Muesli: benefits and harms with kefir, milk and additives. What does muesli do for your figure?

What is muesli

This is a mixture of cereals, bran, wheat sprouts, nuts, dried fruits, honey, and spices.
In 1900, Swiss physician Maximilian Bircher-Benner invented muesli for use among hospital patients. After all, as we know, fruits and vegetables are an integral part of a balanced diet, which is especially important during the period of treatment and rehabilitation.

“Mus” - “puree” - is the word that is the basis for the creation of the term “muesli”.

In the early 1960s, interest in a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition began to grow among people living in Western countries. From that moment on, the popularization of muesli in its modern form began.

Muesli is produced in different ways, they all differ from each other in shelf life, production scheme, and the use of preservatives in their creation. They come raw and baked. The manufacturing process of the former occurs without heat treatment. They contain oat flakes, seeds, dried fruits and nuts that have undergone mechanical processing.

Baked foods include granola and crunch. During their production, cereals are combined with natural juice, honey, and vegetable oil. After baking, the taste of the product becomes brighter and richer.

How is granola different from muesli?

Essentially, granola and muesli are one product prepared in different ways. The main difference is the production technology. Granola is made by baking. The result is a caramelized mixture. The baked product has a sweeter, richer taste.

What are the benefits of muesli?

Breakfast is the main meal of the day, according to many nutritionists. A morning meal gives you a boost of vigor and energy for most of the day. It is recommended to have breakfast with a dish balanced in the amount of BJU. Porridge, whole grain bread and muesli will come in handy.

The healthiest muesli does not contain sugar and is made from whole coarse grains that have undergone minimal heat treatment. As for dessert ones, their benefits are reduced due to sweet additives.

The main ingredient of muesli is oatmeal - a storehouse of vitamin B, which supports natural beauty and the nervous system, potassium - a mineral necessary for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as calcium, magnesium, sodium and many other useful macro- and microelements.

Additional components include: nuts, dried fruits, seeds, which also contain many beneficial nutrients.

What are the specific benefits of muesli for our health:

  • provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety;
  • do not provoke insulin production;
  • maintain optimal blood sugar levels;
  • contain coarse fibers, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestinal tract;
  • the high content of vitamin B improves the condition of hair and nails, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • promote the elimination of excess cholesterol;
  • a small amount of calories helps you lose weight;
  • a rich arsenal of vitamins improves the functioning of the immune system.

People who do not have enough free time often skip breakfast, which further harms their health, so even sweet muesli will not be as harmful to the body as skipping the first meal.

How to Choose a Healthy Muesli Bar

When choosing a granola bar, it is important to carefully check the ingredient list on the label and choose products made primarily from natural ingredients, such as fruits, nuts and grains.

Additionally, look for bars that contain less than 10 grams of sugar, at least 5 grams of protein, and at least 3 grams of fiber. These foods will help you feel full between meals (13).

As a general rule, stay away from granola bars whose first three ingredients are sugar or other sweeteners. Please note that the ingredients are listed in descending order by weight.

Also, choose products with limited ingredient lists (14).

If you're watching your weight, look at the calorie content and stick to bars that contain less than 250 calories per serving.

Alternatively, you can make your own granola bars using just a few simple ingredients.

To prepare, you will need to combine the following ingredients in a large bowl:

  • 2 cups (312 grams) oats
  • 1 cup (200 grams) nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, etc.)
  • 1 cup (220 grams) dates
  • 1/4–1/2 cup (65–130 grams) nut butter
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) maple syrup or honey (optional)
  • Chopped dried fruits, coconut or chocolate chips

Before adding them to the mixture, be sure to roughly chop the dates in a food processor and heat the nut butter and maple syrup or honey in a saucepan.

Mix the ingredients, add the mixture to the baking dish and leave in the freezer for 20-25 minutes. Then slice, serve and enjoy.


Healthy granola bars should contain high amounts of protein and fiber with little added sugar and fewer calories. They are also easy to make at home and require just a few simple ingredients.

Is it possible to lose weight by eating muesli?

Despite the calorie content of the product, it contains coarse fibers, the processing of which requires more time and energy costs. Cereals provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness, so the risk of frequent snacking is reduced. They also absorb large amounts of water, so excess fluid is removed from the body faster.


The bars have earned popularity among people who have little free time for snacking. They are convenient, inexpensive, do not require storage conditions and are sold ready-made. They are often purchased for travel, taken with you to training, or used as a snack between main meals.

