When you want beets, what is missing? The main reasons why a person wants beets are alarming signals from the body

Beneficial properties of beets

known to mankind since ancient times. This sweet-tasting root vegetable has an exceptional set of elements in its composition. The value of beets lies in the fact that most of the beneficial substances included in its composition are not destroyed during heat treatment.

The medicinal and nutritional value of beets has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies. It has been proven to be an excellent liver cleanser due to its betaine content. This same lipotropic substance helps lower blood pressure. The folic acid it contains makes the presence of beets necessary in the diet of pregnant women.

In our article today we will try to convince you that it is worth consuming beets every day

, and also share a variety of recipes for its preparation. Do not miss!

Beneficial properties of beets

Beetroot is a root vegetable, and it is the “roots” that are most often eaten. However, the stems and leaves of this vegetable (“tops”) are also useful and quite edible.

Beets contain a significant amount of B vitamins and plant fiber. Loads of minerals including: iodine, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and sodium.

Thanks to its unique biochemical composition, beets are an indispensable product in a balanced diet. Here are just a few of its beneficial properties:

  • Fights anemia and conditions of fatigue and exhaustion. This is an ideal product during periods of recovery and convalescence after illness.
  • Naturally.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It has properties that help cleanse the blood and liver. It also helps eliminate toxins that enter our body from the outside and directly affect the liver.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • It has anti-carcinogenic properties, like most purple foods.
  • Thanks to the high content of plant fibers, it improves intestinal function.

Beneficial features

The beneficial, medicinal properties of the products have been known since ancient times; references to them are found in the treatises of Avicenna. Since then, the root vegetable has been actively used for nutrition and medicinal purposes.

The vegetable is considered one of the most effective laxatives; the product acts gently but effectively. Such properties are achieved due to the presence of fiber in the root vegetable; the substance activates the functioning of the intestines and promotes the elimination of toxins.

The excellent beneficial properties of beets have been proven. In the course of medical research, pronounced antitumor properties were established. The antouianas, betaine, lactic and ascorbic acids, as well as B vitamins, which are part of the root crop, show high efficiency.

As part of the study, a positive effect on the health of cancer patients was established. The positive effects stop immediately after you stop eating beets.

Cure from anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is considered one of the most common diseases. The disease occurs against the background of internal bleeding, injury, and severe blood loss. This medicinal property has not yet been confirmed in official medicine.

Fans of alternative medicine believe that beets help with low blood pressure. There are a large number of different recipes.

Weight loss

Beets are in demand among women due to increased weight loss. The product has excellent dietary properties; the fiber contained in the vegetable helps cleanse the body. Including beetroot dishes in your diet will help you get rid of excess weight. Maintaining a seven-day diet will help achieve maximum effect.

Treatment of a runny nose

Beets help to quickly get rid of nasal congestion and discharge, without any addictive effects or side effects. The root vegetable can also be used in the treatment of children. Instilling juice helps strengthen blood vessels and helps get rid of infections in the nasopharynx.

How can you cook beets?

  • Stew
    : If you're not a fan of the sweet taste of beets, we recommend using them as an ingredient in any vegetable or meat stews. Thus, its taste will “dissolve” among other ingredients, while the beneficial properties of beets will remain.
  • Boil
    : Before cooking the beets, they should be washed well. It is also worth leaving a piece of the stem. If we follow these two tips, the beets will retain all their nutrients, color and flavor. To achieve a tender texture, you will likely need to cook the beets for about an hour.
  • Eat raw
    : Fans of raw beets can eat this root vegetable in salads or as a side dish. Since raw beets are quite hard, you can grate them on a fine grater. The vegetable will add beautiful color to your favorite dishes. You can even add it to desserts, cakes or yoghurts.
  • Make juice or smoothie
    : A delicious and original way to prepare it is to include beets in your smoothie. This way, we'll get all the nutrients found in the raw root vegetable and retain all the beneficial properties of beets, but we won't have to chew them. Beets go well with apples, bananas, wild berries, strawberries and other fruits.

Why you should eat beets every day: nine reasons

First, let's talk about beets in their raw form; after all, it is in this form that they are most useful.

  • Raw beets, with low calorie content, have a large amount of fiber, dietary fiber and ballast substances. And this is an excellent prevention of constipation.
  • You can call this root vegetable number one for ideal intestinal function: when it enters the body, beets feed the native microflora with useful substances and help fight intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Beets have a positive effect on fat metabolism due to substances that reduce fatty infiltration of the liver, thereby helping us lose weight. But this is more of an additional product in a weight loss system than a basis.
  • Beets are rich in iron and magnesium. Nowadays, not everyone eats enough meat to get the amount of iron the body needs. And vegans don't eat meat at all. Therefore, with the help of beets, you can add iron to your body. Magnesium is a necessary element for the functioning of the nervous system, the prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  • Beets contain a lot of folic acid, which is indispensable for the normal functioning of our circulatory system. In addition, folic acid is necessary for pregnant women.
  • Raw beets contain a large amount of betaine, one of the strongest substances in the fight against cancer cells.
  • Beets, with their low calorie content, provide a large volume in the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness, thereby reducing appetite, we do not want to eat more.
  • It contains substances - precursors of antioxidants, which help dilate blood vessels and help normalize blood pressure.
  • Athletes find beetroot juice very useful after exercise to build good muscle mass.

photo: Jamie Grill/Royalty-free/Getty Images

How to cook?

Heat-treated beets become a less healthy product. Although we are all accustomed to vinaigrettes, herring under a fur coat and beetroot soup. Some beneficial substances are destroyed under the influence of high temperature, but not all. And the fiber remains.

The best ways to cook beets are stewing, baking and steaming. The least amount of useful substances remains during traditional cooking in a saucepan.

You can make beet juice. But it is better to dilute it with others, for example, carrots, and not drink it on an empty stomach - beets are very irritating to the stomach.

The tops contain even more useful substances than the root vegetable itself. It can be added to salads or stewed.

Who shouldn't eat beets?

But there are nuances: the complex sugars found in raw beets break down into simpler ones that are accessible to our body. They are quickly absorbed into the blood, causing a sharp surge in sugar. Therefore, boiled beets are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes.

In addition, beets should not be eaten if you have gout or urolithiasis. The root vegetable contains a high concentration of uric and oxalic acids, so with these diagnoses it will only worsen the health condition.

