Urologist: It is better for men to have sex at least twice a week

Losing weight through sex is one of the most enjoyable ways. You can lose weight without dieting; you just need to take into account a number of recommendations on the topic: How to have sex to lose weight.

The process of losing weight for all those who are overweight is associated with something unpleasant: exhausting loads, diets and other not particularly pleasant factors. Therefore, at the thought of losing weight through sex, everyone is delighted, because it is difficult to imagine a more pleasant way to do this.

Is it possible to lose weight through sex?

Yes, it is possible, but this will require taking a number of measures. If you take a passive position and simply allow your partner to give you pleasure, there will be no result. And if you make each connection active, it will act like sports training, make you sweat and bring your weight back to normal. Sex, like sports, loves periodicity; such training should be regular, even after obtaining the desired result. Otherwise, the hated kilograms will steadily return.

Can't lose weight? About sex and more

As we already wrote above, the presence of excess weight can be due to psychological reasons. If they are, you will subconsciously gain and maintain extra pounds. For example, if you protect yourself from sex by being overweight, getting rid of extra pounds will be very difficult. Another example is that a woman believes that a man only loves plump people, and does not lose weight so that her husband does not stop loving him (this often happens unconsciously). On the other hand, if you love yourself, your loved one loves you, and you are completely satisfied with your sex life, what’s the point of losing weight?

How to have sex to lose weight?

In such a way that the body receives stress during sexual intercourse. Sexual contact involves two types of activity. In the first case, both partners receive the load, since they work in a duet and constantly support each other. In this case, both partners will receive both pleasure and benefit. The second type of activity involves a greater degree of involvement of one of the partners, the second can be completely passive. In such a situation, both partners can also receive pleasure, but the benefits will accrue only to the one who takes an active position. In order to make love and lose weight, you should not spare the process of strength and give it your all every time.

Excess weight can interfere with sex:

  • There is an obsession with the imperfections of your body, which does not allow you to completely relax; you want to “hide”, “hide” the extra pounds.
  • Full hips and a rounded belly interfere with sexual intercourse and create quite noticeable heaviness and discomfort.
  • An overweight person quickly gets tired, sweats, and becomes short of breath. Here I could catch my breath, relax - what kind of sex is there?

So it turns out that for great sex you need a toned figure and good athletic shape.

Many people, when they come to see a nutritionist and answer the question: “Why do I need to lose weight?”, say that they will become more physically attractive, create new relationships, get married, or feel confident in an existing family with their spouse. BUT this is where all the fun begins, both in life and in this article!

If you think something like this: “I’m fat, that’s why I don’t have normal sex. Not a normal man. Once I lose weight, everything will get better,” then I have to disappoint you! Psychologists are unanimous: it’s exactly the opposite: “I’m getting fat because I don’t really want to deal with men and have sex with them.” Weight is the most powerful defense against attacks from the opposite sex.

Why does a person lose weight from active sex?

The human muscular system consists of different muscle groups, but their work is always coordinated. When the muscles located in the perineum tense during the process, the abs begin to work immediately behind them. Next, at the reflex level, the muscles of the buttocks and others are activated, the intense load falls on the whole body (the degree of its distribution depends on the chosen position).

The main advantage of sex over sports is that the body will receive the same stress, but it will not have to undergo painful adaptation.

The body of a person unprepared for physical activity does not know what sports is, but it has a very good idea of ​​what sex is. Another advantage of active sex is the increased sensation; the more muscles are involved in the work and the more intense the load, the brighter the orgasm will be. Intense sweating during the process provides an opportunity to get rid of toxins, and for women, active sexual intercourse is a kind of massage for the thighs, counteracting cellulite. Making love brings a lot of positive emotions, which creates a good habit. The body loses excess weight, and it loves it!

The benefits of an active position in sex

An active position is a lot of effort, both physical and mental. And if you make each contact not only active, but also long-lasting, the effect will increase significantly. For example, two hours of vigorous sex allows you to use up all the calories received during a hearty three-course dinner. Immediately after such contact, a couple of folds may disappear from the inner thighs.

However, the measures described above are not easy for everyone. For example, it can be very difficult for women with a lot of extra pounds to get an orgasm, as a result of which they lose interest not only in active acts, but also in the process itself in particular. This feature has a physiological explanation: the layer of subcutaneous fat minimizes the impact on the nerve endings, the woman cannot be properly aroused and receive satisfaction. Then a vicious circular mechanism is launched - the lack of pleasure in sex begins to be compensated for by gastronomic benefits, excess weight becomes more and more, and pleasant sensations become less and less. Those suffering from such a problem should immediately pull themselves together.

It is important to understand that regular and high-quality sex not only promotes weight loss, but also brings stress resistance and a positive outlook on things. For women, regular sex life is a universal recipe for longevity and youth. Note that those who regularly make love look much younger than their years.

What happens if you have sex too often?

