Diet for a month: how to lose weight at home in 30 days

Something happened that all women were afraid of all year round: there were 30 days until vacation, but the figure, as it began to “lose weight” in the summer, remained unchanged. Fitness trainers and nutritionists know how to lose 10 kg in a month (and is it realistic). Yes, you will have to give up a lot of goodies and finally go in for sports (without exhaustion) - but what won’t you do for a photo in a swimsuit for Instagram!

Competent drinking regime

Every diet insists on a water regime, ranging from strict mono-diets or “poor” nutrition (French, buckwheat, Japanese diets) and ending with PP.

The essence of the water regime is simple: drink 1.5 liters of clean water per day . Get cold water from the office cooler, buy bottled drinking water (it can even be mineral water, but without gas), drink water from a home filter.


  • Do not replace water with tea, coffee and compotes (that is, such drinks are not prohibited, but allow yourself only as “pampering”);
  • the taller and larger you are, the more water you need to drink - an amount of 1.5 liters is designed for a lady of average shape, and if you are, say, tall, the daily norm should start from 2 liters;
  • Drink the first glass in the morning, on an empty stomach (drop 2-3 drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar into it - this will help speed up your metabolism); You need to drink a glass (or at least half a glass) - under no circumstances try to drink a lot of water at once;
  • Do not drink while eating - at least an hour should pass after eating.

How to lose weight in a month

Losing weight in such a period is possible even without creating a special strict diet and daily exhausting workouts. However, the main condition will remain the same: you must write a comprehensive program that will take into account menu changes, cosmetic procedures, and physical activity. Taking into account the length of the weight loss period, you can choose methods that do not harm your health. The first thing on the long path to a beautiful body will be the precise definition of the assigned tasks: which zones to work on, how many kilograms to lose - all this will form the basis for a weight loss schedule for the month.

Calorie content and serving size

The energy value of the product is what primarily requires studying a monthly weight loss program at home, but this is not a call to choose only what has less than 100 kcal. Before going to the store and planning your menu, you will have to know how many calories you can eat daily. This figure can be calculated independently, using any of the 3 formulas used by nutritionists, or you can trust online calculators. Any option requires you to know your weight at the beginning of losing weight, your height, and be sure to indicate your age.

Key points related to the calorie content of the menu:

  • The calorie needs of a person who exercises and someone who lives a home lifestyle are different, so you must evaluate your level of physical activity for proper weight loss.
  • Along with the daily calorie intake, you will need to calculate the BJU ratio, otherwise you may not see results from the program.
  • When planning a menu, the entire daily caloric intake is divided so that breakfast and lunch become the “heaviest” - they get up to 400 kcal. Snacks should be within 150-200 kcal. The rest is for dinner.

Drinking regime

If you consume little water, weight loss will be slow, and even a strict diet lasting a month will not help. The breakdown of fats and their subsequent elimination does not occur without the proper amount of liquid - this is the main condition for lipolysis, so you will also have to adjust the frequency of water consumption. However, if you drink coffee every day and think that your water balance is normal, you are very mistaken: lipolysis only needs clean water, mineral water is allowed. Its quantity is determined by individual calculation:

  • You need to get 30 ml of water for every kilogram of your body weight (not desired, but existing!). To support the figure – 40 ml.
  • On days when you have training, even at home, you will have to drink more, because... you are losing fluid.
  • Did you allow yourself some coffee? You will have to compensate with three times the volume of clean water. Those. 200 ml of coffee requires 600 ml of water.
  • Tea, juice and other drinks are foods that contain calories, so they are not taken into account in the drinking regime.

Physical activity

Regular training is the key to weight loss through loss of fat mass, but they must also be properly included in the schedule and be correctly selected for a particular person. If you are overweight, a monthly weight loss program at home cannot involve strength training or jogging, and if you are normal, a couple of fitness classes will not be enough to exercise your body. Women and men also have different needs: it makes sense for the latter to pump up their abs, but for a woman this is not desirable for a beautiful flat stomach.

Basic conditions for competent activity for weight loss:

  • Start with walking.
  • The basis of the “sports schedule” for losing kilograms is aerobic exercise, lasting 40-60 minutes. Such training should be carried out at least 3 per week.
  • The ideal body is strength exercises that can be done at home. However, when losing weight, they can only complement the main aerobic schedule in order to locally influence problem areas.

Healthy eating as an alternative to dieting

If you don’t want to “sit” on buckwheat or green apples alone, you don’t need to, but you still have to adhere to the restrictions. You already know what you have to give up: don’t cook or buy sweets, fried foods, fatty foods, smoked foods, fast food . Avoid bread, starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn), high-calorie fruits (bananas). Consume sweet dried fruits and nuts in moderation.

