How I lost 18 kg in 3 months

How to lose weight by 15 kg

Getting rid of 3-5 extra pounds is much easier than losing 15 kg or more. This requires a completely different strategy and a change in habits:

  1. Give up unhealthy foods, replace them with fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and dietary meat.
  2. Drink up to 2 liters of liquid a day (water, herbal infusions, green tea, freshly squeezed juice).
  3. Completely avoid sweets, flour and smoked foods.
  4. Don’t overeat, eat small meals, get used to snacking.
  5. Start doing exercises, gymnastics, sign up for a gym.


To lose 15 kg in 3 months, it is not necessary to adhere to a strict diet. You need to remember about physical activity and watch your diet:

  • consume no more than 1300 calories per day, eat in fractional portions;
  • be sure to have breakfast, divide the daily diet into several meals (5-6 times);
  • reduce the amount of sugar, give up processed foods, fatty meats, sauces, alcohol;
  • It is better to steam, boil or bake food in the oven;
  • monitor the hydrobalance.


Movement and physical activity will help you lose weight faster and gain a slim figure. If you haven't exercised before, start with walking, brisk walking. More active people should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Go jogging. It will be better if this habit lasts longer than 3 months, even if you manage to lose weight.
  2. Take up swimming - this sport trains all muscle groups.
  3. Pay attention to strength training, use exercise machines. This way you can not only lose weight in three months, but also strengthen your muscles.

Fasting days

Even for those who do not want to lose weight, it is advisable to arrange fasting days 3-4 times a month. During this time, the body will rest from stress and cleanse itself. You can simply spend a day on the water once a week or organize a four-day fasting marathon:

  • Day 1: limit the amount of fats and carbohydrates;
  • 2nd: water only (1.5-2 liters);
  • 3rd: food without carbohydrates and fats;
  • 4th: return to the previous diet.

How to lose 15 kg in 3 months

Losing 15 kg in 3 months is possible and is considered a great achievement. In this case, complete adherence to all recommendations and methods of losing weight can help.

Such a relatively short period of time to lose weight by 15 kilograms requires a lot of effort and perseverance. It is necessary to overcome very large physical and mental stress, which will inevitably arise when such a need arises as to lose weight in 3 months.

Note! In the fight against excess weight, speed is not as important as quality.

By losing weight quickly, you can get such undesirable results as sagging skin and stretch marks. This will not happen if you approach it evenly and without sudden fluctuations, both in training and in diets.

How to lose weight quickly in 3 months

To quickly lose extra pounds, leading experts have developed entire programs, sets of tips and recommendations that are aimed at losing weight. They are as follows:

  • Maximum possible physical activity, both at home and in gyms. Three months is a very short period of time, and only constant activity will help you achieve good results during this period. The more a person moves and trains, the faster fat deposits are burned. Sport directly affects the metabolic rate, resulting in weight loss. It is required to walk as much as possible, starting all workouts with aerobic exercise. Jogging in the fresh air, cycling, swimming, etc. can be a good help.
  • Healthy eating. The negative impact of diets has long been proven by leading experts. They recommend following the principles of a healthy diet, in which there is no need to give up certain foods. You just need to increase the amount of healthy food in your diet and reduce the amount of fats and fast carbohydrates as much as possible. This will speed up the metabolic process, which is responsible for burning and removing fat from the body.
  • Regularly cleanse the body of harmful substances. Most people mean by fasting or using various medications. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Fasting should be avoided. It is necessary to introduce fasting days, choosing one day a week for this and giving up food as much as possible. This doesn't mean you shouldn't eat anything at all, just reduce your food intake to a minimum. This removes waste and toxins well.

A smart diet will speed up your weight loss process

  • Water procedures and a visit to the bathhouse will help you quickly lose weight and remove harmful substances. As a result, you can cleanse the body and moisturize the skin well.
  • Beauty treatments and body massages. When losing weight quickly, problems with sagging skin will inevitably arise. Cosmetics and massages can help in this case. Massage improves blood circulation, which improves skin tone and burns fat. Wraps will remove cellulite, tone and moisturize the skin.
  • Motivation is crucial when losing weight in a short period of time. Only a well-motivated person is able to spend several hours a day in the gym and eat quality food.

Note! Do not forget about restoring water balance after active training.

Proper weight loss of 15-20 kg

Losing 15 kg in 3 months is considered normal and correct. If you lose weight suddenly, then after a month this process will slow down, and then stop completely, the body will begin to “sound the alarm.” When you move away from dietary nutrition, the kilograms will begin to return, and with a vengeance. It is better to lose 4 kg harmlessly in a month and be sure that the weight will not return.

One of the main conditions for proper weight loss is counting the calorie content of food, normally 1200-1500 kcal per day. You cannot fall below the minimum level, otherwise you will not only not be able to lose weight, but on the contrary, you will gain weight. Metabolism will slow down and the body will begin to accumulate fat. Buy a kitchen scale and weigh your food the first time, count the amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates in food.

