Release form and composition

Portiola is available in the form of capsules: gelatin, the body and cap are transparent, without color; the contents of the capsules are a white, odorless, tasteless free-flowing mass (10 pcs. in blister packs, 1 pack in a cardboard pack; 60 pcs. in a plastic bottle, 1 bottle in a cardboard pack).

1 capsule contains:

  • active ingredient: polyacrylic acid carbomer (purity more than 99.995%) – 500 mg;
  • auxiliary components: food grade L-leucine 5% (binder), gelatin.

Composition of a weight loss product

The main active ingredient of the drug is polyacrylic acid carbomer, which is manufactured using SWELL technology.

When particles of the active substance enter water, they increase in size and retain liquid whose volume exceeds their mass by a thousand times. Thus, 2 capsules of the drug, washed down with 350 ml of water, form 350 ml3 (the size of an average apple) of hydrogel, which fills the stomach. The auxiliary components of the drug are gelatin, food grade L-leucine (binder).

Pharmacological properties

Porciola are transparent gelatin capsules, tasteless and odorless, which allow you to reduce the amount of food consumed by inert filling of the stomach. The mechanism of action of the drug is due to the ability of the capsule contents (ultra-pure polyacrylic acid carbomer produced using SWELL technology, which is the formation of a safe gel that swells in the stomach) to absorb and retain moisture. High absorption capacity provides a long-lasting (up to 4 hours) feeling of satiety against the background of a reduced amount of food consumed. There is no need to change your usual diet; reducing the volume of portions ensures a gradual decrease in body weight, eliminating the development of complications that can arise with rapid weight loss.

After taking Porziola orally with a sufficient amount of water in the stomach, the capsule shell dissolves and SWELL carbomer particles are released. As a result of interaction with water, the particles swell within 1/3 hour and retain an amount of liquid that is 1000 times the weight of dry carbomer, filling part of the volume of the stomach. The contents of two capsules and 350 ml of water provide the formation of 350 ml of soft structural hydrogel.

The resulting hydrogel acts as a temporary filler for the stomach. Its stay in the stomach is 4 hours, or the average period of time food remains there.

The appearance of a feeling of satiety occurs due to the implementation of two main mechanisms: primary, or sensory, saturation quickly suppresses the feeling of hunger (a feeling of fullness occurs within 1/12 of an hour against the background of the mechanical effect of eating food), secondary, or metabolic, is due to hormonal stimulation of the saturation center from the first portion of nutrients entering the blood, and occurs approximately 0.5 hours after eating.

The amount of food consumed decreases from the first day of using Portiola and is not accompanied by a feeling of hunger. Reducing the intake of calories from food potentiates the body to expend calories from its own adipose tissue, causing natural weight loss.

Regular intake of capsules helps develop the habit of consuming reduced portions of food, which persists for 60 days after discontinuation of the drug. This ensures a permanent reduction in body weight.

Taking Portiola for weight loss should be combined with a healthy diet and appropriate physical activity.

The process of forming a hydrogel in the stomach does not cause any sensations and is safe. It is not absorbed, the action occurs only in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, without interacting with the mucous membrane. The hydrogel has no systemic effect. After 4 hours, it enters the duodenum unchanged and is excreted in the stool without undesirable effects.

The nutritional value of polyacrylic acid hydrogel is zero calories. For the body, it is biologically inert, non-toxic, and does not have a teratogenic, mutagenic or carcinogenic effect. Porciola does not have any pharmacological, chemical, immunological or metabolic effects on the body.

The purpose of using Portiola is to reduce and control the volume of portions of food consumed in order to reduce body weight or prevent excess body weight gain. Taking two capsules daily allows you to reduce weight by 3-5 kg ​​within 30 days. A stable effect of the drug is achieved with a continuous course of 90 days.

Purpose and effect of the drug Porziola

Portiola for weight loss, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, is used to reduce excess weight, maintain stable body weight, as a preventive measure for gaining extra pounds, and also to reduce the amount of food consumed. It provides a feeling of saturation of the body with food.

The effect of the drug consists of several stages:

  • After entering the stomach, the capsule dissolves and carbomer particles are released from it.
  • When interacting with water, the contents of the capsule swell and a soft gel is formed that retains the liquid.
  • The gel fills part of the stomach, suppressing the feeling of hunger (action time is about 4 hours).

Saturation of the body is achieved through two actions:

  • Sensory mechanism of satiety - hunger ceases to be felt 5 minutes after food arrives.
  • Metabolic saturation is a longer process. It occurs at the hormonal level - the signal about saturation with nutritional components that enter the blood first half an hour after eating is transmitted to the saturation center in the brain.