If a person has diarrhea, beets will help thin the stool.


There is one traditional Russian recipe that does not lose its popularity. It's ideal for keeping you warm during the cold season. Of course, this is borscht. We offer a vegetarian version:

  • Fry finely chopped onion over low heat.
  • Cut the beets into small pieces, add them to the onions and simmer them together.
  • When they are tender, about 7 minutes, add the vegetable broth.
  • Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Add finely shredded fresh cabbage, finely chopped parsley, sherry (or other wine), salt and pepper to taste.
  • According to the traditional recipe, you can also add sour cream or Greek yogurt (unsweetened).

The plant has been known to mankind for at least 4 thousand years. For a long time, only the wild variety of the plant was used. At first, only leaves were used. Root vegetables were used as medicine; they became widespread only by the 4th century BC.

The ancient Persians treated the vegetable with caution. It was believed that he brings quarrels and disagreements. If someone wanted to cause discord in the family or ruin the life of an enemy, he would quietly throw beets into the house. The ancient Romans shared a wary attitude towards the root vegetable, but despite this, they enjoyed eating it and also used it as an aphrodisiac. The Greeks were closest to the truth. Already in those days they knew about the healing properties of beets and actively used their knowledge in practice.

At the beginning of our era, root beets began to be cultivated. There was a division into fodder and table varieties, and sugar beets were distinguished separately. The vegetable acquired its usual round shape only in the 16th century; before that it was more elongated and more like a carrot. Over several centuries, the culture spread to almost all continents (with the exception of Antarctica). In Assyrian texts there is a description of its cultivation in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Currently, not only annual, but also biennial and even perennial types of beets are grown. Several dozen varieties have already been bred. Every national cuisine includes favorite beetroot dishes. For example, it’s hard to imagine Russian cuisine without herring under a fur coat, Ukrainian cuisine without borscht, Belarusian cuisine without botvinya. Moreover, all parts of the plant are used: the leaves are ideal for salads; soups, main courses, even drinks and desserts are prepared from the root vegetable. Beets have become an integral part of many traditional dishes.

Which beets are better to eat, raw or boiled?

A more preferable option is to use raw beets. The thing is that raw vegetables have a low glycemic index. In boiled beets, this index is high, and even when cooked, carbohydrates become simple.

At high temperatures, beets lose all their vitamins. But despite this, boiled beets cleanse the intestines best and are digested faster by the stomach. To prevent the beets from losing their color and turning brown after heat treatment, you need to add a little sugar to the water. It is also important that the beets are not cooked for more than 30 minutes.

Nutritional value and composition of beets

A particularly valuable property of beets is its ability to retain almost all useful substances after heat treatment (except for vitamins C, B5 and B9). After all, the vegetable is rarely consumed raw, although this option is quite acceptable. The product is low-calorie - only 43 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, it can be safely included in any diet.

The vegetable consists of 14% carbohydrates - mainly due to sucrose. About 1.5% is protein, the fat content tends to zero (approximately 0.2%). The root vegetable is rich in B vitamins. It contains:

  • 0.03 mg vitamin B1;
  • 0.04 mg vitamin B2;
  • 0.33 mg vitamin B3;
  • 0.16 mg vitamin B5;
  • 0.07 mg vitamin B6;
  • 109 mcg vitamin B9;

In addition, 100 g of beets contain 2 mcg of vitamin A and 4.9 mg of vitamin C, as well as a significant amount of minerals:

  • 325 mg potassium;
  • 40 mg phosphorus;
  • 23 mg magnesium;
  • 16 mg calcium;
  • 0.8 mg iron;
  • 0.4 mg zinc.

What is your body missing?

Our body is a delicate and capricious thing. If something is missing, then he begins to actively signal about it. So how can you calm your rebellious appetite so that you can finally stop slamming the refrigerator door? We have compiled a list of the most popular products.

I want chocolate

If you really want this particular sweetness, then your body lacks sulfur, phosphorus, carbon and tryptophan.

By the way, tryptophan has a very strong effect on a person’s emotional and mental state.

To avoid spoiling your figure by eating too much chocolate, include the following foods in your diet:

  • fresh fruits;
  • cranberries;
  • broccoli;
  • chicken breast;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cheese;
  • spinach;
  • greenery.

I want bread

The desire to eat a piece of bread signals that the body does not have enough nitrogen. Most often this occurs due to an unbalanced diet and, as a result, a lack of vitamins and minerals. You can fill the nutrition gap with the following products:

  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • poultry meat.

And already 2:0 in favor of protein products, which, by the way, are the main components in building a beautiful body.

I want cheese

If you want cheese, then you can afford 30 grams of this product per day. But when desire becomes a constant companion, the body signals that it lacks calcium and phosphorus.

To avoid exceeding the fat limit when eating cheese, include Brussels sprouts, broccoli, sesame seeds, cottage cheese and spinach in your diet.

I want butter

The desire to taste butter indicates that your body lacks fat and vitamin D. To help your body, include the following foods in your diet:

  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • herring;
  • sour cream;
  • liver;
  • eggs.

Even if you're on a strict diet, don't eliminate butter from your diet. The norm allowed by nutritionists is 10 grams per day.

I want some seeds

If you suddenly have a terrible craving for seeds, this indicates that your body lacks the following:

  • vitamin E - you can compensate for the deficiency with nuts;
  • chromium - include seafood, liver and fresh fruits in your diet;
  • carbon - eat more chicken and dairy products.

I want bananas

If you want bananas, then your body does not have enough potassium. To compensate for this deficiency, include the following foods in your diet:

  • raisin;
  • walnuts;
  • buckwheat;
  • Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi.

I want something fried

If the taste of fried potatoes is felt on your tongue, then your body is reminded that it lacks chromium. You can make up for the deficiency by including seafood, fresh fruits, and liver in your diet.

And for dessert I left purely female cravings - gluttons during PMS

If before critical days you are ready to eat everything that catches your eye, then your body does not have enough zinc and silicon. Include the following foods in your diet:

  • red meat;
  • seafood;
  • green vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • rice;
  • potato;
  • sugar.

I recommend including the last three products with caution. So, instead of white rice, it is better to eat brown rice, eat boiled potatoes, and replace sugar with honey or a sweetener.

As a result , I want to say that you need to listen to the wishes of the body. Stress, starvation diets and detoxes have a negative impact on health. Maintain balance.

