Basic kvass recipes for weight loss and rules for drinking the drink

“Russian kvass saved a lot of people.” Russian folk proverb

Well, who in our time is not familiar with such a drink as kvass? It is often prepared at home using various starters and ingredients, sold on the streets in large barrels and modern vending machines, and in stores you can find it in plastic bottles. There are many varieties of this ancient Slavic drink, but one thing remains unchanged - it is still loved by adults and children as many years ago.

Historical reference

Kvass is one of the very ancient drinks. Its history began many centuries ago. In Ancient Egypt, a long time ago, even before our era, there were drinks that were very similar to today's kvass. And such ancient celebrities as Pliny the Elder, Hippocrates and Herodotus described this famous drink in their works, even then drawing attention to its beneficial qualities for human health. Well, in Rus' this delicacy has been known for more than a thousand years. It was mentioned at the end of the 10th century: Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich ordered that “food, honey and kvass” be distributed to all honest people. But the Slavs had recipes for its production long before the emergence of Kievan Rus. It was also prepared in Poland and Lithuania.


  • Historical reference
  • Varieties and varieties of kvass
  • Chemical composition of the drink
  • Preparing kvass
  • The benefits of bread kvass
  • Kvass in folk medicine and cooking
  • Contraindications for use
  • Use of the drink in hair care
  • Kvass-based masks
  • conclusions

Kvass was a very common drink. Absolutely all classes drank it: from peasants to princes and emperors. It is worth mentioning that in the old days it was considered an alcoholic drink. And it was much stronger and thicker than today's beer. And drunkards used to be called kvassniks; a modified version of this word has come down to us. After all, “ferment” is still used in modern Russian.

In those ancient times, it was believed that if there was this Russian drink in the house, then everything was good and prosperous in that house. The peasants took him with them to the fields. They not only quenched their thirst on a hot summer afternoon, but also restored lost energy. And after consuming it, they set to work with double zeal.

At that time, there were already more than five thousand varieties of kvass in Rus'. Today we perceive it as a bread drink, but there are also fruit and berry kvass, and even beet kvass. In ancient times, this product was considered a miraculous and healing drink. It was often consumed during fasting with black bread and onions. It was used in ancient rites and rituals, and was a sacred drink at weddings and weddings. It was presented to the young people along with bread, just as now they are greeted with bread and salt.

Kvass also made its way to the imperial table. The Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna was very fond of this intoxicating drink. And one of her jesters, Prince Golitsyn, even acquired the nickname Kvasnik, since one of his duties was to present kvass to Her Imperial Majesty.

In Russian hospitals and infirmaries, this drink was also highly valued for its medicinal properties; it was also included in the compulsory army boarding house, and participated in the maintenance of the Russian fleet and prisoners. Later, during the Soviet era, kvass was widely sold on tap on the streets. It could be easily recognized by its large yellow barrels. However, this method of implementing it is still used today.

Homemade kvass for weight loss and cleansing the body. 6 recipes

It is well known that kvass is a healthy and tasty drink. Ideally, of course, drink your own homemade kvass, not the kind sold in plastic containers in stores. Such kvass, on an industrial scale, is clearly not made according to classical recipes, but is most likely bred from various concentrates.

Therefore, it seems to me, there is no point in comparing it with homemade kvass. Kvass is a drink that can be said to have many faces, that is, under this name there can be drinks made according to different recipes. What they have in common is the benefit they bring to our body.

Here are a few of these homemade kvass recipes that I want to present to you today.

Preparing homemade kvass for weight loss. 6 different options

You won't find a classic kvass recipe here. All the options presented below can still be classified as some kind of exotic, which many have not even tried. After all, you won’t find such homemade kvass on sale.

Oh, it's worth preparing them. They will help you cleanse your body, and even lose weight, which is also very important for many.

Another good thing about these recipes is that if yeast is involved in them, it is in very small quantities and not in all variants.

Oat kvass

If you decide to lose weight, then you will need to drink this kvass for 2 weeks. During this time, your digestion will become much better, and you will definitely lose several kilograms.

