Secrets of a raw food diet: where to start, basic rules, menu for the week

Recently, people increasingly prefer to eat raw foods, because in this form they bring more benefits to the body, saturating it with vitamins, proteins, amino acids, as well as micro and macro elements necessary for normal functioning. There is even a food system whose rules prohibit eating heat-treated, pickled, canned or smoked foods. Adherents of a raw food diet radically change their lives, starting to live according to the laws of nature and heal with the help of food. They meditate, improve their health by bathing in ice water, and think positively. It is worth understanding for what purpose people switch to such a diet, how to do it correctly, and for whom it is contraindicated.

Why switch to a raw food diet?

Food is necessary for humanity to satisfy hunger and produce energy for the body. However, over time, the process of eating has become a pleasurable cult, which has been skillfully taken advantage of by many manufacturers who add emulsifiers, synthetic flavor enhancers and other chemicals to their products that poison vital organs. Food addiction has the same destructive effect on people as alcohol and nicotine, while a raw food diet helps get rid of the accumulation of toxins and waste.

Raw vegetables and fruits improve health

Reasons why people prefer raw foods:

  • normalization of weight - giving up flour products and fatty foods makes it easy to lose extra pounds without overeating. Digestion also improves, toxins are removed;
  • improved health – raw foods remove toxic substances and allergens from the body, resulting in food being digested faster with minimal energy consumption. In this regard, a person has more energy to spend time actively, drowsiness, mood swings, indifference to life, seasonal attacks of depression disappear, immunity and mental abilities increase;
  • beneficial effect on appearance - the body receives more nutrients from thermally unprocessed foods, which improves the condition of the skin, teeth, hair and nails;
  • aesthetic reasons - fatty and heavy foods take a long time to digest in the stomach, causing fermentation processes, which can cause bloating and bad breath;
  • ethical considerations - for some people, meat is not a food product, but the corpse of an innocently killed creature. They feel pity and compassion for animals and believe that there is no need to kill them for food.

In addition, low-quality food products containing dyes and carcinogens often cause diabetes, malignant tumors, high blood pressure, obesity, and the treatment of such diseases can require a lot of money. Raw foodists get sick less often, which allows them to save money. Also in the spring-autumn period, the shelves are overflowing with an abundance of greens, fresh cereals, fruits and vegetables, which are affordable to any consumer.

Lists of products allowed and prohibited in the raw food concept

Followers of a non-cooked diet need to be careful. Many seemingly safe foods are enemies of the raw foodist.

You can eat:

  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • fresh and dried herbs, flowers and seaweed;
  • sprouted and soaked cereals and beans;
  • fruits, vegetables and nuts dried at low temperatures;
  • unprocessed eggs, milk, fish and meat (only with paleo raw food diet!);
  • extra virgin oils;
  • natural honey;
  • fermented products (priority for salt-free recipes).

You can't eat:

  • boiled, fried, etc. products;
  • pickles;
  • rafinated sugar;
  • vinegar and table salt;
  • “Extra” grade flour, first and highest grade;
  • refined oils;
  • drinks containing alcohol or caffeine;
  • ready-made sauces (soy, ketchup, mayonnaise).

Who is contraindicated for a raw food diet?

Eating thermally unprocessed foods has a beneficial effect on health, but there are a number of ailments for which such food should be abandoned.

Raw food diet is prohibited in the following cases:

  • the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - acids contained in some products irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, and the abundance of fiber can provoke the appearance of gastritis or cause exacerbation;
  • any types of allergies - many products, especially those with bright colors, as well as pollen, honey and nuts, can cause severe allergic reactions (asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, Quincke's edema, etc.).

The benefits of a raw food diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding have not been proven, so in these cases it is worth consulting with specialists.

Theoretically, you can switch to a raw food diet at any age, but experts remind that a growing body most of all needs the nutritional components necessary for full development. Based on this, this type of nutrition is not recommended for children and adolescents.

For reference: girls/women of reproductive age (approximately 16-45 years) should also not limit their diet, since for the successful development of a child, the body needs an increased amount of nutrients.

It is optimal to switch to a raw food diet starting at the age of 30, when a person knows how to clearly set goals for himself, acquires certain beliefs and understands what result he wants to achieve.

Basic rules for product compatibility

The right combination of foods for a raw food diet
Due to mistakes in the diet, people are often disappointed in this type of nutrition, since there is no loss of excess weight or relief from diseases. Beginning raw foodists mistakenly believe that foods can be consumed uncontrolled, in any combination. But that's not true.