Do not disdain physical activity, it will help you lose weight faster and even more than 15 kg per month. Walk, try to walk more in the fresh air, do not use the elevator - even these simple exercises will speed up the process of losing weight. Do a massage after taking a bath - it will help increase skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of orange peel.

About sport

In addition to eating right, I started going to the gym every other day and walked 10,000 steps every day. This is very important, because it is with such activity that a person spends up to 2000 kcal per day. And if your daily caloric intake is approximately 1500–1800 kcal, then you will automatically lose weight even on days when there are no workouts. The important thing is to simply be in a calorie deficit.

As for physical exercises, I do not recommend anyone to immediately lean on the iron. To lose weight, cardio exercises are enough: running, stepper, cycling or a simple jump rope and exercises with your own weight. This will help develop the body's endurance, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and breathing.

Squats and lunges are great exercises for losing weight. If you start with 15 squats and increase their number by ten every day, then in the end your muscles will become stronger, your gait will become confident, your posture will be straight, and your self-esteem will noticeably increase.

Now I’m setting a new goal for myself: I want six-pack abs! There was even an idea to simply paint them with iodine. I tried it. From a distance of five meters and further, they look almost real. But it looks suspicious on the beach, so I discarded this brilliant idea. But I am trying very hard to achieve this goal.

In general, it’s easier to lose weight if you do it with someone! Then the idea came to me about organizing my own free weight loss marathon. In order not to be trivial, I relied not so much on joint sports activities, although there is no way without them, but on an online diary, which I kept myself and encouraged everyone to share their achievements on Instagram. This is a very cool motivation and another way to control yourself and feel responsible.

When I reached my final weight loss goal of 15 kg, I was faced with another goal: how not to return back to my original weight.

15 kg diet

Losing 15 kg in three months is quite realistic and safe. The diet of such a food system is balanced, rational and satisfying, you will not feel hungry. The menu is designed for 4 days, repeats all 3 months and may look like this:

Day 1 (protein) Day 2 (fiber) Day 3 (carbohydrate) Day 4 (fruity)
Breakfast is the same: any fruit in a reasonable amount
Dinner 200 g of meat (fried, baked, boiled), a piece of bran bread, vegetable salad without oil. Any vegetables, greens (raw or cooked without oil), a slice of bran bread, a salad with fresh vegetables (with lemon juice or vegetable oil) Pasta with ketchup or tomato sauce Fruits in any quantity
Afternoon snack 250 ml of any broth, 3 hard-boiled eggs
Dinner Menu like for breakfast Repeat lunch, only the portion needs to be halved 2 servings of ice cream or 2 pieces of cake with a slice of dark chocolate Same as lunch


The protein nutrition system menu is followed by athletes who want to lose weight and dry out their bodies on the eve of competitions. Active weight loss will occur in the first week, then the kilograms will begin to fall off more slowly, but constantly . Protein and fiber help maintain muscle tone, fatigue is not felt, so you can play sports. Authorized products:

  • basis of the diet: chicken breast, lean fish;
  • any vegetables (potatoes are not allowed);
  • fruits (except bananas);
  • water, unsweetened green tea, coffee.


It’s not easy to maintain such a diet, but you can lose more than 15 kg on it in 3 months. The main condition is to exclude sweet drinks, alcohol, and eat only liquid food:

  • vegetable, meat broths;
  • fruit and vegetable juices (fresh);
  • compotes, jelly;
  • unsweetened tea, coffee;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • pure still water.


You can lose weight quickly on all strict diets, but you shouldn’t stay on them for a month. Extra pounds disappear quickly, and the body experiences stress, weakness and malaise may appear. Before you decide to lose weight using one of these systems, you should consult your doctor. In addition to drinking, strict diets include the apple diet, when you can eat only 1.5 kg of sweet and sour fruits throughout the day.

You can lose weight by 15 kg in 2 weeks on a strict buckwheat diet. To do this, you need to steam the cereal in the evening and eat it the next day. The apple-kefir weight loss system gives good results: only these two products are allowed. You can really lose 10 kilograms in a week. Another option for a strict mono-diet is vegetarian. It is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables and berries. Unlike previous methods, it is very tasty, because many different dishes can be prepared from permitted products.


One of the easy ways to lose 15 kilograms in three months is the Moreno diet . It consists of four cycles of 17 days each:

  • Period 1 – fat burning. Eat vegetables (except potatoes), fruits (unsweetened), fish, eggs, poultry, low-fat dairy products, add vegetable oil (2 tbsp.) to your dishes.
  • Period 2 – acceleration of metabolic processes. Add buckwheat, low-fat cheese, legumes, and seafood to the allowed foods of cycle 1.
  • Period 3 – balance. Introduce durum pasta, cereals (porridge), nuts, and sweet fruits into your diet. Eat them before 2 pm.
  • Period 4 – consolidation of the result. Return to your previous diet, eating carbohydrate foods before 14:00.
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