Early cellulite in adolescents: causes of appearance and consequences for the body

Author Marina Lebedeva

06/28/2004 20:07 (Updated: 05/13/2021 22:41)

Health » Health and prevention » Prevention

A lot of publications about cellulite have appeared in various publications in recent years. But no one in our country had even heard of this problem 7-8 years ago. While in Europe and the USA cellulite has been studied and treated since about the 50s of our century.

It is important to focus on the problem of early cellulite, which appears in girls literally as early as 14-15 years old. Many complexes arise in young people with the appearance of cellulite. In order to properly cover the topic, it is still necessary to talk about the main reasons leading to the emergence of this problem, since 90-95% of women around the world know first-hand what cellulite is.

Cellulite is a disease of an unbalanced body

This is a disease of unhealthy lifestyle. The waste produced by the body is deposited in the subcutaneous tissue, that is, “passive fat” is formed. In this way, bumps and irregularities are formed - “orange peel”, which makes the body aesthetically unattractive, and subsequently, with age, flabby and loose.

Of course, cellulite doesn't happen overnight. After all, the imbalance between lymph circulation and tissue-mineral balance develops over the years. The woman’s goal is to eliminate congestion, ensure normal fluid circulation and, as they say, smooth out the skin texture characteristic of cellulite. Experts can help her with this. But everyone has to keep in shape and consolidate the success achieved in the salon on their own.

Effective disposal methods

A teenager needs to get rid of cellulite to improve self-esteem and healthy skin. The following measures must be taken:

  1. Consult a doctor.
  2. Get examined and start treatment if diseases are detected.
  3. Prepare a detoxification program.
  4. Determine a diet and a set of exercises for cellulite.
  5. Choose cosmetics, sign up the teenager for a massage.

To achieve the effect, you need to strictly follow the plan and consolidate new habits. Their observance is necessary for prevention and relapse prevention.


Proper nutrition is the key to health and beauty. For a teenager with cellulite, it will help cleanse, reconfigure the body, and reduce the amount of fat deposits.

When choosing a new diet, it is worth remembering that strict diets are prohibited. Children should not completely exclude fats and carbohydrates. Severe restrictions can cause teens to experience fainting, depression, stress, and other unexpected changes. The updated menu for eliminating cellulite should be healthy and nutritious.

The diet should consist of 5-6 meals. Each dish must contain natural, fresh products with a minimum amount of additives and sugar. Vitamins, fruits and vegetables are required.

When creating a menu for a teenager for 1 day, you can take as a basis an example of a daily diet for cellulite:

BreakfastComplex carbohydratesOatmeal with milk, lemon tea, cheese sandwich
LunchFermented milk products, fruitsApple or pear, plain yogurt
DinnerHot dishVegetable soup, steamed buckwheat with cutlet
Afternoon snackDried fruits, fruits, fermented milk productsYogurt or kefir, fruit salad or some nuts
DinnerHearty dishVegetable casserole or stew
2 dinnerDairy1 glass of milk, kefir

Teenagers with excess weight and cellulite need to remember: the menu should contain nutritious, tasty foods with low calorie content.


Playing sports and regular physical activity will help a teenager lose weight and improve the movement of physiological fluids throughout the body. You can start every morning with a short warm-up for 15 minutes. It is worth supplementing with gymnastics with a program for cellulite:

  • running or cycling;
  • rotation of the hoop;
  • slopes or mill;
  • twisting;
  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • forward lunges;
  • jumping rope.

You need to exercise 2-3 times a week. The complex will strengthen the muscles of the legs, arms, buttocks, and abdomen.

A teenager can spend his free time in the gym, swimming pool, martial arts hall, and aerobics. Long jogging, walking, and roller skating will help in the fight against cellulite. Regular attendance at physical education classes at school will speed up the achievement of the effect.

In the cold season, jogging and walking along the street can be replaced by skiing, skating, or playing hockey.


