How to lose weight for the New Year in just a month without hunger and stress

The “Lose Weight for the New Year” season is officially declared open! This, of course, is a joke, but seriously, now the question of how to lose weight for the New Year is one of the most popular among women of all ages.

Everyone knows the statement: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” A beautifully decorated Christmas tree, a delicious table, New Year's surprises, close and loved ones nearby - all this is important. But for any woman, the most important thing is her sense of self, the desire to shine and look like a real queen of New Year's Eve.

That is why losing weight for the holiday is the dream of many women. Why now? Yes, because we don’t have time all year, family, work, social cataclysms...

“Isn’t it too late to start?” - you ask. No, because there is more than a month left before the holiday, and we will have time to do everything.

Doctors advise how to lose weight by the New Year without Herculean efforts

Nutritionists believe that you can lose several kilograms of excess weight even in one month. If you lose weight wisely, it is quite possible and will not harm your health. Therefore, do not set global goals before the holiday. Let your goal be modest: I want my favorite dress to fit perfectly and to look stunning in it. Isn't it bad?

Doctors suggest taking control of the most important vital functions:

  • I'm going,
  • drink,
  • movement,
  • dream,
  • taking care of the body.

If you are young and absolutely healthy, then you can master a comprehensive weight loss program. If your health is not at its best, there is no need to force events. Incorporate healthy habits gradually.

New Year's weight loss methods

The methods that we will talk about are far from secret and, most importantly, are available to any woman.

  • Adjusting your diet (more on this below)
  • We exercise regularly, or better yet daily. Ideally, 1-2 times a week you can visit the pool or take a 2-hour walk
  • We take a contrast shower every day
  • Taking baths with sea salt
  • Doing massage or self-massage
  • We provide hot and cold body wraps
  • We sleep at least 8 hours a day and under no circumstances eat before bed

12 golden rules of nutrition to lose weight for the New Year

Here we will provide recommendations from endocrinologist Vadim Krylov, the author of his own weight loss system. By following his “golden rules” of nutrition, you can get noticeable results in literally a month and a half without the pangs of hunger.

The author assures that following the recommendations will set you up for harmonious nutrition next year, since a person’s eating habits are usually formed within one to two months.

After a few weeks, you will notice that you are no longer attracted to fried, baked and sweet foods - everything that fast food is so famous for. By changing your eating habits, you will see the result not only on the scale, but also feel lightness in your body.

Rule 1: choose a plate for your meal

Choose a plate of the right size for food, with a diameter of no more than 20 cm. This will visually make the portion look larger. This visual trick will help you avoid overeating.

Rule 2: proper serving

When serving food, mentally divide the plate in half. Place herbs and vegetables on the right side of the plate. And divide the second half into two parts again. Place the side dish on ¼ and the main dish on the other quarter.

Rule 3: fill your refrigerator wisely

There is a saying: “If you want to lose weight, don’t eat everything in your refrigerator.” Buy only healthy products in the store. The best foods to help you lose weight are greens, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, lean meat, fish and seafood.

Rule 4: as many vegetables as possible in your diet

Always add fresh vegetables to whatever you eat. At each meal you should eat at least 300-400 grams of fresh vegetables and fruits. Fortunately, the stores are now bursting with them. Instead of potatoes, choose sweet potatoes. More cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, leafy greens.

Rule 5: replace semi-finished products and sausages with fresh meat

With the money you spend on sausages and sausages, buy fresh, lean meat. This way you will reduce the consumption of large amounts of salt, sugar, fats and carbohydrates, “disguised” in sausages and processed foods.

Rule 6: no canned food!

Avoid canned meat and fish in oil; they contain a lot of fats and carbohydrates, which add extra pounds to us. It is better to eat low-fat fish at least 2 times a week.

Rule 7: buy less fatty foods

When buying goods in a store, pay attention to the percentage of fat in the products. When choosing between sour cream 40% fat and 15%, choose the latter. The less, the better, at least for the period of your weight loss before the new year.

Rule 8: Avoid fast food

It is best to forget about restaurants and fast food cafes. Eat less of all kinds of sandwiches, fried potatoes and other high-calorie foods.