You can prepare such kvass from oats or from oat flakes - half a kilogram for a 3-liter jar. First, we wash the raw materials, pour them into a clean jar, and pour boiled water into it.

In order for the oats to start fermenting in the water, you need sugar. Add 3 tablespoons of it. We put gauze on the neck of our jar and let it sit for 2 days.

During this time, a film will cover the surface of the drink, which will tell you that it’s time to drain the kvass.

We strain the finished drink and drink it for weight loss - before meals (20-30 minutes), 1 glass.

Beet kvass

The next recipe for a popular kvass, often used for weight loss, is beet kvass. By the way, beet kefir is also good for the same purpose; it is even easier to prepare than kvass.

To make kvass, beets will need to be grated. If you have a large beet, then take one, but if not, then take 2 small ones.

So, grate it, add a small crust (preferably already stale) of rye bread to this beet mixture, and pour 2 liters of cold, boiled water into it.

Next, add sugar - 4 tablespoons, stir it and leave our kvass for 3-4 days. After which, we place it in the refrigerator.

This kvass will cleanse your body of cholesterol, improve metabolism, is good for cardiovascular diseases, obesity, helps cleanse the stomach and dilate blood vessels.

We drink half a glass of it, still 30 minutes before meals. You should not drink more than 5 glasses per day. If the cleansing is too active, then stop drinking beet kvass for a while, or drink it less. If you want, cook okroshka with it, replacing traditional kvass with it.

Bolotov's kvass prepared with celandine

Academician Bolotov suggests preparing kvass using celandine, to which is added not water, but whey. The drink will also cleanse your body and help break down fats in it. It also strengthens the immune system quite well, so in case of colds you need to prepare it. It also relieves fever when our body temperature rises.

We cut the celandine leaves into smaller pieces, and pour a glass of these crushed leaves into a 3-liter jar. Next, add 200 grams of sugar, add whey (half a liter for such a jar), and fill the jar to the top with clean water (it’s good if it’s spring water). The kvass will have to steep for 10 days. Drink it as usual, before meals, every day.

Lemon kvass

And it turns out that kvass is made from lemon. Its acid is perfect for this drink. In this recipe we still need yeast, a little - 20 grams.

We take large lemons - 3-4 pieces, scald them with boiling water, which will remove from them all the “nasty” that they are often treated with for good storage. Now, take a suitable container and squeeze the juice from the lemons into it.

Next, pour 2.5 cups of sugar into lemon juice, add yeast, raisins (don’t forget to wash - 100 grams) and lemon zest. In 2 days, at normal room temperature, the kvass will be prepared. Oh, we store this kvass in the refrigerator.

Rice kvass

First boil the water for this kvass, cool it, and add 4 tablespoons of rice to a liter of already cooled water. As for rice, we take any from the kitchen cabinet, with the exception of chaff.

Throw in 5-6 raisins and 3 tablespoons of sugar. This kvass should last for 3-4 days.

After filtering the finished drink, it is poured into bottles, which are sent to the refrigerator for storage.

In addition to cleansing the intestines, rice kvass is an excellent prevention of pain in our joints and osteochondrosis.

Ginger kvass

It is prepared from rye bread (take 800 grams), or from crackers from such bread (500 grams). Pour boiling water over the bread or crackers until they are completely submerged. Close the container and let it stand for 5 hours.

Next, peel the ginger and cut it into thinner slices. We need 7 such plates for our kvass. Fill them with water (4 liters) and cook for 20 minutes from the moment the water boils. Cool the resulting ginger broth and remove the pieces of ginger from there. Pour it into the bread infusion and now bring the total mixture to a boil. At the next stage, cool our kvass at room temperature.

Now yeast is added to the kvass, which (30 grams) is first diluted with warm water. Pour apple cider vinegar (half a liter) into it and add 2 cups of sugar. After stirring, the kvass still sits in a warm place, but for 12-18 hours. The result is a drink with a very pleasant taste.

