Katya Klap: biography, personal life, earnings and real name

Recently, almost every fashionable girl has an Instagram blog or a YouTube channel to tell the online community about her life and style. But not every one of them is as famous as Katya Klap, who knows how to amaze her subscribers with unusual advice and harmonious images. In her videos, she often raises topics about diets and proper nutrition. And although the Internet star has never been overweight, recently Katya decided that it was time to bring her figure to perfection. And she succeeded!

The blogger showed her fans a figure that would be the envy of any fitness model. It’s quite natural that Clap was immediately flooded with questions from subscribers who wanted to know the miraculous secrets. We won’t say that Katya revealed all the secrets, but she still gave a couple of useful tips. Let's talk about them in a little more detail.

Many girls consider the top blogger to be a role model

The path to losing weight

Did you know that as a child, the future YouTube star was an appetizing plump girl? Until adolescence, she was little worried about this state of affairs - Katya happily ate cutlets, pasta and buns. Everything changed with the advent of youth. It’s sad to realize that your classmates have had admirers for a long time, but you remain a perky friend for the guys, who is treated as “their boyfriend,” and not an object of admiration.

Katya, having read literature about the benefits of vegetarian nutrition, decided that this was her chance to achieve the desired shape. For five years, the future blogger did not put a piece of meat in her mouth. However, the weight did not go away. Of course, after all, Clap did not refuse buns, fried potatoes and pasta! Added to the weight problem were teenage rashes on the face, which only worsened from such a “diet”.

For some time, the blogger tried to fight the hated acne with folk and pharmacy remedies, but the problem became so widespread that she had to go to a dermatologist. The doctor rendered a verdict: Catherine’s young body was suffering from an acute lack of iron. Gradually, Katya returned meat to her diet, and after a few months, her dermatological problems disappeared. Moreover, Clap began to lose weight!

Creative path

After graduating from secondary school No. 1122, Katya entered the directing department of the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art, but after six months she abandoned her studies and began promoting her own channel on YouTube.

Katya Klap started running a YouTube channel

It appeared back in 2010 and was called Foggy Disaster (“Foggy Disaster”). The girl took the pseudonym Katya Klap and under this name filled her video blog with funny sketches: she acted out skits, parodied show business stars, read rap and simply delighted subscribers with funny faces. Katya Klap - the best moments of the video Her work was enjoyed by viewers who had not yet been spoiled by the huge amount of monotonous video content, and the number of channel subscribers began to grow rapidly. Then she earned her first money - 14 thousand rubles - and realized that her favorite activity could bring in a good income.

Two years later, Katya created another channel - TheKateClapp, where the girl posted videos with funny moments from life, talked about travel and interesting meetings.

Katya Klap's videos are funny and ironic

By 2014, her channel entered the top ten most successful blogs in Russia. In the same year, Katya received the highest award of the Youtube festival - Video-Reople. And two years later, Katya represented the Russian segment of video bloggers at a thematic summit in New York.

The phenomenal popularity of Katya Klap was eloquently demonstrated by a video filmed in Yekaterinburg at the beginning of 2021. It shows a crowd of fans meeting Katya at the airport. The video was commented with surprise by Nikita Mikhalkov, who stated the following on his Besogon TV program: “This is not the return of the Russian football team with gold awards. This is not Lady Gaga who came to Yekaterinburg. This is how they met a certain Katya Klap.” Katya commented on Mikhalkov’s words laconically: “Verbal diarrhea.”

Show “Question and Answer from Katya Klap” Katya Klap also managed to try herself as a fashion model, appearing for Elle Girl magazine, and released her own line of Foggy perfumes.

Katya Klap lost weight

The girl not only made good money from the popularity of her video blog, but also tried to attract the attention of users to current issues. So, in March 2021, she, together with other popular vloggers - Maryana Ro, Lera Lyubraska and TillNyashka - launched a campaign against cyberbullying, otherwise known as online bullying. In 2021, Katya Klap could also be seen in one of the episodes of the series “Molodezhka”. Her partner on the set was Ivan Zhvakin, who played the role of Alexander Kostrov from “Bears.” Katya, who played herself, decided to check in the story whether Kostrov was such an ideal young man as his friends described him. Katya Klap - Dolls In 2021, Katya released a video for her song “Dolls”. Despite several million views, the blogger’s music career did not take off.

