How to lose 7 kg in just one month and gain a long-lasting result

Preparatory stage

The first thing you need to do is determine your excess weight. The height-weight-age formula can be used and is good for everything, but it does not take into account the ratio of fat to muscle tissue in your body.

A simple visual examination of the body will help you determine the presence of excess fat. Fat on the legs, arms and thighs shows cellulite well. When you start losing weight, you will immediately notice smoother skin. This is also a good control method. The orange peel becomes smaller, which means you are losing weight correctly - you are losing fat, not muscle mass.

Motivation is what will help you survive the change in lifestyle and nutrition during the first unsuccessful period. There are two good proven methods for increasing motivation:

  1. Male. You loudly, preferably on social networks, declare your intentions and promise, in case of failure, to give something very dear to you to a friend.
  2. Female. From your wardrobe you need to choose clothes that are too small for you or no longer fit very well. Things should be loved and truly liked. Regular fitting will help you see how you gradually get into the desired shape and will constantly motivate you.

Motivation must be maintained until the end of the process. At some stage, you will notice old things hanging around your body in the mirror. This is great, but on a subconscious level there will be a temptation to relax. Try to wear tight clothes at home. It is better if it is a little small for you. This will help you lose 7 kg by the chosen date.

What, when and how to eat

We choose the diet that is right for you. Losing significant weight in a month is possible with different diets. Main conditions:

  • Low calorie content - 1000 - 1500 calories per day, depending on the initial weight.
  • Fractional meals. Eating every 2-3 hours. Three main meals and two snacks. Helps reduce stomach volume. With fractional meals, the brain does not receive signals about a constant feeling of hunger, and it “allows” the body to process existing fat deposits.
  • Reducing salt intake and eliminating sugar and sugar-containing foods. Honey, fruits and dried fruits are sweet: dried apricots, raisins, dates, prunes.
  • Small portions. A single serving should not exceed 350 g.
  • Elimination of harmful carbohydrates: baked goods, cakes, pastries, carbonated drinks. Porridge, fruits, and vegetables are allowed.
  • Fats are not completely excluded. They are replaced with the right ones, containing polyunsaturated fatty acids: sea fish, vegetable oils.
  • The amount of protein increases. Lean meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds are recommended as protein.

Keep in mind: a low-calorie diet does not necessarily consist of only vegetables and cereals. Lean chicken has only slightly more calories than oatmeal, but is more filling and supports muscle tissue.

Cooking foods excludes frying and stewing. It is better to boil or bake the meat. The fish is steamed or baked. Boiled fish is allowed. You can only stew vegetables, but without adding fat.

Porridges are prepared with water or skim milk. It is better to steam oatmeal. Steamed oatmeal with nuts and fruits is the best breakfast for quick weight loss. It is better to exclude potatoes at this time. It can only be used as an ingredient in a vinaigrette.

Diet and menu on the Ionova diet

When choosing dishes from the products listed below, it is worth considering that breakfast should be the largest, and dinner should be the lightest of all meals of the day.

  • In the morning, only cereals are allowed - porridge with water: brown rice, pearl barley, lentils or peas, oatmeal, millet or buckwheat. No buns or other baked goods. Of these, only bread, oatmeal cookies and bran or whole grain bread are allowed.
  • From 11 a.m. to two p.m., you can eat exclusively baked or steamed meat or fish dishes, and always low-fat varieties. Rabbit, chicken, beef, turkey, crabs with squid and mussels - all this can be a good reinforcement at lunchtime.
  • From 14:00 to 5 pm is time for products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, and other similar delicacies without sweeteners.
  • From 17:00 to seven o'clock, fresh fruits come into play, except bananas, watermelons and dates, grapes, figs and mangoes, whose glycemic index is above fifty. A significant limitation at this time is that a fruit snack should weigh no more than 300 g.
  • Vegetables are allowed from 19:00 to 11 pm. Their portion can be fresh, steamed or baked, but should not contain corn or potatoes. Volume - up to 400 g.

In addition to the products listed above, you can supplement your diet with seeds or nuts, as well as butter. You are allowed to eat about 20 g of these products per day. 15 g is the maximum dosage related to vegetable oil. But the amount of water per day is clearly calculated: a person needs 30 milliliters of liquid for every kilogram of weight.

The products listed in the list above can be replaced with others: it is important to select those that you like and have a low glycemic index (all of them are collected in this article). Fatty and high-calorie foods with a high GI are excluded from the menu throughout the diet.

Optimal nutrition program

The program includes a gradual introduction to a diet regimen. In the first week, switching to split five meals a day will help you lose weight. It includes 3 main meals and 2 snacks. All junk food should be eliminated as much as possible. Sugar, baked goods, fast food, chips, and soda are excluded. Instead, we fill our diet with seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Helpful tip: For filling snacks, use three ingredients: fresh fruit, dried fruit, and a handful of any nuts or seeds.

The second week is marked by giving up animal fats. Butter, lard, lard are temporarily excluded - they only add extra pounds. Add salads or stewed vegetables. The vegetable supplement should be included in 2 meals. The more vegetables used in the salad, the better. Don't forget about greens.

In the third week, you should review your protein diet. Fatty meats, especially pork and skin-on chicken legs, become undesirable foods. Lean beef and chicken breast are allowed. It is better to completely switch to seafood and fatty sea fish. This way you will completely eliminate the entry of fat into the body, and the task of losing 7 kg will become real.

