Meditation for weight loss - rules and effect

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Here are 5 super-effective meditations for weight loss , which you can listen to and watch online on our website in video mode.

In our age, the problem of excess weight worries more than half of the world's population. This is especially true for women, because every girl wants to have slender figures. A good athletic figure is the key to a successful and healthy life. Men are more attracted to thin women. This is what prompts the fair sex to turn to various methods of losing weight - from traditional to original.

The problem that the kilograms remain or immediately return lies in the head. Thoughts that the results of a strict diet or hard work in the gym are not long-term materialize. They act as a blocker, sending a signal to the brain about your fear. The cells perceive this signal as a cry for help, and with all their might they try to eliminate the cause of fear, returning the previous weight.

Lack of faith in the success of your actions is the most important obstacle. You should drive away all negativity from yourself and absorb only positive emotions. If you cannot cope with this task on your own, meditation for weight loss will help - it is simple, but proven by many practitioners. Its result will be maximum for you. What is required of you? Positive attitude and good thoughts.

It has long been known that excess weight affects not only beauty and appearance. Its presence can lead to many serious and even fatal diseases. Therefore, meditation for weight loss is simply necessary for those who are faced with a similar problem.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a practice aimed at achieving complete relaxation. Not everyone is of the opinion that “just lying down” will help burn excess fat. But the fact is that if you just lie there, then, of course, it is impossible to achieve results. It is necessary to master special equipment.

Relaxation allows you to relieve accumulated tension – primarily emotional and psychological. Sometimes it is tension that prevents you from losing weight. And instead of reading a book, taking a walk, or cleaning the house, some people, when they come home from work, start eating a lot. The reason for such overeating is not physical hunger at all, but a stressful situation, excessive tension, a desire to encourage and pamper yourself, at least with the help of food. Usually harmful.

Meditation helps to lose weight for those who have overeating and laziness as their main bad habits.

Meditation, in addition to promoting weight loss, has other advantages:

  • improvement of blood circulation,
  • strengthening the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems,
  • relieving tension and stress,
  • increasing cognitive abilities,
  • strengthening your body's immune defense,
  • normalization of metabolism,
  • rejuvenation.

Of course, losing weight through meditation alone is almost impossible. It is also important to adhere to proper nutrition and provide physical activity to your body.

But the portal emphasizes that in order to follow such a rhythm, the correct motivation, attitude, and appropriate frame of mind are important, which can be achieved with the help of a suitable meditative technique.

Can hypnosis help you lose weight quickly?

Hypnosis for weight loss is the work of a specialist or self-hypnosis, which leads to the ability to independently control appetite and adjust established eating habits. This technique does not have any effect on the physical state of the body, but actively works with the human subconscious. In no case should hypnosis be perceived as the only method of weight loss, but together with others it helps:

  • get rid of stress and the reasons that caused it,
  • significantly increase self-esteem, which automatically prevents the development of apathy and depression,
  • get ready to lose weight quickly.

Those who have already experienced hypnosis to solve the problem of excess weight note some changes at the physiological level - for example, constant overeating stops, appetite and cravings for sweets decrease, physical activity is perceived easily and joyfully.

This method of weight loss is believed to be safe and effective. But still there are clear contraindications to its use:

  • schizophrenia,
  • epilepsy,
  • borderline states in psychiatric practice.

Hypnosis from a specialist and independently

If the procedure is carried out by a specialist, then the following steps are performed:

  • the therapist makes monotonous movements with his hands or an object, which puts the person into a light trance,
  • Suggestion is carried out, instructions are given - for example, reduce the size of the food portion, give up sweets and fatty foods, and so on.

Information received from a specialist is stored on a subconscious level. A person not only begins to eat rationally/healthily, but also enjoys playing sports. But hypnosis does not burn fat! It only helps to build willpower, and then the person himself must follow a diet, exercise, and carry out certain cosmetic procedures.

There is such a thing as self-hypnosis and it can be performed by every person, but first you need to correctly configure the subconscious to receive important information. How the procedure is carried out:

  • The person must be alone in the room, the atmosphere is calm, there are no extraneous sounds, the factor of interference from other people is excluded.
  • It is necessary to take a position so that the body becomes as relaxed as possible, blood circulation is free and complete - it is better to lie on your back.
  • You need to relax for literally 1 minute, drive away all thoughts and slowly close your eyes, ensuring that the eyeballs remain still.