The benefits of beets for the human body

Many beneficial properties of beets were known in ancient times. Virgil, Plutarch, Cicero and many other outstanding personalities wrote about its valuable qualities in their works. Hippocrates often included the vegetable in his medicinal recipes. Avicenna, in one of his works, described in detail the healing qualities of beet juice. From then until today, beets have been widely used in everyday nutrition and for medicinal purposes.

Relieves constipation

Beets are the most effective and affordable laxative. Unlike medications, it acts very gently, has no side effects and is much cheaper.

The therapeutic effect is due to the presence of a large amount of fiber in the composition. It is she who makes the intestines work and naturally cleanses it, acting like a brush. In addition, the presence of fiber causes an increase in the number of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. Thus, adding beets to the diet normalizes the intestinal microflora and prevents the development of dysbiosis.

In principle, a vegetable in any form will have a healing effect. But to be sure, you can use existing recipes to normalize stool:

  • Boiled beets are crushed and seasoned with vegetable oil. They eat this caviar for breakfast and dinner for at least a week.
  • The most effective remedy, helps after 6-7 hours. 30 minutes before the first meal, take a glass of beet juice. For breakfast, choose some fermented milk product.
  • 300 g of fresh beets are grated, add 10 chopped prunes, season with 2 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tbsp. l. honey The mixture is consumed as breakfast, washed down with water or herbal tea.
  • In severe cases, beetroot decoction enemas are used.

Prevents the development of oncology

The enormous benefits of beets for the human body with cancer have already been studied and proven. During the study, it was found that the substances contained in the vegetable have a pronounced antitumor effect ( Kapadia GJ et al.
Chemoprevention of DMBA-induced UV-B promoted, NOR-1-induced TPA promoted skin carcinogenesis, and DEN-induced phenobarbital promoted liver tumors in mice by extract of beetroot (Pharmacol Res., 2003, Vol. 47, p. 141-148
). Particularly valuable for cancer patients are:

  • anthocyanins
    , which give the fruits a bright burgundy color, activate the process of cellular respiration;
  • betaine
    – affects cancer cells;
  • lactic and ascorbic acids
    – participate in oxidation;
  • B vitamins
    – support the body.

At first, patients were prescribed 250 g of grated boiled beets per day. However, then they came to the conclusion that the optimal result can be achieved if you take beet juice obtained from 1 kg of vegetables. However, it is not recommended to drink it immediately after preparation; it is better to put it in the refrigerator for a while. The fact is that the volatile substances present in the juice can provoke drowsiness, nausea, drop in blood pressure and other unpleasant sensations, including aversion to the medicinal drink. Patients with a sensitive stomach should add oatmeal to it to soften the effect of the juice.

Cancer patients with different tumor locations took part in the medical experiment. Except for one patient, all noted a significant improvement in their condition after 2-4 weeks of treatment with beet juice. At the same time, objective results were obtained: weight gain, improvement in blood counts, etc.

Treatment with beet juice has one significant drawback - after stopping the course, the disease returns again. Therefore, doctors recommend continuing therapy for as long as possible, or better yet, for life. At the same time, we should not forget about classical medical methods. In combination they will give the most positive result.

Helps fight anemia

One of the most common blood diseases among the population of all ages is iron deficiency anemia. It can occur due to internal bleeding or large blood loss due to injury. Since ancient times, for such problems, a proven folk remedy has been used - a decoction of beets and carrots (take two root vegetables, add water, simmer for 5 hours). If the product was prepared correctly, it became viscous. It should be taken 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

The simplest method of preventing anemia in alternative medicine is to take 50 g of beet juice daily in the morning. The course lasts several months. During this time, blood counts return to normal.

Official science has not yet confirmed the effectiveness of beets in the treatment of anemia. Scientists believe that the widespread use of the root vegetable for blood diseases is explained by the association caused by the color red. In reality, color has no effect on hemoglobin levels. To increase it, iron is needed. And its content in beets is not so high - only 0.8 mg per 100 g.

Reduces blood pressure

Fans of herbal medicine claim that red beets act as a reliable antihypertensive agent. There are many recipes to relieve headaches and reduce blood pressure:

  • Mix honey and beet juice in equal quantities. Leave for 2-3 hours. Drink 0.5 glasses a day.
  • Raw beets are crushed and the juice is squeezed out. Mix with distilled water in a 1:1 ratio. Take 120 ml before meals.
  • Beetroot salad, seasoned with butter or sour cream, is eaten for breakfast.
  • Beetroot juice is mixed in equal proportions with honey. Add 100 g of marsh dried grass and 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist for 10 days. After this, filter. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
  • Ripe juicy root vegetables are thoroughly washed, removed from the tops, peeled, cut into thin circles or bars and filled with half a jar. Fill with cold water to the top. Place in a cool place until fermentation begins. A glass of such kvass can reduce blood pressure within 20 minutes. Therefore, the drug is used even during hypertensive crises. As you use the kvass, add water to the jar until the drink begins to lose its taste and color.

Promotes weight loss

Women especially value beets for their ability to speed up the process of weight loss. This vegetable is an ideal dietary product: it is tasty, low in calories and affordable. In addition, the fiber it contains cleanses the body, and betaine speeds up metabolism.

To maintain your figure, it is enough to regularly include beetroot dishes in your diet. However, if you need to get yourself in order very quickly, then you can use an express diet: during the day, consume only boiled beets and water.

If you want to lose more, then the diet can be extended for 2-3 days. Then you should add protein to your diet (for example, kefir or cottage cheese), you can diversify the menu with other vegetables (carrots are ideal).

To achieve the maximum effect of a strict diet, you need to adhere to 7 days. In this case, you should add porridge (buckwheat, rice), animal protein (fish, meat), dried fruits (preferably prunes) to your diet.


. On the Russian-language Internet you can often find information that beets contain curcumin and thereby promote fat burning. Beetroot does not contain curcumin - this substance is found exclusively in turmeric root.

Treats runny nose

It would seem, how are beets useful for a runny nose? In fact, it can quickly eliminate congestion and relieve nasal discharge, while it is not addictive and has no side effects. Therefore, it can even be used to treat children.

To prepare the medicine, you should choose medium-sized rounded fruits with a rich red-burgundy color - they contain the maximum of useful substances. You can use both raw and cooked vegetables. However, boiled beets have a less pronounced effect.