It should be noted that if long-term abstinence can lead to stagnation, then too high a frequency of sexual relations can cause certain health problems, for example, a decrease in the natural ability to resist diseases, infections, and viruses. Constant sperm production leads to the need to use the hidden resources of the male body and, as a result, a decrease in immunity. Too frequent sex wears out the body to some extent, can negatively affect the psyche, nervous and cardiovascular systems of partners and causes overhydration, based on fluid imbalance in the human body. Getting pleasure 2-4 times a week is considered the best option for improving health, training the heart muscle, keeping the body in good shape, and receiving positive emotions.

How many calories can you burn at one time?

The period of close proximity will allow you to spend from 200 to 600 calories, it all depends on the intensity. At the same time, we should not forget that the games and caresses that precede it can also be intense. The more passion in bed, the more noticeable the positive changes in your figure. Foreplay will burn between 120 and 300 calories, the same result seen with ten minutes of vigorous treadmill use. By the way, the caresses that precede intimacy serve as a warm-up before intense exercise, just like in sports. Another similarity of the processes is expressed in the fact that at the moment of receiving a load, the body experiences a state of positive stress. This condition is expressed in increased metabolic processes, which contributes to the healing of the body.

Interesting statistics from Bruno Fabri

A professional, world-renowned nutritionist has calculated that in a 26-minute classic sexual intercourse, the same amount of calories is burned as the amount consumed by a whole pizza. And to burn off the calories from a hamburger or a bag of chips, Fabry recommends a 53-minute French kiss. According to his calculations, removing a bra from a partner with both hands will take 8 calories, if you do it with one hand, it will take 18 calories, and if you rip it off with your teeth, you will spend as much as 87 calories. He also noted the similarity of sex with aerobic and cardio exercises.

What happens to a person during lovemaking?

First of all, the frequency of breathing and pulse doubles, a person makes about 30 respiratory movements per minute, and his pulse rises to 120 beats. These indicators will increase even more during orgasm, their values ​​will be close to those determined by sprinters who have run a hundred meters. The heart beats 180 times per minute, during the same minute a person manages to take 40 inhalations and exhalations. The average energy expenditure per day is 1500 – 2500 kilocalories; for comparison, the energy expenditure during orgasm is 400 calories per hour, although it does not last long.

Due to the short duration of orgasm, it will not be possible to lose weight solely from it. As for full sexual intercourse, in which you take an active position, it can really be compared to sports training. However, Bruno Fabri notes that only sexual intercourse that results in orgasm will help you lose weight. Below we will present three facts that the specialist considers to be the main ones in this matter.

Urologist: It is better for men to have sex at least twice a week

All about beauty and health in Chita and Trans-Baikal Territory

What tests should a man take to quickly check his health, why sex at least twice a week is important and why should a woman go to a urologist? Shirip Malkhanov, a urologist at The Time multidisciplinary clinic, spoke about this and much more.

— How often do men suffer from infertility?

— Previously, it was believed that difficulties with conceiving were mainly the woman’s fault, but it has already been proven that infertility is quite common in men as well. According to the latest data, in 40% of cases the problem is in the man, in 40% in the woman, and in 20% in both. It is worth going to the doctor if pregnancy does not occur after refusing contraception for more than 1 year. If it’s less, this is within the normal range, although there are couples who go to the doctor after six months, and often something is discovered. Both should be examined.

There can be many reasons for male infertility - heredity, acquired diseases, infections.

— Do gynecologists advise women to have their first child before the age of 25-28, if this is the age limit for men?

— No, in principle, a man can become a father at 60 or 70 years old, although with age he becomes less fertile. Naturally, problems still appear even if erectile function is preserved. Men also have their own “menopause” - age-related androgen deficiency. After 40 years, due to a decrease in testosterone, problems such as weakness, decreased sexual desire, impaired erectile function, obesity, and impaired carbohydrate metabolism may arise, which can lead to diabetes. All these problems can change the spermogram.

— Does the frequency of sexual activity affect a man’s health?

— Regular sex life should be. In its absence, congestion occurs in the prostate gland and pelvic organs. They can lead, for example, to congestive prostatitis.

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- Regularly - how much?

- For some, regularly - every day, for others - 2-3 times a week. But I recommend at least twice a week - that's for sure. Research has proven the beneficial effects of sex on many systems of the body - nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine. It provides the necessary load, positive hormonal changes occur, and the likelihood of erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer decreases.

- What if sexual desire disappears?

— A man’s sexual life is built on four things: erection, libido, ejaculation and orgasm. And any of them can change pathologically. Erectile function, orgasm and ejaculation are normal, but libido is reduced. Or problems with early ejaculation, when everything else is fine. Sensations during orgasm may also suffer - for example, they become not as bright as before. Such problems are often revealed already at the stage of questioning, which we conduct in the clinic - we ask patients to evaluate different aspects of their sexual life.

— What, besides diseases, could be the cause of such failures?