Teenagers with cellulite caused by hormonal imbalance need to undergo drug treatment. It is worth regularly taking repeated tests and adjusting therapy.

A teenager with a hereditary predisposition should begin treatment for cellulite with a detoxification program. The menu for removing toxins should be supplemented with a special massage. The procedures are carried out several times a year in periods.

The complex method, with the permission of doctors, involves the use of cosmetic preparations. They will smooth the skin, complement, enhance the effect from the inside. For teenagers it is permissible to use special procedures:

  • anti-cellulite wrap with natural ingredients;
  • scrubbing, masks, baths;
  • manual or light hardware massage, hydromassage, pressotherapy.

The composition of drugs and procedures for cellulite for a teenager should be carefully selected with the help of a dermatologist or cosmetologist before visiting the salon. It is worth doing an allergy test before applying the products.

Causes of cellulite in teenagers

Among the main reasons are the following:

  1. Poor nutrition, consumption of processed foods and preservatives instead of fresh foods. Incompatibility of products.
  2. Small and irregular physical activity, sedentary lifestyle.
  3. A genetic factor that predisposes the body to this problem.
  4. A hormonal factor that is important because female hormones influence the development of adipose tissue and water retention in the body, which occurs mainly in the hips and pelvis. It should be noted that hormonal activity is high during puberty, which we are talking about, during pregnancy and menopause. During these periods, a certain “blooming” of cellulite occurs.
  5. Stress also affects the formation of cellulite and has a destructive effect on all systems of the female body. But they have a particularly negative effect on the endocrine glands, in particular on the adrenal glands, which regulate water balance in the body.

Massage is the enemy of teenage cellulite

A great way to remove cellulite is therapeutic massage, thanks to which a teenager can get rid of the external manifestations of cellulite. But such an active massage should only be performed by a professional massage therapist. You can use various massage brushes, gloves and other devices designed for this. The entire procedure should be delicate and non-traumatic so that bruises do not appear on the body. Vacuum massage should not be performed on teenagers.

The appearance of cellulite is influenced by a teenager's lifestyle

There is no need to talk about nutrition; it is obvious that many teenagers are addicted to McDonald's products, drink Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and in unlimited quantities. It’s not for nothing that many countries are literally at war with fast food establishments, because this food has a detrimental effect on the fragile body of a teenager.

In addition, teenagers eat at night, and often these are incompatible foods, consume large amounts of high-calorie foods - carbohydrates and fats instead of, for example, lean meat, fruits or vegetables.

Food for the night

Added to this are sitting for long periods of time studying at school and at home, time spent inactive in front of the computer and TV, constant anxiety that arises quite naturally in a teenage girl about studying and relationships with friends and parents, and early smoking.

All of the above against the background of active puberty leads to early cellulite. It turns out that the teenage girl’s lifestyle is initially wrong. And, of course, parents should pay more attention to their daughter’s healthy lifestyle.

Causes of cellulite

Cellulite in adolescence is very rare. The thing is, at the age of sixteen, the body does not have the ability to accumulate excess fat. This age period is very active, characterized by constant study, sports or dancing, and communication with friends. When you don’t have free time and don’t sit still, no fat will accumulate on your butt.

Cellulite can appear during adolescence in a number of cases:

  • Heredity;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • Violation of the daily routine;
  • Unhealthy diet (fatty and sugary foods);
  • Physical inactivity;
  • Smoking;
  • Stressful situations and chronic fatigue.

Girls often receive cellulite “as a gift” from their mother due to a hereditary factor. Thin skin and a noticeable subcutaneous fat layer will form an uneven surface when compressed. But this phenomenon will not be visible to the naked eye. If the skin begins to look downright bad, then the reason is something else.

A very interesting fact is the connection between cellulite and hormones. With hormonal problems, cellulite appears in both girls and boys. In addition to the appearance of the “orange” effect, the teenager begins to gain weight. If the child is overweight, be sure to show him to the doctor, as over time the situation will only get worse. Excess weight will lead to obesity, which, in turn, will provoke other dangerous diseases: diabetes, vascular problems, etc.