Despite the many advantages of the bars, nutritionists do not recommend buying them in stores. Manufacturers add icing, chocolate, and sugar to improve taste, which significantly increases calorie content.

Natural product

Natural muesli, prepared independently, will become not only a healthy breakfast for an adult or part of a diet when losing weight, but also a favorite safe treat for children. They can be prepared from dried fruits or fresh fruits. The most important thing is the absence of preservatives.

Is it possible to eat while losing weight?

Muesli can be found on the menu of almost every diet. They will be useful both in the morning and at lunchtime, and if fruits are excluded from their composition, then in the evening they will have a lot of benefit and little harm. Naturally, this does not mean that you can completely switch to a “muelaine diet”. This way, the body will not receive the necessary minerals and proteins/fats in the required volumes, which will certainly lead to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

If a person has set a goal to lose weight, then muesli can be chosen as breakfast or dinner. In the first case, you should give preference to complex product compositions, which contain pieces of fruit and seeds with nuts. Moreover, they can be topped with milk and enhanced with honey.

But in the evening, at dinner, muesli should be prepared with water and without any flavoring additives, the only thing allowed is a few raisins and some dried apples.

Additional vitamin enrichment

Often on store shelves you can see products with attractive labels on the packaging: “Enriched with vitamin C” or “Contains iron.” Such slogans cannot be taken seriously, because such vitamins are reproduced artificially, which affects the deterioration of their absorption. You will be lucky if they are excreted from the body along with food; it is much worse when low-quality components begin to accumulate in the liver. Don't buy these products just because you can save money. Only natural products and real vitamins are good for health.

Pros and cons of muesli

The first significant advantage that you can remember is that muesli is really nutritious. They can energize you for the first half of the day. All thanks to whole grains that retain vitamins E and B, beneficial microelements and other nutrients. In order for muesli to provide only benefits, you need to remember the “golden” composition of the product: unprocessed oat flakes combined with berries, fresh fruits or dried fruits.

The fiber included in the composition helps to cleanse the intestinal tract faster, which is important when losing weight.

Muesli is convenient to take on the road, it does not take up much space and does not require special storage conditions.

Children should not be spoiled with such a breakfast too often; coarse fibers have a detrimental effect on the child’s stomach, so do not be lazy to prepare homemade oatmeal for your baby.

Rating of the best muesli

NominationplaceName of productprice
The best domestically produced muesli1Tasteville237 ₽
2Matti94 ₽
3Fine life183 ₽
4WOW!58 ₽
5The era of cereals142 ₽
6All Light170 ₽
The best foreign-made muesli1Dorset Cereals384 ₽
2AXA193 ₽
3Bruggen Gourmet185 ₽
4Kellogg's Extra250 ₽


It is not recommended to purchase mixtures containing sugar and flavoring additives. This affects the calorie content of the product and negatively affects the figure. People who are losing weight and people with diabetes should remember this.

It is important to consider the salt content. It is better not to consume muesli with salt for those who have problems with blood pressure. Constant use of the product, even for a healthy person, is fraught with a violation of the water-salt balance, which threatens the development of hypertension in the future.

Pay attention to the presence of vegetable oil. It is used in production for heat treatment. Frequent consumption of muesli containing oils is harmful to the cardiovascular system.

Mechanism of weight loss

Losing weight through judicious use of muesli is explained by the following:

  • fiber helps actively cleanse the intestinal tract;
  • the laxative effect promotes the removal of toxins;
  • provides a feeling of long-lasting satiety.

How to eat muesli correctly

In order for a product to benefit the body, you need to know how to use it correctly. It is recommended to eat them in the same way as oatmeal - just add water and wait for the time indicated on the package. For a hearty breakfast, you can pour the mixture with milk or natural yogurt, and for weight loss purposes, leave it soaked overnight in coconut milk.

How much can you eat per day

Experts recommend consuming muesli in the morning. This makes a great breakfast or first snack. The daily dose of the product is 55 g.

Is it possible to eat at night

It is not recommended to have muesli for dinner. Largely because they are quite nutritious and satisfying. At night you should eat light food that does not require long digestion.

Is it possible to eat dry

The product is sold dry. Before use, pour boiling water, yogurt or milk over it. Doctors do not recommend consuming muesli in dry form, because... this will be a colossal burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

The best foreign-made muesli

Those who prefer to purchase products from foreign brands should choose muesli from the second category.

