Chips - calorie content and composition. The benefits and harms of chips

Chips are a fairly popular product today that can be easily purchased in any supermarket. They come in various types: with cheese, pepper, onion, bacon, classic with salt, with sour cream, herbs, with crab and mushrooms. Everyone has heard about the negative impact of this delicacy on the body, but despite this, people are in no hurry to deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying a crunchy snack.

The calorie content of the product is quite high and is approximately 512 kcal per 100 grams.

Composition of the product

Modern snacks practically do not contain natural potatoes. It is replaced by corn and wheat flour, and sometimes by starch, which is genetically modified. In addition, to give the necessary taste, a large number of harmful chemical compounds are added to the product.

Thus, the composition of store-bought chips may include:

  • wheat flour;
  • mixed vegetable oil;
  • corn starch;
  • sugar;
  • flavoring additives identical to natural ones;
  • flavor and aroma enhancer;
  • salt.

Do chips have trans fats?

The myth that chips contain a lot of trans fatty acid isomers has been dispelled. According to TR CU 024, the mass fraction of trans isomers in the fat phase of the product should not exceed 2%. Trans isomers, which cause panic among supporters of a healthy lifestyle, are extremely difficult to find in chips: the manufacturing process is such that trans fats are simply not formed. To reassure consumers, we analyzed the content of trans-isomers and found them in extremely small quantities (taking into account the error method) - from 0.03 to 0.2%, which not only fits into the parameters recommended by the technical regulations, but also gives reason to say that there are practically no trans fats in chips.

Ekaterina Nesterova


– In order for trans fats to form, many conditions are necessary, including high temperature (over 160 degrees) and active hydrogen. When you fry potatoes, where does active hydrogen come from in your frying pan? And when frying chips - where from? Therefore, the presence of trans isomers in such products is a myth. Unrefined and refined vegetable oils by their nature do not contain trans-isomers, and the absence of trans-isomers in fats, mixtures and other products of vegetable oil processing is ensured by the standard “no more than 2%” established in the technical regulations.

For information

For comparison: the natural content of trans isomers in cow's milk is 8%, but no one refuses milk for this very reason.

Calories and nutritional value

Chips are cooked in a large amount of fat, which is the reason for their high calorie content.

The approximate calorie content is about 510 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Considering that an adult needs about 1200-1500 calories per day, 100 grams of chips can easily replace one meal. But due to the fact that this product is consumed only as a snack, excess weight gain occurs.

The nutritional value per 100g is as follows:

  • Proteins – 6.7 g.
  • Fats – 30.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 53 g.

The approximate calorie content of some types of chips is presented in the table:

Type of chipsCalorie content (kcal per 100 g)
With sour cream514-518
With cheese510-519
From lavash326

How many calories are in a packet of chips?

Most often, potato chips attract the attention of buyers.
Thin slices of potatoes are fried in a huge amount of oil. They become crispy, golden and incredibly tasty. But are they really useful and safe? And in general, what is their calorie content? Generally speaking, the nutritional value of a 100-gram serving of chips is 500 kilocalories. The indicator is huge, since for many people this is a third of the daily diet. The calorie content of a crispy treat at home may differ slightly, because you can prepare chips without oil, but simply dry the potato slices in the oven.

How many calories are in Lay's chips? Their nutritional value will vary from 500 to 527 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. It all depends on what nutritional supplements were used. Thus, the product of this brand with bacon, cheese, sour cream and crab meat has the lowest calorie content compared to other chips. But onion chips will be a little higher in calories.

On a note! When producing chips on an industrial scale, various flavoring components, dyes and other not entirely healthy ingredients are used to improve the taste.

But chips are not only made from potatoes. Today, many supporters of a healthy diet choose banana pulp for making chips, even at home.

How many calories are in banana chips? If fresh bananas are not very high in calories, then after drying their nutritional value increases several times.

A 100-gram serving of banana chips contains about 517 kilocalories.

How many calories are in corn chips? These chips can be called the healthiest compared to other products from this line, but their nutritional value is not much different. The calorie content of corn crunchy treats is about 498 kilocalories per hundred grams. As you understand, you can’t treat yourself to these treats often.

Chips contain a huge amount of carbohydrates and fats. On the one hand, the product is incredibly tasty and you can take it with you on the road, since it will not spoil quickly, but on the other hand, it is extremely high in calories and a health hazard.

Why are chips dangerous?

Chips lovers are skeptical about all the doctors' warnings. In fact, this product is really dangerous if you eat it systematically in unlimited quantities. When chips are fried, carcinogens are formed, which can even provoke the appearance of malignant tumors.

Being overweight after eating a high-calorie product is not the worst thing. But just imagine: on average, a person’s daily diet varies between 1500-2000 kilocalories. If we eat just 100 grams of chips, then we immediately destroy a third or fourth of our daily diet. And the feeling of fullness does not last long.

Eating this crunchy snack can cause the development of diseases of the digestive tract. Chips also have a negative effect on the thyroid gland. Studies have shown that lovers of such products are more likely to suffer from diabetes.

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity should limit their consumption of chips. If you regularly crunch on potato slices, you will soon notice a decrease in potency. The concentration of testosterone also decreases, resulting in impaired reproductive function.

Healthy chips

If you cannot deny yourself gastronomic pleasure, try making chips at home. In fact, potatoes contain many nutrients, micro- and macroelements, vitamins, and mineral compounds.