— We must understand that the causes of the same erectile dysfunction can be different. For example, in young people it is often psychogenic in nature. This is simple stress, the beginning of sexual activity, a bad relationship with a partner. The woman plays a very important role here. If she understands and participates in treatment, the results are usually good. If, on the contrary, he reproaches, this aggravates the situation even more. In older age, problems with erection can signal serious diseases - diabetes, coronary artery disease. Many people generally believe that erectile dysfunction is one of the first signs of problems with blood vessels.

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All about beauty and health in Chita and Trans-Baikal Territory

— Should a man visit a urologist after an untested sexual relationship?

— If any problems arise after sex - painful urination, discharge from the urethra, changes in urination, go to the doctor. Our clinic offers patients studies and tests for various sexually transmitted infections. But catching one of them is not so scary, because there are more serious problems - hepatitis, HIV infection. Here prevention is on a different scale.

— What are the most common diseases in men?

- It's prostatitis. With it, men are extremely reluctant to be examined and very rarely go to the doctor, because they are ashamed. Most patients who successfully undergo treatment for prostatitis later admit that they were ashamed - they endured pain and engaged in some kind of self-medication. After treatment they say - where was I five years ago? Other diseases are prostate adenoma, prostate cancer. Every man over 45 years of age, and in some cases over 40 if there is bad heredity, should undergo regular tests to rule out cancer.

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We are currently running a promotion with discounts on basic studies for men over 45 years old, which help determine the state of the hormonal system and health in general. The examination allows you to look at your glucose level to identify disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Blood cholesterol - its level is directly related to hypertension, ischemic diseases, and vascular diseases. There is a study on the level of total testosterone. And PSA is a general test that allows you to exclude suspicion of prostate cancer and other diseases.

Examination for men over 45 years old:

ServiceOld pricePromotion price
Appointment with a urologist800 rub500 rub
Taking blood from a vein150 rub.
Blood glucose level180 rub.160 rub.
Blood cholesterol180 rub.160 rub.
Testosterone total.400 rub350 rub.
PSA (prostate specific antigen)480 rub.430 rub.
Total2200 rub.1600 rub.

Examination for men under 45 years of age:

ServiceOld pricePromotion price
Appointment with a urologist800 rub500 rub
Material collection200 rub
Chlamydia390 rub.290 rub.
Mycoplasma370 rub.270 rub.
Ureaplasma450 rub.340 rub.
Total2210 rub.1400 rub.

— Why do women come to the urologist?

— Some people still believe that urology deals only with diseases of the male genital area - this is a misconception. A urologist is not only one who takes care of a man’s reproductive health, but also one who treats kidney diseases, which include urolithiasis. By the way, women are susceptible to it even more than men. Diseases can manifest themselves in different ways. For example, you should go to a urologist if you have constant pain in the lower back - their causes may be pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cyst, or developmental anomaly.

Another delicate problem is urinary incontinence. It comes in three types: stressful, urgent and mixed. Only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment - for one type surgery is not indicated, for another it is necessary. Manifestations vary, with urgency - a woman feels the urge to go to the toilet at the sound of pouring water, or simply wants to go to the toilet more than once every 2 hours. Under stress - with age, during menopause, after a difficult birth, the pelvic floor muscles weaken, and during physical stress (laughter, coughing) little urination occurs. Only a urologist or gynecologist can determine the correct tactics.

Due to the anatomy of women, hypothermia can cause cystitis. It can manifest itself in the form of pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination, and blood impurities. With such symptoms, it is also better to go to a urologist.

— How is the reception going?

— The doctor’s first task is to make the correct diagnosis, and then offer the patient treatment tactics. Doctors at The Time are not just consultants, but practitioners. For example, I am an operating urologist - every day I encounter cases of varying complexity in practice, so I understand which treatment method is best to choose in one time or another. If, say, a patient comes in with urolithiasis, we first look at the size of the stone. We can prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, uroseptics and drugs that promote the passage of stones, and observe - this is if the stone is small. If it is larger, there are already indications for surgical treatment - it also varies - from minimally invasive to complex operations.

All about beauty and health in Chita and Trans-Baikal Territory

— Are there long queues for an appointment with a urologist at The Time? How many specialists work in the clinic?

“There are three of us, so we can handle the workload, and you won’t have to wait long for an appointment.” You will get an appointment almost immediately.

The Time, medical clinic, st. Butina, 123

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Negative aspect

With each sexual intercourse, the body loses a huge amount of zinc, it can reach its daily intake. Zinc is spent on recovery after the received load. For this reason, those who are sexually active should definitely take multivitamins or foods rich in zinc, such as oysters. With this you will compensate for the lack of zinc.

In sex, as in sports, excesses should be avoided; there is also a risk of overexertion. Any excess of the norm is extremely undesirable, you should remember this, otherwise you can get overworked and a sharp decrease in performance. In this situation, the norm is determined based on personal feelings.

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