If you cannot live without sweets, buy dark chocolate (bitter brut) and allow yourself 1-2 cubes in the morning.

The easiest time to lose weight is in the summer, when cheap and aromatic vegetables are in abundance and at bargain prices.

And one more thing: visit grocery stores only on a full stomach. This way you will protect yourself from spontaneous purchases (extra products that are subsequently eaten “because I don’t want to” so as not to spoil).

Approximate calculation of daily calorie loss

An adult needs to eat 1800 kcal per day for an active life. If more comes into the body, folds will appear on the sides. If you do less (and even more sports), you will lose weight.

Nutritionists are confident that you will burn one kilogram of body fat if you begin to lose 7,000 kcal per day (without changing physical activity).

Organize an “accounting” for your diet. Write down what you ate today, yesterday, the day ago and how much calories you got. Now decide for yourself which portions of dishes should be reduced, which snacks should be abandoned, which foods should be replaced with low-calorie ones. Get a monthly weight loss plan.

But: a daily diet “poorer” than 1200 kcal is considered dangerous!

Basic principles

Starting to lose weight on Monday, you need to be prepared to adhere to the regime and strict discipline. The diet for a month does not include fasting, as well as indulgences when you can enjoy forbidden foods. It is important to strictly adhere to the rules to achieve the desired effect.

Basic principles of the 30 day diet:

  • You can’t speed up results by trying to reduce calories on your own, using a developed menu or eliminating one of your meals, it can lead to the opposite effect and the weight will stop;
  • It is not only the food products that need to be changed, the food culture requires leisurely enjoyment of the dish, it is necessary to chew thoroughly, take your time, of course, without additional incentives in the form of gadgets;
  • it is important to forget about the supplement, the norm is a slight feeling of hunger after eating, satiety occurs only after 20 minutes;
  • nutrition should be considered only for the purpose of obtaining energy, and not positive emotions, therefore, to get out of stressful situations, you need to choose the best ways to relax - going to the spa, working out in the gym, meeting with friends, buying a new outfit;
  • you need to choose a diet designed for a whole month based on individual preferences; you should not stick to the egg-grapefruit system if citrus fruits are not your favorite fruit;
  • physical activity must be present, systematic training 3-4 times a week will speed up the process of weight loss, you can choose the option of online classes at a convenient time, sign up for dancing, swimming, it is important not to exhaust yourself to the point of exhaustion, but to follow the basic program;
  • sleep affects basic physiological processes, including metabolism, you need to fall asleep no later than 23 hours, the duration of a full-fledged dream is more than 8 hours.

It is also important to properly prepare for the start of a weight loss diet designed for a month. For a week you need to eliminate sweets, processed foods, marinades, sausages, canned food, and alcohol. The correct exit also requires compliance with certain rules:

  • you need to gradually introduce complex carbohydrates, cereals and whole grain bread are recommended in the first half of the day;
  • expand the diet due to a variety of vegetables, fruits, and include nuts;
  • if you want to eat a high-calorie dish, it is advisable to plan a “belly feast” for breakfast;
  • drink more than 1.5 liters of water, the liquid allows you to maintain an active metabolism even after leaving the diet.

"Iron" daily routine

  1. Basic meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) should be taken at the same time.
  2. Sports should be regular. If you don’t have time to do exercises every day, choose 3-4 days a week and don’t skip “physical education”.
  3. The regime must be adhered to no matter what. Don’t violate it, even if you have a rush at work or your friends invite you to a restaurant for a rich holiday table.

Remember: this is temporary, you only need to hold out for a month! Although... many people get used to this regime within 30 days and make it their routine (delighting their own body).

Rules for creating a diet for weight loss without special diets

The best option is individual selection of diet.

To achieve maximum efficiency, when thinking through the menu you need to follow several rules:

  • breakfast should consist of foods rich in complex carbohydrates;
  • fast carbohydrates (sweets, fruits) should not be consumed after 12 noon;
  • you should have dinner with protein foods 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • Every meal should contain fiber (cereals and vegetables).

Balance of BZHU

The formula for effective weight loss includes regular exercise, a calorie deficit, proper drinking regimen and a positive attitude.

Do not forget about the balance of substances without which the body cannot function normally:

  • proteins are building materials for cells and tissues of the body;
  • fats – necessary for regeneration and hormonal synthesis;
  • Carbohydrates – nourish the brain and muscles, and are a source of minerals, fiber and vitamins.

Experts cannot yet come to a consensus on what ratio of BZHU is considered normal.

Suggested proportions:

  • 4:2:4 for healthy eating;
  • 5:1:2 for those who want to lose weight.

Reduce your consumption of slow carbohydrates as much as possible

These carbohydrates take longer to digest than fast ones, and after consuming them, the feeling of fullness remains for a long time.

