How to lose 50 kg and start a new life with two simple habits

Almost every woman wants to have attractive shapes. Some lucky women get them from birth thanks to genetics. Others, who are less fortunate, first “eat up” the extra tens of kilograms, and then frantically begin to search for a “magic” remedy or information on how to lose 50 kg. Many people think that this is impossible to do. They have no idea where as much as half a centner of weight can go. And, nevertheless, there are examples of real people who were able to overcome their complexes, laziness, fear and lost fifty kilograms. So you can too.

If you are determined to lose weight, the most important thing is not to give up and not look for excuses. You will probably have to spend from 6 months to 2-3 years on this. But when you do get the desired result, you will be proud of yourself. And your success story “How I lost 50 kg” will inspire those who are just about to embark on this difficult path.

General recommendations

If the number on the scale exceeds the 100-kilogram mark, it's time to think about the need to lose weight. After all, there is no guarantee that the weight will not continue to grow in the future. Obesity is known to be dangerous to health. Therefore, you don't have much time to think.

In order for the fight against excess body weight to be as effective as possible, you need to approach this problem from different angles. In addition to a thorough correction of the diet, you need to concentrate on several more points:

  • Get examined. Often, excess weight appears due to disruptions in the functioning of certain organs and their systems. Therefore, before you begin active weight loss, you need to undergo an examination. Don't forget to consult a neurologist and endocrinologist. If any diseases are diagnosed, they must first be treated.
  • Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Digestive problems not only provoke obesity, but also significantly reduce the effectiveness of any diet.
  • Deal with the psychological factor. Often depression and chronic stress cause overeating and, accordingly, weight gain.
  • Detoxify your body before switching to a new diet. Any adsorbent preparation, fiber, water with lemon, and so on are suitable.

PEOPLETALK exclusive: the real story of losing 50 kilograms

“Excess weight does not mean that you are bad, but that you are in pain,” says blogger Anna Osadchaya. And she seems to know what she's talking about. At the age of 20, Anya began to lose weight. Losing 50 kilograms was not easy.

In five years, she went through all the stages - from depression and hormonal imbalance, to hair loss, sagging skin and stretch marks (from 110 to 57 kg). Now Anya is 25, she is still regaining her health (both physical and emotional), runs “Conscious Slimness” courses and a blog about weight loss and psychotherapy. Anya told PEOPLETALK about her experience.

Since childhood I have been overweight. Sometimes a little thicker, sometimes slimmer, but always larger than it should be based on age. They told me: “You’re growing! If you grow up, you will stretch out. Your kilograms will go away." I was getting older, but for some reason nothing was growing in height - only in breadth, and by the age of 14 I weighed about 70 kg.

Before losing weight. year 2012. (@anna_osadchaya)

Before losing weight. year 2012. (@anna_osadchaya)

Before losing weight. year 2012. (@anna_osadchaya)

Time passed, the girls around me had long since started dating boys, and I continued to eat. All my fleeting, non-reciprocal hobbies ended where they began, and I only strengthened my opinion that relationships can only be built with thin-legged deer. At the age of 17, I registered on a dating site - at first I created an account without photos, so as not to shock people, and gradually added photos of myself from the “work side”. I remember how one of the guys, with whom we agreed to meet in reality after a short correspondence, literally ran away from the date 3 minutes after the meeting. “You look better in the photographs...” he said to me as a farewell.

Before losing weight, 2012. (@anna_osadchaya)

Before losing weight. year 2012. (@anna_osadchaya)

Before losing weight. year 2012. (@anna_osadchaya)

Before losing weight. year 2012. (@anna_osadchaya)

Mockery and ridicule have been my faithful companions for many years. On one of my birthdays, my colleagues especially distinguished themselves by starting their congratulations with the words: “We wish you not to die of obesity.” It was painful.

Soon, on the same site, I met a guy who I really liked. We met in reality, a conversation began that seemed even similar to a relationship. I was happy. At one point, Sasha told me: “I wanted to buy you a ring, but there wasn’t one in your size.” It hit me like lightning. “I’ll lose weight!” – no matter how, where I start, what my health is like in general – losing weight at any cost has become my fixed idea. “Doctor Yandex” advised me about 20 diets for quick and “high-quality” weight loss! I chose one of them. Water, kefir and buckwheat every day. Once every two days I allowed myself an apple.