During a raw food diet, there is no usual feeling of fullness even with a full stomach. People are faced with unusual sensations for the first time and begin to mix products with each other. The wrong combination of components of a raw food menu can lead to phenomena such as fermentation and putrefactive processes. Ideally, you should eat each ingredient separately or follow a strict raw food diet.

Compatibility of raw food menu components:

  1. Fats (nuts, avocado and coconut) should not be mixed with sugar (fruit). The same rule applies to dried fruits; they should not be consumed with fruits and fats.
  2. It is forbidden to mix different types of fats, which are heavy food for the stomach. Nuts should not be consumed mixed with avocado or coconut, or seasoned with vegetable oil. Coconut and avocado are also incompatible with each other.
  3. Starch (boiled potatoes, bananas, bread) and acids (sour fruits and vegetables) are incompatible. This is due to the fact that various enzymes are used to digest them. When mixed, they begin to neutralize each other, which leads to digestive problems. For example, tomatoes belong to the group of sour vegetables, so you should not combine them with potatoes and bread. Bananas should not be eaten with oranges.

The correct sequence of food consumption also plays an important role:

  1. Liquid - fruit juices, it is better to start with sour ones.
  2. Slightly denser vegetables.
  3. Dense - avocado.
  4. Hard – seeds, nuts.

The basic principle of raw food nutrition is a smooth transition from liquid food to solid food. Vegetables and nuts can be combined and swapped. It is recommended to avoid consumption:

  • fruits or starch after nuts;
  • fruits (including sour ones) after starch;
  • sour fruits after bananas;
  • fruits after dried fruits.

The basic principle of nutrition is to arrange food in the stomach in layers in the correct sequence.

How to switch to a raw food diet correctly

When deciding to radically change your diet, it is worth deciding whether a raw food diet will become a permanent diet, a temporary measure for weight loss and treatment, or simply an experiment that allows you to introduce something new into your usual lifestyle.

A smooth transition to a raw food diet will avoid psychological discomfort

To avoid undesirable consequences, you need to consult with specialists, undergo an examination, and weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of eating raw food. There are several options for switching to a raw food diet:

  • gradual refusal of forbidden foods - gradual replenishment of the diet with unprocessed foods. Fried and fatty foods, smoked foods, pickles, sweets, coffee are excluded on the first day;
  • sharp - instant refusal of thermally processed food.

The first method is considered the simplest and safest, since the body gradually gets used to the new diet.
You can also avoid physical and psychological discomfort. Switching too quickly to a raw food diet does not allow the body to make a less traumatic adjustment from its usual diet. In this case, a person may experience nausea, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, and even increased body temperature. Behind all these symptoms there may be an acute lack of nutrients. Important: in order to avoid breakdowns, in the initial stages you are allowed to eat a small amount of the desired product.
However, gluttony and withdrawal symptoms should not be confused with the real needs of the body. Doctors also remind people of the need for regular medical examinations, which will help to identify anemia and vitamin deficiency in a timely manner.

Nutritionists advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • before switching to a new nutrition system, cleanse the body and “tune” the microflora through fasting (certainly under the supervision of doctors) - this triggers the self-purification mechanism and disciplines the mind;
  • The transition time must be at least 6 months. – at first, raw foods should make up 50% of the diet, after a few months – 70% or more;
  • replace animal fats and proteins with vegetable ones (found in sesame, nuts, flax and sunflower seeds);
  • replace dairy products with sesame seeds to solve the problem of calcium deficiency. At the initial stages, it is better not to give up cottage cheese right away;
  • replace sugar with honey, fruits, red onions and raisins, and salt with horseradish, ginger and mustard;
  • after waking up, be sure to drink 200 ml of clean water, and the first meal should include 0.25 - 0.5 liters of smoothie or freshly squeezed juice (this will provide the body with monosaccharides and will keep it in good shape throughout the day);
  • Eat as many fruits as possible in the middle of the day to maintain your carbohydrate levels and avoid feeling hungry.

Help: the abundance of fiber contained in vegetables and fruits, whole grains, grains and legumes triggers cleansing processes.
This is evidenced by a rash on the skin, changes in the nature of the stool (the presence of mucous secretions in it), but everything returns to normal as soon as waste products, toxins and allergens are eliminated. Nutritionists remind that it is important for raw foodists to count calories, since their lack causes illness.

Types of raw food diet

Types of nutrition for vegetarianism and raw food diet
Each organism is individual, so there cannot be a common raw food diet scheme for everyone. You need to choose the most suitable option for yourself by trying different types of power systems.


