Phytoestrogens: this is my new life... and my new 50!

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No, no, now we are not talking about stock quotes and securities. We'll talk about aging. Unfortunately, humanity has not yet learned to completely stop this process, and the elixir of eternal youth remains a cherished dream. However, scientists still found the keys to the right locks and learned to slow down aging.

We all know how important hormones are to maintaining health. In the body of the fair sex, estrogens play a primary role. But already at 35 years old, the synthesis of “femininity hormones” begins to decline, and at 45 this process accelerates significantly. The closer menopause is, the more noticeable are the changes caused by a lack of estrogen, which a woman not only feels, but also sees.

What she feels: hot flashes, chills, increased sweating, headaches, changes in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, frequent irritability, anxiety, worsening mood and mental performance, sleep disturbances, decreased libido.

What she sees: increased dryness, thinning and sagging skin, the appearance of new wrinkles, a “floating” oval of the face, loss of elasticity and sagging breasts, brittle nails, increased hair loss and disruption of their structure.


The miraculous properties of Chinese barberry have been known for many centuries, it is used all over the world, nutritionists never cease to recommend the fruits of this plant for excess weight, doctors not only agree with its healing properties, but also use it in the fight against a large number of diseases. Watch the video where Elena Malysheva talks about the healing properties and how to take goji berries for weight loss:

Goji berries in Live Healthy.flv

Hormones in “phyto” style

But let's forget about heavy sighs in front of the mirror and start taking action! The latest achievements in the field of anti-aging cannot but inspire, because they give a chance to maintain excellent appearance, a stunning figure and the joy of an active life full of unforgettable impressions.

And a comfortable entry into your new 50s will be facilitated by unique regulatory substances in plants - phytohormones, or rather phytoestrogens. They are so called because they resemble real female hormones and are skillful imitators of the latter. And today, these substances are included in drugs that are used as non-hormonal therapy - an affordable alternative to synthetic estrogens. It is no secret that women often refuse to take them for fear of side effects. In addition, it must be recognized that oncological suspicion remains regarding these drugs. For example, in the global professional community there is still ongoing debate about a possible increase in the risk of developing breast cancer when taking synthetic hormones. And this only increases interest in herbal remedies.

And now we will present to you...

How to take goji berries for weight loss

People suffering from extra pounds and just athletes consume goji berries for a variety of reasons. They enhance metabolism, improve organ function and cleanse the intestines of toxins.

You shouldn’t think that berries burn fat, they only promote weight loss, everything else depends on proper nutrition and physical activity!

The first results of the action of berries in a mirror image can only be seen when using an integrated approach. If the amount of calories taken in is many times greater than the amount expended, the effectiveness of taking goji berries will be 0.

According to the recommendations of nutritionists, 20 berries should be soaked in warm water overnight, and just drink the infusion in the morning. Softened goji must be eaten. In addition to preparing the tincture, you can make a variety of dishes; berries are added to the main meal as a side dish or dessert. You should not process the berries with boiling water, otherwise a lot of vitamins are lost, and they must be added to hot dishes after they have cooled slightly.

...TOP 8 valuable properties of phytoestrogens for women

  1. Helps relieve hot flashes, palpitations, and night sweats.
  2. Helps maintain a normal psycho-emotional state and good sleep.
  3. They have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and help improve memory.
  4. Slow down skin aging by enhancing collagen synthesis, renewing epidermal cells and maintaining normal secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  5. They have antioxidant activity - they can neutralize free radicals.
  6. Helps maintain bone density.
  7. They have a positive effect on fat metabolism, vascular function and blood pressure, helping to prevent cardiovascular pathology.
  8. They help ensure the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary organs by improving blood circulation in the pelvis, the quality and cellular composition of vaginal mucus.

Black cohosh extract

The beautiful black cohosh is rich in substances with estrogen-like activity. Studies conducted abroad and in our country have shown that cohosh preparations

can significantly alleviate the symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, increased sweating and nervous excitability, sleep disturbance, mood changes, apathy, etc.). In addition, black cohosh extract has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the bones. But it does not have a negative effect on the tissues of the uterus and mammary glands, even with prolonged use, as well as on the liver.

