like a number of other stars.

Ekaterina Gershuni: height and weight

Surely, everyone who knows the stylist Gershuni has noticed the incredibly changing image of a woman. She either gets fat or loses weight. Katya’s height is 170 centimeters, and she considers her normal weight to be no more than sixty kilograms on the scale. Also, Ekaterina Gershuni simply loves to eat delicious food, and is a lover of the most unhealthy foods: fried, smoked, salted and fatty. One day, she discovered with horror that she had become the owner of as much as eighty-six kilograms of weight! This fact truly horrified her, and the woman decided to return her graceful figure no matter what. She turned to nutritionists and trainers for help. But, as Gershuni herself admits, she herself became the most important assistant in the struggle for a slender silhouette. She had to radically change her eating habits and take up intense sports. The efforts were not in vain, and after six months she was able to get rid of those very twenty-six kilograms that were unwanted.

Ekaterina Gershuni says that she was able to regain her normal weight only by overcoming herself. It was difficult for her to live without her favorite dishes and exhaust herself with exercise every day. She also says that she does not believe in diets, and it is not hunger that can help you lose weight, but proper nutrition, sports, and specialists developing a special program.

Returned weight

After Ekaterina and Roman decided to separate, stylist Gershuni began to get better again. As she said in an interview, she ate her depression and stress with food. As a result, her weight began to increase after that, and reached sixty-nine kilograms. This time, Ekaterina decided not to lose weight so actively, but to do it measuredly. You can follow her successes on Instagram, where Gershuni posts photos that show a positive trend. Now she has already managed to get rid of four kilograms, and is not going to stop there. The woman’s plans include reaching her usual sixty, and trying not to gain weight in the future.

Ekaterina Gershuni is not afraid to experiment with her appearance. Now she is known as a hot brunette, but just recently she was a cute blonde, and had a completely different hairstyle. The same applies to excess weight. Ekaterina is not afraid to gain weight; she knows that she can put herself in order again. The only thing is that now she has begun to deny herself another portion of fried food. The stylist now treats himself to his favorite food less often.

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