How to become thin: basic rules and ways to lose weight quickly

Becoming thin is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is desire and willpower. But before you start actively losing weight, remember that you should strive for ideal shape not in spite of your health, and a body exhausted to the point of bones protruding in all directions can be neither healthy nor beautiful.

Ways to lose weight in a short period of time

If you still decide to lose weight quickly, let's look at how this can be done at home and with minimal risk to health. The mechanism of such weight loss consists of the following processes:

  • dehydration of the body at the extracellular and, partially, cellular level;
  • colon cleansing;
  • consumption of products that absorb water as much as possible.

Ultra-fast weight loss in one day

This method cannot be used frequently. Your body will experience real stress, which can lead to a lot of problems. But if you need to fit into your favorite dress on the most important day of your life, then do the following:

  • Completely eliminate salt and sugar, coffee, any carbonated drinks, and store-bought juices from your diet. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water.
  • Drink diuretic tea (according to instructions), only on this day.
  • In the morning, drink activated carbon (at least 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) or another sorbent. Do a cleansing enema.

To cleanse the intestines when losing weight in one day, you should not use laxatives!

  • If you have a dry sauna at home - great, otherwise visit it the day before losing weight (at least 3 hours), it will help you get rid of salt.

The diet for this day consists of foods that are poorly absorbed and have a maximum of fiber. In addition, it is worth including pepper (hot), cinnamon and ginger in your diet, they will enhance intestinal motility. For example, you can use the following diet:

  • in the morning - a cocktail (Burroughs): add honey, ginger, pepper and cinnamon to a glass of water with lemon juice;
  • for second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, evening and before bed, drink this mixture: in a glass of kefir, diluted 2:1 with water, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and ginger, a quarter spoon of red hot pepper and fresh ginger (a small piece).

You can’t eat anything else on this day. Don't forget about water, and you can lose from 2 to 5 kg per day.

Lose weight in a week

If a long-awaited vacation is around the corner and you urgently need to lose weight, use the following remedies:

  • To cleanse the intestines (it can take from 1 to 4 kg) - you can go to a medical facility or do an enema at home.
  • A bath or sauna will help you get rid of salt, and active sweating will also help you say goodbye to 2-3 kg.
  • Sports activities: from aerobics to swimming or active walking.
  • And of course, diet. A mono-diet (for example, rice) is well suited in this case - you only need to eat unsalted brown rice all week. Consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day. If you have problems with bowel movements during your diet, eat 1-2 green apples a day.

Of course, there are a lot of modern diet pills (Reduxin, Xenial, MCC, LiDa, etc.), but you need to remember that they all have many contraindications and are not so harmless to health.

Losing weight in a month

This is a more reasonable approach, because the slower you lose weight, the less likely it is that it will come back to you. You can lose 10-20 kg in a month. To do this, you need to make some effort and say goodbye to laziness. Here are the following recommendations:

  • change your diet: below are diets that promote intensive weight loss, choose the one that suits you;
  • Under no circumstances should you go hungry; you need to eat 4-5 times a day, but in small portions;
  • cleanse the body with a sauna or bath;
  • physical activity: from daily walking up the stairs to training with a trainer;
  • exclude alcohol, tonics and sweet drinks from your diet;
  • take a course of salon procedures: wraps, massage, endermology;
  • drink as much clean water as possible.

To achieve lasting weight loss and get rid of a significant amount of excess weight, go on a diet.

The era of models and “heroin chic”


The 90s became the era of supermodels - Cindy Crawford, Eva Herzigova, Naomi Campbell and Claudia Schiffer were super popular. Then a new fashion trend appears in America - “heroin chic”. Subsequently, this term will be associated with anti-glamor and grunge. “Heroin chic” originated in the 90s, when heroin use became popular due to a sharp drop in its price on the market.

The new standard of beauty was personified by a very thin girl with transparent skin. Supermodel Kate Moss was ideal for this role - thin, with bruises under her eyes and pale skin.

Kate Moss / Featureflash Photo Agency_Shutterstock

Due to the new fashionable image, the number of cases of bulimia increased dramatically in the USA and Europe, at this time the mortality rate from anorexia peaked, and obesity began to become widespread - by 2000, it was diagnosed in 300 million people.

In Russia in the 1990s, with the fall of the Iron Curtain, women were given the opportunity to buy previously inaccessible Western clothing. Miniskirts, dresses, tight trousers and leggings, and platform shoes came into fashion. People wanted to stand out, so they dressed up en masse in branded clothing from Nike, Adidas and Montana, which in most cases was a bad fake. Acid colors came into fashion, and any item of clothing could be bright - from a hat to leggings. High hairstyles, high platform shoes and large jewelry were also in fashion.

