Meal and workout plan for weight loss in a month

To speed up the process of losing weight, you need to make a clear plan where you can put everything in order.

Setting specific goals and describing ways to achieve them.

They make the task much easier and set you up for victory.

The weight loss program must be followed for at least a month.

What is a weight loss program

The weight loss program is designed to comprehensively solve the problem. The work begins with identifying the causes of weight gain and launching the fat burning mechanism.

Components of the plan:

  1. Motivation.
  2. Goals.
  3. Caloric content and fractional nutrition.
  4. Diet preparation. Eliminating foods that contribute to weight gain.
  5. Drinking regime.
  6. Therapeutic and preventive procedures: massage, wraps.
  7. Training program.

The result of the program is a decrease in body weight with a tendency to further fat burning. Helps you learn to control your appetite. Forms healthy habits and relieves dependence on food. Physical health is restored - muscles become toned, performance increases, and well-being improves.


Nutrition is 70% of weight loss success. Therefore, when drawing up a program, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Balanced and varied menu.
  2. Fractional nutrition - the number of meals - 4-5 times a day at regular intervals.
  3. The basis of the diet is vegetables.
  4. Moderate consumption of fruits – 1-2 pcs. per day instead of sweets.
  5. Compliance with drinking regime.

All harmful foods are excluded from the diet: sugar, confectionery, sweet drinks, fast food, chips and salty crackers with flavors. The consumption of salt and flour products (long loaves, white bread) is limited.

Training mode

A weight loss plan at the gym should include:

  • a set of exercises to work the desired muscle groups;
  • frequency of classes;
  • intensity;
  • duration;
  • number of approaches and repetitions compiled by the coach, break time.

Exercises are selected depending on gender, level of training and health status. You need to exercise regularly, but not every day. The recommended regimen is 3-5 times a week.

Important! Adding sports to your life does not replace overall activity. You need to constantly move - walk, climb stairs, wash floors with your hands, etc. Reducing activity leads to lower energy costs and a slower weight loss process.

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Diets • Nutrition
87 - number of views

5 years ago

author: Eva

Author Eva

To successfully lose weight, you need to create a proper nutrition program.

I want to say right away that this is one of the most difficult and responsible steps.


Because nutrition plays a very important role in building a slim and beautiful figure! 80% of success is nutrition and only 20% is training!

Unexpected, right?

But this does not mean at all that you can achieve a slim and fit figure only by eating right. Lose weight You will lose weight, but the figure you had before will remain the same, the volume will just go away a little.

Therefore, in building a beautiful figure, it is necessary to take everything into account and work out each individual step 100%.

The power supply section is quite extensive and you can write about it endlessly, so for convenience I will divide this step into stages.

Stage 1 . Before I tell you how to properly create a diet, I recommend that each of you go to the kitchen and review all the products and get rid of “food waste”.

What is meant by “food waste”?

All kinds of sweets: sweets, chocolates, cakes, cookies, jams, preserves, rolls. Mayonnaise. White bread and all baked goods, except black bread. Sunflower oil. Sugar. Wheat flour. Trans fats: processed meats, chips, all kinds of fast food.

If you live alone, I advise you to throw it all away and forget it like a bad dream, but if your household is accustomed to such food, then allocate yourself a shelf in the refrigerator. Gradually they will switch to proper nutrition. A good habit is contagious - become an example for your husband, children, parents!

The kitchen was cleaned - great! Agree, do you already feel light from the fact that there is no junk food in your home?

Stage 2 “Calculation of daily calorie content.”

It is necessary to calculate the basal metabolic rate (BA) - this is how many calories the body needs to maintain vital functions in case of complete rest (breathing, pumping blood, hair growth, etc.):

OO = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4.92 * age - 161

To obtain the total calorie consumption per day, it is necessary to multiply the basal metabolic rate by the following coefficients:

Sedentary lifestyle: OO x 1.2 Lightly active (sports 1-3 days a week): OO x 1.375 Moderately active (sports 3-5 days a week): OO x 1.55 Highly active (sports 6-7 days a week): OO x 1.725 Very high activity (very active sports every day, high physical activity at work, training twice a day): OO x 1.9

Let's look at the formula using a specific example of an average girl: height 170 cm, weight 61 kg, age 26 years, sedentary lifestyle.

