“Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17” - features of the composition and use of the legendary mineral waters

Differences in composition

First of all, these two types of water have a difference in their digital index . What do these numbers mean? This is an indicator of how much salts a liter of water contains in grams.

There are no significant differences between them in chemical composition. They even contain some amount of iodine, bromine, strontium, and lithium. The main difference between them is the degree of mineralization .

Composition of Essentuki 17 sodium chloride-bicarbonate. It stands out for the high amount of minerals it contains. This figure is 11.1 - 13.6 g/l. It comes in two types:

  • cold, when the temperature at the mouth is 10-1;
  • thermal, the temperature of which is 36−37 degrees.

Both waters are considered medicinal and drinking. A characteristic feature is their high content of mineral salts and carbon dioxide.

Essentuki 4 has the same composition. However, the amount of minerals in this water is slightly less than 7.8−10.4 g/l. The content of carbon dioxide (dissolved) is in the range of 0.5−2 g/l. Alkaline balance of water - 6.7. This water also belongs to medicinal-mineral and at the same time medicinal-table water. There is also a division based on the temperature at the river mouth into thermal and cold.

Composition comparison table:

Essentuki 4Essentuki 17
Minerals (mg/l)
MagnesiumLess than 100less than 150
CalciumLess than 150Less than 200
Potassium and sodiumLess than 3000Less than 4000
SulfateLess than 25less than 25
ChlorideBefore 1900Up to 2800
HydrocarbonateUp to 4800Up to 6500
Soluble carbon dioxideBefore 1800Up to 2350

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Useful composition of water

The composition of Essentuki mineral water includes unique components. If we talk specifically about waters No. 4 and No. 17, then they contain approximately the same components (though in slightly different volumes):

  • negatively charged ions (anions) – chloride, sulfate, bicarbonate;
  • positively charged ions (cations) - calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium;
  • some impurities - boric acid, dissolved carbon dioxide.

Please note that mineral water contains substances vital for the human body. Some of them are so valuable that if deficient, they can cause serious health problems. In general, Essentuki mineral water is a source of useful components used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Differences in indications for use

Essentuki 7 or 14 have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular on the stomach, liver and kidneys. But they are prescribed for various diseases, which is described in more detail below.

Essentuki 17 is indicated for the following conditions:

  • gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis (viral), which are chronic;
  • irritable bowel syndrome with constipation;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • disorders in lipid and salt metabolism;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • excessive body weight;
  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus

Essentuki 4 is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • gastritis (chronic);
  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • disorders in lipid and salt metabolism;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and urinary tract;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • colitis, enterocolitis;
  • chronic urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • dysfunction of the biliary and urinary tracts (hepatitis, cholecystitis, angiocolitis);
  • calculous cholecystitis;
  • intestinal dyskinesia;
  • for metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, gout, obesity, oxaluria, phosphaturia, uric acid diathesis).

Differences in reception

Essentuki 4 and 17 are prescribed for decreased secretion and gastrointestinal diseases. Drinking warm water, about forty to fifty degrees, a quarter of an hour before meals will stimulate the secretion of stomach acid.

Essentuki 17 is prescribed to be taken in courses for 28-42 days. Can be heated for consumption to reduce the strong laxative effect. Drinking cold water is recommended to enhance peristalsis during constipation.

If mineral water is prescribed for chronic gastritis, accompanied by decreased secretion, then it should be taken in a glass 30 minutes before meals. If it is necessary to take it for irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, then it must be taken 90 minutes before eating, also 200 ml. It is recommended to take small sips.

Tip : you need to start with a small amount of water, 100 ml. Gradually, the volume of water you drink should be increased, bringing it to 250 ml at a time.

Essentuki 4 experts recommend taking a glass three times a day. Water should be drunk before meals, slowly, taking small sips. If indicated for gastrointestinal diseases, it should be drunk 10-20 minutes before meals. For peptic ulcers, water is also drunk 60-90 minutes before meals. If the secretion of gastric juice is normal, then drinking water 30-45 minutes before meals is allowed. The duration of treatment with this water is from 20 to 45 days.

You should know that Essentuki 4 is prescribed for gastritis with various acidities, including high acidity. And 17 is allowed to be taken only for gastritis with normal or increased acidity levels.

But there are also some similarities. Both waters are carbonated mineral waters. They are used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, prescribing baths with them to patients.