Discussed Goji Celebrity

How to eat these berries? Everything is very simple. A handful of dried fruits (20-30 pieces) per day is enough to get the required dose of nutrients contained in the berries. Their taste is quite pleasant, with sourness. Chew it if you want, just like that.

You can make an infusion of goji: pour boiling water (200 ml) over a few berries and let it brew. When it cools down, drink as compote. You can also add beautiful red “droplets” to cereals and dairy products. They will not only emphasize the taste of the product, but also decorate it.

You can find ready-made teas on sale that contain goji berries. Try them, these are very tasty and healthy drinks. Dried fruits are sold in pharmacies, price starts from 2,700 rubles. per kg. This volume will last for a long time, but you can also purchase small portions from 100 grams.

Despite its short life on the Russian market, the oriental healing berry has already become popular. Reviews about goji berries come often and are mostly positive.

The loudest “praises” sound about their ability to destroy extra pounds. Much excitement is associated with the properties of berries to give a large amount of energy and increase vitality. Their mild diuretic effect is noted.

Some reviews

I’ve been eating berries for a week and lost 3 kg. Unexpected, but nice! The surge of energy is incredible, it’s hard to sleep at night. They should be consumed in the first half of the day.

Anna, 32 years old

You have to try as much as you can listen! I made up my mind. Miracle berry, a real treasure. In a month I lost weight from 78 to 69 kilos. I simply ate dried goji and added it to yogurt, cottage cheese, and tea. I did fitness without fanaticism, but the berries helped.

Arina, 37 years old

To be objective, you need to listen to other opinions. Goji berries sometimes receive negative reviews . Here are examples:

Maybe these berries of paradise are good for someone, but I couldn’t eat them. Because of the taste. They are bland and uninteresting. I was expecting something exotic and bright.

Svetlana, 24 years old

I consider all the advantages of these super-berries to be an exaggeration and an advertising ploy by the sellers. Nothing has been proven or verified yet. Fruit is like fruit.

Alla, 26 years old

Do you want to personally check what kind of fruit this is? Goji berries are considered one of the most valuable medicinal plants in the world; their nutritional qualities, vitamins, and antioxidants have earned worldwide recognition. The common wolfberry has another name - the berry of happiness. So we’ll find out what it tastes like – happiness...

Soy isoflavones

Well, what would we do without them! They are rightfully considered classic phytoestrogens, with a very wide range of properties. Soy isoflavones not only help alleviate the symptoms of menopause, but also, for example, have a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels: they help reduce the level of “harmful” cholesterol and increase the level of “good” cholesterol, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. They also have antioxidant properties, help maintain bone density, and prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

Popular recipes

There are a huge variety of ways to prepare different dishes using Chinese barberry (goji). Some people like to add these berries to desserts, milk porridges, and prepare soups with them, health cocktails, tinctures, and teas. Below you will find several popular recipes that will help you learn how to take goji berries for weight loss with benefit and pleasure.

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Tea brewing recipe

The Chinese have long been preparing tea with goji berries and chrysanthemum, which is good not only for weight loss, but also for those who suffer from blood pressure or high blood sugar. This tea has a tonic effect, energizes you and gives you strength for the whole day. Here is its composition:

  • one teaspoon of black tea;
  • chrysanthemum flowers (3-5 pieces);
  • six berries.

Pour boiling water over all ingredients, then leave for half an hour and take. You will get 2-3 servings of tea, which is good to drink all day: complement your breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s also great to drink this drink before physical activity (for example, in the gym).

Medicinal cocktail

The recipe is simple:

  • take one liter of low-percentage milk;
  • add four tablespoons of Chinese barberry fruit, cover, leave to infuse in the refrigerator overnight;
  • In the morning, take out the milk with berries, beat it with a blender;
  • Add a little cinnamon to add flavor.