Varieties and varieties of kvass

In Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus, kvass is considered a traditional national drink.

Traditional varieties:

  • bread;
  • malt;
  • rusk;
  • okroshechny;
  • lactic;
  • berry;
  • fruit;
  • honey

In addition, there are many varieties of fruit and berry drinks. This includes pear, lemon, cranberry, cherry and many others. They are prepared on the basis of bread kvass with the addition of juices or decoctions of the above-mentioned berries and fruits, and without flour or bread, by fermenting berries and fruit juices.

In the modern world, industrial enterprises began to produce a variety of drinks, which are also called kvass. But in fact, they do not contain natural products. They are prepared with the addition of dyes and flavors, which also includes soda and natural taste imitators. These “leavened drinks” are sold in stores in beautiful plastic bottles.

The benefits of different types of kvass: which one to choose?

When figuring out whether it is possible to lose weight with kvass, do not forget that there are a huge number of recipes. They suggest using different components, as well as maintaining different proportions. There is no single recipe for preparing tasty and low-calorie kvass. But the homemade version, made from natural products, is always better than the store-bought version.

Each formulation has its own advantages and a number of disadvantages that are important to evaluate.

Is it possible to have kvass with oats on a diet?

Oats are often used to make the drink. Kvass ferments for several days, after which it has great benefits for the body:

  • Saturates with vitamin B group, which is responsible for both appearance and psychological state.
  • It supplies the body with a slimy substance that is formed as a result of the interaction of water and oats. This is necessary for the normal functioning of the stomach, digestive system, and cleansing of the body.
  • Removes dangerous substances from the body, including toxins, poisons, and bad cholesterol.

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You can use the product, but in a limited volume - you should not knock out more than 100 ml. The calorie content of such a product, when added to it for better aroma and fermentation of dried fruits, berries and other components, can reach 250–300 kcal! The enormous energy value is also explained by the fact that to prepare oat kvass (2.5 l) you will need 400 g of oats and 100 g of sugar.

It is not recommended to use oat kvass in large quantities, since it has a strong diuretic effect and also provokes diarrhea.

Beet kvass: is it possible or not for weight loss?

Beet kvass is a real curiosity in the modern world, but our ancestors actively used it. Beets are an affordable product, and therefore quite readily used for preparing various dishes and drinks. It is beet kvass that is well suited for a low-calorie diet, as it has valuable properties:

  • Rich vitamin group. There are not only “representatives” of type B, but also C and RR.
  • A large number of microelements that are necessary for the body.
  • The presence of powerful antioxidants, which become a protective barrier for the body, prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  • Provides a gradual increase in hemoglobin and iron in the blood, which is especially important for patients with iron deficiency anemia.
  • Restores skin elasticity and turgor, which allows you to prolong youth. This is especially valuable when there is sudden weight loss - in this case, the skin may sag, but this will not happen if you consume healthy foods in small quantities.

Can absolutely everyone eat kvass on a diet? There are also contraindications for this useful product.

It is not recommended for patients with gout, as well as for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver.

Rice kvass on a diet

A kvass diet does not always imply the use of the wheat or bread version. You can also use the one that was created on the basis of rice. It is used to prepare kvass for 5–7 days and has a number of features and valuable properties:

  • Restores metabolic processes, starts metabolism. This is exactly what a person who decides to go on a diet achieves.
  • Used to quickly cleanse the body of waste, poisons, and toxins.
  • Allows you to restore or normalize the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Additionally eliminates inflammatory processes in the joints.
  • Allows you to adjust your weight over time.

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It is important to understand that any product should be taken in moderation. Otherwise, it will harm the body and lead to the removal of such a valuable component as potassium. This is a dangerous condition that leads to weakening of the heart muscle, which needs microelements for normal functioning. The use of the product is not recommended for insulin-dependent people - diabetics, as well as those who have disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bread kvass for weight loss

The valuable qualities of the well-known product are its following properties:

  • Complex of vitamins and minerals. They will be needed by the body, which is actively losing weight.
  • Supply of energy to the body. After consuming this component, the body will not feel severe hunger.
  • Normalization of digestive processes. The presence of various enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of food and help the microflora cope with disorders.
  • Participation in water-salt metabolism. Consumption of kvass allows you to compensate for the lack of minerals and vitamins, which is important for normal well-being on a diet.

