How to lose 8 kg in a week and a month


Today we are going to find out what ways you can lose weight. We are considering a specific case when you need to lose 8 kilograms in a month, in two weeks or even in a week. Let's look at the features of different methods, as well as sample menus for specific diets.

It is absolutely important to understand that to achieve the desired result you will need to act purposefully and comprehensively, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved. Also, sometimes women manage to lose weight, but then it comes back very quickly. All this is due to non-compliance with the regime and basic recommendations. Be careful, then everything will work out.


When you want to lose 8 kilograms in a month, this is the most feasible task. You can set a fairly mild regime, without fasting, without excessive physical exertion. In addition, it is this smooth weight loss that provides a more sustainable result. A set of measures may consist of one-hour training 4 times a week, a diet limiting all harmful foods, and daily walking.

Walking will be an excellent cardio workout that will not only speed up your metabolism, but will also help maintain the functioning of your cardiovascular system. The menu can be varied. This regime is the easiest to maintain, and the result is also excellent. You just need to wait about a month.

An approximate schedule, the requirements will be as follows, if you count on a five-day period.

  • Training in the gym every other day, lasting one hour.
  • Walking in the evenings, about half an hour, minimum.
  • The menu is varied, but with strict restrictions. Refusal of all harmful foods: fried and smoked, salty and spicy, exclusion of high-calorie foods.
  • Drinking regime is required. You need to drink about two liters of water every day.
  • An exceptionally smooth, gradual exit from the diet. It is important to reduce the consumption of prohibited foods to a minimum, to include them in the diet one at a time, in small quantities and volumes.

If you follow simple requirements, the process of losing 8 kilograms in a month will not be so difficult. And it will be quite easy to maintain the achieved result. The main thing is to always remember which foods are particularly threatening to your figure.

Two weeks

You can reduce your weight to your desired level in half the time: lose 8 kilograms in two weeks. A tougher regime is needed here. Some advise putting more emphasis on training, while others believe that you cannot do without fasting. At the same time, there is a more correct opinion from experienced nutritionists, trainers, as well as those who managed to lose weight and maintain the achieved result. What is needed is an integrated approach. To weigh 8 kilograms less and achieve results in a shortened period, you will definitely have to double your efforts.

  • It is advisable to bring training to the forefront. Intensive sports, cardio training, and strength training sets will help you get in excellent shape even in such a short time.
  • It is important to understand that with a sharp weight loss, there is a serious risk that the skin will simply sag, sagging will become noticeable, and cellulite will appear sharply. It is in this case that strength training becomes simply irreplaceable. They allow you to not only get rid of excessive volumes, eliminating extra pounds. In the process of such thoughtful weight loss, different muscle groups are well worked out, the skin becomes more elastic, and the figure acquires special relief.

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  • Cardio training is necessary because you will need to take care of your health. When increasing physical activity, we must not forget about the work of the heart, blood vessels, and metabolic processes. It is running, walking, swimming in the pool and roller skating, cycling that will improve your health, speed up your metabolism and improve all metabolic processes.
  • Nutrition also plays a big role. It will not be possible to make do with restrictions and keep a rich menu for all days. A good solution is to do more restrictive diets in blocks. For example, six fasting days in two weeks: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. A significant reduction in portion sizes, limiting the number of foods and dishes will only be beneficial.

The drinking regime must be maintained. At the same time, it is important to understand that you need to consume two liters a day of water, tea and coffee; various decoctions are not included here. This is the norm for purified water, mineral water, but without carbonation.

  • The training regime will become tough. It is advisable to use effective circuit training, which has long enjoyed the well-deserved trust of trainers. With this principle of training, you correctly alternate cardio training with performing sets of strength exercises.
  • You can distribute sports activities over seven days. On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, do strength exercises. Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays should be devoted to cardio. It is important to remember that simply cycling is not a cardio workout in the full sense of the word, you will not achieve anything with it. You will have to ride at a difficult pace, like on an exercise bike. The same goes for walking. Walking to the store for half an hour is not a sport; physical activity is clearly not enough. Such short trips can only be used as additions to the main activities. If you are walking as your basic cardio workout for the day, you will need to walk at a faster pace, for at least an hour. It’s better to devote an hour and a half to this, practicing the style of race walking.
  • Under no circumstances should you violate the schedule! This applies to your daily routine, training schedule, and diet. Everything needs to be scheduled hourly. The body must experience uniform physical activity and receive nutrition on time.

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Be extremely careful. This weight loss regimen is more complex and can cause side effects. Yes, and sticking to it is somewhat harder. If you act wisely, everything will go fine. But another difficult stage will be leaving the diet. And here you should stretch out the adaptation for at least a month so that there is no sudden return to previous habits. Some will have to be completely abandoned if you want to stay slim. For example, it is better to exclude completely smoked and fried foods from the menu, because this can be completely replaced by baking in the oven.

Need to lose 8 kg in a week? Do this!

Need to lose 8 kg in a week? Do this! Finally, something worthwhile!

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