They are found in cereals, pasta, potatoes, vegetables, grains and supply the body with such important substances as:

  • fiber – needed for normal intestinal function and maintaining microflora;
  • pectin – improves digestion;
  • starch - gives a feeling of fullness;
  • glycogen – maintains muscle mass.

Low-carbohydrate diets can give quick results, but such weight loss cannot be called correct. A lack of slow or complex carbohydrates leads to metabolic disorders and energy deficiency, so you cannot give them up for a long time.

Healthy foods

The daily diet should contain only healthy foods rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements:

  • vegetables;
  • grains – oats, buckwheat, rice;
  • proteins – lean meat, fish and dairy products, eggs;
  • fruits - citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples;
  • oils containing polyunsaturated fats - pumpkin, nut, olive.

What foods should you completely avoid?

The diet of a person losing weight should not contain foods such as:

  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • flour and bakery products;
  • sauces, marinades;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • fast food and snacks;
  • alcohol.

Avoid fried foods; it is healthier to boil or bake foods.

Drinking regime

This is an important component of a healthy lifestyle, because lack of water negatively affects the condition of the body. It speeds up metabolism, reduces hunger and improves well-being.

You should drink 1.5-2 liters of plain non-carbonated water per day: 2 glasses in the morning on an empty stomach and 30 minutes before each meal.

You should not drink after eating - this will complicate the digestion of food.

Healthy eating habits

Losing weight is a long process.

Useful habits can help you along this path:

  • do not go grocery shopping on an empty stomach: this way you risk being unable to resist and buying food that is not suitable for a healthy diet;
  • eat food at the same time;
  • snacks should be the right ones: dried fruits, protein bars, low-fat cheese, vegetables or fruits;
  • do not force your body to starve: it will try to store fat in reserve.

Nutritional characteristics of people of different ages and genders

As you age, muscle loss, metabolism slows, hormonal balance changes, and stress levels increase—all of which affect your body's ability to maintain a healthy weight. Gender also matters - men and women require different ratios of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

During adolescence, a person grows rapidly, and hormonal levels actively change. Carbohydrates (about 40% of the diet) and vitamin complexes can support a young body.

Women under 30 have a fast metabolism. To lose weight, they just need to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. You can effectively lose weight after 30 years with the help of protein diets (if there are no contraindications).

Young men need high-quality protein to maintain muscle mass. Their metabolism is fast, they can consume carbohydrates even in the evening.

After 30 years, in the absence of bad habits, it is enough for men to follow the principles of a healthy diet. The main obstacle to maintaining normal body weight is beer. It increases estrogen levels and promotes the accumulation of fat in the chest and belly area.

Movement is not only life, but also harmony

Even if you choose a strict diet, it will not help you lose weight quickly. In addition, movement helps keep muscles toned and speed up metabolism.

If you cannot exercise at a fitness club:

  • make a habit of short gymnastic warm-ups (get up from your desk every hour and squat, do passes with your hands, remembering what you taught at school exercises);
  • enjoy evening walks in the clean air (a good sleep will be a pleasant bonus);
  • Replace short trips (1-2 public transport stops) with walking “runs”;
  • Clean more often (washing floors is an exercise for the muscles of the shoulders and arms).

Record the “start”, but do not keep records

When you start losing weight, measure your own parameters using a measuring tape and write down your own weight. You can keep the “control” clothes (for example, put aside the trousers that fit close to you - at the end of the month they will tell both you and your family whether your parameters have changed). You can take a photo.

And after that... Forget that you are losing weight. There is no need to weigh yourself every 3 hours and sleep cuddled with a measuring tape. Give yourself a mindset: I have started a healthy lifestyle, thanks to which I will become slimmer. And do not violate the regime and nutrition.

You can weigh yourself again and measure your own waist size only at the end of the month.

Menu and three effective diets for a month for weight loss

Losing up to 10 kilograms of weight per week without harm to your health is quite possible. An effective monthly weight loss diet can help you lose even serious weight. Donuts can become slim if you approach the problem correctly.

Sudden weight loss can negatively affect a person’s health and there is always a risk of failure. Therefore, experts advise losing weight gradually. Estimate your current body mass index (BMI) in the picture below or in our calculator and decide whether to give up trying to lose weight or whether you should read on.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Lose weight in 30 days

There are many dietary foods and each is designed for a specific result. It all depends on how many kilos a person wants to part with. The list of popular diets is long. Let's highlight the main ones:

  1. Protein.
  2. Buckwheat.
  3. Kefir.
  4. Vegetable.
  5. Fruity.

Even from the name of the diet it is clear that it is dominated by one product or several, which can be called brothers. Athletes are mostly on a protein diet. It is designed for consuming large amounts of protein and intense training. When eating buckwheat, where this grain is the main ingredient, it is recommended to consume more vegetables and fermented milk products.