This is the most suitable type of raw food diet for beginners. It is allowed to eat plant foods without heat treatment; heating temperatures up to 40 degrees are allowed. Products in the diet of a classic raw foodist:

  • fresh fruits;
  • vegetable salads;
  • cold pressed oil;
  • nuts;
  • natural sea salt;
  • palm sugar;
  • spices.

This type of raw food diet allows you to prepare many different dishes, simply replacing the usual harmful goodies with healthier ones.


This type of raw food diet, founded by Douglas Graham, is usually used after the classic one. The diet is based on the principle: 80% carbohydrates, 10% fats, 10% proteins. In his opinion, excess weight is influenced not by calories, but by eating non-specific foods high in fat. Eating exclusively fruits and berries provides the body with enough calories. Proper carbohydrates provide the body with “clean” energy, and fiber promotes the effective elimination of toxins.

Half-raw food diet

This method is based on fruitarianism. At the same time, once a week or once a day you are allowed to eat dishes made from rice, potatoes, and baked vegetables. But they need to be prepared without salt, oil, chemical additives and consumed separately from fruits. This raw food diet system allows you to stay cheerful, in excellent physical shape, cook vegan dishes and not avoid dinners with friends.

Raw mono diet

A raw food diet is eating one type of fruit at a time without limiting its quantity. Breakfast can only consist of bananas or watermelon. This speeds up the digestion process as much as possible, allowing the body to cleanse itself of toxins. But it is quite difficult to maintain such a regime, so for dinner a dish of vegetable salad with herbs is allowed.

Vegan raw food diet

This is the highest form of raw food diet, balancing on the line between feeding on prana and completely refusing food. Many raw foodists strive to achieve this state. The vegan raw food diet is divided into Jusorian (on juices) and Sprutorian (on sprouted grains). Fruit or vegetable juices can saturate the body, remove toxins, and relieve diseases.

This nutritional system is quite easily tolerated due to the surge of strength for the first two months, after which the body begins to suffer from a lack of fiber. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate liquid nutrition with other types of raw food diet.


This system is based on the consumption of raw, frozen or dried animal products: meat, fish, seafood. The system has a significant drawback - the danger of infection by parasites.

The raw food diet in Russia is based on simplifying the diet and reducing the amount of food. But prolonged malnutrition often leads to breakdown and loss of strength, which forces malnourished people to switch to other types of raw food diet. The Russian cold also makes its own adjustments, so the diet includes honey, sprouted seeds, and green smoothies.

Psychological stage of transition

The more a person knows about a raw food diet, the easier the process of addiction goes.

It is quite difficult to change the food system that has been imposed since childhood, so you will have to carefully control your thoughts.

Daily meditation, as well as advice from psychologists, will help you free yourself from attachment to old tastes:

  • carefully study the theory of raw food diet - read a lot of useful information about this type of nutrition, follow video blogs of practicing raw foodists;
  • set clear goals - write down the reasons why you should be a raw foodist, attach the list in a visible place and re-read everything in difficult moments;
  • find like-minded people/become part of a community – communicate with raw foodists to find a support system;
  • keep a diary - write down about the products you like, feelings, changes in the body, achievements. You can describe failures and plans to deal with problems;
  • inform family and friends about your intention to become a raw foodist in order to avoid misunderstandings, unwanted conversations and disputes in the future;
  • avoid visiting restaurants, banquets, etc. If you cannot refuse the invitation, then it is better to take enough food with you to feel full and avoid a breakdown;
  • learn to walk into stores with a list and walk past dairy departments, bakery products, etc.;
  • get enough sleep and proper rest - drastic changes in diet are stressful for the body and it needs time to restore energy reserves.

Where to start the transition to a raw food diet

How to switch to a raw food diet smoothly
A raw food diet begins with the understanding that a serious restructuring of the body will occur. You need a clearly defined goal and a competent plan for switching to raw food. The most difficult moment of the transition is the psychological attitude. You may encounter condemnation and attempts to return the novice raw foodist to his previous position. You need to be prepared for a change in your surroundings, the loss of some friends who are unable to understand and accept a sharp change in established traditions.

The transition to a raw food diet can be accomplished in two ways:

  1. Cutting. This is shock therapy for the body, since you need to abruptly stop eating thermally processed food. The method is fraught with breakdowns, stress, and imbalance in the body.
  2. Smooth. At the first stage, there is a gradual abandonment of fried, smoked foods and coffee. At the next stage, you can begin to exclude other familiar foods from your diet. The method requires a long time, but allows the body to gently adapt to changes and protects the immune and regulatory systems from stress. This is an ideal method for a beginner.