Violation of the daily routine, overeating, poor nutrition with large amounts of simple carbohydrates and trans fats cause excessive obesity, cellulite on the butt and other health problems. A sedentary lifestyle leads to a deterioration in general condition, weakening of muscles, the body becomes covered with fat, and the skin loses its turgor.

Smoking also causes cellulite in teenagers. Many modern schoolchildren and schoolgirls become addicted to nicotine. Some also drink alcohol. As a result, problems with blood circulation arise, which causes deformation of the skin.

How to get rid of teenage cellulite

Experts recommend using the following measures to prevent

  • water procedures,
  • hydromassage,
  • shaping,
  • aerobics,
  • sauna and other types of baths,
  • anti-cellulite and modeling massages,
  • taking cleansing teas and nutritional supplements
  • healthy lifestyle in general.

Professional cellulite treatment programs

For girls who have serious problems with their body, of course, they need professional programs for body modeling and cellulite treatment, which are offered only by clinics and beauty centers. Now there are a lot of companies dealing with body problems, and each promises extraordinary results. This is understandable - business is business. But an unprofessional approach can only aggravate the problem.

Cellulite is often called "orange peel"

Therefore, the parents of a young patient should pay attention to whether the salon or center has a License, as well as to the specialists (their level of education and experience in medical institutions). Find out how long the center you brought your child to has been open. In addition, each establishment, naturally, has its own approach, its own “system” for solving the problem of cellulite. It’s a good idea to also have a nutritionist consult you and outline a proper nutrition program for a teenager.

Cellulite is a skin condition that typically causes dimples or bumps to appear on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen.

Cellulite does not require any medical treatment. However, you can try various treatments to improve the appearance of your skin.

Causes of cellulite in teenagers

The exact cause of cellulite is unknown. It is neither a disease nor a sign or symptom of an internal medical problem. However, many people tend to believe that cellulite is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, toxins in the body, etc.

The following factors are believed to contribute to the development of cellulite:

  • accumulation of fluid in the skin from lymph nodes and microcirculation;
  • change in the composition of sebum due to fibrous tissue;
  • increased levels of estrogen hormones (rarely found in prepubertal and menopausal men and women);
  • heredity.

Cellulite can occur in a physically active and healthy person, but, on the contrary, it can occur in an overweight and obese teenager.

Treatment of cellulite in teenagers

There is a wide range of cosmetic procedures aimed at improving the appearance of the skin. Positive results are most often achieved with combined treatment methods.

Any procedure is possible only after consultation with a dermatologist.


According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the most effective treatments for cellulite in teenagers are:

  • Weight loss

As you lose pounds, cellulite becomes less noticeable. However, the opposite effect is also possible, when loose skin, on the contrary, becomes more noticeable after weight loss.

  • Exercises

Physical activity helps replace fat tissue with muscle, making cellulite less noticeable.

  • Shock wave therapy

This type of therapy uses sound waves that are emitted from a handheld device placed above the skin. It helps reduce fat cells and improve skin tone.

The procedure may need to be followed by a diet and exercise regimen. Treatment may require several sessions.

  • Laser treatment

Minimally invasive laser treatment is a technique that uses a laser to destroy the bands of fibrous tissue that bind fat cells and thicken the skin. As a result, cellulite becomes less noticeable.

The effect lasts from six months to a year.

  • Subsection

Undercutting is a surgical procedure in which the fibrous bands under the skin are destroyed using needles. The effect may last for two years or more.

  • Vacuum tissue release

Vacuum tissue release is a procedure used to destroy dense bands of connective tissue under the skin using small blades. In some cases, results can last three years or longer.


The treatment methods listed below are also used to reduce cellulite, but they are less effective and are not carried out one-time, but in entire courses.