Weight loss program from Katya Klap

In just six months, the YouTube star got rid of an extra twelve kg!

The dietary techniques that Katya followed are intended for girls seeking to achieve refined forms without harm to the body. The weight will come off slowly, but the kilograms are unlikely to return to your sides, even if you then sometimes deviate from the prescribed rules of eating behavior. In six months you can get rid of 10-15 kilograms that prevent you from living a happy life - which, you see, is not a bad result at all.

For example, Katya managed to reach a weight of 53 kilograms with a height of 171 centimeters, losing a total of 12 kg. In principle, the Clap approach to nutrition is open-ended. It's not even a diet, but a way of life. However, like dietary nutrition, it requires strict adherence to the regimen. Katya always prepares a menu in advance that includes useful microelements and vitamins. In general, Clap's recommendations look like this:

  • You first need to mentally tune in to the correct lifestyle and diet. If you don’t feel internally prepared, then most likely the idea will fail. You will constantly miss your usual food and products, so there is a risk of breaking down and “ruining” your initiative in the bud;
  • consume as many protein foods as possible, a minimum of carbohydrates and only healthy vegetable fats;
  • no sweets, cakes or baked goods. If you want something sweet, you can allow yourself a small piece of dark chocolate, but no more. Sometimes (once a month) it is not forbidden to pamper your body with baked goods, but it should be a homemade pie with berries and honey, and not a purchased product;
  • Under no circumstances should you go hungry. The most important thing is to find a balance between consumed and burned calories, that is, do not overeat and provide the body with physical activity;
  • never skip your morning meal. Katya usually eats three boiled eggs or an omelet with vegetables for breakfast. Two mornings a week she eats oatmeal with a spoonful of honey and a handful of dried fruits;
  • For snacks throughout the day, Clapp always carries a bag of pecans with him;
  • give up morning coffee and replace it with tea. Katya opted for unusual pu-erh tea, to which she adds a little ground cinnamon. By the way, this drink amazingly tones the body and adds energy, and cinnamon promotes better metabolism;
  • season salads with vegetable oils: flaxseed, olive, sesame;
  • buy non-perishable foods and do not stock up on food for more than two or three meals so that you always have fresh food;
  • Don't have time to eat a full meal? Snack on some pureed food from the baby food section at your nearest supermarket;
  • physical activity should be regular. Katya visits the fitness center at least twice a week. The blogger’s favorite exercises are stress on the gluteal muscles and legs, stretching (at least 15-20 minutes), stress on the abs and strength exercises at a fast pace. No time for the gym? Work out at home, but don't skip a training day. Not in the mood for a monotonous rep program? Jump rope or just dance to your favorite tracks;
  • half an hour before training, Katya advises drinking protein shakes, which give a boost of energy, saturate the body with proteins for building muscles, and also completely eliminate the feeling of hunger. When going to the gym, Klap always takes clean water with pieces of cut fruits and berries to prevent dehydration.

Katya devotes a lot of time to physical activity to have a perfect tummy

How to switch to a new lifestyle?

Katya says that you should not suddenly change your eating habits in order to minimize the risk of a breakdown. You should feel comfortable and easy. This is the only way to gradually get involved and perceive the new way of life as familiar and normal. Klap schematically divides the transition to a diet into several stages:

  1. Avoid carbonated drinks and store-bought juices that contain high levels of sugar. Start introducing fresh vegetables, berries and fruits into your diet. Make sure to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily.
  2. After a few days, give up pastries, cakes, pies, and sweets. Do you want something sweet? Eat natural honey or fruits.
  3. Increase the percentage of protein in your diet over the course of a week. Avoid sausages and smoked meats in favor of boiled, baked or steamed chicken breast, veal, fish and turkey. Don't forget about fresh vegetables and legumes. Clap herself prefers tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini and chickpeas;
  4. Think over your meals for several days in advance and eat by the hour to accustom your body to the routine and minimize the risk of snacking on fast food.