OO = 9.99*61+6.25*170-4.92*26-161 = 1,383 Kcal

Calorie consumption: OO*1.2 = 1,383*1.2 = 1,659 Kcal

1,659 Kcal is the norm of calories, if consumed, this girl will remain at her weight.

But your goal is to lose weight, so the daily caloric intake must be gradually reduced. The permissible limit is minus 30% of the daily norm.

Gradually means that the reduction in caloric intake should occur smoothly and almost imperceptibly for the body, for example, you can adhere to the following formula:

1 week - 5% of daily calories, 2 week - 10%, 3 week - 15% and so on.

Stage 3 “The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.”

1 gram of fat is 9 Kcal, 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates is 4 Kcal each.

Protein should be between 35 and 40% of your daily intake. Fats - from 15 to 20%. Carbohydrates - from 40 to 45% per day.

Based on this, we consider:

Proteins = (1,659 x 0.35) : 4 = 145 g Fats = (1,659 x 0.2) : 9 = 37 g Carbohydrates (1,659 x 0.45) : 4 = 187 g

Here I would like to draw your attention to the fact that proteins can be increased up to 50%, but this should be done gradually and monitor your well-being, since weakness, loss of strength and dizziness are possible on a low-carbohydrate diet.

Stage 4 “Menu creation”.

You need to eat in small portions (up to 200-250 grams at a time) every 2.5 - 3 hours:

Breakfast: complex carbohydrates (cereals, brown bread) + simple carbohydrates (milk, fruits, dried fruits) + protein. Second breakfast: complex carbohydrates + protein + fiber (vegetables). Lunch: protein + fiber. Afternoon snack: protein + fiber. Dinner: protein + fiber. Second dinner: protein + fiber.

Is it possible to lose extra pounds in 30 days?

Losing weight in a month is quite possible. Some people lost up to 10 kg of excess weight in 30 days. But such extreme weight loss is harmful and dangerous to health. Since results are achieved through starvation diets.

In addition, most of the weight lost is not fat at all, but water and muscle. During this period, the skin does not have time to contract, it sags and becomes flabby. And the face takes on a haggard appearance. General health also worsens, irritability and anger appear, and constant fatigue appears. And the main thing is that when you return to a normal diet, all the lost kilograms quickly come back.

The recommended rate of weight loss is 4-5 kg ​​per month. Sometimes you can lose 10 kg without harm. But this is if the initial weight is too large. At this rate, weight loss is achieved precisely by burning fat.

At the same time, the skin has time to shrink, and the body becomes elastic. Volumes are noticeably decreasing. Well-being improves, appetite decreases, performance increases. There is a desire to lose weight further.

How to lose weight quickly

An integrated approach to solving the problem helps you lose weight quickly:

  1. Reducing caloric intake.
  2. Large water consumption (up to 3 liters per day).
  3. Regular training.
  4. Increased household activity.
  5. Cosmetology procedures.

The basis of nutrition should be vegetables, cereals and protein products: meat, fish, eggs. Be sure to drink plenty of water. It cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and reduces appetite.

Training should be regular. The intensity is selected taking into account preparedness. But it is better to give preference to a moderate pace so as not to exhaust the body. Even after training, you need to be active: walk more, do not shirk from household chores. They also require decent energy consumption.

In the process of losing weight, do not underestimate cosmetic procedures. Regular massage, wraps and going to the sauna help remove excess fluid from the body and improve the structure of the skin.

Important! Rapid weight loss is impossible without proper sleep. You need to go to bed before 11 pm. Sleep duration is at least 7-8 hours.

The most effective programs to lose weight at an accelerated pace

Accelerated weight loss programs require a lot of strength and energy, since they involve intense daily training. This regime is stressful for the body. Physical activity should be introduced gradually.