How to drink Essentuki mineral water correctly

Number 17: You need to start drinking small portions, gradually increasing them to three glasses a day. Number 4 you can safely drink a liter a day - in fact, it is ordinary table water, there are no special recommendations. However, to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to take it 10 minutes before lunch.

Photo source: shutterstock.com

Many are also interested in whether it is possible to drink Essentuki during pregnancy? Yes, you can. Even drinking Essentuki No. 17 mineral water will bring exceptional benefits, in the absence of medical contraindications.

Before drinking Essentuki-17 water, you should consult your doctor.

Contraindications for use

We have figured out what diseases it is recommended to take these waters for. But it is also worth knowing about contraindications. Essentuki 17 or 4 are contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • with frequent occurrence of exacerbations in the gallbladder;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • worms;
  • gallstone disease;
  • after surgery to remove the gallbladder;
  • intestinal dysfunction when there is diarrhea;
  • urinary tract disease;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies in the heart and vascular system;
  • diet with limited salt intake.
  • severe form of diabetes.

Essentuki 17 is strictly prohibited for kidney disease, as swelling may occur.

“Essentuki” during pregnancy – is it possible?

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for taking Essentuka. On the contrary, the drink will be very useful in case of such problems for the expectant mother:

  • often bothersome constipation and heartburn;
  • various disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathological conditions of the kidneys and liver;
  • toxicosis, accompanied by debilitating nausea;
  • hormonal dysfunctions;
  • anemia caused by lack of iron.

Essentuki water can not only alleviate a woman’s condition, but also saturate her body with useful substances and rejuvenate her. The magnesium contained in the drink helps minimize the risk of seizures in a pregnant woman. The presence of bicarbonate in the liquid relieves heartburn. Bone tissue is also strengthened, which is especially important during pregnancy.

But, be especially careful. Only a qualified gynecologist-obstetrician who is seeing a woman during pregnancy can authorize the intake of mineral water. After all, both her body and the fetus’s body can react differently to the drink.

If a woman is at risk of miscarriage or premature birth, has bleeding or has scars on the uterus, then it is extremely undesirable to drink water. You also need to be careful when taking Essentuki-17. Uncontrolled use increases the risk of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder in a pregnant woman.

Mineral water "Essentuki" can become a truly miraculous elixir for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, as a large number of people have already become convinced of.

But, remember that even this natural medicine must be taken as recommended. If there are any serious diseases, then you should not neglect consulting a doctor.

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The main difference between 4 and 17 Essentuki is the amount of mineral salts contained in them. Since Essentuki 14 has more minerals, it is considered more salty.

Essentuki 17 is intended for treatment only . Due to the higher mineralization, you won’t be able to drink a lot of this water. Yes, and you can take it only after a doctor’s prescription. And Essentuki 4 belongs to the category of medicinal table waters. You can drink quite a lot of it, since it contains fewer minerals. But it is not recommended to drink water without the appropriate purpose.

Essentuki 4 and 17 should be taken according to the recommendations of specialists. Since after taking it, a restructuring of the pituitary-adrenal system will occur. After completing the necessary course of treatment, the effect of using water will last up to 6 months . You should know that only a doctor can prescribe the required type of water and the correct intake. For example, Essentuki 4 can be taken by absolutely healthy people as a drinking liquid for a long time. But if there are any diseases, then the intake should be carried out only under the mandatory supervision of a doctor.

The use of any medicinal water must be carried out in compliance with the necessary rules, which are based on scientific developments and research. Therefore, if a certain disease is present, the doctor prescribes the optimal daily dose. He also tells the patient about the combination of methods of administration with a nutritional schedule and determines the required duration of treatment. You should not make the decision to take it on your own, as the consequences may be appropriate and instead of good, they will cause harm.

Similarities between Essentuki 4 and 17

Despite some differences in use and indications, there are certain similarities between the two types of water. Thus, both drinks are carbonated mineral waters with a chloride-bicarbonate composition. Treatment is mainly aimed at pathologies of the digestive organs, but both types of mineral water are contraindicated in acute diseases and polyps.

Essentuki 4 and 17 are used both for medicinal purposes and as a preventive measure, but it is worth noting that only real water, extracted from the wells of a balneological resort and bottled in glass bottles, has healing properties.

If the label on the container indicates a different place of extraction, you should understand that such water is fake. Unfortunately, due to such positive characteristics and the healing effect of mineral water, recently cases of selling low-quality counterfeit water Essentuki 4 and 17 have become more frequent. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when purchasing a drink.

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