Instilling beet juice into the nose will help not only get rid of rhinitis, but also strengthen blood vessels, prevent atherosclerosis, and also cope with infection in the nasopharynx. A good effect is observed in the treatment of adenoids, tonsillitis, as well as rhinitis and sinusitis. With allergic rhinitis, the results are less noticeable, but they are still there. The juice works as follows. When it enters the nasal cavity, it dilates blood vessels, relieves swelling and dilutes secretions, which facilitates their rapid removal out.

There is nothing complicated in preparing a remedy. However, there are some features to consider:

  • The vegetable must be washed thoroughly, you can pour boiling water over it to destroy harmful microorganisms.
  • It is advisable to peel the skin as carefully as possible, trying to remove the minimum layer, since it contains the largest amount of active substances.
  • You can extract the juice in any available way - this does not affect its quality in any way.
  • You cannot use freshly squeezed juice - it may contain harmful substances. You need to put the liquid in the refrigerator. There, within a few hours, all unwanted elements will disintegrate and will no longer pose a health hazard.
  • Before use, the juice must be diluted with water. The concentration depends on the age of the patient and the complexity of the disease. The maximum permissible ratio is 1:1. For children, the amount of water needs to be increased 2-3 times to reduce the irritating effect of the medicine.
  • Fermented juice has higher efficiency.
  • To avoid staining the skin, you can add a little vegetable oil to the juice.
  • Combination with carrot juice, garlic or honey will further improve the positive effect of the product.

By instilling the juice into the nose 3 times a day, 2-3 drops, symptom relief can be expected already on the third day after the start of treatment. In a week, complete recovery should occur.

Who absolutely should not eat beets: 7 diseases for which the vegetable is prohibited

Before taking any advice from the Internet, consult your doctor!

This vegetable has serious contraindications.
You will be surprised and say that it is useful! Yes, it contains many valuable microelements, such as iron, vitamins, micro and macroelements, biologically active substances, fiber, pectins. An interesting question arises: what, then, was the beets so guilty of?

Few people talk about this, but you need to know that the vegetable contains a lot of nitrates. Beets are considered a leader in the accumulation of nitrates, which is why nutritionists do not consider store-bought beets as a healthy dietary product.

What do nitrates cause?

1. They cause cell hypoxia, i.e. the body begins to experience oxygen starvation. Patients with heart diseases who are treated with this vegetable should take this into account.

2. On the Internet you can find a lot of information about treatment with beet juice; people are beginning to actively treat themselves with this vegetable. Many people drink this juice and find it beneficial. Have you ever felt that after consuming it, your head starts to hurt and you feel nauseous? But people endure and drink because they have read about the benefits of such a drink. But in fact, freshly squeezed beet juice should absolutely not be consumed immediately; it needs to sit for a couple of hours and drink with water or diluted in juice. It has a very strong effect on the blood vessels of the brain.

3. Beets also interfere with the absorption of calcium, so if you have osteoporosis, be careful with the vegetable.

4 If your tests show oxalate salts, then your body has problems with oxalic acid. Oxalate stones are very dense, and it is impossible and very difficult to destroy them. If you have a tendency to form oxalate stones, eating beets is strictly prohibited.

5. Hypotonic people should not drink beet juice, as it can quickly and sharply lower blood pressure. Unfortunately, the harm from raw beets does not disappear when heat treated. Boiled beets cause the same chemical processes in the body as raw ones.

6. A knowledgeable doctor will always tell the expectant mother that she needs to limit the consumption of beets, especially in the late stages of pregnancy, when the skeletal system of the future child is being formed.

7. This is not the best product for diabetics. Although the vegetable is considered low-calorie, it does not have as much sugar (about the same as an apple), but the glycemic index is not low. For diabetics, boiled beets are the most harmful. In its raw form, the glycemic index is 65, in boiled beets it is already 80. Compare with pearl barley, it has an index of 22, but this is a cereal. Therefore, if diabetics consume beets, then only with meat, fish, vegetable oil, then sugar will enter the blood evenly, but in no case with potatoes and bread. There is not much sugar in pickled beets; it has a significantly lower glycemic index, as yeast processes sugars.

The best option for diabetics to get everything useful is to use beet tops. Previously, beet leaves were used to make fillings for pies and botvinia. There are more biologically active substances in the tops than in the root vegetables.

Each product contains both harm and benefit, and most importantly, quantity and moderation in everything!


Harm of beets to the human body

To find out why beets are harmful, you must first understand what chemical processes occur in the body after consuming it:

  • When the root vegetable is ingested, an acid reaction begins in the stomach. This can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Thanks to the oxalic acid contained in the vegetable, beets are often included in folk recipes for the treatment of urolithiasis. In fact, if stones are present, eating root vegetables can only worsen the patient’s condition.
  • Calcium absorption is noticeably reduced. Therefore, the risk of developing osteoporosis, fractures, destruction of tooth enamel and other pathologies caused by a lack of mineral increases. During pregnancy, difficulties may arise with the formation of the baby's bone tissue.
  • Due to the high sugar content, the vegetable is undesirable for diabetic patients. In any case, you need to be careful when adding beets to your diet.
  • Considering the laxative effect of the root vegetable, there is a high probability of its harmful effects on the body with a tendency to stomach upsets.

All of the possible negative effects listed apply equally to both raw and cooked beets. In any form, it affects the body almost equally. It should be understood that when consumed in moderation, the vegetable is unlikely to cause harm to health. However, if any pathologies are present, caution should be exercised.

The greatest harm beets have for the human body is its ability to absorb everything, including harmful substances. Therefore, it is best to use vegetables from your own garden. If this is not possible, the root vegetable needs to be boiled. Most of the harmful substances go into the water. When preparing first courses, the vegetable must first be blanched in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. It is not recommended to drink fresh beet juice, especially undiluted. It must be left in a cool place for at least 2-3 hours, only then consumed.

Harm of beets

To establish the harmful properties of beets, you should familiarize yourself with the chemical processes occurring in the body.

Harmful properties of beets:

  1. Triggering an acid reaction in the stomach, which can lead to exacerbation of gastritis and other gastrointestinal pathologies;
  2. decreased calcium absorption - increases the risk of developing osteoporosis, fractures, and enamel destruction;
  3. laxative effect - the vegetable should be discarded if there are disorders of the functioning of the stomach.
  4. The listed properties apply to raw and boiled beets; they have a positive effect on the body. If you follow the norm, you should not be afraid of the harmful effects of the vegetable.