Kefir, vegetable and fruit diets are classified as more restrictive diets. This is due to the fact that light products are used as the basis. Over the years of work, the body of any person has become accustomed to working, and with a diet of vegetables, fruits and milk, it is difficult for him to adapt to a new way and not dream of a portion of fried potatoes or a juicy grilled steak.

IMPORTANT! Don't starve yourself or overeat. There must be moderation in everything. To avoid breakdowns, create a menu in such a way that your body combines lightness and moderate satiety.

Ideal weight formula

To begin developing a balanced menu, you need to determine the number of extra pounds. It can be difficult for a person to do this by eye: by his appearance or internal sensations. Therefore, it is worth resorting to a well-known formula, which in most cases shows the exact number of kilos that should be gotten rid of.

For the calculation, only one figure is needed - this is growth. Let's assume that the person losing weight is 177 centimeters tall. To calculate your ideal weight, you need to subtract 110 from this figure.

177-110=67 is the figure for the weight you should strive for.

IMPORTANT! With such a simple calculation, you can immediately determine how much you need to lose and build a diet based on this data. If your weight at your height is 80 kg (which is at the upper limit of normal), then you need to remove 13 kilos.

Which diet should you choose?

When the result that a losing weight woman plans to strive for is known, you can immediately determine the diet regimen:

  1. Gentle.
  2. Strict.
  3. Hard.

If there are no more than 10 extra kilos, then a balanced diet will be based on a gentle regimen. If you need to lose 15 kilos or more, then this will be a strict type of diet. If you need to lose 25 kg or more, you will have to go on a strict diet.

An effective diet for losing weight for a month is divided into several categories, based on the above:

  1. 10 kg in 30 days.
  2. 20 kg in 30 days.
  3. 30 kg in 30 days.

IMPORTANT! Nutritionists constantly argue about the dangers of sudden weight loss, but everyone is sure of one thing: no matter what diet you choose, gentle or strict, you need to strictly follow the rules, not break the regime and exit the diet safely.

More on the topic >> Post-workout nutrition. How to get a good figure

Regular sports exercises for a month

Sports are an integral part of your weight loss. You don’t have to spend money on a membership to a fitness club and sportswear—you can exercise at home and in your pajamas. The main thing is to do this regularly and diligently , to perform each approach clearly, adhering to the rules developed by the trainers:

  • You should start with a light warm-up that warms up the muscles (thanks to this, the body will get less tired);
  • do not train with a full stomach - and you shouldn’t sit down at the table immediately after training either (refrain from food for about an hour before and an hour after training);
  • It is both possible and necessary to drink clean water during classes;
  • basic training duration: 2-3 sets for each exercise (from 10 to 20 repetitions per set), the interval between exercises is a maximum of 2 minutes;
  • When the body gets used to the basic load, the number of repetitions and approaches needs to be increased.

What a warm-up might look like : swinging your arms, running in place, squats. You may remember something from school exercises. Perform each exercise at least 10 times.

Important: if your body is not adapted to training and you are suffering from sore throat, do not exercise every day, but every other day, allowing your muscles to rest.

The exercises described below are suitable not only for women, but also for men.

Making a flat tummy

4 types of exercises are suitable for pumping up the abs. You don't have to choose just one, do them all.

  1. Body lifts . Lie on your back, cross your arms over your chest. Bend your legs at the knees (option for the “pro” - lift them up, bending them at the knees, so that they are parallel to the floor). Raise your head and shoulders as high as you can (with your chin touching your chest).
  2. Side plank . Lie on your side, resting on your elbow. Raise your body straight, supporting yourself only with your elbow and feet. After standing like this for 30 seconds, change sides.
  3. Twisting (this option is contraindicated for diastasis). Lying on your back and bending your knees, holding the bows behind your head, lift your body and turn it to the right and left. Reach your elbow towards your knee. At the end of each movement, do not lower your back to the floor.
  4. Boat : Lie on your stomach with your arms along your body. Raise your legs straight and shoulders above the floor. Lie like this. Your arms can be extended forward.

Working out the thighs and buttocks

Such exercises will help remove belly and thighs, and get rid of cellulite. A nice bonus: after a month of training, your legs will become lighter, and shortness of breath will go away when climbing stairs.