"Insanity" with Shaun T

A popular but tough video course that promises a radical change in the body with the help of simple but very intense exercises. The program is ideal for those who are ready to squeeze the maximum out of themselves in order to get quick results.

Workout with Jillian Michaels

The program promises weight loss in 30 days. During classes with Gillian, sweat flows in streams, but after a month the results are really noticeable. This is one of the most effective weight loss programs at home.

Interesting! You only have to spend 20 minutes a day training.


The author of an unusual weight loss method, Greer Childers, claims that proper breathing is enough to lose weight. You need to exercise every morning for 15 minutes.

The program is perfect for those who, for various reasons, perform intense exercise.


The Russian version of this type of training is a combination of Pilates and kickboxing. The program is promoted by Elena Soghomonyan. There is no need to practice at speed here. Weight loss occurs gradually, without stress to the body.

Kundalini yoga

You can achieve harmony forever only by completely changing your lifestyle, achieving harmony between body, spirit and mind. The results from kundalini yoga are not the fastest, but guaranteed.

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Soda baths for weight loss


In fact, a weight loss nutrition program for women and men is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle. However, those who want to lose weight quickly should not forget that any sudden restrictions in the diet and increased physical activity can negatively affect their health. Everything should be done gradually. Any diet is primarily contraindicated for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Such people need to carefully make changes to their diet.

A sharp increase in physical activity is dangerous for those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as the musculoskeletal system. As for emergency weight loss, it is contraindicated for adolescents, lactating and pregnant women.

Step-by-step program: losing weight

A well-designed weight loss course helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, burn fat and increase muscle tone.

At home

A universal program for home weight loss. Suitable for both men and women. The lesson begins with a 10-minute warm-up to warm up the muscles and get the body working. It ends with a cool-down to relieve muscle tension, normalize blood pressure, breathing and pulse.

Set of exercises:

  • twisting while lying on the floor;
  • squats with dumbbells;
  • bench press and row (incline) of dumbbells;
  • lunges and fly-ups (lying down) with dumbbells;
  • bench push-ups from behind;
  • side lunges;
  • lying leg raises;
  • jumping rope (5 minutes).

Number of repetitions – 12-20 times, approaches – from 3 to 5.

In the gym

The program promotes weight loss and the formation of muscle relief. Number of repetitions – 15-20 times, in 2-3 approaches.


  1. Cardio – 40 minutes.
  2. Squats with a barbell, plie.
  3. Lunges with dumbbells.
  4. Hyperextension.
  5. Raising the body and legs on a Roman chair in a lying position.
  6. Cardio – 15 minutes.


  1. Cardio.
  2. Hyperextension.
  3. Romanian or deadlift.
  4. Leg abduction in the simulator.
  5. Dumbbell bench press.
  6. Raising arms with dumbbells on a bench.
  7. Extension of arms on a block.
  8. Oblique twist.
  9. Body lifts on the floor.
  10. Cardio – 10 minutes.


  1. Cardio – 20 minutes.
  2. Leg press.
  3. Extension, flexion, abduction and extension of legs on the simulator.
  4. Calf and calf raises.
  5. Seated dumbbell raises and presses.
  6. Cardio – 20 minutes.

Carry out the training program in the suggested sequence. If the exercises are difficult, you can reduce the number of repetitions and approaches. And then add them gradually. Take a break of up to 1 minute between exercises, and up to 45 seconds between sets.

Proper nutrition for fat burning and muscle tightening

The food you eat provides you with the energy you need to perform your workouts properly.
But good nutrition also plays a big role in improving muscle tone and recovery after sports activities. The diets below include all the meals you need to get the body of your dreams!

Calories are the most important part of a diet.

Whether you want to get fit, lose extra pounds, or maintain weight, your diet will play a big role in achieving your goals. Food is the fuel that you provide to the body by eating in one way or another. Its units of measurement are calories.