2021 (@anna_osadchaya)

2021 (@anna_osadchaya)

2021 (@anna_osadchaya)

I was hungry. Badly. Constant weakness, fatigue, anger and HUNGER. Hellish hunger. I stayed on the diet for a month, and then the fun began. My period just didn't come. Pregnancy was completely ruled out, and menstruation still did not occur. A month, two - nothing. Soon the hair gave out. I started finding them everywhere - when washing, combing, drying, with any movement, I pulled out clumps of hair like fishing line. You know how the magician pulls colored ribbons out of his hat and it seems like there is no end to the ribbons? It was the same with my hair. A shiny bald patch of pink scalp formed on his head. I washed myself with tears, but stubbornly did not go to the doctor.

Further more. My beard began to grow. Thick, black male-type hair systematically covered my body. When I went to the doctor, I was diagnosed with severe hormonal imbalance, loss of 40% of the hair on my head. There was no strength at all. Later I realized that it’s not that I feel bad anymore – I don’t feel bad at all. I alternated between crying and being in a coma, my performance dropped to zero, my libido wavered, it was difficult for me to even just get out of bed in the morning, and my loved ones annoyed me even by breathing next to me. “Severe depression,” the psychotherapist stated. Here are some antidepressants for you and go.

2021 (@anna_osadchaya)

2021 (@anna_osadchaya)

2021 (@anna_osadchaya)

I continued trying to lose weight. I trained as a nutrition consultant at FPA, then adjusted my diet through trial and error and practiced on myself. But even well-established nutrition gave setbacks, because the problem of psychological eating and global lack of acceptance of oneself and one’s body was very strong. In this case, you definitely can’t do without a psychologist.

Hormonal therapy, antidepressants, bald head, sagging skin, stretch marks, cellulite, hatred of oneself and the world - the range of consequences of my experiments is presented in all colors and assortments. It took me a year and a half to even halfway bring myself back to life. Work on the internal state and restoration of women's health continues to this day.

After losing weight, 2018-2019. (@anna_osadchaya)

After losing weight, 2018-2019. (@anna_osadchaya)

After losing weight, 2018-2019. (@anna_osadchaya)

After losing weight, 2018-2019. (@anna_osadchaya)

Psychotherapy largely helped me not to break down in all this - now I know for sure that you can try as much as you like to fit yourself into the ideals and standards of beauty, but if your soul is traumatized, nothing will help. Now I have actually managed to restore my hair, my period is with me, and my depression is in remission. I lost weight to a size 42–44, a weight I have comfortably maintained for several years.

After losing weight, 2018-2019. (@anna_osadchaya)

After losing weight, 2018-2019. (@anna_osadchaya)

After losing weight, 2018-2019. (@anna_osadchaya)

After losing weight, 2018-2019. (@anna_osadchaya)

I coped with overeating and overeating - this is when we eat out of boredom, sadness, having nothing to do and for company, under severe stress or catastrophic fatigue. The person you loved was there from the very beginning. He is still nearby.

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Publication from RPP |Psychotherapy| Body Image (@anna_osadchaya) Apr 16, 2021 at 5:00 PDT

I want to tell all the girls who want to lose weight and are looking at diets - don’t. Take care of yourself. Learn from my mistakes - it’s more pleasant, easier and significantly cheaper.

What everyone who is losing weight needs to remember:




1. We lose weight from a calorie deficit. Dot. As long as we spend more than we consume, we will lose weight. Therefore, in addition to a balanced diet, do not forget to move - the more, the better.

2. You can’t underestimate your caloric intake. Low-calorie diets (below 1300 kcal) are a blow to the body, hormonal levels, libido and psyche.

3. If you run away from problems to food - you eat stress, boredom, sadness, pain, resentment and other unpleasant conditions, then a diet will not help - you need to work with your head. Any restriction will give rise to a breakdown, and a breakdown will give rise to a feeling of guilt. The circle closes.

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Losing weight from 60 to 50 kg

Why do those who weigh not too much (60 kg) often fail to lose extra pounds and reduce their volume? As it turns out, many have never thought about their eating habits. But it is they who firmly hold them in this weight category, do not allow them to lose weight and gradually harm the body. How to lose weight from 60 kilograms and lose ten? Start with merciless correction of your own diet.

