How Tatyana Ustinova lost weight: secrets of slimness, sample menu, tips

Fans of detective stories are well aware of the name Tatyana Ustinova. She became famous as a talented author of ironic and adventurous detective novels, which take your breath away and make you want to literally swallow the book whole in order to quickly get to the bottom of the truth.

But few people know that for many years this popular and fashionable writer lived with excess weight. Now she has also become famous for the very impressive story of her magical transformation into a thin, slender beauty. And the whole point is that over the past three years, Tatyana Ustinova has lost 90 kg and began to look much younger and more graceful.

Today, many women who have a similar problem are very actively interested in the writer’s secrets in such a difficult matter as losing weight.

How did the writer lose weight? Photos "before" and "after"

Tatyana Ustinova has lost weight - is it true? How did she do it? Due to the specifics of his work, the famous author of fascinating detective stories had to lead an inactive lifestyle for many years, which, combined with his love of delicious food, transformed into large fat accumulations and weight gain. Her diet included fatty and salty foods, fried foods, and she often allowed herself to eat at night. Never particularly concerned about her figure, Ustinova always neglected diets, but medical indications gave impetus to a revision of eating habits. Then she gave a decisive battle to the extra pounds.

Today, Tatyana Ustinova, who has become very prettier and thinner (her photo is presented below), is happy to share her personal experience in the fight against excess weight. And for her readers this is no less interesting than her wonderful work.

How this strong woman, who reached an absolutely unimaginable weight of 200 kg with her height of 180 cm, was able to overcome her cravings for unhealthy foods and achieve stunning results is simply incomprehensible to many. And now the great-looking Tatyana Ustinova, who has lost 100 kg, shares her secrets with everyone who is inspired by her results.

Having made a radical decision to lose weight, the famous detective began to fight excess weight, gradually reducing the amount of daily calorie intake. Her diet was focused on a long-term process of losing weight and was based on the principle of fractional nutrition. Such fragmentation of the diet smoothly affects the reduction of body weight, without harming health, and the lost kilograms do not return at a depressing speed. It took her three years to rebuild her body. But the way Tatyana Ustinova, who has lost weight, looks today was undoubtedly worth her efforts.

Her slender figure and noticeably younger and refreshed face speak for themselves. This is a lively and very convincing advertisement for healthy eating and the right products. Having demonstrated the effectiveness of such nutrition by personal example, the writer attracted to this a huge mass of people who had lost faith in a variety of fashionable diets, who found themselves powerless against the force of habit and intemperance in food. Possessing a strong will and perseverance, Ustinova managed to curb herself and monitor her diet not for weeks or months, but for three long years, inspiring her readers to do the same.

How Tatyana Ustinova lost weight: diet

Tatyana Ustinova lost extreme weight by completely changing her diet. A nutritionist helped her with this, delicately and without violence, correcting existing flaws in eating behavior.

  • The writer had to give up fast carbohydrates and everything high-calorie and sweet, fatty, fried, store-bought sauces, pickles, smoked foods, and baked goods. Such food not only provokes weight gain, but also negatively affects health. Confectionery and sausages contain trans fats, which cause obesity and increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other deadly ailments (more about the dangers of trans fats in this article). The amount of salt and seasonings was kept to a minimum. White rice, pasta and potatoes were also banned.
  • The basis of the diet was the simplest low-calorie foods: lean meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken), seafood, river and sea fish, vegetables, berries, cereals, herbs, nuts, fruits, low-fat dairy and fermented milk products. Cooking methods: boiled or steamed.
  • Losing weight, Ustinova ate often, but in small portions (the amount of food was reduced gradually). The number of meals reached 5 - 6. But one condition was always observed - no more than one dish at one sitting, i.e. I never ate the second and the first (one or the other). Food had to be chewed thoroughly, eaten with concentration, without being distracted by conversations, watching TV or even reading.

Approximate diet of Tatyana Ustinova

  • Breakfast – oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with water or steamed omelette
  • Second breakfast – fruit or fruit salad
  • Lunch – vegetable soup (can be ground in a blender or eaten like this)
  • Afternoon snack – nuts, fruits, a little kefir or fermented baked milk
  • Dinner – stewed vegetables with boiled meat

If you really want to eat before bed, a glass of kefir is allowed.

Did the writer go in for sports?

Tatyana Ustinova, who has lost weight, admits that before the diet she led a sedentary lifestyle and did not try to fight the extra pounds - she simply did not need to fit into generally accepted “standards” of beauty. But, having changed her gastronomic preferences, the TV presenter surprisingly began to find time to visit the pool and even bike rides. True, quite a bit. It’s incredible, but the “Russian Agatha Christie” practically did not play sports. The weight came off only thanks to proper nutrition.

Tatyana Ustinova lost 100 kg after going through a difficult journey. At the same time, the TV presenter admits that the support of her loved ones helped her a lot. My husband and children responded to the situation with great understanding and also gave up many harmful foods. It gave me strength. Tatyana Ustinova lost a lot of weight and got rid of most of her health problems.