A person who has decided to take such a step is recommended to keep a diary and replenish supplies of vitamins, trace elements and minerals in the first stages of the transition.

Raw food diet - creating the right menu for 7 days

For good metabolism and full energy production, raw foodists need to eat at least 4 times a day, with water consumed 40 minutes after the main meal or 30 minutes before.
When creating a menu, you need to remember that the basis of the diet is fruit and vegetable dishes and berries. In addition to dill, onion and parsley, it is necessary to add such useful herbs as nettle, plantain, wild radish, dandelion, etc. to dishes. Help: in winter, fruits and fresh herbs can be replaced with dried fruits and dried herbs .
Fatty acids and plant protein are found in nuts and seeds, while B vitamins and fiber are found in legumes. The lack of enzymes is compensated with honey. It is also important to consume algae and seaweed to normalize hormonal levels.

Nuts are a rich source of protein

Sample menu for the week:

DayBreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1a piece of pineapple, bananas, kiwi, oranges - 2 pcs.nuts (1 handful)green buckwheat, salad mixed with olive oil (cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions)dried fruits (1 handful)smoothie (a bunch of basil, avocado, tomatoes and parsley sprigs) – 1 tbsp., raw bread with chia seeds – 1 pc.
2apples with honey and raisins (grated) – 3 pcs.fruit/vegetable juice with pulp - 1 tbsp.wheat germ, carrot cutlets (raw)salad with flaxseed oil and lemon juice (white cabbage, cucumbers, spinach)berry and fruit salad
3rolled oats (soaked) with mango cubes and strawberriesnuts (handful)sprouted lentils, salad with sesame oil (bell peppers, carrots, cauliflower, young green peas, broccoli, sesame seeds)apples – 2 pcs.pumpkin pulp, seeds
41 tbsp. strawberry banana smoothie sunflower seeds – 150 graw onion bread, raw creamy pumpkin and zucchini soupmelon/watermelon – 2 slicessalad seasoned with flaxseed oil and lemon juice (seaweed with onions, broccoli)
5orange, apples, mangonuts – 1 handfulpumpkin with pine nuts, salad of zucchini, beets and greensdates – 1 handfulsalad with lemon juice and olive oil (arugula, sesame seeds, cucumber, tomato, cauliflower)
6strawberries, currants, 2-3 slices of watermeloncucumbers with garlic-dill dressingsalad with sesame oil (cabbage, onions, carrots, greens) and sprouted wheat grainscocktail of vegetables (zucchini, sorrel, tomatoes, dill, spinach)sauce (from avocado, sweet pepper, carrots), seaweed (soaked) with sesame seeds and sesame oil
7apples stuffed with raisins and dried fruitsfruit or berry juicesalad (champignons, cauliflower, tomatoes, onions, olive oil), sprouted chickpeassalad (zucchini, greens, carrots in Korean)different types of vegetables with a sauce of ground nuts

The daily menu of a raw foodist should consist of:

  • berries, vegetables – 50% per day;
  • fruits – 25%;
  • dried fruits, seeds, nuts – 15%;
  • starchy foods – 10%.

Menu for a raw food diet: where to start when planning a diet

Navigating the world of raw foods can be easy for seasoned FP advocates, but for those just starting out on their healthy eating journey, grocery shopping and cooking can be a challenge. For your convenience, we have compiled a raw food diet table.

Option 1
Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
green smoothie;

orange and banana salad; 2 spoons of honey;

handful of soaked flax seeds

a glass of almond milk;

handful of raisins

classic gazpacho; fresh cabbage salad with lemon dressing a handful of walnuts;

3-4 dates

guacamole, fresh champignon salad
Option 2
Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
banana smoothie with strawberries;

2-3 pieces of raw food marshmallow;


chia pudding;

3-4 dry prunes

okroshka with sesame milk;

dried tomatoes with garlic and herbs

wild berry sorbet;

spoon of sprouted wheat grains

spaghetti squash with olive oil and red onion;

raw carrot cutlets

Sports and raw food diet

When switching to a new nutrition system, a person begins to lose weight, muscles become sluggish, and physical abilities decrease. That is why it is important to keep the body in good shape by performing maximum physical activity. Experienced raw foodists note that they experienced difficulties at first, but in the process of addiction, the level of endurance of the body increases, digestion improves, and a person can even achieve unprecedented results in sports.

Experts recommend getting at least 20 minutes of exercise every day to stay healthy and active.

Yoga is the best choice for a raw foodist, since it affects both the physical and mental state of a person. Read about the benefits of yoga in our article: “Yoga as a method of treatment, what is yoga therapy.”