Kate Clapp: Natalia Oreiro made me believe in people again

Keith Clapp is practically a veteran of Russian YouTube. She became one of the pioneers in video blogging and set a good standard for beginners. But that’s not the only reason her channel TheKateClapp is followed by almost five million subscribers. Katya makes really high-quality, unique and hilariously funny content that can hardly be compared with anything else. And now she is starring in the series “Molodezhka”, the role in which became her big debut. Read about how to work on yourself, make your dreams come true and where to look for inspiration in our interview!

About video blogging and projects

Now I have revived my first channel Foggy Disaster, which was dedicated to sketches and parodies. I'm also working on a personal show on YouTube. I want them to watch it not because my face appears there, but because it is of high quality and very funny. This will be a completely different level.

I’m also launching a personal perfume soon, so I’m going to France, to the factory, to communicate with perfumers, to find out how everything is done! Because it’s important to me that the things I create are cool and of high quality. We have already chosen the scent, all that remains is to come up with the packaging.

If you are going to blog, you need to constantly look for yourself, your format. And this does not happen immediately. But even if you are 80 and you have found it, start!

Show the video to a person you trust, he will always honestly tell you whether it’s cool or not. You should be loved for who you are.

My images are Anna Sessin, Blair Beach and Kimmy Smile. They are all part of me. I can’t help but love them, that’s why we have some kind of relationship (it’s very strange to talk about ourselves as about some kind of society).

Among bloggers, I enjoy communicating with Ruslan Usachev, and I have a good relationship with Stas Davydov and Maxim Golopolosov. I adore these people, the old group of bloggers are heroes for me. I also have a blogger friend - Nyuta from Ranetok.

About the Internet

Previously, the Internet was used to quickly find out news. Now they are looking for gossip, memes, some kind of smut, banter, and hard humor. And if earlier it was fashionable to do shows and parodies, now it’s blogs. People love everything simple. The Internet was an alternative to television, now it is more like a fast food cafe: bloggers are like fast food. People come to them to cheer them up. This is fine. The Internet has become disposable, but this is temporary.

About popularity

Popularity is when people know you. I strive to ensure that they not only know me, but also rejoice at me like an old friend. Of course, in terms of the number of likes and reposts, I am popular. I seem to be invited to various premieres, but I’m not always interested in going there. I consider this all a waste of time. I often transform my personal time into pleasure for myself.

It is impossible to please the entire Internet. The blogger and the subscriber must need each other, there must be communication and sincerity. The secret of popularity is sincerity. Such a person will always find more followers than the one who hides behind a mask.

About people

Any person considers himself special, and if people were not selfish, then we would not have come to any progress. No one will say about themselves: “I’m so simple, there’s nothing remarkable about me, just pass by.”

Even if they stick a knife in your back, pull it out and say: “Sorry, wasn’t it you who lost it?” You have to believe in the best even in the nastiest people and not think about the bad. Any hatred always comes back.

One of the most important acquaintances in my life happened at a presentation where Natalia Oreiro (38) came. She was my idol as a child. I imagined that we were meeting her and I said: “And you and I have the same birthday.” And we become best friends. And suddenly in December a letter arrives that I am invited to a meeting with her. Of course, I didn’t have such a reverent childish feeling, but I was worried, afraid of being disappointed. Just imagine, she spent the whole day answering questions, but with such passion and sincerity she began to talk to me! I tried to find even a drop of hypocrisy in her eyes, but she is so positive and radiant. I looked at her and thought: “You have no idea how much you inspired me!” And I still gave out the catchphrase about my birthday, and she hugged me, and we talked for a long time. I can confidently say that she made me believe in people again.

About Me

I can say that I differ from other bloggers in that I am different. And my perception of myself is constantly changing: today I may think that I am special, tomorrow that I am insanely smart, I can philosophize with a friend in the kitchen. Two hours will pass, I'll go home, turn on a viral video on YouTube and just laugh until I breathe out at a moronic joke.

I have a lot of contradictions. Perhaps this is why viewers like me: I can do a photo shoot in tight pants and beautiful makeup. And we must leave everything for the file cabinet, so that the children can see that the mother was not always old, but very hot in her time! And at the same time, after filming, I can make a video where I am absolutely simple, without makeup, I have something stuck in my teeth, and I don’t care, it’s just my mood. No one will joke with me as harshly as I joke about myself. I am my own harshest critic.