As a result, the amount of food consumed is reduced, and the body receives fewer calories (a small portion of food is required to satiate, there is no need for constant snacking). This encourages the body to burn calories from fat tissue, triggering the process of natural weight loss.

Also, a smaller intake of high-calorie foods does not allow excess fat to be deposited. To achieve greater effectiveness, exercising and eating healthy foods are recommended. The drug is not absorbed into the digestive tract and after 2-4 hours it is excreted physiologically in the stool unchanged.


  • acute period of gastric ulcer;
  • significant gastroesophageal reflux;
  • age under 18 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

You should be careful and start using Porziola only after consulting a doctor in patients with III-IV degree of obesity, diabetes mellitus, in the presence of severe somatic diseases, in the period after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract, during pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Contraindications of the drug

Losing weight with Portiola does not lead to any side effects if taken according to the instructions. The product does not contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions, is non-toxic and does not contain harmful substances in the form of carcinogens and mutagens.

Contraindications include the following:

  • obesity of the last stage, in this case more effective methods and drugs are needed;
  • diabetes;
  • use by adolescents under 18 years of age;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • previous operations on the gastrointestinal tract.

According to reviews, Porziola weight loss capsules have a minimal number of adverse reactions. These include:

  1. Chills.
  2. Belching.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Flatulence.
  5. Constipation.
  6. Minor headaches.

If such symptoms occur, you should stop taking the supplement. Only 1% of people experienced these side effects.

Women during pregnancy and lactation should seek the advice of a specialist before using the drug, because such studies have not been conducted. It is also not recommended to use the supplement on your own at this time.

Taking Portiola can be combined with other drugs.

Sometimes increased appetite is caused by reasons that Porziola cannot cope with:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • stress and psychological problems;
  • diseases associated with metabolism.

In such cases, a person must seek advice from a specialist. Trying to lose weight will not be beneficial unless you determine the exact cause of your weight gain. Sometimes a person overeats, constantly being in a state of stress or chronic overexertion. Only a consultation with a psychologist will help you cope with the main cause of obesity.

Instructions for use of Portiola: method and dosage

Porziol capsules are taken orally, swallowed whole, washed down with plain water at room temperature, 20 minutes before meals.

The amount of water is drunk at the rate of 180 ml per 1 capsule. Mineral water should not be used.

The recommended dosage for patients (both women and men) with the following body mass indexes is:

  • 31–50 kg/m2: 2 pcs. 2 times a day (before lunch and dinner), the duration of the introductory course is 150 days. The goal of taking capsules is to achieve a body mass index of less than 25–30 kg/m2;
  • 25–30 kg/m2: 2 pcs. Once a day (usually before dinner), the duration of the introductory course is 90 days. The purpose of taking capsules is to achieve a body mass index of less than 24.99 kg/m2;
  • up to 24.99 kg/m2: 1 pc. 1 time per day (before lunch or dinner). Capsules are taken continuously to maintain stable body weight.

After completing the introductory course and to maintain the achieved body weight, the capsules should be taken continuously.

A single dose should not exceed 4 pieces, the maximum daily dose is 12 pieces.

special instructions

Taking Porziola can be combined with medications and nutritional supplements that promote weight loss. Capsules should be taken before or after taking concomitant medications or concomitantly used nutritional supplements with an interval of 0.5 hours.

To achieve the greatest success in reducing body weight, adherence to a specialized diet and physical activity is recommended. Keep in mind that different types of exercise do not burn the same amount of calories over the same period of time. During 1 hour of yoga, more than 300 kcal are consumed, dancing - about 500 kcal, walking - from 200 to 400 kcal, running - 500-600 kcal, an hour's bike ride will burn up to 700 kcal.

Reducing the amount of food consumed can cause hypovitaminosis and an imbalance of microelements in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to combine the capsules with specialized vitamin and mineral complexes, which are used for weight loss.

Patients who are well motivated to lose weight should start using the drug; this significantly increases the likelihood of success in reducing body weight.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Portiola does not affect the patient’s ability to drive vehicles and complex machinery.

Reviews of Porziola

Reviews about Porziola are mostly positive. Many of them indicate a decrease in appetite against the background of a feeling of a full stomach. Reducing the portion required to satiate allows you to control the amount of calories entering the body and causes a gradual but stable decrease in body weight. No adverse events are reported.

There are reviews with a negative assessment of the drug; after taking the capsules, patients began belching, nausea, and a feeling of bloating.

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