As for the safety of this weight loss technique, in general it can be considered gentle. Firstly, the diet was adjusted by a nutritionist. Secondly, Tatyana Vitalievna’s menu contained everything necessary - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Articles about how much weight other Russian celebrities have lost are available at the following links:

  • How Vladimir Solovyov lost weight - minus 70 kg
  • How Svetlana Kartunkova lost weight - minus 61 kg
  • How Nadezhda Babkina lost weight - minus 36 kg
  • How Natalya Bochkareva lost weight - minus 20 kg
  • How Svetlana Khodchenkova lost weight - minus 20 kg

How Daria Dontsova lost weight: all about nutrition and sports, motivation and little tricks that help you achieve great results. Tips and recommendations from the most ironic and slender woman in our country in this article

Tatyana Ustinova lost weight: before and after photos

Today the TV presenter weighs 97 - 98 kg, but, given her tall height, she looks very organic. Tatyana doesn’t want to become skinny, but she doesn’t intend to return to her “old” gastronomic preferences. Now - only proper nutrition!

Portions are smaller

How did Tatyana Ustinova lose weight? A question that haunts many fatties and chubby women. If she was able to walk this long path and not turn off halfway, then others can probably do it too? In any case, you should try to change your attitude towards food and give your body a break from the continuous work of digesting what you eat uncontrollably. When starting to cover the question of how the writer Tatyana Ustinova lost weight, it is necessary to note that she immediately made her portions half the size and stopped eating at night.

Why did Tatyana Ustinova lose weight?

The famous writer lived with excess weight for a long time - until a certain point, everything suited her. Ustinova was never shy about appearing in public and was always pleased with herself - in any form. She never counted calories and did not limit herself to her favorite foods.

The desire to lose weight came along with progressive health problems. The TV presenter began to be bothered by swelling, heart pain, and problems with flexibility and mobility arose - she could not even always tie her shoelaces. The result is this: Ustinova had to go on a diet and seriously reconsider her eating habits.

Replacing high-calorie foods

Her next step was to replace too high-calorie foods with their counterparts that contain fewer calories - she replaced mayonnaise with soft low-fat cheese, abandoned rice and pasta in favor of buckwheat and oatmeal, removed starchy potatoes from the diet, and replaced sweet fruits with sweet and sour ones. In addition, fried foods were irrevocably gone from her diet, but there was a noticeable increase in vegetables. Sweet foods were not a problem for her as she is not a fan of treats. But those who love sweets should replace cakes and pastries with harmless sweet desserts made from fruits, low-fat cottage cheese and white yogurt.

Useful tips for changing your diet

How did Tatyana Ustinova lose weight? She herself willingly shares in numerous interviews. Below are a number of useful tips from a popular detective genre author on restructuring your diet:

  • Frequent meals. The most acceptable interval between meals is 2.5 hours. Since during this time the body has already digested the previous filling of the stomach, but the metabolic processes have not yet had time to slow down.
  • Strict adherence to food intake. To avoid hunger, all meals should be divided into five equal intervals, and the last meal should be taken at least three hours before bedtime.
  • One food - one dish. At each meal, you can eat only one dish from the daily diet; combining different foods is prohibited; desserts are only possible as a main course.
  • A smooth transition to proper nutrition - you can’t suddenly give up those dishes that have been loved for decades; it’s best to reduce their calorie content and portions. This way, you can more easily switch to healthy foods, you won’t particularly notice the difference in nutrition, and your body will begin to receive healthy food rich in vitamins.
  • Gradual replacement of some products with healthy low-calorie analogues. For comfortable weight loss, you should gradually replace high-calorie unhealthy foods with less harmful, but more nutrient-dense analogues of your favorite dishes: fried pork, lean beef stew, fatty cheeses with low-fat cheeses, mayonnaise with white yogurt, and so on. When consuming the dishes, you will not feel a significant difference, but your body will experience great relief.
  • Proper heat treatment of dishes - exclude everything fried and direct the main emphasis towards boiled and baked foods, as well as steam cooking options.
  • Chewing food thoroughly and for a long time during meals. To speed up satiety, you need to fully concentrate on the process of absorbing food and do it slowly and thoroughly, chewing each portion about 40 times. While chewing, satiety comes, but just don’t be distracted by talking while eating.
  • Maintaining water balance in the body. Water is life, it saturates the body's cells and activates metabolic processes. Therefore, during the day you should drink only clean water, at least two liters, not counting tea, juices, milk, soups and other liquid-containing dishes and drinks.

Diet rules and menu Ustinova

Friends, do you still not know what diet and how Tatyana Ustinova lost a hundred kilograms? Now I will tell you everything.

In order to achieve the required number on the scales, the writer did not go on strict diets that exclude many foods, including healthy ones. Indeed, in adulthood, sources of vitamins are very important in the daily diet. All that was necessary was to correctly adjust your menu and stick to it.