The benefits of being thin

Let us immediately take it as a basis that we are not talking about painful thinness associated with various diseases. We will talk about those who have a slight physique, either innate or achieved through intensive training and diets.

So, about the advantages:

  • there are no restrictions on clothing, playing sports, visiting attractions, etc.;
  • thin people are less susceptible to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and organs of the cardiovascular system;
  • statistics say that they have a longer life expectancy than those who are overweight;
  • they are more successful in career growth, since they are automatically considered to be more nimble and active;
  • if the thinness is not excessive, the person is completely satisfied with his “model” figure, there are no complexes.

And of course, the envious glances of girlfriends significantly increase self-esteem. But if you overdo it, then the looks from the outside will not be admiring, but sympathetic, and you can cause significant harm to your health.

Daring flappers, short dresses and diets


The First World War forced many women into the labor force for the front. This awakened in them a sense of independence and self-reliance. When American women gained the right to vote in 1920, the Roaring Twenties began.

During this period, a new ideal emerged - a mischievous and daring girl of the androgynous type, a “flapper” - with a boyish figure, a flat chest and a short bob haircut. To hide their breasts, women wore contouring bras and clothing that hid their curves. At this time, for the first time in history, women refused to emphasize their femininity. Dresses became shorter, shoulders were exposed - it was much easier to move and dance in such dresses than in corsets.

Flapper girls / Wikimedia Commons

But the new freedom also had a downside - it was with the image of the “flapper” girl that the modern obsession with thinness began. Home bathroom scales and fashionable women's magazines, the harbingers of modern ones, became widespread. All this increased women’s dissatisfaction with themselves - they began to treat their figures unreasonably strictly.

The development of thinness fashion coincided with the development of medicine - in the 1920s, doctors began to receive more information about the structure of the human body and regularly monitor patients. Thanks to this, for the first time, cases of eating disorders began to be officially recorded.

The USSR had its own ideals of beauty. Part of the state ideology was the health of the nation, so a healthy woman was considered beautiful. In connection with this, sport was a mass phenomenon in the Soviet years. Skiing and skating, and visiting volleyball and other sports clubs were popular among women. At the same time, they did not specifically pursue thinness - there were no fitness clubs, no mass distribution of diets, no exercises for losing weight. For makeup, they actively used lipstick, powder and mascara.

What are the dangers of being underweight?

Severe weight loss can lead to excessive thinness. This condition is no less dangerous than extra pounds. It can lead to a number of quite serious problems:

  • thinness can lead to disorders of the menstrual cycle, reproductive function, and infertility;
  • a person is more susceptible to infectious (due to weak immunity) and colds (freezes quickly);
  • narrowing of arterial vessels occurs, the pulse rate decreases;
  • Lack of weight can provoke nervous disorders: sleep disturbance, irritability, excessive nervousness;
  • Anorexia (or a condition close to it) is the cause of a disorder of the endocrine system.

As you can see, the desire to achieve modern standards of beauty can cost your body dearly. The “golden mean” is important everywhere and your weight is no exception.

Spread of bodybuilding and anorexia


By the 70s, anorexia began to spread everywhere, and cases of girls being hospitalized became more frequent. Moreover, if thinness was in fashion for women, then pumped-up bodies were for men. To achieve the desired shape, many spent hours on end in the gym, and some bodybuilders did not disdain doping. At this time, the fashion for androgyny began to take shape, largely thanks to world celebrities such as David Bowie and Marc Bolan.

In Europe in the 70s, the fashion and entertainment industry began to grow, and disco became popular. The music groups Boney M and Ottawan became the trendsetters of that time - they popularized voluminous hairstyles and everything bright and catchy. Girls had voluminous haircuts and wore deep necklines. Among the memorable types of the era were actresses Anouk Aimee and Jane Birkin.

Anouk Aimé / Still from the film “A Man and a Woman”

In Russia in the 70s, there was a shortage in stores, so they made their own dresses. Russian girls were drawn to everything Western - for example, they secretly brought fashionable clothes from abroad. This is the era of Soviet glamor, when women began to actively use cosmetics and get perms. Hippie culture was trending.

Recommended exercises for losing weight

When switching to a diet, you should take into account that with a large weight loss, your skin will sag, which cannot be called attractive, so you need to perform a set of exercises. If you don’t have the opportunity or time to work out with a fitness trainer, you can do it yourself.

Effective activities for strong weight loss are: swimming, cycling, running, fast and long walks. We offer you a set of exercises for active weight loss for a week.