Read also: Affordable methods of losing weight in a few days

If all the actions are performed correctly, then the person will catch himself thinking that he is in a doze - this is exactly the moment when it is time to start self-hypnosis. To do this, you need to mentally pronounce phrases, words that do not contain negation.

Under no circumstances should you convince yourself that sweets and kebabs are harmful, that cakes are generally prohibited. Experts recommend choosing only positive phrases - for example, if you have an increased craving for sweets amid stress, you need to convince yourself that the nervous system is always in a calm state. What to say to lose weight:

  • “The food consumed is exclusively healthy, proper and dietary.”,
  • “Losing weight will be quick and easy.”,
  • “My menu contains only healthy products.”

For self-hypnosis to really work, it is important to set yourself up for the positive - give compliments, imagine yourself already losing weight. Similar sessions are carried out for 15–20 minutes every day or every other day.

You shouldn’t count on rapid weight loss under hypnosis; even the work of a specialist will not lead to weight loss without some effort. But in combination with physical activity and following the recommendations of a nutritionist, it will give positive results.

Watch this video about how you can do hypnosis for weight loss yourself:

Truth and fiction about hypnosis

There are many rumors about the technique in question, and the most common are:

  • “after a session a person cannot control his own body” the effect is only on the subconscious and the attitude towards giving up junk food does not mean that the person will stop eating completely,
  • “there is no consciousness during the procedure” hypnosis involves putting a person into a light trance, he is perfectly aware of what is happening to him and around him,
  • “You may not come out of hypnosis at all” this only applies to deep trance, which is similar to sleep, but this is not practiced for weight loss.


You should practice meditation for weight loss:

  • in a ventilated room, calm and comfortable environment,
  • a couple of hours after eating,
  • with giving up smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, at least before practice,
  • in comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement,
  • at least 2 times a week, but it is better if meditation takes place every day,
  • However, you shouldn’t force yourself to meditate if, for example, you don’t want to do it today. Still, meditation will not be beneficial and will not contribute to weight loss

Popular Meditation Techniques

Pravdina's technique

The technique proposed by N. Pravdina is considered a meditation aimed at strong weight loss, since it is based on a special thought. Thus, according to her idea, food is not a means to satisfy hunger or spend leisure time. Food is the highest gift. You need to realize this, then losing weight will come due to the fact that you will not eat in such large portions as you are used to.

The meditation itself goes like this:

  • rub your palms together, warming them up, concentrate;
  • move your palms over the dish, mentally imagining how their energy is transferred to the food;
  • when eating, imagine how pieces of food literally glow, eat slowly and enjoy every spoonful;
  • thank the Higher Powers (God) for the fact that you can take this food.

Vipasana Meditation – Breathing Technique

If you have become accustomed to overeating in the evening, relieving stress with sweet treats, and receiving positive emotions only during meals, then this technique is for you.

Vipasana should be performed in the evening. To meditate, provide yourself with a quiet environment so that there is no one in the room for 20 minutes unless they are meditating with you.

So, the technique itself:

  • in comfortable clothes, sit on a chair with your back straight (exceptions are people who are obese, have spinal diseases, beginners, they can lie down);
  • start breathing: when inhaling, the stomach inflates, when exhaling, the air is released;
  • imagine how your body is saturated with coolness, cleanliness, and when you exhale, the air carries away everything unnecessary;
  • concentrate only on breathing, all negative thoughts should not bother you.

Faleev's meditation method

If you are haunted by thoughts that losing weight is impossible, because this requires exercise, and you only like to lie on the couch, then this motivating technique is for you.

You need to practice directly during cardio exercises. During active movements, you need to imagine that all the fat that you have on your body glows, becomes warmer and is completely burned out.

Replace thoughts about how lazy you are with visualization of images: here is fat, it is burned.