  • Carboxytherapy

In this procedure, carbon dioxide is injected under the skin. In this case, patients often report a feeling of discomfort, and temporary bruises remain on the body.

  • Anti-cellulite creams and lotions

Products containing 0.3% skin-thickening retinol are effective in combating cellulite in teenagers.

Caffeine-based creams also help because of their dehydrating effect. Many people tend to notice changes after just six months of daily use of creams. However, long-term, regular use is required to achieve results.

It is worth keeping in mind that lotions with the compound aminophylline may cause breathing problems in asthmatics who use inhalers.

  • Endermology

Endermology is a deep massage that is done using a vacuum-like device that lifts the skin. The procedure is available today in many spas and beauty centers.

An endermologie massage session lasts 45 minutes and is harmless. However, the results may vary: some patients do not see any difference in the condition of the skin before and after the procedure, and even if there is an effect, it goes away within a month.

  • Ionothermy

Ionothermy is a spa procedure in which algae or clay is applied to the cellulite area of ​​the skin, followed by a wrap, after which electrodes are fixed. They apply low-frequency electric current to the body. However, many people report discomfort and even pain during the procedure.

The result is ambiguous: if ionothermy helps, it is very short-term (12-18 hours). Although before the prom night it’s the best time.

  • Radiofrequency treatment

Radiofrequency treatment is a non-ablative (no wound) treatment that uses a special device.

Your teen may need several sessions. In some cases, bruises may appear on the skin, which disappear after 2-3 days.


It is also possible to get rid of cellulite using fat removal methods, but they are not always effective: while in some patients the skin noticeably improves, in others, on the contrary, dimples increase.

Fat removal methods:

  • Invasive laser liposuction is useful for removing fat, but can make cellulite more noticeable.
  • Ultrasonic liposculpture or ultrasonic liposuction is a non-invasive fat removal procedure.

There is no evidence that cellulite can be removed with ultrasound. If this method works, it is in combination with other procedures.

What is not recommended for treating cellulite in teenagers?

You may come across a lot of commercial products and methods to combat cellulite, but some of them can be harmful. For example, the American Academy of Dermatology does not recommend the following procedures for teenagers:

  • Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is a method of freezing fat under the skin using vacuum and cold blasts. Although this procedure helps eliminate pockets of unwanted fat, it may not be effective in combating cellulite in teenagers.

  • Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy involves giving injections to the affected area. Various substances such as caffeine, hormones, plant extracts or enzymes are injected into the skin.

The procedure gives positive results, but is not recommended due to side effects such as swelling, erythema (redness), lump formation and allergic reactions. Mesotherapy can also cause infections at injection sites and skin changes.

  • Nutritional supplements

Dietary supplements such as grape seed extract, caffeine or ginkgo have no scientific evidence of their effectiveness.

Treatment for cellulite is not medically necessary. Cosmetic procedures to eliminate bumps and dimples on the skin are often associated with side effects and may require several sessions, and the results will be short-lived.

Prevention of cellulite in adolescence

In fact, the prevention of cellulite is complicated by the fact that we do not know the exact causes of its occurrence. It is believed that maintaining a healthy weight, regular physical activity, diet, and drinking enough water will help avoid problems.


  1. Neil Sadick; Treatment for cellulite; The United States National Library of Medicine
  2. Cellulite; The Australasian College of Dermatologists
  3. Cellulite Treatments: What Really Works?; The American Academy Of Dermatology
  4. Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT); Clyde Injury Clinic
  5. Cellulite; MedlinePlus; The United States National Library of Medicine

Danger of development

Juvenile cellulite is not dangerous. A cosmetic defect is a manifestation of negative processes in a teenager’s body. Subcutaneous metamorphoses warn of the development of problems in the endocrine system, kidneys, and liver. If you do not pay attention to the skin bumps, the situation will worsen.

Advanced cellulite in a teenager can cause serious psychological problems. Over time, bumps and irregularities cause embarrassment and ridicule of people. The acquired complexes change the future life of the child.

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