This cocktail makes an excellent dietary breakfast. Drink the remaining amount throughout the day - before and after training.


For those who love dietary breakfasts, porridge should especially appeal. Take note of proven recipes:

  1. Rinse one glass of brown rice, throw it in a saucepan along with 5 g of berries, add water (2 glasses), and boil. If your goal is weight loss, adding sugar, salt, and oil is not recommended.
  2. Soak 3 tablespoons of oatmeal and boil in water, add 200 g of skim milk, 5-7 berries, one tablespoon of honey, let the resulting porridge steep for a couple of minutes. The porridge is ready!


It was first isolated 80 years ago from white hellebore. In subsequent years, the list of sources of this amazing substance has expanded significantly. It included, for example, peanuts, mulberries, sprouted beans, peels and seeds of red grapes, and knotweed. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant. However, not everyone knows that it also has estrogen-like activity. Resveratrol has a beneficial effect on the skin, stimulating the synthesis of the “protein of youth” collagen, and protects against photodamage. In addition, it reduces the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular pathology, and helps maintain normal fat metabolism.

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Goji fruit recipes

Brewed tea with berries

  • Place the berries in boiling water (the quantity has already been indicated) and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, then leave to infuse.
  • You can add regular tea, lemon balm or mint, a little honey or lemon to the drink.
  • It is better to drink this drink in the first half of the day, as it gives vivacity and a lot of energy.

Goji berry porridge

  • Berries go best with oatmeal. It is prepared very quickly and simply.
  • The required amount of oatmeal is poured into the bowl, and berries are added to it.
  • You can add sunflower seeds and other fruits, finely chopped, and a little sugar.
  • Everything is poured with boiling water and infused for 10-12 minutes. If you want to add honey instead of sugar, it is added after the porridge has steeped.
  • For more nutrition, you can add a little butter to the dish.

Green coffee with goji berries

  • This drink is good for cleansing the body and is useful for losing excess weight.
  • To get this kind of coffee, you need to take care of preparing 2 drinks.
  • Infuse 25 gr. berries in 250 ml of boiling water at night.
  • Brew green coffee in a Turk using 200 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. green coffee
  • Once both drinks are ready, mix them.
  • Green coffee with goji berries is ready.

Dried goji berries

  • Dried goji berries have the same positive properties as fresh ones.
  • The dried product can be used to make drinks and tea.
  • To prepare them, the berries are washed well and dried in an electric dryer.
  • Also used for salads, desserts, soups.

Superfoods and products

Superfoods should be a must-have in your diet, especially since many of them also contain phytoestrogens. For example, aguaje fruits, chia, flax and sesame seeds,
Peruvian poppy.
They will help you maintain youth, attractiveness and sexuality, and will charge you with energy for an active life. From food items, you should add apples, pomegranates, carrots, wheat, oats, lentils and rice to the menu.

Health mix (chia seeds and goji berries, dark and light flax, dark and light sesame), 200 g, Orgtium

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Such a berry could well become a miracle cure for almost all diseases. However, there is always another side to the coin. In this case, it is the fact that it is not a universal remedy for every person. That is, before you decide to eat exotic fruits of this type, you must consult a doctor. After all, each human body is a unique and always individual system, which has a whole set of its own advantages and features that simply cannot be forgotten.

There are cases when they provoked diarrhea, so people with weak intestines should absolutely not use them. Goji can cause an allergic reaction to certain types of fruits that are yellow, orange, or red.

They should not be used by people who are undergoing treatment or taking any pills or antibiotics. In this case, the drug will act as an amplifier of side effects that can be caused by medications.

Not to be used as a food additive by pregnant and nursing mothers. Despite the fact that goji berries for weight loss are a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements, pregnant women and young mothers should only eat foods that are grown in the area where they live. Exotics in this case can be dangerous for both mother and baby.

Taking into account all the above recommendations, remember that the benefits must be extracted from such products correctly, without causing harm to your own body. Moderation should be observed in everything and, above all, in food.

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