Dorset Cereals

Rating: 4.9

The nomination opens with products from the British brand. Muesli contains barley, raisins, dates and fruits. They are made without the use of preservatives. This food is rich in proteins and carbohydrates.

Dorset Cereals is an excellent option for those who watch their figure and prefer to eat healthy. Buyers advise pouring warmed milk over the muesli and letting it sit for an hour. The fiber contained in the product perfectly removes waste and toxins. The product should not be eaten raw. Phytic acid negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract. Price – about 320 rubles.


  • natural composition;
  • suitable for diet;
  • the price corresponds to the quality;
  • sealed packaging.


  • No.


Rating: 4.8

Ready-made AXA muesli can be consumed dry. They are eaten with yogurt and kefir. The product helps you stick to a healthy diet. It is especially well absorbed in the first half of the day. Chocolate-nut muesli is an ideal substitute for unhealthy sweets. Buyers note their sweet taste, the presence of chocolate pieces, cashews and almonds.

I'm pleased with the excellent cardboard packaging, inside of which there is a transparent bag of cereal. They are enough for about 3-4 breakfasts. The composition includes vitamins E and C. The packaging contains information about the inclusion of palm oil and flavorings. Therefore, Ukrainian goods occupy only third place in our ranking. Price – 205 rubles.


  • rich composition;
  • fast saturation;
  • can be consumed dry;
  • reliable packaging;
  • abundance of useful components.


  • palm oil and flavorings in the composition.

Bruggen Gourmet

Rating: 4.7

The Bruggen Gourmet brand offers a whole line of muesli for a delicious breakfast. There is an assortment of cereals with dried fruits, nuts and coconut flakes. There are no thickeners or preservatives in the composition. However, it could not be done without flavorings. Consumers praise the appetizing and bright packaging, which just begs to be added to the basket.

It is very convenient to store the product; the muesli does not spill. They praise the quality and appearance of the cereal. Their structure is not fine and not completely dry. Price – about 206 rubles. You cannot find the Bruggen Gourmet product in every store.


  • rich assortment;
  • no preservatives;
  • beautiful packaging;
  • convenient to store;
  • great type of cereal.


  • difficult to find in stores.

Kellogg's Extra

Rating: 4.6

The rating is completed by a Polish product, which is baked oatmeal with fruits and berries. They go great with yogurt and cream. In general, such a snack will be quite high in calories, so it is better to pour hot water over the muesli.

Kellogg's Extra is ideal for a quick breakfast or lunch. Some girls prefer to eat it instead of chocolate or cookies. According to reviews, the clasp on the packaging is often defective. To some consumers, the price of 215 rubles seems too high (for 300 g).


  • composition without complaints;
  • excellent taste;
  • no oat crumbs.


  • expensive without discount;
  • poor quality fastener.


The main recommendation is to eat muesli for breakfast, because... contain carbohydrates, which should be consumed in the morning during the diet. They also charge you with energy for the whole day. For weight loss, experts do not recommend consuming cereal mixtures for more than two weeks without a break, because they are quite difficult to digest. Despite many advantages, the product is not recommended for use in case of celiac disease - due to the content of cereals, for gastritis and ulcers - due to bran, for diabetes - due to dried fruits.

Benefits of muesli

Muesli is a cereal, but with certain additives: fruits, dried berries and nuts. The product may also contain bran, honey and wheat germ.

There are two types of muesli - baked and raw. The first ones are prepared according to a special recipe: cereals are first mixed with fruits and honey, and then baked in the oven at high temperature. Raw muesli is a more dietary product as it contains less sugar. They are prepared by grinding cereals and adding nuts, seeds and fruits.

In large stores, the shelves are full of types of muesli, and the price for them is not that high. The mixture is released in transparent bags and boxes.

Some experts argue that muesli can be considered as an alternative to fast food. The product is absorbed very slowly by the body and does not allow spikes in blood glucose.

The inclusion of “miracle porridge” in the diet will help normalize metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to complex carbohydrates, blood glucose levels are regulated.

Muesli is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and hypertension. A weight-loss mixture of cereals helps:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • maintain hemoglobin levels in the body;
  • increase the speed of brain reaction and enhance concentration;
  • regenerate liver cells;
  • restore the nervous system;
  • improve your mood, since carbohydrate foods promote the production of the pleasure hormone - serotonin;
  • cleanse the body of harmful substances - toxins, salts and radionuclides.