The number of calories you consume will determine the figure you strive for:

  • become toned (which means increasing muscle tone, gradually gaining beautiful and toned muscles without excessive accumulation of weight). To do this, you will have to consume more calories than you can burn, which is often called excess. If you increase your calories too quickly, your body will accumulate excess weight. That's why it's very important to do it gradually. This way you can track the process and won’t look obese;
  • Maintain weight: This is when you burn as much as you consume, often called the caloric balance point. In this case, first of all, you need to know how many calories your body needs to control your weight. Based on this value, you can determine how to eat in order to get a toned figure or lose extra pounds. Online calculators are well suited for these purposes;
  • lose weight: If you want to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume, often called a deficit. This is when your body uses stored fat as energy, resulting in weight loss. Be careful, the body can also use muscle tissue. There is some problem with this. This is why it is imperative to lose weight gradually. If you do it too quickly, you will undermine your health and, of course, abandon the idea.

Understanding proteins, carbohydrates and fats

Macronutrients are substances that your body needs in large quantities: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is important to determine the correct ratio in accordance with your ideas about good physical shape.

In short, the ratio depends on the following factors:

  • your goal: if you want to lose weight, your macronutrient ratio will not be the same as for those who want to increase muscle tone;
  • Type of metabolism in the body: Some people tend to gain more weight than others. They should consume less carbohydrates and fats than those who have problems with increasing tone;
  • Your gender: Women are generally more effective at losing weight, and tend to reduce their carbohydrate intake more often than men.

The ratio of BZHU depends on your goals

In the following nutritional plans, we will determine the general ratio of macronutrients for each goal: toning, weight loss and weight control. As mentioned earlier, each of us has a different type of metabolism, so if you do not get the desired results, then the indicated ratios must be adjusted.

  • increased muscle tone: carbohydrates 40% - proteins 40% - fats 20%;
  • weight control: carbohydrates 35% - proteins 35% - fats 30%;
  • weight loss: carbohydrates 30% - proteins 40% - fats 30%.

You need to eat healthy fats

“I want to lose weight, should I avoid foods containing fat?” This is a good question because there are actually several types of fats. Some of them harm the body, while we need others. You need to know their differences.

A good diet is not based only on healthy foods

“Eat fruits, vegetables and drink water - then everything will be fine.” This phrase can be found in magazines or on the Internet. However, this statement is not entirely true. These days, eating healthy means eating foods that are low in fat and high in micronutrients: vitamins and minerals.

Indeed, vitamin-rich foods improve health. However, even if you were able to eat all the healthy foods in the world, if you didn't meet your daily macronutrient ratios, you wouldn't get the results you want. What's the matter?

In short, calories are calories. If your goal is a certain body type, you will first have to take care of macronutrients, no matter what foods contain them: beneficial or not. Pure science!

The more often you eat, the better you will feel.

We all know those who have tried every diet in the world, but have given up every time because it is so hard. Today, all diets involve food restrictions, so you feel guilty when you eat one grain of rice more than recommended. But again, what really matters most is your ability to get into the habit of meeting your macronutrient ratios on a daily basis.

Whether you're looking to lose weight or improve muscle tone, we'll aim for three main courses and 1-2 light appetizers. However, if you can pack in the calories with fewer meals, feel free to do so.

Why? Because by eating every 3-4 hours, you will not feel hungry, which will help you overcome cravings for unhealthy foods.

The following meal plan for weight loss for girls will be approximate, so you can organize it according to your daily routine. It is very important to eat something else between main courses, but at the same time control the ratio of macronutrients!

How much should you eat per day

The number of calories you consume depends on your age, weight, gender and how often you exercise. We recommend using one of the online calculators.

Women who do not have health problems, eat a balanced diet and lead a moderately active lifestyle are recommended to consume from 1800 to 2200 calories. We'll start with these numbers.