Only during the industrial production of a product under the influence of high temperature are they all destroyed. But at home you can make healthy chips. However, you shouldn’t abuse them either, and for the same reason.

It will be possible to reduce calories, but only slightly.


  • potatoes - several tubers;
  • refined vegetable oil - 750-1000 ml;
  • dried basil;
  • salt;
  • ground allspice.


  1. Peel the potato tubers and wash them thoroughly.
  2. Dry each potato with a napkin and cut into slices. Each slice should be as thin as possible, otherwise the chips will not turn out crispy and the dish will resemble fried potatoes.
  3. Pour refined, odorless vegetable oil into a multi-cooker container.
  4. We activate the “Multi-cook” program mode. We set the temperature at 200-220°.
  5. First salt the potato slices.
  6. Next, add dried basil. You can also use other dried herbs. A mixture of Provençal or Italian herbs is suitable.
  7. Add ground allspice.
  8. Mix everything well and leave for a few minutes to soak.
  9. Next, transfer the potato slices to a special mesh tray. It can come with the multicooker or you can purchase it separately.
  10. Meanwhile, the oil had already reached the boiling point and began to boil.
  11. Dip the potato slices into it and cover the multicooker with a lid.
  12. Cook for about a quarter of an hour. Be guided by the degree of roasting of the tubers.
  13. Place potato chips on paper towels and leave to cool completely.
  14. Now you can enjoy the amazing taste of this crispy treat. As you can see, no preservatives, dyes or flavor enhancers. Only natural ingredients.


If you try to look for the benefits of this product, you can note the rich taste, which makes people buy chips. Many people like to combine them with beer.

If you want to enjoy slices of crispy chips, you can try making them yourself at home. This way you can minimize the harm from this tasty product, and get no less pleasure than from store-bought chips. They may even be healthy because they are made from real potatoes.

The benefits and harms of potato chips

Unfortunately, such a delicacy cannot be considered a healthy food. Despite the fact that potatoes themselves are a very healthy product containing a lot of vitamins and minerals. When fried at 250 degrees Celsius, harmful substances may be released from it. In addition, the slices are fried in vegetable oils, which make the product very fatty. Therefore, the snack is prohibited for those who want to lose weight, as well as for people with obesity and diabetes. Those with ulcers, people with gastritis and other stomach diseases will have to give up the treat. But it is better for healthy people not to abuse the product, so as not to provoke the problems mentioned above.

Harm to adults and children

Through research, it was found that if a healthy person consumes one package of this product daily, then within a month he will have problems with the stomach and intestines: heartburn and gastritis will develop.

Eating crispy potato slices for a longer period will cause cholesterol to accumulate in the body and plaque to form in the blood vessels. The content of a large amount of salt leads to metabolic disorders, causes heart disease, and disrupts bone growth.

Manufacturers, trying to save money, may use frying oil several times. This contributes to the formation of dangerous carcinogens during processing at high temperatures. The harmful carcinogen acrylamide is found in almost all chips. Getting into the body regularly and in large quantities, it contributes to the development of cancer.

This product is especially harmful to children. Eating chips leads to the following consequences:

  • due to numerous additives, allergies begin;
  • the functioning of the liver, pancreas and kidneys worsens;
  • the body's defenses decrease;
  • tooth enamel is destroyed;
  • metabolism is disrupted;
  • obesity develops;
  • there is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus;
  • bone growth slows down.

The product negatively affects the attention and development of creative abilities of children 4-5 years of age.

Eating chips during pregnancy

This product should not be consumed during pregnancy. Excessive salt content inhibits the development of the baby’s bone system, and in women it provokes thirst, which creates a load on the kidneys. The expectant mother's metabolism is disrupted and swelling appears.

Eating chips is especially harmful in the first trimester, when the formation of the organs and systems of the unborn child occurs. Frequent use of a prohibited product during this period can lead to a child being born with a weakened immune system and a predisposition to various allergic reactions.

If it’s hard to resist and you want to indulge in a unhealthy snack, you can only occasionally allow yourself to eat a small pack of chips. It is better to do this no earlier than the second trimester and no more than once a month.

Types of Lays chips (according to taste and shape)

Among the wide variety of Lays potato chips, the following main categories can be distinguished:

  • Classic chips. Available flavors: sour cream and greens, crab, green onions, Cheddar cheese, with salt, bacon, cheese, porcini mushrooms, paprika, grilled ribs.
  • Grooved. Flavors: soft cheese and onion, paprika, sour cream and onion, lobster, salmon in cream sauce, spicy mustard, chili and lime.
  • From the oven. The following flavors are available: king crab, chanterelles in sour cream, sour cream and aromatic herbs, soft cheese with herbs.
  • MAXX. Flavors: BBQ chicken wings, mushrooms in creamy sauce, 4 cheese pizza.
  • STAX. Classic chips in a can (110 grams), like Pringles chips.

In conclusion, we hope you will find this article interesting and now you will know exactly what types of Lays chips there are and what the average weight of their packages is. We leave our interesting and useful tips on the topic of how many grams are in a pack of Lays chips (of various sizes) in the comments to this article and share it on social networks if it was useful and interesting to you.

Inna Vilkova

Hi all! I am Inna, the author of articles on this blog. An enterprising housewife with more than 4 years of experience in a cleaning company. I will be happy to answer all questions on the topic of articles in the comments! Always ready to share my useful tips!

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