Due to possible deterioration of health and exacerbation of certain diseases, the use of beets should be limited in the following cases:

  • Allergy
    . If you are hypersensitive to the product, it should be excluded from the diet.
  • Osteoporosis, fractures, as well as other diseases of bones and joints
    - beets reduce the absorption of calcium.
  • Diabetes
    . The sweet root vegetable can raise your blood sugar, especially if eaten without added oil.
  • Diarrhea
    . Due to its laxative effect, beets will only aggravate the problem. In case of chronic stool disorders, it is better to avoid eating beetroot dishes altogether.
  • Hypotension
    . Eating beetroot dishes will further reduce blood pressure, which can lead to weakness and even fainting.
  • Increased stomach acidity
    . The root vegetable will cause an exacerbation of the disease, as it contains a large amount of acids.
  • Urolithiasis disease
    . Beets will not help if you have kidney or bladder stones. Not a single folk method based on the use of vegetables will get rid of stones, but it can cause a worsening of the condition.

Which is healthier: raw or boiled beets?

Beets are one of the few products that practically do not lose their healing properties during heat treatment. On the contrary, due to the fact that when boiled, the root vegetable becomes softer and acquires a more pleasant taste, it can not only be used in a larger number of dishes, but also irritates the gastric mucosa less.

However, there are certain diseases for which it is better not to eat raw vegetables:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout.

How to eat beets

You can prepare delicious dishes from beets: soups, drinks, salads, desserts. Most often, the vegetable is used for culinary purposes in a heat-treated form: it can be boiled, stewed, blanched, or baked. Moreover, boiled root vegetables contain 2-2.5 times less nitrates than raw ones. During cooking they move into the water. In addition, when cooking, fiber is destroyed, so people with diseases of the digestive tract can add boiled vegetables to their diet.

Fresh beets are also often used for food. For example, a salad made from raw carrots, beets and cabbage plays the role of a brush - it perfectly cleanses the intestines. Beetroot juice has many uses and is widely used in folk medicine to treat a wide range of ailments. However, it should be remembered that eating raw root vegetables is unacceptable for pancreatitis, pathologies of the pancreas, ulcers and gastritis.

You should not drink freshly prepared juice. You need to let it sit for a while. For maximum positive effect, it is recommended to mix it with other natural juices: pumpkin, carrot, etc. Two glasses a day are enough.

The main thing when consuming any product is moderation. In addition, it is necessary to correctly weigh the potential benefits and harms of beets for the body. How many vegetables you need to eat per day is an equally important point. After all, Paracelsus argued that even poison can become a medicine if the dosage is correctly calculated. Therefore, properly prepared beets in acceptable quantities (for an adult - 1-2 root vegetables or a glass of juice) will bring exceptional health benefits.

Root vegetables contain a huge storehouse of nutrients

. A good feature is that they are not lost during heat treatment, so boiled beets are in no way inferior in benefits to the raw product.

Beetroot contains:

  • vitamins of group B, P, PP;
  • cellulose;
  • folic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • rubidium;
  • cesium;
  • sulfur.

And a huge amount of nutritional components.

The composition also contains amino acids such as arginine, histidine, betanine, etc. The amount of each substance is so significant that it allows you to replenish all the body’s reserves.


. The calorie content of beets is 40 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

We talked in detail about the chemical composition of beets, how they are useful and harmful to human health.

Chemical composition (vitamins, micro and macroelements)

Root vegetables contain a huge storehouse of nutrients . A good feature is that they are not lost during heat treatment, so boiled beets are in no way inferior in benefits to the raw product.

Beetroot contains:

  • vitamins of group B, P, PP;
  • cellulose;
  • folic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • rubidium;
  • cesium;
  • sulfur.

And a huge amount of nutritional components.

The composition also contains amino acids such as arginine, histidine, betanine, etc. The amount of each substance is so significant that it allows you to replenish all the body’s reserves.

Reference . The calorie content of beets is 40 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

We talked in detail about the chemical composition of beets, how they are beneficial and harmful to human health, here.


The human body is so smart that it can tell itself what it is missing. If you really want a product, it is likely that it is the body that symbolizes the lack of some substances.


If the body requires beets, this may be a sign that the liver wants to “rest.” To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to drink 100 grams of fresh beet juice in the morning for a week once a year, and another 200 grams of baked beet juice throughout the day.

What is missing in the body?

Why does the body need beets, what does it lack? This is a signal that there is a deficiency of quite rare vitamins and microelements:

  • Vitamin U
    is a very important vitamin, but it is worth noting that it is not produced by the cells of the body and comes only from food. The vitamin has many functions, but is mainly needed to recognize and eliminate foreign compounds. Rarely found in products. Beetroot is one of the main sources of this component.
  • Saponins
    – fight tumors, have a beneficial effect on mental activity, and reduce the possibility of brain aging (read about the benefits of beet juice and how to take it correctly for cancer).
  • Chromium
    is an important trace element that is necessary for proper lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Chromium deficiency affects glucose metabolism.

Other reasons

The desire to eat beets often indicates a need - beets improve metabolism and help remove toxins, waste and other unwanted compounds from the body. Many women know that beets also promote weight loss.

You may want beets not only because of a lack of something in the body. It is quite possible that the whole point is simply a matter of human taste preferences.

If you want beets: what is missing in the body

The desire to eat some product is often not controlled by a person. Probably, in this way the brain converts signals entering the subconscious from other organs. For example, it is known that some animals during illness stop eating their usual food, but pounce on some grass, and this helps them recover. The same thing happens in our body. It is only important to correctly understand the information that he wants to convey to us.

Read: The benefits of grapefruit for women

If a person suddenly begins to feel the desire to eat beets, and even in large quantities, this may indicate that he lacks certain substances. Which ones? Those contained in this product. Red beets contain large quantities of B vitamins, vitamins P and PP, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, manganese, sulfur, rubidium, cesium, folic acid, fiber, and beneficial amino acids.

An urgent need for beets may appear in the following cases:

  • Anemia. Lack of folic acid and iron leads to anemia. Beets are just capable of replenishing the deficiency of these substances and increasing hemoglobin.
  • Avitaminosis. This problem may be related to the first one, but the body lacks even more minerals and trace elements. Moreover, there may be a deficiency of vitamin U. It is not produced in our body, and can only be obtained from food. There is a lot of it in red beets.
  • “Slagging” of the liver. There is no need to resist if there is a desire to eat beets, because in this way our liver can send an SOS signal. If this organ is full of toxins and is working at its limit, it is worth doing a fasting week on beet juice and baked beets.