By the way, visualization itself is also an effective approach. To do this, you need to take a photo of yourself in which you have a slim figure, or a photo of a girl with the figure you would like. Remember the smallest details, lie down, relax and imagine:

  • as fat deposits gradually and confidently dissolve, the figure acquires ideal contours;
  • how do you, already in your ideal body, run or do yoga, dancing, aerobics, etc.

It’s important not to get discouraged when you look at photos with an ideal body. Otherwise, you won’t be able to lose weight, but your frustration will increase.

Losing Weight Using a Dynamic Meditation Approach

The lesson will take you 20 minutes. Set your alarm clock so that it rings every 5 minutes.

The first period of time - you stand on the exercise mat, stretch out, imagining the spinal table as a glowing bayonet. This rod receives more and more energy with each breath. Important: posture is straight and muscles are relaxed.

After the 1st signal, stretch your arms up, and as you exhale, slowly lower them, while bending your knees and bending over. When you rise, take a deep breath, feel the tone throughout your body. Rise up completely, raising your head last.

Another 10 minutes - to completely relax in a lying position, while thinking only about breathing.


  • relax, lie down and close your eyes, while your arms should be laid along your body, palms “looking” at the sky;
  • take a deep breath - through your nose - and exhale smoothly - through your mouth;
  • stop the flow of negative thoughts, breathe;
  • feel how the warmth covers your body, starting from the tips of your feet, gradually moving to your head;
  • imagine how heat penetrates through your entire body, and fat is burned, and the weight loss you desire occurs.

Losing weight through forgiveness

The name of the technique speaks for itself. Indeed, quite often people tend to blame themselves for everything. Having excess weight means that the long-awaited weight loss never occurs. But constant accusations will not yield results. As they say, “things are still there.” You should try this technique:

  • sit comfortably, turn off all thoughts and relax;
  • for several minutes, simply inhale and exhale air, without thinking about anything extraneous;
  • when you feel deep relaxation, imagine yourself as a child, cheerful and carefree, by definition not guilty of anything;
  • accept yourself, understand that the child, that is, you the child, is not to blame for anything, but is only worthy of understanding and love;
  • relax and breathe again, complete the practice.

Meditation for weight loss and rejuvenation before bed

This technique is quite common among meditation enthusiasts, but is considered quite difficult to perform. She developed a system by Alexander Alataev, who considers the biggest mistake of overweight people when they continue to perceive themselves as still slim. With such thoughts, the subconscious does not understand the problem, does not perceive it, and therefore the weight remains unchanged or even increases.

What needs to be done so that the ideal image of one’s own figure “settles” in the subconscious:

  • Strip down to your underwear and go to the mirror - what you see is unlikely to please you, and rightly so. You need to carefully examine yourself and highlight and say out loud all the flaws in your figure.
  • Take a sheet of paper, divide it into two halves with a line and write down on the right those negative emotions and shortcomings that were seen in the mirror. On the left are written the characteristics of an ideal figure - slim, fit, without a drop of excess fat.
  • Next, you need to read everything carefully, relax and close your eyes. After taking 2-3 deep breaths and exhalations, you need to mentally reproduce those positive images from the body and the emotions associated with it.

This way you will be able to create the desired image on a subconscious level, and to consolidate it, such sessions need to be carried out daily. Literally in 1 month the first results will appear, which will certainly be noticeable in the mirror.

The same technique is used to launch self-rejuvenation processes in the body. You can combine tasks and, while examining yourself in the mirror, pay attention not only to your plump body, but also to wrinkles and sagging skin.

In no case should you perceive hypnosis and meditation as the only methods of quick and effective weight loss! Such work on consciousness is carried out only to strengthen willpower, to correct the psycho-emotional background and to gain confidence in oneself and one’s capabilities. It has long been proven that the problem of excess weight can only be solved by diet and exercise, and it is advisable to do this under the supervision of doctors or after consultation with them.

We recommend reading about Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss. From the article you will learn about the features of Tibetan gymnastics, the rules of its implementation, and the technique of performing exercises. And here is more information about exercises from Dr. Bubnovsky for weight loss.

Meditation for women often becomes a necessity. Self-hypnosis helps you become more self-confident, get rid of irritability and bad mood, and set yourself up for proper nutrition and physical activity. Such methods do not cause any harm to the body, so you can safely try them on yourself.

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