It is bread kvass that boasts a minimal level of calories in its composition, and therefore the product does not pose a threat to weight.

But this drink should not be consumed in liters, so as not to harm the body.

Chemical composition of the drink

The product contains a lot of useful substances. But it is valued mainly because of its high vitamin content. It contains B vitamins, as well as vitamin C and E. The content of these substances in the product in large quantities can saturate the human body with the missing amount of vitamins during illness. And also improve the general condition and help with physical exhaustion of the body.

The chemical composition of the drink, among other things, is also determined by the presence of free carbon dioxide, lactic and acetic acids, alcohol, extract, proteins, ash and sugar.
The specific gravity of the product is also determined. The energy value of bread kvass is 27 kcal. Table No. 1 “Nutritional value of bread kvass”

Squirrels0.21 g
Carbohydrates5.21 g
Alcohol0.5 g
Organic acids0.29 g
Alimentary fiber0.11 g
Water93.3 g
Ash0.21 g

Table No. 2 “Chemical composition of bread kvass”

Thiamine (vitamin B1)0.03 mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2)0.04 mg
Tocopherol (vitamin E)0.19 mg
Niacin (Vitamin B3, PP)0.69 mg
Starch0.19 g
Sugars (mono- and disaccharides)4.49 g

Table No. 3 “Specific gravity of some types of kvass”

Name of kvassDensity, kg/l
Soldier's kvass1,007
Bavarian kvass1,008
Homemade kvass1,006
Bread kvass1,008
White sugar kvass1,0325
Cranberry kvass1,0395

The drink also contains useful minerals and trace elements. These are potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, manganese, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur and others.

Preparing kvass

Kvass is quite easy to prepare at home. Typically, yeast, crackers and sugar are used to prepare it. Often mint, hops, raisins, apples and other various products are added there. There are also beet and sea buckthorn drinks, but they are mainly used in folk medicine and cooking.

Kvass is a product of fermentation of substances that are released from the starch of its constituent cereal products. It is usually made from flour, bread, water and malt. Flour for the production of the drink is used in a variety of varieties: rye, wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley. The malt used is mainly rye, sometimes barley. The bread used is rye and wheat. The most common and popular product today is bread kvass. Sometimes the product is prepared without adding malt, and a soft drink is also often made.

Homemade bread kvass recipe

For preparation you will need:

  • about 1 kilogram of rye crackers;
  • raisins - 1 tablespoon;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons.

Pour about 3 liters of boiled water over the crackers and place in a dark place overnight. In the morning, strain the resulting infusion, add sugar and yeast. Add raisins and place in a warm place. In a day the drink will be ready. It needs to be filtered and refrigerated.

Beet kvass

Grate one large beet or 2 small ones, add the stale crust of rye bread and add 2 liters of cold water. Stir with 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Leave for 3-4 days, then place in the refrigerator.

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Benefits of beet kvass:

  • removes cholesterol
  • improves metabolism
  • helps with cardiovascular diseases
  • dilates blood vessels
  • cleanses the intestines
  • useful for weight loss in obesity.

We take 0.5 cups of beet kvass half an hour before meals (no more than 5 cups per day).

Attention! If the body begins to cleanse itself too often, then stop taking kvass for a while or reduce the amount of drink per day. For variety, you can cook okroshka with it.

The benefits of bread kvass

There are many ways in which kvass is beneficial for the body. Thanks to the valuable substances contained in its composition, it has a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, kills harmful microorganisms, and helps restore intestinal microflora. This is simply a vitamin explosion for the body. In ancient times, it was used to successfully fight scurvy and vitamin deficiency. The carbon dioxide included in its composition promotes good digestion of food. Thanks to it, the process of assimilation of nutrients also proceeds better. Kvass has a positive effect on the human nervous system. It is used for depression and insomnia. Increases performance and energizes you for the whole day. This drink is good for teeth and for people who have vision problems.