About the complexes

I have no complexes. I recently realized that I can go out completely naked, seriously. Not because I'm some kind of crazy person. But because I am so comfortable in my body that sometimes it even scares me. I sometimes develop complexes in myself in order to develop. Because by fighting complexes, a person grows.

When I started my blog, I hated everything about myself. It wasn’t that I wanted to move into another body, but simply to get rid of myself, both mentally and physically. At some point I realized that I needed to face my demons. I started putting myself in awkward situations.

Backpack, dress, coat, shoes, Moschino

I was afraid to express my opinion. At school they bullied me and made me hysterical. I came to a society of trolls - on the Internet, and this is even worse than the real world.

It all starts with standing in front of a mirror and saying what you don’t like about yourself. It was hard to accept myself as I am... You need to strive to be a kind person, healthy and love yourself.

Complexes cannot be replaced with aggression and negativity. People who are insecure always talk badly about someone. And a confident person radiates beauty, no matter what he is.

About advertising

A blog starts earning money when you find a format and views appear. I only advertise what I like. I won't advertise junk. If I like a product, I won’t wait for an advertiser, I’ll just say: “Cool lipstick!”

About changes in life

Over the past year, I have lost 12 kg and dyed my hair blonde. She also matured and learned to build relationships.

I made myself the way I am. And the family was always there. I was my own best friend throughout my childhood.

About achievements

I'm very proud of my subscribers. They are all pleasant and likable people, kind and intelligent.

I’m also proud of my scripts and sketches, it’s good that I wasn’t ashamed to share it.

About hobbies and desires

Apparently I'm a foodie. When it tastes really good to me, I start to spontaneously sing along!

Favorite beauty products: eyebrow mascara - a brilliant thing, some kind of bronzer (it holds all the makeup) and, of course, blush.

I love collectible toys, I can spend all my money on them. My shelf of villains is Beetlejuice, Darth Vader, Freddy, Patrick Bateman. This can win my heart!

I could work in any field. I am interested in psychology and architecture. And I would also like my own talk show!

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Photo: Alina Valitova. Style: Evgenia Shevchuk. Hair and makeup: Sergey Naumov. We express our gratitude to the production center Players, GUM, Olga Yudkis and Natya Pkhakadze for their help in organizing the shooting

Katya Klap's banana diet

When Katya needs to get her figure into ideal condition as quickly as possible, she uses a secret banana diet. Why does Clap use this unusual recipe? Firstly, you can buy bananas at any market or supermarket, which means you don’t need to carry boxes of food with you to have a snack. Secondly, the fruit will maximally saturate the body with energy, so you will not feel sudden pangs of hunger.

To show off at a party, Katya gets into shape with a banana diet

A couple of bananas, rich in pectin, phosphorus, iron, natural fructose, potassium and calcium, replace a full meal. This product contains practically no fat, and the available carbohydrates are absorbed by the body at a high speed. The principles of the diet are as follows:

  • a few days before starting the diet, you should prepare the body by eliminating heavy foods from your usual diet;
  • bananas must be ripe and soft, since unripe fruits are difficult to digest;
  • You should only eat fresh fruit - dried bananas from bags contain too many calories;
  • you can eat at any time of the day;
  • You can eat up to one kilogram of bananas per day;
  • be sure to drink boiled water without additives or not too strong green tea without sugar;
  • in the first two or three days you can allow yourself a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese, 150 grams of millet porridge, oatmeal or steamed chicken breast for lunch.

You should stay on such a specific diet for no more than a week. During this time, you can easily get rid of 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight. Do not forget about the warning: this diet is not suitable for people with chronic problems of the digestive system, so, just in case, first visit a gastroenterologist so as not to cause irreparable harm to the body.

Biography (Wiki)

Information about how much Katya Klap earns, where she lives and since when she has been active on YouTube is in the open online library - Wikipedia. It also says that the capital’s video blogger is among the TOP 10 creators of the most successful and profitable projects in Russia.

Important ! According to Wikipedia, Katya Klap's real name is as follows: Trofimova Ekaterina Romanova.

Wikipedia also says that during the entire existence of The Kate Clapp channel, the girl managed to gain 794 million views. And on her second channel, called Foggy Disaster, Vicky has about 127 million views, with 1.6 million subscribers.

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