  1. Gluteal bridge . Lying on your back (legs bent, standing on the floor), resting your hands on the floor, lift your hips up, squeezing your buttocks. Keep your back straight.
  2. Swing your hip back . Rest your knees and elbows on the floor (back straight). Extend one leg, take it as far back and up as possible. Hold your leg like this and return it to its place. Change your leg.
  3. Hip translation . Lie on your side, lean on the floor with your right hand and bent left leg, extend your right leg and lift it parallel to the floor, but slightly up. Lower your leg.
  4. Correct squats . You will be surprised, but you also need to be able to squat. Here are the mistakes beginners make and here’s how to squat correctly to pump up your hips (shows a fitness trainer):

Arm muscle tightening

Such exercises not only shape your arms, preventing your biceps from hanging unsightly, but also help relax your back for those who love a sedentary lifestyle.

  1. Knee push-ups . Take a lying position, leaning on your knees. Place your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, under your upper chest. Raise one leg up, while pushing off with your hands. At the same time, both the abdominal muscles and buttocks should be tense. If it is difficult to support your weight only with your hands, you can help yourself with your knee.
  2. Climbing plank . Stand in a plank position with straight arms (your back is one continuous line without bends). Bend one leg and pull it towards your chest. Return to original position. Repeat with the other leg.
  3. Dumbbell lateral raise . Extend your arms to the sides, bending your elbows 90 degrees. Bend both elbows, raising your arms up so that the dumbbells held in your palms meet above your head. Return your hands to the starting position. By the way: beginners can do this exercise without dumbbells.

Stretching: muscle elasticity, minimizing tomorrow's soreness

Warm-up is the beginning of rest after each workout. Such exercises stretch and bring the muscles into their natural shape, due to which lactic acid, which accumulates during workout, is removed from them.

You can see an example of stretching from a trainer here:

Workouts for weight loss at home

It is advisable to draw up a course of physical activity with a specialist who will help you assess your own health and choose workouts that are not harmful. A classic weight loss program for a month at home necessarily includes any aerobic exercise, i.e. keeping your heart rate in the fat burning zone. If you have difficult problem areas, it makes sense to add strength exercises for them.

Fitness program

If you have excess fat mass, you will have to start with active cardio exercises, which can be represented by running in place, jumping rope (if the ceiling height allows), and dancing. A video course with a training program will also be effective: from Jillian Michaels, Shaun T, Janet Jenkins, etc. In addition to it, you can select exercises for the month with which you will complete your lesson.


With normal body weight, weight loss through aerobics is slow, because... The body has already gotten rid of most of the excess, so the program has to be supplemented with strength training. Girls can limit themselves to a small working weight (dumbbells of 5 kg), and be sure to perform squats and bench presses from different positions. The frequency of strength training is 2 times a week, 20-25 minutes.


This option of physical activity must be included if you are not obese. Interval training is an easy way to change your figure for the better, as it is most effective in fat burning. The essence of the lesson: the exercise is performed at a high tempo for 20 seconds, followed by a rest (10 seconds) and the next exercise. The workout lasts 20 minutes, which is more effective than a whole hour of fitness. It is advisable to give yourself interval loads every other day.


Such activity can be both classic strength training and interval training. The main emphasis is to work out all areas of the body: i.e. you first engage the muscles of your arms, then your back, then your stomach, buttocks, hips, legs, and the circle repeats. Such training at home gives maximum effectiveness if the work is interval-based: for example, oriental tabata.

Motivational program

Experts call the ideal option the combination of several types of physical activity, but with a shift towards aerobic activity, which is responsible for burning fat. If you do only strength training or even only interval training, losing weight at home may turn out to be “one-sided” - either fat deposits will go away, but your body will remain plump, or you will not so much lose weight as build muscle.

You can get a beautiful figure with the following home schedule, repeated every week:

  • Monday – fitness.
  • Tuesday – interval cardio (tabata) + stretching.
  • Wednesday – recovery (rest)
  • Thursday fitness + strength for the problem area
  • Friday – fitness.
  • Saturday – recovery (rest).
  • Sunday – circular strength training + stretching.

Meals for 30 days

Don't give in to stupid advice that encourages you to go on a hunger strike. Although, it would seem, everything is logical: if a person does not eat, he will be forced to lose body fat. But - for the time being, for the time being! When the “hunger strike” ends, the body, frightened by such a metamorphosis, will rush to store every piece of food it receives as fat, fearing that hard times will soon come again.

Real advice from nutritionists insists:

  • you need to eat fractionally (small but frequent portions);
  • for a thirty-day period, you should not get carried away with mono-diets - it is better to build a balanced menu that includes all the basic food groups;
  • You should eat high-quality food (no - fast food containing excess fat, yes - fresh, just prepared dishes);
  • you need to chew slowly and for a long time, without being distracted by reading or watching a movie;
  • Instead of eating stress, start another “anti-nervous”, but not high-calorie habit (squats, cleaning, talking with a friend, walking).