Lemon kvass

To prepare this kvass you need 3-4 large lemons. It is better to scald them with boiling water first in order to protect yourself from various chemicals that are generously coated with the product to prevent spoilage during transportation and storage.

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Squeeze the juice from lemons into a large container for kvass, add 2.5 cups of sugar, 20 grams of yeast, 100 grams of raisins and lemon zest. For the fermentation process, 2 days at room temperature will be enough. Further it is better to store in the cold.

Kvass in folk medicine and cooking

Often in folk medicine, a natural product is used as an additional therapy for influenza, colds and respiratory diseases. Daily consumption of this drink strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses them, and has a positive effect on the heart muscle. It will also be useful for those suffering from diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Among other things, kvass normalizes the water-salt balance in the body and retains moisture well, which is very effective after poisoning or eating disorders. It is also useful for weight loss, as it accelerates metabolic processes, thereby improving metabolism.

In the old days, this drink was an indispensable product during strict fasts. It prevented the body from exhaustion, saturating it with vitamins and amino acids. Despite the fact that its energy value is quite low, it is considered a nutritious food. Kvass helps strengthen the human immune system and helps eliminate harmful substances from the body. It is good in cooking, as well as an independent product. But often dishes are also prepared from it. The most popular drink made from the drink is okroshka. It is also used in the preparation of dough and salty cookies. And of course, natural bread kvass is simply irreplaceable in the summer heat - it perfectly quenches thirst.

Is it possible to drink kvass while losing weight?

It turns out that the answer to this question should be negative, but if you look at kvass from the other side, it has a fairly strong diuretic effect and is able to rid the body of excess fluid, which will lead to weight loss and a decrease in volume. In addition, it contains active substances that help cleanse the body at the cellular level and accelerate metabolism, which is also a positive factor in losing weight.

Therefore, categorically say “no!” to kvass! You shouldn't do it when you're on a diet.

You just need to figure out which kvass is most suitable for dietary nutrition, and not only will not slow down the process of losing weight, but will also contribute to it.

Contraindications for use

Since kvass is a fermentation product, it contains alcohol. In large quantities it is contraindicated during pregnancy and small children. Drivers of vehicles are not recommended to drive immediately after drinking kvass. The consumption of this drink by people suffering from gastritis and cirrhosis of the liver is considered potentially dangerous. You should also not drink it if you have hypertension or a tendency to high blood pressure.

This drink is not recommended for those people who are allergic to the products from which it is made. Especially for grains and yeast.

The kvass drinks that have recently filled supermarket shelves have nothing in common with natural kvass, and therefore they do not provide any benefit. Moreover, they contain food additives, flavorings and dyes that are harmful to the body, which can have a negative impact on human health. When choosing a drink in a store, be sure to pay attention to the composition and shelf life. Take one that is produced by fermentation and does not contain harmful impurities.

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Use of the drink in hair care

Since ancient times in Rus', girls have used this sour product to beauty their hair. Even today, in villages, many women rinse their hair with it after washing and prepare healing masks that promote hair growth and health.

In order for your hair to look lush and well-groomed, you need to rinse it with a natural product regularly, after each wash. The drink strengthens the roots and nourishes the hair along its entire length. Bread kvass is also used to create masks. It can be used as a stand-alone product or as part of a mask.

Kvass-based masks

  1. Regular mask. Rub kvass into the scalp and distribute evenly over the entire length of the hair. Wrap in a towel and rinse with warm water after half an hour.
  2. Mask with cosmetic clay. Dilute any cosmetic clay with homemade kvass and apply to hair. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. Kvass with mayonnaise. This combination is good for damaged and colored hair. Mix 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise with a small amount of bread kvass (about 50 ml). You can also add lemon juice and egg yolk. To improve the effect, wrap your head in a towel.
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