Rule 9: Treat food as a process

Allow enough time to eat so that you eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Food should bring pleasure not from volume, but from the process.

Rule 10: Drink water before meals

Before eating (about 30 minutes before), drink a glass of clean water. This will fill your stomach and prevent you from eating large amounts of food.

Rule 11: Prepare your food properly

Prepare healthy foods that are not loaded with trans fats. It is worth giving up frying; it is better to boil, simmer, or steam foods.

Rule 12: Avoid sweets as much as possible.

Most of our favorite foods contain a lot of sugar. Refined sugar, candies, honey, juices, compotes, fruit drinks. Sweet soda is all easily digestible carbohydrates. It's better to replace them with fruits.

Diet before the New Year for 10 days

To get visible results in a week and a half, it is recommended to change your diet to a carbohydrate-free diet, focusing on protein and fiber. There should be 5 meals: 3 main meals and 2 snacks. Dinner - no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Immediately after waking up, you need to do exercises and drink a glass of still water. After half an hour or an hour you can have breakfast:

  • Boiled egg/omelet/cottage cheese;
  • Fresh vegetable salad dressed with olive oil;
  • Tea/coffee without additives.

A snack can include hard cheese, kefir or a berry smoothie. The main meal consists of:

  • Boiled chicken/steamed fish;
  • Baked vegetables/carrot and cabbage salad/fresh vegetable salad with flax seeds, pumpkin seeds or black sesame seeds;
  • Tea without additives/homemade compote without sugar.

The second snack includes cucumber rolls with fish, a glass of kefir or fresh tomatoes with cheese. Early dinner includes:

  • A piece of lean meat (veal, rabbit) on the grill;
  • Grilled zucchini, eggplant and peppers/fresh vegetable and cheese salad, dressed with olive oil and seeds;
  • Tea without additives/a glass of kefir/homemade compote without sugar.

A balanced low-carb diet allows you to easily and without discomfort lose from 2 to 5 kilograms in 10 days. Now you can safely buy a beautiful holiday dress and not be afraid of the January holidays!

Why am I not losing weight? How to improve your diet

Let's look at some dietary mistakes that prevent you from losing weight. First of all, follow your meal schedule. Eat 4-5 times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks).

What should be the ideal breakfast?

There is no need to neglect breakfast, even if you have no appetite or time in the morning. Until you eat, your body will remain sluggish and you may experience irritation. And at lunch you will eat much more than your body needs.

What to choose in the morning? Porridge (complex carbohydrates), low-fat fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, milk, cheese), fruits, vegetables, water, tea or coffee (without sugar).

Why are snacks needed?

A snack does not mean a full meal. You take one snack between breakfast and lunch, and the second between lunch and dinner. Tasty, satisfying, low-calorie - the main motto of snacks.

What to include in a snack? Fermented milk products, a small portion of fruit or vegetable salad, water. Never have a tea party with “sweets” instead of a snack.

Lunch for weight loss should be complete

At lunch we get the main portion of calories. For starters, it is advisable to eat hot meat, vegetable soup or fish soup - this will fill you up faster. When cooking, use as little fat as possible when frying onions and carrots for dressing. Eliminate pureed soups as they are higher in calories. Do not eat mayonnaise and sour cream - they will add fats that will prevent you from losing weight for the New Year.

The second course is best prepared from lean meats and poultry, fish and seafood. Choose side dishes from cereals, stewed vegetables and boiled durum wheat pasta.

On the third day you can indulge in something sweet if you really want it.

Dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime

Please note that your evening diet should include foods that are easy to digest before bed. Metabolic processes slow down in the evening, so no potatoes and spaghetti, especially sweets. All this will go into adipose tissue. It is ideal to choose proteins and vegetables.

An ideal dinner is a salad of raw vegetables with olive oil, stewed or boiled vegetables, stewed or boiled fish and seafood, unsweetened tea, preferably herbal, any fruit of your choice.

Why is it important to drink water when losing weight?