Nutritionists also advise reducing the amount of salt in the diet . Salt retains water (and a lot of toxins) in the body, sometimes this mineral is responsible for swelling, which means extra numbers on the scales. If you cannot avoid salting soups and meat at all, at least do not buy salted herring, canned vegetables, store-bought vegetable juices, and chips (this is the record holder for salt content).

And the last thing: alcohol stimulates the appetite, so you should avoid it (or reduce communication with the “green serpent” to a minimum).

Breakfast options

  1. Low-fat cottage cheese, sweetened with banana slices or dried fruits (you can allow yourself a small amount of such carbohydrate-rich foods in the first half of the day).
  2. Low-fat cottage cheese with herbs and daikon (or parsley and tomato).
  3. A portion of boiled “dry” buckwheat, boiled chicken fillet (or skinless thigh), a leaf of fresh lettuce or a bunch of arugula.
  4. Buckwheat porridge on water, seasoned with a spoon of live olive oil.
  5. Oatmeal with a spoonful of raisins (remember: white raisins are considered lower in calories than black ones).
  6. Oatmeal with milk and fresh fruit (say, peach).
  7. Scrambled eggs, cooked without fat + fresh tomato + a slice of black bread and a slice of fitness cheese.
  8. A piece of grain bread with ham and tomato (can be cooked in an electric grill) + vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.

The main principle of a healthy breakfast: carbohydrates . They will saturate the body for a long time, so your stomach will not bother you with hunger while working.

These nutrients are found in cereals, fruits, and dried fruits. Don’t be afraid of the caloric content of such foods - the body will use these calories as energy until the evening (the main thing is that the portion is not too large).

First snack

  1. Hard-boiled egg + a glass of vegetable juice (fresh, as there is too much salt in the packaged juice).
  2. Mozzarella + tomato + basil (preferably fresh, not dried).
  3. Diet bread with a spread of low-fat cottage cheese (cheese can be mixed with herbs and garlic).
  4. Cheese cheese + 2-3 crackers.
  5. Crackers + fresh fruit.
  6. Cereal bar.
  7. Fresh apple (for weight loss it is better to buy green ones) + a glass of low-fat kefir.
  8. Low-fat cottage cheese + berries (frozen, but fresh is better).

You should not give up snacks - such meals help to overcome the slight feeling of hunger that occurs in the first half of the day. Even if you choose the on-the-fly option, stop and chew your portion slowly.

Lunch options

  1. Beef or chicken liver, stewed with onions + a portion of buckwheat (without oil) + fresh vegetable.
  2. Lean fish + dry rice + green salad sprinkled with lemon juice.
  3. Lenten soup + black bread + salad of fresh vegetables.
  4. Boiled veal with vegetable stew (to save time, the meat can be stewed with vegetables).
  5. Steamed chicken (without skin) + fresh tomatoes with cheese.
  6. Turkey breast + boiled millet + light salad.
  7. Low-fat sea fish baked with broccoli. The dish can be supplemented with 1-3 leaves of fresh lettuce.
  8. Vegetable soup with chicken + vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.

Meat should be served for lunch . This product takes a long time to digest, so it can guarantee you fullness until the evening. But choose exclusively low-fat varieties. If chicken and beef are boring, buy rabbit, kid, river or low-fat sea fish.

Second snack (afternoon snack)

  1. A glass of unsweetened natural yogurt.
  2. A piece of black bread + a glass of kefir.
  3. Hard-boiled egg (1 chicken or 2-3 quail) + fresh tomato.
  4. Low-fat cottage cheese, sprinkled with a teaspoon of honey.
  5. A glass of unsweetened yogurt + 2-3 dietary grain breads.
  6. A cup of hot green tea + oatmeal cookies.
  7. Fresh fruits (pear, apple, peach, plum).
  8. Black bread + low-fat cheese (the same fitness or gaudette, cottage cheese, tofu).

Important: the second snack should not break your stomach. Take a glass not of 250, but of 200 ml.

No matter how much you want to lose weight, you should buy fermented milk not with zero, but with reduced fat content (1% or even 2.5%). Nutritionists assure that the amount of calcium that the body absorbs from a given dairy product depends on the presence of fat. But you have to eat this way for a whole month!

Dinner options

  1. A portion of stewed veal + salad from any type of cabbage.
  2. Stewed fish + green salad with lemon juice.
  3. Meat casserole (ground beef or pieces, vegetables, cheese).
  4. Protein omelet with low-fat sour cream or milk + fresh tomato and green onions (tomato and peppers can be served as a side dish or added to the omelet).
  5. Steamed salmon + boiled rice + fresh vegetables.
  6. Grilled hake fillet or other “slimming” fish (without oil) + green salad with soy sauce.
  7. Fish fillet stewed with vegetables + light yogurt.
  8. Bell peppers stuffed with veal and brown rice + fresh cherry tomatoes with soft cheese and herbs.