Mistakes of raw foodists newbies

You should proceed with caution when switching to consuming foods that have not been damaged during heat treatment. Many people make mistakes, especially in the first weeks. Pay attention to the list of mistakes typical for beginners on a raw food diet:

  • Treating the new food system as an end in itself. It is worth understanding that excluding fried, boiled, etc. from the diet is only the first stage. You should also stop smoking, regularly clear your mind through meditation, and exercise.
  • Poor hygiene. Vegetables, berries, mushrooms, fruits, which form the basis of a raw food diet, require careful washing in warm running water. It is recommended to additionally brush root vegetables.
  • Exposure to stress. Transitioning to a clean raw food diet is challenging for those who have a lot of stress. Anxiety negatively affects appetite: it either increases sharply or disappears spontaneously. As a result, a raw foodist may begin to gain unwanted pounds on nuts and seeds or develop dystrophy.
  • Not drinking enough. Followers of a raw diet are advised to drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day. Harmless nutrition stimulates cleansing of the body, and toxins are eliminated through sweat and urine. It is not recommended to abuse carbonated and mineralized drinks.

Basic products of raw foodists

A raw food diet is essentially very similar to vegetarianism, but the main difference is that pickled, fermented or heat-treated foods are prohibited.

List of permitted products:

  • all types of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • raw seeds and nuts;
  • cereals and legumes (sprouted or pre-soaked);
  • dried fruits;
  • nut milk;
  • any oils of vegetable origin;
  • algae and sprouts;
  • mushrooms, greens;
  • honey and pollen;
  • seasonings (without synthetic additives).

You can add vanilla extract, apple cider vinegar, raw cocoa and desiccated coconut to add flavor to your dishes.
For reference: experts advise to diversify your food with sour cream from seeds, which must be thoroughly crushed, then whisked with water and any vegetable oil .

The essence of a raw food diet

Diseases are a deviation from the norm, the body’s attempts to remove waste and toxins, a signal about the need to change lifestyle. The norm is absolute health, the foundation of which is a raw food diet. The absence of heat treatment allows you to get rid of most health problems.

A raw food diet is not just proper nutrition, it is also an ideology of a healthy lifestyle. After all, switching to natural food changes not only the state of the body, but also thinking, perception of life and its essence. The products used by a raw foodist are everything that grows naturally:

  • fresh vegetables, fruits;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • seeds;
  • nuts.

In their raw form, these products contain all the necessary microelements and vitamins, providing a person with complete nutrition. Switching to a raw food diet allows you to:

  • cleanse the body of deposits of toxins and waste;
  • lose weight;
  • improve the condition of the skin, as well as the whole body;
  • switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Sample menu for a raw foodist in winter

Apple + carrots + celery root; Carrots + cabbage + apple; Apple + beets + prunes; Carrots + cauliflower + garlic + beets; Turnip + pumpkin + apple; Broccoli + cauliflower; Apple + dried apricots + radish (rutabaga).

In winter, you can include exotic vegetables and fruits in your diet, always in combination with familiar foods:

Orange (grapefruit) + banana + apple; Carrots + Chinese cabbage + orange; Apple + cabbage + orange; Orange + carrots + seeds; Sweet and sour apple + orange + dates; Avocado + pistachios.

At the same time, you can prepare salads for breakfast with the addition of cold-pressed oil, adding, if desired, lemon juice, honey, apple cider vinegar, mustard powder or garlic.

By the way, any salad can be seasoned with nuts or seeds that have been previously soaked for 8 hours in water at room temperature. Almonds and walnuts and pine nuts are best suited for this purpose, as well as pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.


This is the first and most important thing that is necessary in any (even non-raw food) kitchen. The more and more varied the better.

But citrus

- without fail! A few drops of lemon juice with a morning glass of water or freshly squeezed juice from halves of an orange, grapefruit and lemon diluted with water are classic recommendations from nutritionists of all times. And tangerine juice?! Mmmm... it's a miracle, how delicious it is!

Manual citrus juicer
The beauty of citrus fruits is that you don’t even need a “full-fledged” juicer to squeeze the juice. You can get by with the simplest and cheapest manual citrus juicer or even an ordinary tablespoon!

See also: Frozen butter

In addition, citrus fruits can be used to make excellent, refreshing salads. And lemon and orange juice are excellent and indispensable assistants in preparing a universal marinade. The zest is also useful - for preparing herbal infusions or as an additive to many raw food sweets.

