B-lite original (natural fat burners) weight loss product in capsules (96 caps.)

Why are women constantly searching for the “perfect” diet? Yes, because none of them gives the expected result. Indeed, some advertised diets allow you to lose weight in a fairly short period of time. But constantly being on a starvation diet is not just harmful. Every nutritionist is ready to tell many stories from practice when a starvation diet caused a serious illness. Therefore, it is always recommended to fast for a strictly defined time. After this, the woman switches to her usual diet, and the weight quickly returns. Does this make sense? Of course not.

The golden rule of losing weight

How to lose weight quickly? Very simple. You need to burn more calories than you consume. There are calculations by doctors and scientists that clearly define the norms for calorie intake and expenditure. But is it possible to stick to these recommendations for the rest of your life? Hardly. So women have to constantly look for a diet that will finally save them from catastrophically increasing body weight. A truly life-saving method was developed by scientists from China. They have created a drug that helps you lose weight in a month or even faster. In this case, there will be no need to starve your beloved body or torture it with physical activity.


The composition of the food additive “original Bilayt” includes the following components:

  • lotus leaf;
  • tinder fungus (reishi mushroom);
  • inner lining of chicken stomach;
  • Poria coconut.

In the Middle East, the lotus is considered sacred and was used in ancient times to treat “a thousand diseases.” Modern research has shown that they actually contain a lot of useful substances, one of which is L-carnitine. This substance helps long-chain fatty acids pass through the mitochondrial membrane, where they are broken down to produce ketones and clean energy.

The reishi mushroom (ganoderma) is known as the “herb of immortality” (“ling-zhi”) in the Japanese islands. It has antitumor, antiviral, immunomodulatory, antioxidant effects. It is used to eliminate edema and break down fat deposits. Reishi prevents the absorption of fatty acids and carbohydrates from food.

The inner lining of the chicken stomach is formed from protective cells. It has a positive effect on the immune system and helps increase resistance to diseases.

Poria coconut is a parasitic fungus that lives underground.
It has been valued at all times for its ability to remove toxins and strengthen the heart muscle. The mushroom has a mild diuretic property. Therefore, soon after starting to take it, swelling goes away. Poria improves digestion and intestinal motility, accelerates metabolism.


The instructions indicate that the use of Bilayt is prohibited in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to substances contained in the dietary supplement;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • pregnancy;
  • children and old age (under 18 and over 65 years).

Doctors also do not recommend using dietary supplements for the following conditions:

  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • recovery after surgery and certain diseases.

To avoid the development of side effects, you need to take into account contraindications from two lists. To find out if you can take Bilayt, consult your doctor.

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Advantages of the weight loss product in capsules “Bilait 96”

"Bilait 96" is one of the best weight loss capsules today. Its main advantages:

  • This food supplement is absolutely safe. It contains only proven natural ingredients. Therefore, it does not irritate the stomach, is easily tolerated, and does not cause side effects.
  • The drug is extremely effective. Through a series of tests, scientists have found that B-lite 96 capsules helps get rid of fat deposits at any age. It is especially effective in eliminating subcutaneous fat in the most problematic areas.
  • Complex impact. When developing a dietary supplement, natural components were selected in such a way as not only to speed up the process of fat breakdown as much as possible, but also to help restore immunity, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and destroy harmful microflora.

Possible side effects

The abundance of possible side effects increases mistrust in the supposedly natural composition of the capsules. The most common complaints:

  • Dry mouth.
  • Insomnia.
  • Sweating.
  • Dizziness to the point of loss of consciousness.
  • Lack of appetite, sometimes complete aversion to food.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Fatigue and headaches.

Many who have taken B-light note that symptoms do not appear immediately, but on days 3-4, and the strength of their manifestation does not depend on the number of pills taken. In most cases, the discomfort goes away within a week, but sometimes the general condition worsens so much that it forces those losing weight to give up pills and look for more gentle methods to lose weight quickly.


The instructions for the drug do not contain information about overdose. There is also no mention of the presence of sibutramine in the composition and its dosage. This ambiguity makes taking the drug quite risky and the consequences unpredictable. If you still decide to choose this method for weight loss, strictly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Instructions for use

The weight loss product in capsules “B-lite original” works in stages:

  1. You should start taking the supplement with 1 capsule before breakfast. At the first stage, the water-salt balance is normalized, the functioning of the stomach improves, and the spleen is strengthened.
  2. After 2-3 days, the daily intake of the drug “Beelight original” is increased to 2 capsules (1 capsule before breakfast and lunch). During this period, intensive breakdown of fats, uniform distribution of nutrients, and removal of toxins from the subcutaneous area and liver begin.
  3. After 5-7 days, start taking 2 capsules before breakfast and lunch. At the final stage, deep cleansing occurs, removing fat deposits and removing toxins. All organs begin to function normally, the effect is consolidated.