A sedentary lifestyle can spoil the results of even the most severe diet. If you need to lose weight from 60 to 50 kg in a month, increase physical activity.

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to sign up for a membership to a fitness club and train there for a couple of hours three times a week. But everyone can give up riding in the elevator and walk 1-2 transport stops on the way to work every day.

By adding mandatory exercises in the morning and jumping rope in the evenings, you will be able to lose another 500-600 calories daily. This will certainly affect the size of your waist and hips. And you can easily “jump” from 60 to 50 kg.

Success stories

On the Internet, you often see people sharing their weight loss success stories. Someone is in a hurry to publicly rejoice at the weight of 1 kg. And some enthusiastically talk about truly grandiose achievements. The latter are true role models. They often run highly popular pages on social networks, create video tutorials, and even participate in television shows.

Let's talk about those who actually lost 50 kg. Perhaps their nutrition programs, some individual developments, favorite exercises and workouts will help you repeat their victory over yourself.

Rybakova's experience

Tatyana Rybakova managed to achieve this result. Now her weight is 55 kg with a height of 165 centimeters. Excellent indicator! No one can believe that at the age of 15 her situation was, to put it mildly, catastrophic. The scales inexorably showed a terrible number - 105. To lose half (!) of her weight, she had to work hard. Tatyana was able to lose weight up to 55 kilograms in 3.5 years. I regained my shape with regular training in the gym. Weight remains virtually unchanged for over 4.5 years. It turned out that stabilizing it is a much more difficult process than losing extra pounds. After all, to maintain body weight within a given framework requires daily work on yourself and constant self-control.

The first step in the fight against excess weight was drawing up a daily menu. To work, Tatyana took food prepared in advance at home, packing it in a lunch box. Therefore, she was able to eat very small portions at 3-4 hour intervals.

Of course, she did not forget about the drinking regime - she drank a lot of water. Realizing that nutritional correction alone would not be enough, Tatyana signed up for a membership to a fitness club. And I was convinced that even irregular workouts combined with a healthy diet give a good effect.

Menu for one day by Tatiana Rybakova:

Had breakfastPorridge with the addition of fresh fruit or eggs (scrambled eggs). Cottage cheese with a small amount of natural honey.
Had lunchFish (alternatively seafood, meat, poultry), brown rice (alternatively bulgur, quinoa, buckwheat porridge, whole grain or buckwheat pasta) and vegetables.
Had dinnerI repeated the lunch menu, changing the dish options.
Had a snackVegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, “proper” sandwiches, light salads, smoothies.

In the intervals between meals, be sure to drink clean water.

Malyshev's experience

The most real feat in the fight against extra pounds was accomplished by Maxim Malyshev, whose initial weight was 127 kg. He managed to lose 50 kg in six months. He now weighs approximately 82 kg.

Maxim immediately warns readers that the result will be individual in any case. After all, each of us has different initial data, and no two absolutely identical organisms exist. He also advises that before you start losing weight, be sure to get permission from a nutritionist and endocrinologist.

Maxim Malyshev visits the fitness club three times a week. The following set of exercises contributed to weight loss:

  • Warm up. Half an hour of walking on the track, increasing speed and elevation in interval mode (indicators should be selected individually, in ascending order).
  • Strength exercises under the guidance of a trainer. 1 hour is allotted. We worked only on the upper back and arms (due to the presence of a hernia).
  • Completing the workout. Repeat the warm-up.

You should definitely walk in the fresh air four days a week. You can choose the time at your discretion - in the mornings or in the evenings. You need to spend at least half an hour on this. You should take at least 15,000 steps every day.

Advice from Maxim Malyshev

For those who are determined to lose 50 kg of excess weight, Maxim gives the following recommendations:

  • Completely eliminate everything refined from your diet – flour and sweet foods.
  • Increase the amount of fibrous foods and fiber. It takes a lot of calories to digest them.
  • Introduce more proteins into the menu. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a balance of macronutrients. There should be no sudden distortions.
  • Dress salads with vegetable oil to a minimum. The maximum allowable amount is a tablespoon. It is best to use flaxseed. Sunflower oil is suitable for stewing or heating - just a little, just so that the food does not burn.