In our body, 70% is liquid. Moisture deficiency threatens diseases of internal organs and skin problems. With sweat, breathing, and urine, we lose about 3 liters of water per day, and it requires replenishment. Dehydration is indicated by weakness, apathy, headaches, swelling, and unhealthy complexion.

Not receiving enough fluid, the body begins to accumulate it in reserve - the cells are filled with stagnant fluid, metabolism slows down, and this is a direct path to the formation of fat.

How much water to drink to lose weight depends on your weight. Doctors recommend following the formula “30 ml per kg of weight, half of which comes from food.” We don’t count various teas, juices, coffee, milk, since they are food.

Drink gradually and little by little, half a glass throughout the day. Be sure to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed.

Principles of losing weight by a specific date

Often people start preparing for the New Year a month in advance. If there is little excess weight and there are no contraindications for intense physical training and following a low-calorie diet, a person can easily achieve the desired shape. If you have 2nd or 3rd degree obesity, preparing for the holiday will be a good motivation to start working on yourself.

A balanced diet is an opportunity not only to lose weight, but also to improve your health.

It is extremely important not to set an unattainable goal, wanting to get in shape by a specific date, because... sudden weight loss will lead to health problems. To effectively fight excess weight, you need not only physical exercise and a low-calorie diet, but also changes in lifestyle, sleep and wakefulness. Cosmetic procedures will also be useful. In addition, disruption should not be allowed during the holidays, because... this can have an extremely adverse effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How quickly can you lose weight safely?

Rapid weight loss is extremely dangerous to health.
Some pathologies that arise after sudden weight loss have to be treated over many months, so there is no rush here. In addition, rapid weight loss is most often achieved through the loss of muscle mass and water, rather than the breakdown of reserves stored in adipose tissue. The rate of shedding extra pounds depends on the initial parameters of a person. People with severe forms of obesity lose up to 4-5% of weight per week without harm to health. This is approximately 3.6-9 kg. Those who have a normal body mass index can lose up to 2-3%, i.e. up to 2-3 kg. Slender people can lose up to 1-1.2% of weight in a week without consequences, i.e. from 800 g to 2 kg. Slowly eliminating extra pounds is not only safer for your health, but also a guarantee that they will not return.

Where to look for motivation

It’s not enough to want to lose weight, you need clear motivation. This is an important component of success. First of all, you need to find people who want to lose extra pounds for the holiday, and start acting together. Their encouragement to diet and exercise will help prevent relapse. Also, it is better to maintain a positive attitude.

Clothes that you have long wanted to wear, but could not, will be an additional incentive.

If the desire to lose weight is strong, it will be easier to do so. Any thoughts about the futility of the attempt should be immediately suppressed. Walking in the fresh air, visiting an interesting place, cleaning the house, etc. will help.

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Contraindications to express diets

Most crash diets involve eating one or more low-calorie foods.
They give quick results, but even in a short time they cause irreparable damage to health. Such power systems have many contraindications. They are not recommended for:

  • chronic and acute kidney diseases;
  • pathologies of the pancreas;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system, liver, etc.

What not to do when you're losing weight

When losing weight, it is important not to skip meals and fast.
You need to eat small portions every 2 hours. In this case, you will not feel weak due to a sharp drop in blood glucose levels. Small meals reduce the risk of slowing metabolism and quickly returning lost pounds in the future. It is not recommended to completely give up fats and carbohydrates. You should not take pills to suppress hunger or use cigarettes for this purpose: this will slow down the process of weight loss. Some people try to drink as little liquid as possible in an attempt to reduce their body size. However, this leads to dehydration and poor kidney function, a decrease in the rate of elimination of toxins and other health problems. When losing weight, do not neglect training, but do not overexert yourself.

Lifestyle change

Leading a sedentary lifestyle makes it difficult to achieve weight loss. Lack of movement and new experiences contributes to overeating. To diversify your life, you can join a gym, start going dancing or going to the pool. Communication with people will be useful, so you should visit exhibitions and other places where you can make new acquaintances. You need to stop drinking alcohol and smoking: this helps cleanse the body and facilitate faster weight loss.