In the morning: do plie squats for the thighs. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides. We squat deeply and hold for 5 seconds. Let's pose, let's get up. Repeat 20 times.

In the afternoon: you can go jogging. For the first time, 1 km is enough.

In the evening: abdominal pumping. It’s better to start with 10 times, increasing by 5 times every day.


In the morning: leg lunges. Each limb needs to make 10 lunges forward.

In the afternoon: jog 1.3 km.

Evening: push-ups. For the first time, 3-5 times are enough. Further, every day we increase it by 1-3 times.


In the morning: do the “Wall” exercise. Coming close to the wall, we lower ourselves (as if on a chair). When the thighs become parallel to the floor, we fix the pose for a minute. The load time should be gradually increased. Do it as many times as you can.

In the afternoon: jog 1 km and push-ups 4 times (after jogging).

Evening: bike – 30 minutes.


In the morning: jumping rope. Everyone knows how to do this. You need to jump at least 100 times, increasing the load by 50 jumps daily.

In the afternoon: cycling – 1 hour, then push-ups – 6 times.

In the evening: pump the press – 10 times.


In the morning: jog for 30 minutes.

In the afternoon: press swings - 15 times, push-ups - 10 times.

Evening: cycling – 1.5 hours.


In the morning: exercise with dumbbells (1.5 kg). Lie on the floor, spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides, legs together. We join our hands together and move them back into place. Perform 20 times.

In the afternoon: exercise “Mill”. We repeat the movement of the mill wings, tilting the body and touching the floor with an outstretched hand, the other hand behind. We do the exercise for 3 minutes.

In the evening: jog 1.5 km.


In the morning: exercise with a hoop. Spin every day for half an hour and you will see the result. You can take special fitness hoops, they are more effective.

In the afternoon: run 1 km and dumbbells – 20 times.

In the evening: bike for 1 hour.

Don't forget that you need to warm up well before class. These can be simple exercises such as bending over. Warm-up should not take more than 7 minutes.

Watch a very useful video with exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides, because these parts of the body are the most problematic areas for many:

Rules for intensive weight loss

To ensure that your diet, sports activities and other efforts help you achieve the desired result, adhere to the following rules:

  • you don’t need to starve or exhaust yourself with strength exercises to achieve your goal - lose weight without fanaticism;
  • change your diet and stick to it;
  • you need to train regularly, every day;
  • The duration of classes must be at least 45 minutes. not counting the warm-up;
  • use additional means of losing weight: sauna (3 times a week), walking, jogging, swimming or skiing.

How to improve your figure if you are skinny fat?

Many people with this body type become aware of the problem as they approach their 30s, when metabolism slows down and uneven fat deposits become more obvious. As a result, people come to the gym who have never watched their diet or exercised in their lives.

Fitness trainers say that these are some of the most difficult clients, because they are not used to limiting their food intake and giving themselves regular exercise. The older a person is, the more difficult it is to achieve high results, so this process is not easy. But nothing is impossible!

Contraindications to sudden and significant weight loss

No matter how much you would like to impress others with your model figure, remember that sudden weight loss has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prohibited for teenagers and girls under 18 years of age;
  • if your weight is already close to the critical level.

You can argue for a long time what is better: to be very thin or overweight. But many more people want to lose weight than gain weight! It is important to remember not only about beauty, but also about health, so lose weight, but do it wisely. And remember that the world of catwalks and glamor is next to anorexia.

Hourglass and bright red lipstick


In 1929, the Great Depression and crisis began in America, which led to problems with food and clothing. Against the backdrop of these events, thinness no longer seemed attractive; it was associated with hunger and carried a negative meaning.

After the Great Depression and World War II, people wanted joy and fun, and against the background of the war past, a well-fed body was treated well. The new standard of beauty has become the hourglass figure - with large breasts and wide hips, but at the same time slender legs and a thin waist. The model of beauty in the USA was Marilyn Monroe, in Europe - Brigitte Bardot.

Brigitte Bardot / Wikimedia Commons

After the war, inexpensive fashionable dresses and cosmetics finally appeared in stores, and girls began to put on makeup and dress up. The trends of the era were full lips with bright red lipstick, voluminous hairstyles and a generally festive and well-groomed appearance.

Marilyn Monroe / Wikimedia Commons

In Russia, after the Great Patriotic War, hairdressing salons began to open, where you could get your hair done and manicure done. Also at this time, the state began sending people to sanatoriums, from where many returned with an increase of several kilograms. But after the hungry war years, being overweight was not considered something shameful among Soviet women. At this time, girls began to copy the fashion of foreign magazines - they sewed dresses according to patterns, began to wear cardigans and jackets.

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