Chicken liver: benefits, composition, calorie content, how to cook deliciously, harm

Chemical composition

Chicken liver contains a lot of protein. There are also trace elements present here, including:

  • zinc, iron,
  • chrome, copper,
  • manganese.

The composition also contains very rare substances, for example, selenium and cobalt. If you analyze the macroelements, then it contains:

  • magnesium, phosphorus,
  • calcium, sodium,
  • potassium.

Even with poor nutrition, the product is able to replenish the body's reserves. It contains a set of useful vitamins.

Chicken liver: chemical composition and calorie content

One hundred grams of liver contains 137.6 kilocalories, which is 8.95% of the calculated daily requirement. This is quite a bit and allows you to include liver in the diet menu. The main thing is not to fry or add components that increase calorie content (butter, sour cream, cream, mayonnaise) to prepared dishes.

The nutritional value per 100 gram serving is presented in the table.

NameQuantity, g% Daily Value

A small piece of liver will fully meet your daily requirement for retinol. It improves immunity, protects against respiratory tract infections, and increases resistance to flu and colds.

In terms of vitamin A content, the product is an order of magnitude higher than the yolk of a chicken egg, 18 times higher than butter, and 40 times higher than red caviar. Even fish oil is inferior in concentration of this valuable vitamin.

NameAmount per 100 g, mg% of norm

I wouldn’t count on the liver as a source of ascorbic acid. The compound disintegrates quickly when heated and crushed. But other components are less afraid of this.

To reduce the loss of vitamins, cover the dishes with a lid when cooking.

Chicken liver contains polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. This is one of the few products with calciferol (vitamin D) in its composition. It also contains heparin, an anticoagulant that reduces blood clotting.

The liver is the leader in pantothenic acid content. It is significantly ahead of plant sources - peanuts, avocados or mung beans. When cooked, some of the connection is lost, so don't cook for too long.

Mineral balance

The healing properties of the liver are determined by the richness of its mineral composition. There is a lot of phosphorus, necessary for brain function, and iron.

MineralWeight per 100 g, mg% of norm

But liver is especially rich in microelements. A small portion will provide a daily dose of selenium (the strongest antioxidant) and cover half of the daily requirement for zinc.

Benefits and beneficial properties

1. Experts advise eating this offal and including it in various diets.

2. The beneficial properties of chicken liver can be felt even if you do not consume it regularly. Dishes made from it have a positive effect on strengthening bones and muscles.

3. The product normalizes sleep, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and improves immunity.

What is useful for women

1. Women should definitely include chicken liver in their diet. This will improve the condition of the skin, teeth, nails and hair.

2. The by-product contains riboflavin. Thanks to this, women can avoid anemia and the negative consequences of this disease.

3. It is worth mentioning separately about iodine and selenium. They are important for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

What is useful for men

1. Chicken liver is also beneficial for men. Because it contains pantothenic acid. This acid is responsible for the full functioning of the adrenal glands. And they, in turn, regulate the function of conception.

2. Chicken liver is needed by those men who are physically active. The product helps to quickly build muscle mass and recover from illnesses in a short time.

3. The offal has a positive effect on potency, increases blood flow, and increases sexual activity.

For children

Complementary foods in the form of meat products can be given to children from about 8 months. As for chicken liver, it is given as late as possible, offering a product with a delicate consistency.

It contains an optimal set of minerals and vitamins. It helps increase immunity and improve hematopoietic function.

For small children, it is better to boil the offal for about 10-15 minutes and then puree it. You can also prepare souffles, cutlets, soups. Children over two years old can already be given chicken liver cooked in the oven.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman needs additional sources of protein and vitamins. For this reason, she definitely needs to consume this offal.

It contains folic acid, which helps the normal course of pregnancy and the formation of the embryo.

When breastfeeding

During lactation, chicken liver is consumed with caution, no more than 1-2 times a week. It is better to refrain from fried offal, replacing it with boiled or stewed. Then the food will bring maximum benefit to both mother and baby.

Chicken liver with mushrooms

For weight loss

You can make soup or salad from this offal, which will help you lose weight. In addition, there are a number of diets based on the consumption of this product.

But nutritionists do not advise overusing chicken liver. It is enough to eat one dish from it a day. As a supplement, you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, and fish.

General benefits of chicken liver for the human body

Despite their low calorie content, chicken giblets have a lot of essential and useful components. Nutritionists recommend using dishes from this type of meat when losing weight and in the treatment menu.

Effect on the body

For the normal functioning of a healthy body as a complete system, vitamins are essential. As part of chicken giblets, they have the following effect on the body:

  1. Ascorbic acid improves immunity, is effective in preventing bleeding gums and for general well-being.
  2. B vitamins are considered essential for the prevention of diseases of the nervous system, and also have a beneficial effect on metabolism, improve digestion, and stabilize stress resistance.
  3. Sufficient amounts of protein are necessary to build and repair tissue.
  4. Heparin contained in the product has anticoagulant properties, affects the blood coagulation system and serves to prevent the formation of blood clots. And thus prevents complications from diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Vitamin A is necessary for the synthesis of enzymes, which in turn stimulate the growth of bone and cartilage tissue and participate in metabolic and energy processes in the cell. It also stimulates the production of sex hormones.

    Benefits of chicken liver

  6. Vitamin D ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the duodenum.
  7. Calcium is necessary for normal growth and development of muscle tissue.
  8. Vitamin PP takes part in basic redox reactions.
  9. Vitamin E is one of the main antioxidants. It prevents lipid oxidation and has an antihypoxic effect, preventing oxygen starvation of the cell.

For women and men

Chicken liver contains a high amount of iron and is necessary for women especially during menstruation. It also improves the condition of hair, nails and skin due to the presence of vitamins A and E. Pantothenic acid, present in the offal, contributes to the preservation and normal development of pregnancy. The liver contains folic acid, which is necessary for a pregnant woman (the acid acts on the neural tube of the fetus and promotes its successful development).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is recommended to consume this type of meat to prevent anemia and increase hemoglobin levels. Methods for preparing offal may vary, but you should give preference to a stew.

Men will benefit from liver because it contains pantothenic acid. The substance normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands and stimulates the production of hormones, including testosterone, which is necessary for sexual health. Proteins stimulate muscle growth and prevent the deposition of fatty tissue.

For people over 50 years old and on the children's menu

People with cardiovascular diseases or the risk of developing them need a liver due to the content of heparin, which reduces the risk of blood clots. Vitamin A, which is included in the composition, helps improve vision or prevents its further deterioration, and vitamin B12 stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, people over 50 years old should have a healthy offal in their diet.

It is recommended to introduce offal into the menu of a child aged 9-10 months. You can start with 0.5 teaspoon and gradually increase the portion to 30 g. In this case, the product is given only in boiled form, having previously been crushed in a blender. You can also add boiled vegetables. From 3 years of age, children can consume no more than 50 g of boiled liver per day.

See also:

Beneficial properties and harm of goat milk

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