Flakes help maintain good skin and hair condition and are a source of energy during heavy physical activity and diets.

Composition and properties

In addition to wheat bran, oat flakes, barley and other healthy crops, corn and rice balls are sometimes added to muesli. The semi-finished product includes potassium, cobalt, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements.

Fruits that are added to the mixture contain vitamins that are beneficial for the body. Nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are also added, which are a good source of additional protein.

The mixture contains the following necessary for the body:

  • minerals;
  • cellulose;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • vitamins A, B, K, E;
  • fatty acid.

Calorie content

As experts note, a mixture of cereals of this type is a storehouse of slow carbohydrates, which are indispensable in the diet of a person losing weight. But at the same time, the calorie content of the product is not so low - 350-400 kcal. per 100 g.

Eat muesli for breakfast, but never for dinner - late in the evening or at night.

Cooking recipes

The best product is made with your own hands. We have prepared a review of several interesting recipes.

With kefir

Place a tablespoon of oatmeal, a couple of tablespoons of bran, a few dried apricots and a handful of raisins in a bowl. You can add some of your favorite nuts. Pour in kefir and let steep for 20 minutes.


Mix oatmeal with bran, adding finely chopped apples. Season the mixture with honey. The consistency should resemble pancake dough. The mixture is poured onto a baking sheet and baked for 5-10 minutes.

With mineral water

Muesli that does not contain dried fruits or nuts can be poured with mineral water in such an amount that, after swelling, a viscous porridge is obtained.

With vegetables

Peel fresh beets and carrots. Grind in a blender until pureed. Add flakes and bran. You can make a cocktail by adding low-fat kefir.

With honey

Set the oven to preheat at 180°. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Melt honey and butter in a saucepan, add cereal, nuts and cinnamon. Place the resulting mass on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Store the finished product in an airtight container.

With milk

Oatmeal with various additives can be poured with boiled or cold milk. In the second case, the muesli will infuse longer.

With fruits

You will need: half a glass of oatmeal, half a glass of low-fat yogurt, a couple of tablespoons of dried fruits and nuts, fresh fruit to taste. Mix and place the mixture on parchment paper. Send to bake for 25 minutes.

How to eat muesli to lose weight

To begin with, you should exclude sweet juices, nectars and jams from your diet as a complement to cereal. The mixture can be poured with a glass of water or skim milk. Very tasty and healthy muesli with kefir for weight loss. Don’t forget the serving limits: no more than 50 g of cereal per serving. Do not overdo it with dried fruits and nuts - they are very high in calories.

If desired, you can have a granola bar for dinner. In this case, your sleep will be sound, because there is no hunger, and in the morning you will feel great. And most importantly, ready-made breakfast cereals should be consumed in compliance with the rules of a healthy diet, that is, adhere to the daily intake of liquid. After all, the coarse fiber contained in the flakes removes a lot of fluid from the body, these reserves need to be replenished. Only in this case will muesli bring benefits to the health of the body, and not harm.

Expert opinion

Muesli is a product that is advertised as a healthy food. In fact, this is completely wrong. Manufacturers often add palm oil to them, which can cause the development of cardiovascular diseases. Synthetic emulsifiers cause allergic reactions. Most additives: chocolate, glaze, nuts, sugar - make the product more nutritious, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of diets. Therefore, it will be much healthier to prepare your own oatmeal. And to lose weight, go in for sports, consult a nutritionist who will help you create a balanced diet. After all, only painstaking work on yourself will help you achieve results.

Harmful muesli

The beneficial properties of the product can be spoiled by certain substances that some manufacturers add. These are sweeteners, vegetable fats, preservatives and dyes.

Could muesli have an adverse effect on our health? Yes, this effect will happen, but only if:

  1. Oatmeal is fried with the addition of a large amount of sugar and honey. This cooking method does not make the product healthy, because fast carbohydrates are harmful to our figure.
  2. The flakes were subjected to heat treatment.
  3. Muesli contains vegetable fats, for example, palm oil, which is strictly prohibited for people with heart disease and vascular problems.
  4. A serving of muesli contains the daily allowance of salt, which makes this product prohibited for hypertensive patients.

Ideally, a mixture for weight loss should take the following formula: three types of grains that have undergone a pressing process, and useful additives. The percentage of grains and fillers should be 80/20. It is these “correct” muesli that will help with weight loss.

A serving of one meal with the mixture should not exceed 50 g. Otherwise, you will not lose weight, but, on the contrary, gain weight.

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