Physical exercise

They not only strengthen muscles, but also improve blood circulation, increase metabolic rate and enhance weight loss. The day begins with a warm-up and light stretching exercises. Early walks in the fresh air are beneficial. It is advisable to ride a bicycle as often as possible, avoid taking elevators, and avoid taking steps. At least 3 times a week, full-fledged training is required to strengthen all the muscles of the body. Running, fitness, jumping rope and other aerobic exercises will be of great benefit. You need to increase the load gradually.

You can install an app to remind you to drink water.

Changing your drinking regime

Water is needed for the normal functioning of all body systems.
It is especially important during weight loss, because... When fat deposits are broken down, a large amount of toxins are released and immediately enter the bloodstream. With a lack of fluid, harmful substances are removed from the body more slowly. When losing excess weight, drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day, before each meal - ½ glass of liquid: this will reduce appetite and help avoid overeating. The consumption of sweet and carbonated drinks is unacceptable. Read also:

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Going for a spa treatment

They help you relax and promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fat deposits.
Particularly beneficial for weight loss include:

  • wraps;
  • visits to the spa capsule;
  • psammotherapy;
  • lymphatic drainage massage, etc.

During the period of active weight loss, such procedures are attended at least once every 2 weeks.

Increase sleep duration and reduce stress levels

Healthy sleep relieves nervous tension and stabilizes hormonal levels. It is advisable to get into the habit of going to bed no later than 22:00, and devote at least 8 hours to sleep at night. It is reasonable to rest even at noon. Throughout the entire period of losing weight, you need to avoid stressful situations: you should not take them to heart.

Changing your diet

To eliminate excess weight, a low-calorie diet is required. This nutritional system involves the introduction of foods rich in fiber and protein. When preparing dishes, avoid using sugar and, if possible, reduce the amount of salt and hot spices consumed.

The food is balanced and varied; you can create a sample menu for the week.

The correct selection of products is important. The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits of orange, dark green and red colors. You need to eat protein foods, while focusing on seafood. Fish, shellfish, crustaceans and other seafood contain many substances from which the human body suffers from deficiency. However, you cannot refuse meat and poultry dishes.

When dieting, it is recommended:

  • combine meat with foods containing carbohydrates;
  • If possible, add olive oil to dishes;
  • Be sure to include legumes in your diet.

Although sugar should not be consumed, it can be replaced with honey.
The low-calorie diet is a pyramid. It is based on foods with a high proportion of complex carbohydrates. It is better to increase their content in the diet to 60%. Another 30% should be represented by proteins. Fatty foods and foods containing simple carbohydrates should be consumed no more than 10%.

Recommended products include:

  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley;
  • millet;
  • barley;
  • bulgur;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • legumes;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • cottage cheese;
  • lean poultry;
  • nuts;
  • berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • olive oil;
  • seafood;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • herbs and spices.

Several times a month you can include red meat and pastries in your diet. You should eat no more than 4 eggs per week. All products that do not require mandatory heat treatment are consumed raw. Dishes are steamed, baked or boiled. Grilling is permitted. Cereals are soaked for a day before boiling. To prevent food from seeming bland when salt is avoided, it is seasoned with lemon juice and herbs. Onions and garlic are used to improve the taste of dishes.

Do you want to lose weight? Be prepared for restrictions!

All (or almost all) ladies dream of being slim, and preferably without much effort. But few people can eat everything and not gain weight. Therefore, if you want to lose weight for the New Year, you cannot do without dietary restrictions. They are not at all complicated, but they will allow you to quickly get your body in shape and lose weight without harm to your health.

Don't do these 7 things and you will not only lose weight, but also maintain a healthy weight for many years.

You can't eat after 7 p.m.

At this time, metabolic processes in the body slow down. If you really want to eat, slowly eat a glass of kefir, half a grapefruit with a small spoon, or drink a cup of tea with 1 teaspoon of honey (honey should be eaten slowly without dissolving).

You can't go hungry

Even if you haven’t eaten anything all day, and late in the evening you decide to eat something completely harmless (an apple or a cucumber), the body, hungry during the day, will compensate for the lost nutrients and gain twice as many calories.