Read: The benefits and harms of yellow tomatoes

  • Loss of minerals during menstruation or bleeding in women. Most often, this results in a lack of iron, which can be eliminated with the help of beets.
  • The body's desire to cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins. Beets contain fiber and substances that improve intestinal function and accelerate the elimination of unnecessary compounds.
  • Sometimes a subconscious desire for red beets arises in oncology, since the juice of this vegetable kills cancer cells.
  • Another reason is that a person lacks chromium, which is responsible for normal fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Women who want to lose a few extra pounds often subconsciously strive to eat more beets, as they help them lose weight. The effect is achieved through normalization due to the metabolic product.
  • Of course, you don’t always want beets due to a lack of certain substances. Sometimes it's just a person's taste preferences or habits. You should not deny yourself this healthy vegetable. Usually, after the body receives what it requires, the desire for some product decreases or disappears.

Read: The benefits and harms of cod caviar

To prevent various diseases, it is recommended to eat beets regularly. Valuable substances are preserved in it both raw and cooked. In this case, you need to follow the measure (about 100 g per day) and take into account possible contraindications, which it also has.

When can it cause harm rather than benefit?

Beets have a number of contraindications. You should know about them before including root vegetables in your diet. Contraindications are primarily due to the chemical composition of the vegetable. So it is better to avoid eating beets in the following cases:

Beets are a very popular product. This can be explained by the fact that it contains a huge amount of microelements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The juice of this root vegetable is used in the treatment of and. Read our articles about how eating a vegetable affects, and whether this root vegetable can be eaten by people with, with,.

Physical activity improves

Beets are a storehouse of natural protein. Long-term studies have directly shown the doping properties of this vegetable.

Scientists have proven that it’s all about the nitrates that are in the composition. The maximum benefit can be obtained from beet juice, it improves physical activity and endurance.

There are several other benefits you can get from consuming beet juice:

  • Vessels become more elastic.
  • Tissues and internal organs are less exposed to oxygen starvation.
  • Muscles recover faster.
  • Physical activity improves.

Is it possible to eat it: how often and in what dosage?

It is not at all necessary to eat a lot of vegetables, because an excess may not have a very beneficial effect on the body, despite all the usefulness of the root vegetable. In addition, before including a product in your diet, it is very important to pay attention to contraindications and possible side effects. To replenish your reserves of nutrients, it is enough to consume only 100 grams of beets per day.

Why should you eat it? Beets are a storehouse of nutrients. An important feature of the product is the resistance of its components to storage and heat treatment.

Regular consumption of this product will help solve many problems.

, in particular: anemia, vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders, constipation. However, we should not forget that any product is useful only in moderation, otherwise, instead of replenishing the body’s reserves, there is a possibility of exacerbation of diseases such as diabetes, gastritis or calcium deficiency.

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Text: Irina Sergeeva

First of all, vampires should know why beets are useful. Why? Everything is very simple. They need to drink, I think, a certain amount of blood a day, and for this the victim needs to be heartily fed beets. After all, this vegetable is primarily famous for its ability to restore the quality and volume of blood...

Why is it important to eat beets?

There are several reasons why everyone should love beets and add them to their diet:

  • Beetroot can be used to make not only delicious salads, but also marmalade, ice cream and chips;
  • it contains many vitamins and minerals;
  • the vegetable has a general strengthening effect on the entire body, and also improves metabolism and the digestive system;
  • This is the best product to be consumed as a preventive measure against cancer. It contains pigments that inhibit the growth of cancer cells;
  • due to its low calorie content, beets can be used as a dietary food;
  • it has a mild laxative effect and also helps remove waste and toxins from the body;
  • the vegetable helps cleanse the blood, so it is used to treat anemia;
  • the organic compounds contained in beets have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain;
  • the vegetable is often recommended for use against dementia.

Beets are known to everyone for their rejuvenating properties, and also help to increase endurance in athletes during training and competitions.

The folic acid contained in the composition helps to better absorb vitamin D. In addition, beets cleanse the liver, improve heart function and reduce blood pressure. It is useful to eat beets for those who suffer from fluid retention in the body and obesity.

Benefits of beets - noteworthy list

What are the benefits of beets?

, is explained by the presence in root vegetables of various vitamins (group B, PP, etc.), betaine, minerals (iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, etc.), bioflavonoids. Beets are beneficial as a good source of vitamin C, copper and phosphorus. Beet leaves contain a lot of vitamin A, and the roots contain vitamin C. Beetroot is indispensable:

  • for healthy bones, arteries and skin, as it contains quartz;
  • to eliminate toxins from the body;
  • to prevent the appearance or growth of malignant tumors.
  • for people suffering from fluid retention in the body, and for people who suffer from obesity;
  • for the production of hemoglobin, prevention of anemia, leukemia;
  • for hematopoiesis - beets cope with this thanks to the high content of iron and copper in the roots;
  • to cleanse the kidneys, blood, reduces the acidity of our body, and helps cleanse the liver;
  • to find the right solutions, as it stimulates our brain and eliminates toxins that can accumulate in our body, maintaining good psychological health;
  • for blood vessels and the heart - beets have a vasodilating, anti-sclerotic and calming effect, and are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart;
  • for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • to protect against the effects of radioactive and heavy metals, since beets contain a lot of pectin substances, thanks to which the vegetable helps eliminate cholesterol and delays the development of harmful microorganisms in the intestines;
  • to restore the body after exhaustion, loss of strength after illnesses, it is used as a general strengthening agent that improves digestion and metabolism;
  • In addition, beets are indispensable for rejuvenating and preserving our beauty due to the presence of folic acid in beets, which promotes the creation of new cells.

However, it is worth keeping in mind one delicate property of this vegetable. Red beets are not very good for those who have a weak stomach or for those with high acidity, as they have a laxative and diuretic effect.

Beets leach calcium. Composition and calorie content

100 g of regular table beets contains 43 kcal, 8.8 g of carbohydrates, 1.3 g of protein and 0.1 g of fat.