Here are just a few simple recipes for example:

  • Dessert grapefruit salad “Winter Rose”
  • Egyptian salad "Munkachina"
  • Pickled carrots with mushrooms and universal marinade
  • Coconut candies "Delight"


It will be very good if you always have enough apples in your kitchen. In winter, this is, of course, the “seven” variety. You can always crunch it just like that, or make a light dessert or squeeze out a delicious juice.

Apples "seven"

  • “Raw food charlotte” quickly
  • Juice cake for delicious apple cakes


A small amount of bananas

It’s also useful to always have in the kitchen. They themselves are very nutritious and filling to snack on. Additionally, bananas are a great ingredient in most green smoothies. And using bananas, you can quickly prepare delicious raw food desserts - both for yourself and for guests if they suddenly arrive.

  • How to make green smoothies at home


If bananas have been lying around for a long time and are starting to overripe, you can make marshmallows or banana chips. As a result, these dishes also always come in handy - either for tea or for gifts. And banana slices can be frozen and kept in the freezer. And then you can quickly prepare delicious soft ice cream at any time.

  • Banana ice cream "Eskimo style"



– it’s also good to have on hand and take care of its availability in a timely manner. Personally, we consider it an indispensable product. It is a wonderful ingredient for almost all raw vegetable salads, many sauces, soups and green smoothies.

  • How to choose an avocado


In addition to avocado, it will also be very good to have pomegranate on hand at all times. It produces a very tasty and healthy juice.

  • How to peel a pomegranate and squeeze pomegranate juice

By the way, a drink made from beetroot and pomegranate juice diluted with water to taste is wonderful - check it out for yourself if you haven’t tried it yet!

Pomegranate juice

The only “minus” is that fruits cannot be stored in the refrigerator - this causes them to lose their flavor.

Starchy vegetables

This, of course, is primarily carrots and beets. Even a small supply of these vegetables allows you to prepare a lot of different dishes and delicious juices.

Beetroot and carrots

  • "Korean style carrots"
  • Vinaigrette “Super youth”
  • Salad "Pastel"

See also: Canning blueberries without sugar

Why do people strive to become raw foodists?

Trying to switch to this nutrition system, many set the goal of becoming not only physically healthy, but also strengthening their spiritual state. There are many advantages to this power plan:

  • Eating raw food is good for the brain. After all, such a diet allows you to provide the body with a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins contained in thermally unprocessed food. Many of the substances that are extremely important for the immune and other systems of the body disappear during heat treatment. And in raw foods they remain in sufficient quantities.
  • Raw food is also good for your digestive system and teeth. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of fiber, which cleanses the liver and intestines.
  • Since raw foodists do not eat meat, this has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart. Raw foodists have lower cholesterol , are less likely to develop atherosclerosis , blood clots, and myocardial infarction .
  • The internal organs of people who practice this diet are healthier, since this diet significantly facilitates their functioning.
  • By adhering to this system, it is much easier to lose extra pounds. Raw foodists, as a rule, maintain an ideal weight, but they do not become too skinny. However, the experience of many people switching to a raw food diet shows that already in the first 5-10 days of consuming raw food, body weight decreases sharply. True, this explains that with a sharp change in the nutritional system, salts and excess fluid are removed from the body.
  • Practicing a raw food diet will allow you to consume much less salt than modern people are used to. Gradually, a person who consumes unprocessed food learns to feel its true taste, and additives such as seasonings and salt become no longer as necessary for him as before.
  • Raw foodists are healthier, they do not experience heaviness in the stomach, and this allows them to feel better psychologically. Therefore, another advantage of the raw food diet is the good mood of those who practice it.

Dry seeds

There is no way to go on a raw food diet without them. Our favorite and usual “necessary minimum” is green buckwheat, flax seeds and sunflower seeds. We believe that these are the simplest and most convenient seeds to use. Buckwheat and sunflower germinate very quickly, and we use flax seeds in dry, ground form. Rarely, but still we use poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds.


Lately, if we use wheat, rye and naked oats, it is to produce green sprouts. In addition, we have a stock of amaranth and milk thistle seeds.

Beginning: stages of transition

The most important advice for those who are serious about changing their approach to both nutrition and life in general is to do it gradually.

The system of effective transition to a raw food diet involves gradual adaptation to this type of nutrition. This will help you gradually overcome psychological barriers and physically adjust to the consumption of raw food. Therefore, it is first important to understand yourself, weigh the pros and cons, and gradually move steps towards a complete transition. Below these steps are described in more detail.

First stage

At the very beginning, it is necessary to consult with a specialist to determine whether this feeding technique is suitable for the person. Indeed, for some diseases, eating exclusively raw foods is not recommended. For those who suffer from colitis, ulcers, pancreatitis , diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder, it is better to adhere to a more gentle diet.