You can't go hungry. If you are constantly hungry, sooner or later you will have a breakdown. In some cases, the feeling of hunger may actually be thirst. Think about it.

Sample daily diet

Maxim gives his daily diet as an example. Its peculiarity is the use of specific sports nutrition and the division of dinner into 2 meals: before and after training.

Had breakfastTwo percent cottage cheese with a teaspoon of natural honey. Oatmeal (equal parts water and milk). Muesli in yogurt.
Had breakfast againFruits (tangerines, apples, bananas).
Had lunchRice or buckwheat, steamed vegetables, soy cutlets or protein vegetarian semi-finished products (sausage, sausages), white cheese (Adyghe or Suluguni), tomatoes or cucumbers. All this is complemented with ginger drink.
Before trainingBefore jogging, eat oatmeal and rye flakes with flax seeds and honey. Before strength exercises - cottage cheese. Protein (isolate) is mixed into it. You can add kefir and muesli seasoned with yogurt (2.5% fat).
After trainingA cup of protein (120 g) before bed.

The experience of Marina Kiseleva

Marina Kiseleva, who shared her own experience of losing weight, weighed 51 kilograms at school with a height of 164 cm. When she met her future husband, she gained weight slightly. It seems like nothing critical. But after the birth of the child, the weight was stuck at 60 kilograms and did not want to decrease at all.

To begin with, Marina decided to cut down her food portions. On the first day of the diet, she hardly ate at all, but drank a lot. Then she began to gradually fill her diet with healthy foods. Immediately after waking up and before eating, I drank one or a couple of glasses of clean water. She managed to adjust not only her body, but also her head to radical changes in nutrition. It is extremely important to be aware of the need to lose weight. The weight after 2 weeks of this diet was 3 kg. First of all, the most unnecessary things came off.

Marina Kiseleva’s friend was also busy losing weight, but using a different method - she counted calories. Having become interested, Marina went to the Internet to find out from those who had lost weight the details of this weight loss method. It turned out that everything is simple:

  • You are allowed to eat what you like and want, but in strictly limited quantities.
  • It is required to calculate your body's individual daily needs (measured in calories), taking into account your height and weight.

Marina set a daily limit of 1350 kcal for herself. In the first few days, it was inconvenient for her to search and calculate calories for each product. Then she began to perceive this routine activity as a game. By writing down throughout the day what was eaten and how much, you can take stock in the evening. If the number of calories does not reach the limit, there is an opportunity with a clear conscience to enjoy something tasty with this free remainder. By the way, to count calories it is very convenient to use the “Calorie Counter” application on your smartphone.

Counting calories, Marina Kiseleva was able to lose another 7 kg in 2.5 months. At the moment, she tries not to exceed 1800 kcal per day. And this helps her maintain the result – 50 kg. To tighten her muscles and skin, she additionally did water aerobics for a month and a half.

“How I lost 50 kg in a year.” The real story of singer Natalia Sidortsova

Our patient, singer Natalya Sidortsova, shared her weight loss story with the Domashny Ochag publication.

I currently weigh 70kg, which is my lowest weight since I became an adult. I understand that I’m still not thin, but I can’t be called fat either. I do not hide the fact that there were unsuccessful attempts to lose weight. I tried different types of diets, working with a psychologist, taking hormones - a rather harsh drug that is now sold only by prescription. Then it was sold freely and at first seemed very effective, but after six months severe tachycardia began as a side effect - and the weight returned. My maximum weight was 120 kg. I dialed it in the first year and a half after the birth of the child. I am not inclined to believe that the source of weight gain was a hormonal imbalance after childbirth. Rather, there was a combination of hormonal and psycho-emotional factors. There were strong emotional experiences because not everything was going smoothly in the family. I started eating stressful situations. Of course, a change in lifestyle also had an impact: I became less active. And all this was superimposed on very young motherhood - I was 22 years old, I think that’s early.

The first time I lost weight for the role, I had several turning points. For me, the determining factor has always been work and creativity. I have never lost weight for my personal life, for the sake of men. But at some point I noticed that the extra pounds were starting to affect my health - this made me think. And yet, for the first time, I decided to seriously lose weight because of the role. In 2012, he was cast for the role of the empress in the musical “Count Orlov”. Despite the fact that the empress, in the archetypal sense, is a rather portly woman, the directors immediately said that even for the empress, 120 kg is too much.