Dinner should be light (so that a full stomach does not interfere with sleep). There is no point in giving it up. But the last meal should be completed 3-4 hours before bedtime .

If you have been sitting too long and realize that you cannot sleep due to hunger, drink kefir. However, hunger can be deceived by a glass of water.

How to lose 10 kg in 2 months at home.

Top 7 best drugs for weight loss

Black Latte for weight loss99 rub.
NATURAL Fit Calorie Blocker Powder990 rub.
Purple tea "Chang-Shu"499 rub.
Fat burning drops “Honey Spas”1980 rub. 99 rub.
(until 08/24/2021)
Detox cocktail for weight loss147 rub.
Lipocarnit for weight loss990 rub.
Reduslim weight loss product149 rub.

Views: 7,089

Diet for losing weight by 15 kg. for 1 month – detailed menu by day

The technique is based on fractional meals in small portions. You need to eat every 2.5-3 hours, and the portion should not exceed 200-250 grams.

The main feature of the diet is to do fasting every 6th day. Special attention is paid to the diet so that the stomach begins to secrete juice at a certain time.

Eat strictly by the hour:

  1. Breakfast: 08:00—09:00 hours
  2. Snack: 11:00 o'clock
  3. Lunch: 13:00—14:00 hours
  4. Afternoon snack: 17:00 hours
  5. Dinner: 19:00—20:00 hours

Any effective diet for weight loss requires a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. If you are trying to lose weight by 15 kg. in a month, completely eliminate salt, sugar, and quick snacks. Eat strictly according to the menu.


  1. A mixture of flaxseed and oatmeal, boiled in water (100 g).
  2. Pear, apple.
  3. Broth based on chicken or turkey meat (200 ml.).
  4. Boiled chicken breast (100 gr.).
  5. Low fat kefir/ryazhenka with a teaspoon of bran.


  1. Cottage cheese in packs with a fat content of 1.8% (100 g), a glass of milk.
  2. Two diet bread, hard cheese (2 thin slices).
  3. Vegetable soup (200 gr.), fresh cabbage salad.
  4. Grated raw carrots with a spoon of butter.
  5. Natural yogurt without additives “Activia” (100-120 g).


  1. Stewed zucchini with a pinch of salt.
  2. Grapefruit/pomelo.
  3. Chicken breast in foil (100 gr.).
  4. Two cucumbers, a tomato.
  5. Ryazhenka with wheat bran (150 ml.).


  1. Warm milk with a handful of berries.
  2. Cottage cheese "Prostokvashino" (150 gr.).
  3. Stew of vegetables and chicken fillet (150 gr.).
  4. A glass of kefir.
  5. Apple or orange (optional).


  1. Buckwheat, filled with water in the evening (100 gr.).
  2. Oatmeal with sour berries (100 gr.).
  3. Apple and pear baked in the oven in foil.
  4. A piece of boiled chicken breast.
  5. Boiled egg.


For this effective weight loss diet to work in conjunction with complete cleansing, you will lose weight by 15 kg. in a month, you need to arrange a fasting day. Drink kefir (1%) all day, eat buckwheat steamed in the evening (no more than 500 grams per day).


  1. Water with lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon (300 ml.).
  2. Grated carrots with the addition of a spoon of honey.
  3. Boiled shrimp (50 gr.), vegetable broth (200 ml.).
  4. Drinking yogurt, natural (200 ml.).
  5. Cottage cheese 0% fat (80-100 g).


  1. Banana.
  2. Pomelo or grapefruit.
  3. Buckwheat steamed with kefir with berries (150 g).
  4. Hard cheese (3 slices), dietary bread.
  5. Stewed vegetable mixture, sold frozen in packs (100 g).


  1. 2 egg omelette, cooked without oil.
  2. Stewed cabbage (100 gr.).
  3. Grated carrots with a spoon of butter, boiled chicken (100 g).
  4. Orange.
  5. Ryazhenka 2.5% (100 ml.).

DAY 10

  1. Diet cheesecakes cooked in foil (2 pcs.).
  2. Buckwheat steamed in boiling water without salt (100 g).
  3. Stew of cabbage, carrots, zucchini (200 gr.).
  4. Pear, apple.
  5. Kefir with a teaspoon of bran (200 ml.).

DAY 11

  1. Oatmeal on water (100 gr.).
  2. Sour berries with milk (200 gr.).
  3. Light vegetable soup (200 gr.).
  4. Turkey or chicken breast (100 gr.).
  5. Boiled cauliflower (80 gr.).