In addition, it is worth talking to a nutritionist about how to eat in order to get the maximum amount of minerals and vitamins .

Second stage

At this stage, a person must already move on to certain restrictions and determine for himself what he can eat and what he should give up right now. It is better to exclude harmful products altogether or significantly limit their quantity. Such products are fast food and snacks, confectionery and flour, sausage and semi-finished products, canned food and alcohol. At the same time, you need to gradually learn to replace harmful things with useful ones. That is, instead of sweets, you can eat nuts and dried fruits, and juice instead of alcohol.

Third stage

Since raw foodists do not eat meat or fish, at this stage it would be quite logical to switch to a vegetarian diet . You can leave dairy products and eggs on the menu for a certain time. This transition occurs gradually, and eventually a person must become a vegan, giving up all animal products. A gradual transition is the key to ensuring that taste buds respond adequately to new sensations. At this stage, you should definitely buy a blender, which is an indispensable gadget for raw foodists.

Fourth stage

It is at this stage that a complete transition to a raw food diet occurs. Those who have such experience are advised to plan the transition so that this stage occurs during a warm period of time, when the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables is very large. During this period, it is worth studying what products for raw foodists are offered by this or that online store. It is also worth watching a video about the eating habits of raw foodists and reading as much relevant literature as possible.

as possible, and drink fresh juices containing a lot of vitamin C. To get enough iodine , you need to add seaweed to your menu. It is also recommended to take additional vitamin B12 .

Although some raw foodists recommend switching to this system through fasting, this path can be more stressful for the body. Therefore, the best option is gradual changes in life and diet.

Raw food diet - menu

We found out how useful it is to be a raw foodist and how harmful it is to become one. All that remains is to try to cook something from the kitchen of a raw foodist to experience the taste of dishes prepared without hot heat treatment.

Raw food diet: menu schedule for the week

There is no strict raw food diet schedule. This is a way of life that takes several years to achieve and live constantly. Try not to forget about the necessary intake of calories and vitamins. For this purpose, you need to be able to correctly combine foods when eating a raw food diet. There are several rules for this:

  1. Do not eat fat-containing foods (nuts, avocado, coconut) with sweet berries, dried fruits or fruits. A thoughtless combination of fat and sugar will result in fermentation in the stomach, minimizing the benefits of the foods eaten.
  2. But sour fruits (orange) are an exception to the previous rule. Acid promotes the breakdown of fat, and such fruits contain less fructose than others.
  3. In turn, sour foods (tomato, orange) should not be eaten with starchy foods (potatoes, banana). The carbohydrates that make up starch cannot be synthesized by saliva, which contains a lot of acid. It is better to avoid eating potatoes and tomatoes, and eat bananas with sweet fruits (mangoes, apples).
  4. An abundance of fat can lead to digestive problems. Don't eat fatty foods with fatty foods - avoid combining any of the following foods (nuts, coconut, avocado, vegetable oil).
  5. Eat everything with greens - they are ready to be combined with any other food.
  6. Eat fruits, sweet with sweet, sour with sour.
  7. Eat vegetables only with vegetables.
  8. Sprouts of grains or legumes, nuts soaked in water should be eaten as independent dishes, not combined with anything else.

Knowing the simple basics of combining products, you can create your own recipes.

Raw food diet, recipes

The raw food diet is interesting because of its inventive varieties of dishes. If you use grinding kitchen appliances, you can prepare very tasty nutritious goodness.

Raw food diet - simple recipes for the first and second

  • Borsch. Even such a dish can be eaten by raw foodists, but it is prepared somewhat differently than we imagine. We chop the carrots and beets partly on a grater, partly in a blender. Celery and greens - cut as convenient for us. Mix everything, add salt (not table salt), spices and water. The first dish is ready. Please note that just enough water is needed to turn the thick mixture from a blender and coarsely chopped products into a slightly liquid dish, but not into slop.
  • As for the second courses, porridges of non-standard preparation predominate: cereals soaked in water, sprouted green sprouts of cereals and many other hearty foods. Vegetables, oils, and herbs are added to grains, turning them into worthy dishes that are pleasant to eat. For example, a salad of sprouted green buckwheat with cucumber, bell pepper and dill is varied, healthy and satisfying.