I lost 28 kg and got the role. The resulting weight - about 95 kg - suited me, I held it for some time. Two years later, I experienced stress again and gained almost all the weight back within two months. This was the turning point: I realized that I couldn’t cope with breakdowns, I didn’t have any insurance against them. Everything can return many times over in a much shorter time. For this reason, I decided to have bariatric surgery. At first it was a bandage, then it was transferred to bypass surgery. Thanks to this, the weight dropped quite effectively, especially after bypass surgery.

The most effective method was bariatrics. It's been five and a half years since bariatric surgery, and it's the only thing that's helped me keep the weight off.

But it is important to understand that surgery is not a magic wand that does everything for you. After the operation, the patient must do a lot of work: on the diet, on regulating the quantity and quality of food. My diet is based on proteins, supplements, as well as foods containing vitamins (fruits, berries, vegetables). I excluded sweet desserts. I began to have a bad tolerance for sweets after surgery, so berries and fruits are my main dessert.

And, of course, I limit flour. Some foods even make me feel bad. Sometimes you want something tasty, the brain wants endorphins. But even if I break down, I feel discomfort afterwards. Therefore, you have to remind yourself and restrain yourself all the time. Enormous willpower is needed to maintain this regime. Now I’m motivated not by the fact that I’ll break down if I overdo it, but by the fact that I’ll feel bad later.

In my life, of course, there are sports, massages, cosmetology. I had to do a lot of work to keep my body in good shape. I train, dance, swim. I go to a cosmetologist and really love various types of massages, mesotherapy, hardware cosmetology for the body and face. All this really helps me.

>Why diets don’t work In my opinion, strict diets definitely don’t work: grapefruit, Japanese, Dukan, Kremlin. Perhaps they provide a temporary effect. But then in one hundred percent of cases there will be a hard rollback - you will gain more weight than you lost. This is how the brain and endocrine system work: after stressful fasting, the body will begin to gain weight back. Of course, eating just 700 calories a day will help you lose weight. But problems with microelements will begin, hair will begin to fall out, skin will sag, and there will be no strength for training. Therefore, my main advice, and this is the advice of any good nutritionists, is to lose weight, you need to eat. Not everything - fries, chips or cream cakes. But in order for the weight to go off evenly, you need to eat normally - on average, at least 1200-1500 calories per day.

How I maintain my weight Honestly, it’s not difficult anymore. The operation gave me, first of all, insurance against failure. Even if I wanted to, I can’t snap as hard as before. Secondly, after the operation I completely rebuilt my nutrition philosophy, it became conscious. Without awareness and after bariatrics, you can eat back, although I can hardly imagine how it would be.

How am I feeling now? Great, better than ever. Moreover, when I converted the bandage into bypass surgery, they told me that there might be a loss of protein and microelements. I started taking vitamins almost immediately. Now my microelements indicators are better than two years ago. I feel great and full of vitality. It was not difficult to decide to have the operation. I am a very determined person and have a hard time deciding on anything. At that moment, I saw the only way out - to lose weight and maintain the weight, so there were no doubts. The recovery period after the bandage was generally very fast - on the fourth day I played the play “Count Orlov”. It was, of course, risky, but I felt fine. After the second operation it was more difficult, because it is more difficult in itself. But, in any case, rehabilitation is not tough. This is not a process where you walk around like an invalid for weeks.

The main recovery lasts a week, and then you just need to try to take care of yourself a little so that the stitches do not come apart. There are practically no scars. The laparoscopic approach leaves minimal scarring, so everything is done very delicately. There are contraindications, and they are standard for any surgical operation: heart problems, that is, the inability for a person to take anesthesia for some reason. Also problems with blood clotting. In short, the operations differ in that in the case of banding, the stomach remains in place, and in case of bypass surgery, it is resected and certain manipulations are performed with it. That is, in the second case, the digestive system and its structure change quite significantly. On the other hand, bypass surgery, due to its radical nature, gives more stable and long-lasting results. After this, you need to keep the postoperative diet a little longer. If after banding the diet lasts two weeks, then after bypass it lasts a month. Then, in principle, you can eat whatever you want. But this simply won’t work, no matter how hard you try: portions are being reduced and the perception of certain foods is changing. The taste of what you want to eat changes.

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