So that an effective diet for weight loss fully lives up to its name, and you reduce your weight by 15 kg. in a month, you need to arrange a fasting day. During these days you need to drink 1.3 liters. kefir (1%), eat 1 kg. green apples and use at least 1.5 liters. clean water.

DAY 13

  1. Rice soaked in boiling water with a handful of raisins (100 g).
  2. Whole grain dietary bread (2 pcs.), 1 cucumber.
  3. Vegetables baked in the oven (100 gr.).
  4. Cucumber and bell pepper salad dressed with olive oil.
  5. Grapefruit.

DAY 14

  1. A mixture of flaxseed and oatmeal (80 g).
  2. Whipped cocktail of berries, milk and honey (200 gr.).
  3. Boiled eggs (2 pcs.), grated carrots.
  4. Broccoli and boiled potatoes (70 and 50 gr.).
  5. A glass of kefir with chopped herbs.

DAY 15

  1. Banana.
  2. Baked cheesecakes in foil (2 pcs.).
  3. Zucchini puree (100 gr.), boiled chicken fillet (100 gr.).
  4. Stewed cabbage.
  5. Drinking yogurt, completely natural (150 ml.).

DAY 16

  1. Lean mashed potatoes (80 gr.).
  2. Fish baked in foil - hake or pollock (100 g).
  3. 2 egg omelette with spinach and tomato.
  4. Boiled shrimp (100 gr.).
  5. Granular cottage cheese 5% “Prostokvashino” (150 gr.).

DAY 17

  1. Diet casserole PP (80 gr.).
  2. Crispbread (2 pcs.), cucumber (2 pcs.).
  3. Chicken broth (200 ml.).
  4. Kefir (200 ml.), cheese (3 slices).
  5. Warm milk (150 ml.).


It was already mentioned earlier that an effective diet designed for losing weight by 15 kg. per month, should be accompanied by fasting days. Eat “Brush” salad in small portions throughout the day. It is prepared from raw beets, cabbage, and carrots. Everything is rubbed, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice.

DAY 19

  1. Liquid mashed potatoes with milk without oil and salt (100 g).
  2. Salad of grated carrots, ground garlic, lemon juice (50 g), 1 diet bread.
  3. Regular cottage cheese in packs with 0% fat content (100 g).
  4. Boiled brisket (100 gr.).
  5. Fruit salad (orange, pear, apple).

DAY 20

  1. Buckwheat steamed overnight (100 g).
  2. Grapefruit, apple.
  3. Broccoli puree soup (200 gr.).
  4. Boiled potatoes (1 pc.).
  5. Natural yogurt “Activia” (100-120 gr.).

DAY 21

  1. Herbal tea, after 15 minutes - lemon water with cinnamon and honey.
  2. “Brush” salad made from grated raw beets, cabbage, carrots, lemon juice and olive oil.
  3. Oven-cooked fish steak (200 gr.).
  4. Salad of Chinese cabbage and boiled carrots with lemon juice (100 g).
  5. Kefir (200 ml.).

DAY 22

  1. Diet bread (2 pcs.), cheese (4 thin slices).
  2. Vegetable stew with chicken (100 gr.).
  3. Boiled shrimp, seasoned with a slice of butter (100 g).
  4. Stewed cabbage (100 gr.).
  5. Apple, pear, orange.

DAY 23

  1. Millet on water (80 gr.).
  2. Banana.
  3. Boiled mussels (100 gr.), cucumber.
  4. Tomato, bread.
  5. Low-fat milk “Parmalat” (150 ml.).


Prepare the “Pastel” salad from grated apple, carrots, celery stalk, and cucumber. Sprinkle with oil and season with lemon juice. Consume throughout the day. An effective weight loss diet with this salad will help you reduce your body weight by 15 kg. per month. Because along with increasing metabolism, a comprehensive cleansing of the intestines from stagnation is carried out.

DAY 25

  1. Boiled egg (2 pcs.).
  2. PP cheesecakes baked in the oven (2 pcs.).
  3. Broth with chicken pieces and vegetables (200 gr.).
  4. Grapefruit.
  5. Kefir (1 glass).

DAY 26

  1. Oatmeal with a handful of nuts of your choice (100 gr.).
  2. Rice cooked in water without salt (100 g).
  3. Broth with vegetables and pieces of chicken fillet (200 g).
  4. Cottage cheese "Prostokvashino" (130-150 gr.).
  5. Apple, orange.

DAY 27

  1. Omelet on 2 eggs with herbs, spinach, tomato.
  2. Young zucchini baked in the oven.
  3. Cheesecakes, steamed or in foil (2 pcs.).
  4. Natural drinking yogurt (150 ml.).
  5. Grain cottage cheese (100 gr.), kefir (150 ml.).
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