Raw food recipes for snacks

  • Almond cheese. Almonds in a volume of 2 glasses are poured with a large amount of water and left for 8 hours. After this, the swollen nuts are ground in a food processor, adding mineral water little by little (no more than 2 glasses). Lemon juice, crushed garlic and other seasonings are added to the mixture for taste. Place gauze folded in 3 layers into a deep plate. They pour out the pulp, tie the gauze scroll with a rope and hang it up, just like cheese. The bundle can hang indoors or outdoors at a moderate air temperature of about 23°C.
  • Champignon mushrooms, which can be eaten even raw, can be marinated with green onions in lemon juice, salt and oil. Within 2 hours the dish is ready.

Raw food diet - sweets for every day and on holidays

Desserts are often based on nuts, dried fruits, bananas and other delicious foods. They are crushed, dried with dehydrate, laid in layers, mixed or frozen. The result is wonderful sweets: cakes, rolls, ice cream and other desserts.

Rafaelki. For 300 g of walnut kernels take 250 g of liquid honey, 3 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp. ground cinnamon (or nutmeg, ginger - whatever you like). Crush the nuts in a blender and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Roll in sesame seeds or coconut flakes. The result is an energy-rich dish that contains proteins and fats, which is important for maintaining the vital functions of the body.


Prepare drinks by mixing vegetables or fruits in a blender. For example, pumpkin, beets and apples in equal proportions or celery and banana are very tasty combinations. It's easy to come up with your own drink recipe. If the juice or gruel turns out to be thick or concentrated, the mix is ​​diluted with water.

Fresh fruits and berries are very tasty and healthy.

Secrets of a raw food diet for beginners

Now let’s reveal a few secrets that will help you more easily switch to a raw food diet and stick to this way of eating for many years.

1. You need to eat only when you feel hungry. In this case, you can get 5-6 meals a day. 2. Food must be chewed slowly and thoroughly. 3. While eating, you should not be distracted by other things (talking, watching TV or reading books). 4. You should not overeat. 5. No need to eat before physical activity. 6. You should drink water no earlier than 30 minutes after eating. A similar interval must be maintained before meals. 7. The food you eat should be at room temperature, which means that after taking it out of the refrigerator, you should let it stand and warm up. 8. The prepared dish should be eaten immediately, without leaving it for the next day, so that the vitamins do not disappear. 9. You need to have dinner no later than 19:00, and dinner should be a set meal. 10. Alternate foods with each other in every possible way, but make sure that the body receives the required amount of calories per day.

I wish you health and victory over yourself!

General information

For a very long time, the raw food diet has been a popular nutrition system in different countries of the world. And every year he gains more and more fans. This system is practiced both by those who seek to lose excess weight and by people for whom it is a way of life and a way of expressing their beliefs. A raw food diet is a type of veganism , which is characterized by the consumption of exclusively unprocessed thermally processed foods. That is, raw foodists consume raw food without spices, and they also eat sprouted grains. This style of eating is very unique, and not everyone can practice it, but only people who are completely healthy and whose digestive system functions normally. However, quite a lot of modern people are striving to switch to such a diet. Therefore, the question of where to start a raw food diet is quite relevant for many. This, as well as how the transition to a raw food diet occurs, will be discussed in this article.

Raw food diet: before and after

Becoming a raw foodist is a person’s personal choice. This is not to say that it is irreversible, but this is often what happens. A raw food diet is becoming not only a way of eating, but also a way of life.

The worst thing about a raw food diet is the transition to a way of eating that can destroy the body. Therefore, you need to change the menu very slowly and unobtrusively. Adaptation of the body should occur from 1 to 5 years so as not to cause complications.

If you eat food in the right sequence and with the right energy value, a raw food diet will not turn you into a living skeleton. A raw food diet can maintain a person’s normal weight and enrich him with essential substances.

The choice is yours.

The harm of a raw food diet

But there is another opinion, according to which eating only vegetables and fruits can cause irreparable harm to health. It is known that proper human nutrition involves the consumption of 6 elements (fats, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water). And with a raw food diet, a person is simply not able to receive all these elements in the volume he needs.

1. Lack of protein foods. You need to understand that some essential amino acids are present only in animal foods. According to doctors, when deprived of these products, a person weakens his immunity.

2. Lack of B vitamins. Experts point out that vitamins B2 and B12, important for the nervous system, are found in sufficient quantities only in milk and beef liver, and therefore depriving yourself of these products can disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system and proper metabolism.

3. Lack of healthy plant foods in winter. You need to understand that the raw food diet originated in hot countries where plant foods grow freely all year round. But the residents of our country will be able to eat natural products only 6-7 months a year, while the rest of the time they will have to buy overseas vegetables and fruits, which are not always of good quality. It is no secret that products grown in greenhouses contain a lot of chemical additives. In this case, the benefits of a raw food diet can be reduced to zero.

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