There is information that with the help of the original Bilayt it was possible to lose up to 30 kg per month. However, doctors warn that very rapid weight loss can cause various side effects.

How to take these diet pills

If you purchased this drug, you need to take it:

  • two times a day, one capsule;
  • drink with a glass of water;
  • after which it is advisable not to eat for thirty minutes.

A very important point in using Bilayt is clean drinking water, at least two liters per day. The course of using this drug is one and a half months.

This dietary supplement is contraindicated in the following categories:

  • Persons under sixteen years of age;
  • people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnant women;
  • we feed mothers;
  • and people with personal intolerance to the components of the drug.

If you take the original tablets carelessly or violate the regimen, the following may appear:

  • Slight tinnitus;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Insomnia;
  • Chest pain;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Bitterness and dry mouth.

As for counterfeit pills, they do not reduce, but increase appetite. That is why it is necessary to undergo examination by specialists before using the drug and consult with a doctor about the use of this drug.

"Beelight" for weight loss: reviews

Leave reviews on Beelight for weight loss on this page. We really hope that your recommendations will help other customers choose the right product.

Galina Nikolaevna, Tver

I took Bilayt together with my daughter. After a month and a half, I lost about 20 kg, my daughter lost 10 kg. During the appointment I felt great. I went on an extra diet, and my daughter ate what she wanted.

Masha, N. Novgorod

A very good drug. I read a lot of reviews that this particular composition is the best. I ordered it for the first time and was completely satisfied with the effect. I lost 7 kg in a month and didn’t deny myself anything at all.

Benefits and harms, myths and reality

To understand the properties of a medicine, its benefits and harms, you need to carefully study the reviews. Not every acquaintance with the medicine Bilayt was successful. Some had to face the consequences of taking it. To help you understand, we have selected different opinions about the B-lite dietary supplement.

Reviews from doctors

Qualified specialists are wary of weight loss drugs.
They argue that it is possible to improve the metabolic process only with proper nutrition and systematic physical activity. Regarding the drug Bilayt, doctors' reviews are contradictory. I do not recommend that patients take either weight loss capsules or any biological supplements. Moreover, I have a sharply negative attitude towards Bilayt. Experts claim that, in addition to the official natural ingredients, the capsules contain the component sibutramine, banned in Russia. If you do not want to harm your health, do not be fooled by the beautiful packaging of Beelight. Nutritionist and endocrinologist Andreeva K.T.

Most of my patients do not want to eat properly and exercise. Despite this, they passionately want to lose weight. I recommend them Beelight capsules, the naturalness of which has been proven by leading scientists. The drug does the job perfectly, and after a while patients look slim and fresh. Endocrinologist, Moscow.

Real reviews of people losing weight

People react differently to Bilayt capsules for weight loss. Reviews from those losing weight can help you understand the quality of the product and understand what effect the capsules have.

My mother has been looking for a product that has an enhanced effect for a long time. After reading reviews of people losing weight, she chose the drug Bilayt. I was immediately surprised by the lack of negative comments about the capsules. Mom purchased a package and took the drug according to the instructions throughout the day. The next day she became so ill that she had to be taken to the hospital. I think it is better to find other ways to lose weight than to drink Chinese remedies.

During my second birth, I gained a lot of weight and could not lose weight. With a height of 180 centimeters, I weigh 89 kilograms. I felt very uncomfortable and looked for all sorts of solutions to my problem. Friends recommended the drug Bilayt. I took the course in two months. In a short period of time, I lost 16 kilograms. I didn't feel like eating at all. I ate a little a couple of times a day. Taking the pills was accompanied by lethargy and fatigue. But now I feel great.

Last year I drank Bilayt capsules. At that time I weighed about one hundred kilograms. In a month I lost 14 kg. I conducted the course three times with breaks of two to three weeks. Now I weigh about seventy kg. Bilayt controlled my appetite perfectly, and to this day I don’t eat much.

How to distinguish the original?

The medicine Bilayt is popular on the market. But the seller does not always provide the original drug. Counterfeiting of medicines is a serious problem in Russia. Using a fake product does not bode well. It will not have the expected result, and sometimes, on the contrary, will lead to negative consequences.

The tips we presented will tell you how to avoid running into a fake and buy original tablets :

  • First of all, pay attention to the packaging. It has a light shade and the paint quality of the original box is much better;
  • Next, do not forget about the capsules themselves, they contain a brown powder and have a sour taste;
  • Among other things, there is always a hologram and a small clear stamp on the packaging. There is no hologram on the fake packaging.


In the video you will learn about the composition of the drug Bilayt and its properties. In addition, the video explains how to distinguish the original drug from a fake .

Photos “before” and “after”

the before and after photos .

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