Converting percentages to grams

Calculating how many grams of macronutrients you need to consume is a fairly simple task. First of all, you need to know how many calories each macronutrient contains:

  • carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram;
  • proteins: 4 calories per gram;
  • fat: 9 calories per gram

Now, let's take 2200 calories as an example, and then to control weight, the macronutrient ratio in grams would look like this:

  • 35% carbohydrates - > 2200*0.35/4 = 192.5 g;
  • 35% proteins - > 2200*0.35/4 = 192.5 g;
  • 30% fat - > 2200*0.30/9 = 73.3 g.

Additional dish

You can reward yourself with one extra meal per week that you don't have to count calories at all. Yes, you deserve it!

How to Improve Your Diet and Exercise Efficiency

To get the maximum effect from nutrition and training, you must strictly follow the plan. Monitor your calorie intake and expenditure. There must always be a shortage. Do not torture yourself with daily intense exercise. It is necessary to rest so that the body recovers and gains strength.

Alexander Kobzar, trainer, host of the “School of Development” channel on YouTube

Alexander recommends getting ready for training, concentrating on doing the exercises and working at full strength. And imagine the future result - a beautiful and slender body.

Lais Deleon, Brazilian fitness model

The girl advises to always have breakfast, eat dishes that you like. The diet should consist of slow carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein foods. Lais claims that the result does not depend on the intensity and duration of training, but on the correct selection of exercises.

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The best apps for healthy eating with recipes

In PP programs, recipes are sorted, you can add them to bookmarks, calculate calorie content and even the cost of a portion.

Lifesum: meal planner, simple recipes

The Lifesum app contains recipes from available products. They are sorted into categories; you can choose a dish from the products in the refrigerator. In addition, in the application you can count calories, balance proteins, fats and carbohydrates, set weight goals, track your progress, keep a food diary, and use diet plans developed by nutritionists. Suitable for those who are losing weight or want to improve their health thanks to PP.

QR Code

Lifesum: meal planner and simple recipes

Developer: Lifesum

Price: Free

Instructions on how to use the program | Video taken from YouTube channel – Victor Zakharov

Fitness and proper nutrition

The app for PP contains recipes for low-calorie healthy dishes with quantities of ingredients and photographs. For each of them, the number of calories and dietary supplements per 100 grams is also indicated. In addition, the application contains tips for a healthy lifestyle: motivating pictures for losing weight, playing sports, training plans, advice from nutritionists, fitness trainers, and chefs. The program is well suited for those who carefully monitor their weight.

QR Code

Fitness and proper nutrition

Developer: Alek

Price: Free

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Proper nutrition from Dil

This application allows you to find, sort, and bookmark healthy foods. All of them are divided into breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners, rated according to user opinions. You can find recipes for those dishes that you have at home, add the missing ones to your cart, and create a shopping list. Good for those who cook often or want to make their diet healthy.

QR Code

Proper nutrition

Developer: DIL

Price: Free

Proper nutrition from Good Cook

In this application you can find first, second courses, desserts, snacks, compiled in accordance with the principles of PP. Many familiar dishes are modified in such a way that they retain the familiar taste, despite replacing some of the ingredients with healthier ones. You can use the search and add your favorite dishes to bookmarks. Suitable for lovers of delicious delicious dishes who want to switch to proper nutrition.

QR Code

Healthy eating

Developer: Good Cook

Price: Free

Proper nutrition from Printslon

Printslon's program includes healthy recipes without dieting or fasting. It provides healthy food, sorted by recommended intake time. The functionality also includes a dish designer that suggests dishes based on the selected products. If some ingredients are missing for cooking, you can add them to your shopping list. In addition, the program provides information about treatment tables. Suitable for those who monitor their health or adhere to a diet prescribed by a doctor.

QR Code

Proper nutrition

Developer: Printslon

Price: Free

Main conclusions

You can create a training program yourself, but it is better to consult a specialist. It is more convenient to exercise in the gym, as there is all the necessary sports equipment. But at home you can create normal conditions for training and get the desired result.

The main thing in achieving the goal:

  1. Motivation.
  2. Discipline.
  3. Strict adherence to the plan.

You should never despair. The results are not immediately visible. If you show persistence and patience, you will definitely be able to lose weight.

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