  1. A (retinol) – essential for healthy bones, hair, skin, and vision. Supports the immune system.
  2. B1 (thiamine) – supports brain function, stimulates memory, concentration, has a positive effect on learning, mood and appetite.
  3. B2 (riboflavin) – stimulates the formation of red blood cells, promotes healthy nails, hair, skin, and has a positive effect on the endocrine system.
  4. B5 (pantothenic acid) – stimulates the production of adrenal hormones, helping in the treatment of arthritis, colitis, allergies and diseases of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune system.
  5. B6 (pyridoxine) – supports the absorption of fats and proteins, slows down the aging process, reduces spasms, and is a natural diuretic.
  6. B9 (folic acid) is necessary for the creation of new body cells, so it is especially important for women in the first trimester of pregnancy to receive it in sufficient quantities. In addition, B9 supports the immune system and has a positive effect on heart health and hematopoietic activity.
  7. C (ascorbic acid) – protects the body from bacteria and viruses, stimulates the immune system, helps in wound healing, and has a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart.
  8. PP or B3 (niacin) - dilates blood vessels and improves blood supply to all organs, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol.
  9. U – has an antihistamine effect, helps fight allergies.

Are boiled beets healthy?

While you are listing the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits, it is worth keeping in mind that they can be useful raw, not boiled or fried. What about beets? Can you eat it raw too?

There is no need to be afraid! Boiled beets, unlike many other vegetables, are able to retain their main beneficial properties. The fact is that B vitamins and mineral salts are not very sensitive to heat. The minerals in beets are mostly alkaline in nature, which is a significant benefit given our mostly acidic diet.

What you want, what you lack and where it is contained

Hunger is not just a thirst for food when the body feels a calorie deficit. Sometimes the human body, with its desire for one or another product, suggests which microelements or vitamins it lacks. But since the brain cannot explain what the body needs, the stomach takes over this function, sending signals in the form of food preferences. These are some of the signs that the body is lacking certain chemicals.

What do you wantWhat is missingWhere is it contained?
Type of food
Fatty foodCalciumLegumes, legumes, broccoli, sesame, cheese, mustard, turnips, different types of cabbage
Salty foodChloridesFish, sea salt, goat milk
Sour foodMagnesiumFruits, legumes, nuts, seeds
Overcooked foodCarbohydratesFresh fruits
Spicy foodIronBeans, spinach
SulfurCranberries, broccoli, seafood, eggs, leafy vegetables
Bitter foodCleanse the bodyArrange “unloading” for the body
Liquid foodWaterWater with lemon or lime (8-10 glasses per day)
Solid foodWaterTo drink a lot of water
Smoked foodCholesterolRed fish, olives, nuts, avocado
Starchy foods
BreadNitrogenFish, beans, meat, nuts
Potato chipsChlorides
PizzaFatty acidSalmon, flax seeds, walnuts
OatmealCelluloseVegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals
BuckwheatMagnesiumSeeds, hazelnuts, legumes, legumes, fruits
NutsEssential fatty acidsSeeds, sea fish
SquirrelsMeat, fish, legumes
SodiumApple cider vinegar, sea salt
PeanutVitamins BMeat, fish, beans, cereals, eggs, liver, brewer's yeast, nuts
Sunflower seedsVitamin EOats, nettle, rose hips, liver, peas, beans
RaisinPotassiumPotatoes, legumes, grains
Meat, fish, seafood
Red meatIronBeans, spinach
Sea kaleIodineWalnuts, apples, persimmons, dark grapes, champignons
FishPhosphorusEggs, liver, legumes, legumes, nuts
TunaTyrosineSoy, eggs, beans, parmesan, beef
HerringOmega-3Walnuts, seeds, beans, soybeans
ChloridesGoat milk
CheeseOmega-3Sea fish
CalciumWhite beans, salmon, sardines, figs, cabbage, almonds, sesame seeds, seaweed, orange juice
Cottage cheeseCalciumWhite beans, salmon, sardines, figs, cabbage, almonds, sesame seeds, seaweed, orange juice
MilkCalciumWhite beans, salmon, sardines, figs, cabbage, almonds, sesame seeds, seaweed, orange juice
TryptophanLiver, lamb, spinach, raisins, sweet potatoes, lentils, fish, cheese, eggs, oatmeal
ButterVitamin DNuts, seeds, liver, yolks, herring, sour cream
Egg yolkZincMeat, seafood
EggsVitamin B9Green leafy vegetables, beets, grains, legumes, fish, beef, liver, milk
CabbageVitamin UAsparagus, Brussels sprouts, sweet peppers, carrots, turnips, beets
CarrotVitamin ABlueberries, liver, apricots, celery, yolk, sea buckthorn
OlivesIodineDark grapes, seaweed, walnuts, seafood, persimmons, apples
TyrosineRed vegetables and fruits, lamb, vitamin C, liver
Fruits, berries
LemonVitamin CLeafy greens, red pepper, kiwi, strawberry
Potassium saltsSpinach, cucumbers, dried fruits, potatoes
WatermelonPotassiumRaisins, buckwheat, spinach, walnuts, peas, kohlrabi
BananaPotassiumTomatoes, figs, white beans
MelonPotassiumCorn, chard, seaweed, peas, avocado, prunes, beef, oatmeal, cauliflower, fish and seafood
CalciumCheese, sesame, corn, cottage cheese, legumes, legumes, sesame
PhosphorusChicken, beef, liver, fish, eggs, legumes, legumes
MagnesiumLegumes, legumes, seeds, nuts, buckwheat, fruits
Dried apricotsVitamin ABlueberries, beef liver, egg yolk, carrots, sea buckthorn, rowan, celery, apricot
Berries (cranberries, currants)Vitamin CCauliflower and red cabbage, green peas, red peppers, sprouted grains
PotassiumCorn, chard, seaweed, peas, avocado, prunes, beef, oatmeal, cauliflower, fish and seafood
SaltVitamins BNuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables
ChocolateMagnesiumLegumes, legumes, fruits, seeds, raw nuts
SweetsChromiumGrapes, broccoli, cheese, beans, chicken, veal liver
CarbonFresh fruits
PhosphorusPoultry, fish, liver, eggs, dairy products, legumes, grains, nuts
SulfurCranberry, horseradish, cabbage
TryptophanLamb, liver, cheese, spinach, sweet potato
AlcoholProteinDairy products, seafood, poultry, red meats, nuts
AveninOatmeal, muesli
CalciumTurnips, broccoli and all types of cabbage, sesame seeds, legumes, cheese
GlutamineRaw cabbage juice
PotassiumBananas, olives, potato peel decoction, seaweed, greens
CocoaMagnesiumLegumes, legumes, seeds, nuts, buckwheat, fruits
Coffee TeaSulfurDifferent types of cabbage, celery, onions, peppers, garlic
PhosphorusPoultry, fish, beef, eggs, dairy, nuts, beans
SaltApple cider vinegar, sea salt
IronFish, meat, poultry, seaweed, greens, cherries
Carbonated drinksCalciumTurnips, mustard, broccoli, legumes, sesame seeds, cheese
Cold drinksManganeseBlueberries, almonds, walnuts, pecans
Constant hungerTryptophanLiver, raisins, spinach, potatoes, lamb, cheese
TyrosineAll foods with vitamin C, orange and red fruits and vegetables
SiliconNuts, seeds
Constant hunger during PMSZincRed meat, organ meats, seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables
Lack of appetiteVitamin B1Liver, offal, legumes, seeds, nuts
Vitamin B3Legumes, legumes, seeds, poultry, beef, pork, fish
ManganeseWalnuts, almonds, blueberries, pineapple, pecans
ChloridesGoat's milk, sea salt
Other passions
Craving for inedible things (ice, clay, dirt, chalk)IronFish, meat, poultry, greens, seaweed, cherries
SmokingSiliconSeeds, nuts
TyrosineVitamin C, red and orange fruits