You can’t eat on the go, in front of the TV or computer

This way, you run the risk of not noticing your stomach's signals of satiety, and as a result, you will eat more than you need.

Don't overuse salt

It slows down metabolic processes, promotes fluid retention in the body, which leads to edema and excess weight. It is recommended to consume no more than 3 grams of salt per day.

Don't drink while eating

Water disrupts the digestion process, so drink half an hour before or half an hour after meals.

You can't eat sweets

Only honey (no more than 4 teaspoons per day) and dark chocolate are allowed. Biscuits, cakes, semi-finished products, canned food, sausages, smoked products, and strong alcoholic drinks are prohibited. Sometimes you can indulge in a glass of dry white wine. Discard red wine or dilute it with water by 15%.

You should not eat sugar substitutes

Almost all of them have a negative effect on the liver.

How is losing weight harmful?

We often come across harmful ways to lose weight quickly. They promise to help us lose extra pounds without making any effort or limiting ourselves, in just a few days.

Various nutritional shakes and energy bars are often advertised that should be consumed instead of normal food. In this way, you can really lose weight quite quickly, but there is one danger here - from such nutrition you can lose strength and develop chronic diseases.

The idea of ​​losing weight using laxatives and diuretics is quite common. These products also help you lose weight quickly. But this is a rather debilitating method for the body and it can also lead to illness.

Diets are also prohibited. Any dietary restriction gives our body a danger signal, while metabolism slows down and the body goes into saving mode. If you frequently resort to dietary restrictions, cells remember this information and begin to accumulate fat even with a minimal decrease in diet.

Most often, after another diet, the weight quickly returns.

Diets are also dangerous because of constant fatigue, irritability, headaches, and deterioration of the condition of hair, nails, skin, and teeth.

Do not resort to such radical methods of weight loss, so as not to ruin your New Year.

How to lose weight after the New Year

To avoid the return of previously lost kilograms, several fasting days are carried out after the celebration. They will help cleanse the body of excess and get back into shape.

Unloading on fruit

This technique involves eating only unsweetened fruits for 1 or 2 days.
In addition, you can drink freshly squeezed juices. Read also:

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Porridge diet

To relieve the digestive system after the holidays, a porridge diet is suitable.
It involves eating rice, buckwheat or other porridge for 2-3 days. Read also:

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Salad diet

With this diet, you can eat fruit and vegetable salads.
They are seasoned with lemon juice. Adding salt is not recommended. You can season the salad with a small amount of vegetable oil. Follow this diet for no more than 3 days. Read also:

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Checklist for monitoring your weight loss from Sofia Stepanova

At the end, let us once again recall the important daily rules in the form of this checklist. , print it out and hang it on the refrigerator. Having completed the rule, check the box - and so on every day.

  1. I have breakfast every morning no later than half an hour after waking up.
  2. I drink water throughout the day (note the amount).
  3. I eat 4 (5) times a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between. I include protein in every meal.
  4. I don't eat 2 (3) hours before bed.
  5. I eat sweets only once a day, at lunch. Or: I don’t eat sweets (cakes, chocolate, candies, juices, soda, etc. - add your own self-restraints).
  6. Serving size – no more than 250 grams.
  7. I sleep 8 hours.
  8. I do gymnastics (walking, swimming) at least 30 minutes daily.

So, we have looked at the basics of proper nutrition and lifestyle that will help you lose weight by the New Year and get into your ideal shape for the New Year without hunger strikes and stress. Good luck and good mood in the coming 2021!

Diet before the New Year for 2 weeks

One of the ways to express weight loss in 14 days is to eat fractionally. Moreover, fractional meals are not 5 meals, but 10 (almost every hour). You can eat any dishes from any ingredients; there is no need to exclude any foods.

Weight loss occurs due to the fact that each meal has a limit of 100 kilocalories, and the total daily intake should not exceed 1000 kilocalories. The drinking regime and physical activity in this case are no different from the previous method of losing weight.

By following such a diet for the New Year, you can lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight in 2 weeks, without suffering from “withdrawals” for sweets and fried foods.

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