The fourth week is decisive. Porridge, vegetables and fish are allowed. Once a day you can eat a thin slice of whole grain bread. You will have to forget about coffee and sweet fruit juices this week. Drinks include green tea, still mineral water and vegetable juice. Meals remain five times a day.

You need to leave the diet on day 29 or 30. In addition to junk food, fast food and fatty foods, you can eat any food. In order for the exit to be painless and without harm to health, portions should not exceed 200 g.

Proper nutrition

To lose weight, you need to learn how to eat properly, and you don’t have to completely give up your favorite food; you should limit the amount of it in your diet. But provided that these products are not on the list of prohibited products.

Food must be steamed or baked. It is important to follow the rules of fractional meals, and under no circumstances should you go hungry.

It is necessary to completely avoid salt, alcohol and carbonated drinks. The majority of your diet should be fruits and vegetables. The menu should also include seafood and mushrooms.

Fast weight loss is facilitated by following the “food pyramid”:

  • 40% of the daily menu is vegetables (excluding potatoes and beets) and unsweetened fruits;
  • 20% should be protein foods;
  • 20% - cereals and cereals, bread (flour must be coarsely ground), dried fruits and sweet fruits, beets, potatoes;
  • 10% - fats;
  • 10% - sweets.

Proper and balanced nutrition, selected taking into account energy costs, will help remove excess water from the body and help you lose 7 kg in a minimum period of time. After finishing the diet, you should gradually return to your usual diet, while limiting the portion.

Meals for 7 days, menu


  • breakfast: egg, unsweetened tea;
  • second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (2 tbsp.);
  • lunch: boiled chicken (100 g), tomato;
  • afternoon snack: apple;
  • dinner: kefir (1 glass).


  • breakfast: 1 egg omelet with milk, unsweetened coffee;
  • second breakfast: raw grated carrots;
  • lunch: stewed cabbage with chicken (100 g), cucumber;
  • afternoon snack: tomato juice (150 g).
  • dinner: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese and 100 g natural yogurt.


  • breakfast: egg, unsweetened tea;
  • second breakfast: baked apple;
  • lunch: baked fish (100 g), cabbage salad (100 g);
  • afternoon snack: apple juice (150 g);
  • dinner: stewed lean meat, salad of fresh vegetables and herbs.


  • breakfast: a piece of low-fat cheese, unsweetened tea;
  • second breakfast: apple;
  • lunch: boiled fish or meat (150 g), vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: yogurt;
  • dinner: low-fat cottage cheese.


  • breakfast: oatmeal (2 tbsp) pour hot milk, unsweetened coffee;
  • second breakfast: orange;
  • lunch: stewed vegetables (150 g), cucumber;
  • afternoon snack: kefir (150 g);
  • dinner: cottage cheese casserole (add an egg, apple or peach to 100 g of cottage cheese, mix and bake).


  • breakfast: boiled buckwheat (2 tbsp), unsweetened coffee;
  • second breakfast: grated apple;
  • lunch: 150 g boiled chicken breast, tomato;
  • afternoon snack: tomato juice (150 g);
  • dinner: 200 g of fish with vegetables (grilled or baked in the oven).


  • breakfast: egg, unsweetened tea;
  • second breakfast: grated carrots;
  • lunch: veal stew (150 g), cabbage salad (100 g);
  • afternoon snack: natural yogurt (150 ml);
  • dinner: stewed vegetables with minced veal (200 g).


Fasting is a universal way to rebuild and cleanse the body. It helps not only to lose weight by 7 kg, but also helps to consolidate the result for a long time. Then, a month after returning to the old diet, the kilograms will not creep back.

Fasting for 24 hours is easy. In this case, the body does not receive significant stress, as with a three-day or week-long fast. But during this time, metabolic processes are activated, waste is removed from cells and tissues, and the fat layer is significantly reduced.

The task of losing 7 kg requires radical methods, and daily fasting is one of them. For this, you need to choose a day of the week when you do not need a lot of energy consumption. If you are an office worker with little physical activity, a workday will suit you. While working, it will be easier to distract yourself from the feeling of hunger. If you have significant physical activity, take a day off.

  • In the first week, fast, drinking at least 3 liters of water with honey and lemon.
  • Second week - one water in unlimited quantities.
  • Third week - water is allowed three times a day.
  • The fourth week is dry fasting. Dry fasting involves both the absence of food and a completely water-free regime.

Physical exercise

Our goal is 7 kg per month. Therefore, the whole month, the day begins with intense exercise on an empty stomach. Adipose tissue is best consumed in the morning, when the break in nutrition is about 10 hours. Glycogen reserves have already been depleted, and the body has to “get into the bins” - use up the fat layer.

Approximate charging

  1. Walking - 1-2 minutes.
  2. Squats – 16–25
  3. Turns in different directions – 16–25 times.
  4. Circular movements of the pelvis (you can use a hula hoop) – 5 minutes.
  5. Abdominal exercises – 16–25 times.
  6. Walking - 1-2 minutes.

We practice intensive classes for 45 minutes 2 times a week. There should be static, cardio and strength exercises. You don't need to work hard. Greater physical activity increases appetite.

Is it possible to lose 7 kg in a month?

Experts in the field of weight loss claim that the average person can lose about 200 grams of fat per day with reasonable dietary restrictions and optimal physical activity. To lose 7 kg in a month, you need to burn about 230 grams per day. Yes, this is a little more than the average norm, but if you consider that the first two or three kilograms that are lost when losing weight are always excess fluid and food waste accumulated in the body, then losing 7 kg in 4 weeks is quite possible.

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