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Do you want something sweet, salty or a burnt crust from a frying pan? How to decipher the body's desires

Either you really want something salty or sour, or you just really want something, and it’s completely unclear what. And you start eating everything. What does our body signal with such irresistible attacks of desire?

The fact is that the average person’s way of eating is far from healthy and correct, nutrition experts explain, so the body itself simply does not know where to get certain nutrients, so sometimes you want something that is not clear. You need to be more attentive and conscious about such “wants” of the body and correctly decipher them. The following list of products will help you make the right choice.

So, you want chocolates or something sour, which means your body doesn’t have enough magnesium. What to eat: fruits, nuts, pumpkin seeds, grains, legumes.

I really want SOMETHING SWEET - the body requires carbohydrates or chromium, phosphorus, sulfur. What to eat: vegetables - tomatoes, green peppers, legumes, potatoes, soybeans, spinach, cabbage, leafy vegetables, turnips; fruits - bananas, as well as dried fruits, wheat germ, grains, cranberries, lentils.

If you really want BREAD , the body asks for nitrogen. You need to eat foods high in protein: nuts and legumes.

If you want soda or fatty foods , you need calcium. You can replenish it with spinach, lettuce, raisins, carrots, kohlrabi, nuts, turnips, broccoli, and sesame seeds.

If you want MEAT , it means you don’t have enough iron. In this case, you need to eat pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, legumes, mushrooms, blueberries, green vegetables, and sunflower seeds.

Do you like to scrape burnt crusts from a frying pan ? You don't have enough carbohydrates. You need to eat fresh fruit.

Craving for SALTY ? Need chlorides. Where to get? These products contain: sea salt and seaweed, beets, millet, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, olives.

Would you like to HAVE TEA ? The body requires phosphorus, sulfur, iron, sodium or magnesium, or all of them. The following foods will help compensate for the lack of these microelements: nuts, legumes, vegetables (cabbage, red pepper), cereals, sea salt, apple cider vinegar (you can use it for dressing salads), pumpkin seeds, legumes, blueberries, mushrooms, green vegetables, artichoke, buckwheat porridge , raisins, fruits.

Before menstrual periods, women sometimes WANT TO SWEAR EVERYTHING FROM THE TABLE - they simply don’t have enough zinc. The following foods will help: root vegetables, leafy vegetables, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds.

But if there is COMPLETELY NO APPETITE , it means there is not enough vitamins B1, B3, manganese or chlorides. You need to include seeds, nuts, legumes, bran, cereals, grains, dried mushrooms, blueberries, pineapples, sea salt, seaweed and beets in your diet.

Oksana Mashkarova

| 09.07.2021

I want something sweet, now salty, now floury, now spicy. Sound familiar? So, such signals need to be understood and properly eliminated.

I want something sweet

The desire to eat something sweet is caused by a lack of magnesium in the body. In this case, pay attention to products such as: cereals, such as buckwheat, nuts and grapes.

I want flour

Do you know the desire to eat fresh pastries or cake? Just like that, your hand reaches out for a fragrant bun. This suggests that you lack the hormone of joy, namely serotonin. This hormone can only be obtained thanks to tryptophan - an amino acid that is responsible for the production of this hormone.

To replenish your reserves of this amino acid, add nuts, bananas, and eggs to your diet.

I want something salty

Craving for salty foods can mean several factors: perhaps an infection has settled in the body or inflammatory processes have worsened (primarily in the genitourinary system) or there is simply a lack of chlorides in the body. To replenish your reserves, you need to eat foods such as nuts and fish.

I want it spicy

Spicy foods stimulate digestion. However, it should be consumed in very reasonable quantities and not on an empty stomach. And of course, acute is contraindicated for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. You need to approach the consumption of such food wisely.

I want sour

The body requires acidic foods because it needs stimulation of the liver or gallbladder. Eat lemon, cranberry.

I want fried

Lack of carbon can cause urges to fry. Carbohydrates are our energy. Sometimes the body gives signals to eat fried foods, believing that this will help it nourish itself and recharge itself with energy. But after eating a piece of fried food, the appetite will subside only for a while, after which an irresistible craving for fried food will appear again. Better eat fresh fruit. This is an excellent source of fast carbohydrates, which quickly communicates to the brain that the body is full of strength and energy.

I want fat

The desire to eat fatty foods may signal a lack of calcium. In order to satisfy this need, you need to eat broccoli, cheese, and sesame seeds. These products are rich in calcium and will quickly fill your need for it.

You can find even more useful information in classes on preparing for childbirth and motherhood, including asking them in our online classes. To clarify the working hours of obstetrician-gynecologists at the State Health Institution “City Clinic No. 7 of Grodno”, questions regarding pre-registration, and the work of the online School for Mothers, please call 8-0152-31-64-33 or visit the website https://gp7.by/ .

We wish all expectant mothers beauty, health and good mood.

The article was prepared by a psychologist at the State Health Institution “City Clinic No. 7 in Grodno”

Marchik Ekaterina Ivanovna

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