Rules to follow

  1. Small portions. The writer needed to reduce the amount of food she consumed and reduce her portions by almost half. I needed to eat less, but more often.
  2. Eating every three hours. It was necessary to eat according to a strict schedule, without breaking it. The interval between each meal should be the same.
  3. Don't eat at night. The last meal should be three hours before going to bed. In case of hunger after this time, a glass of kefir is a great help.
  4. Fried food is prohibited. The best choice is boiled and baked food.
  5. Sweets and baked goods are excluded from the diet.
  6. Instead of starchy potatoes and rice, buckwheat and oatmeal should be present on the table.
  7. You should choose only low-fat varieties of meat and fish. Great choice of meat: turkey, rabbit, chicken.
  8. Vegetables in the diet should contain as little starch as possible.
  9. It was necessary to exclude various sauces from the diet, because they provoke appetite.
  10. Limit your salt and sugar intake. If possible, it is better to completely eliminate salt and sugar, but if this is too difficult, then you should at least minimize their consumption.
  11. At one meal it was allowed to eat only one dish and no variety on the table.
  12. Do not suddenly switch to proper nutrition. It is very important not to fail during the diet and to enjoy it; for everything to be like this, you need to gradually adjust yourself to a healthy diet. You should not immediately give up your favorite foods, you need to reduce their volumes, and then, over time, the need for useless food itself will disappear.
  13. You need to chew food thoroughly and take your time and not be distracted by anything.
  14. You should find a replacement for junk food. Dried fruits and nuts are great for snacking.
  15. More liquid. You can't go anywhere without this. The body needs 2-3 liters of water per day, this speeds up metabolic processes.

It was not easy for the writer to follow these rules at the beginning of her journey, but over time, it became a habit, especially given the variety of dietary and delicious recipes.

Sample celebrity menu:

Breakfast: oatmeal with water or steamed omelette.

Second breakfast: salad of seasonal vegetables or fruits.

Lunch: vegetable soup or buckwheat with chicken breast.

Afternoon snack: yogurt, kefir or apple.

Dinner: lean fish baked in the oven or vegetables stewed with turkey meat.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

Secrets of slimness from Tatyana Ustinova

How did Tatyana Ustinova lose weight? The writer herself speaks about this very willingly and generously shares the secrets of being slim and useful tips. According to her, her entire family has joined her healthy diet and happily eats low-calorie foods with her, avoiding junk food as much as possible. During the time of food restrictions, the writer herself completely changed her attitude towards excess weight.

After all, Tatyana Ustinova did not lose weight at all in order to get the now fashionable thin figure and become a fashion model. She had to take care of her figure when obesity began to significantly harm her health, severe swelling appeared, it became difficult to move, problems arose in the body, after which she listened to the advice of doctors and came to grips with her health. And she was very pleased with the result - now she can move freely, and her swollen feet, which previously had difficulty squeezing into heelless shoes, can easily fit into elegant dress shoes with stiletto heels. Isn't this joy for a woman?

Now Tatyana Ustinova has lost weight (the “before” and “after” photos are evidence) to 97 kg and maintains this height thanks to proper nutrition. For her tall height of 180 cm, these kilograms look very attractive and organic.

It is noteworthy that, while putting her body in order, the writer did not indulge in intense physical training, only occasionally swimming in the pool or riding a bicycle. But she received great pleasure from it, which had a very effective effect on the process of burning excess weight.

Tatyana Ustinova: I lost 100 kilograms without starving

The question of how the famous detective author managed to do this interests readers no less than the question of who the killer is.

From the personal archive of Tatyana Ustinova
- Tatyana Vitalievna, in the summer, when actress Ksenia Lavrova-Glinka posted a photo of you and her on social networks, all the media began to vigorously discuss the topic - how you incredibly lost weight.
Did you expect such a wave of interest? — Thank you very much to Ksenia, we had a wonderful conversation in the “My Hero” program on TV Center, which I host. And the photo is good. I didn’t expect any special interest, because I am me, and I don’t notice any difference from myself from yesterday or the day before. No, of course there is a difference in weight. But I have been working on this issue - not with my slimness in the manner of a gazelle, which I will never become, but with the relative ordering of my body - for a long time, for ten years or even more.

- But you really have lost a lot of weight. Can you tell me how much you weigh now? Is the process of losing weight still ongoing or is everything smooth?

- Look, I once weighed about 200 kilograms, 189 to be exact! Many years passed, and I began to weigh 100. Nowadays my weight, apparently, is 90 kilograms. I don’t weigh myself every day, I’m not a prize pig from the Exhibition of National Economic Achievements. These ten kilograms must have become noticeable - for example, in that photograph - because the weight remained for a long time without changing. Of course, the process continues, but - let's be aware of this - I will never weigh the now fashionable 55 kilograms! And I don’t want to!

With Ksenia Lavrova-Glinka.
It was this photo that excited both the media and the Internet. Ustinova amazed everyone! photo: Losing weight competently is boring and dreary
- An incredibly exciting question for everyone: how did you lose weight? And what a turning point there was when they decided: that’s it, stop living haphazardly.

- Oh, this is truly an exciting question - who is losing weight and how! Frankly, I am terribly surprised and amused by this very desire of today's human community for thinness and youth! Well, damn it, everyone wanted to learn how to write Latin, learn string theory, or grow apple trees on Mars! Not so! Physics and Latin aside, the main thing is that everyone is thin! And young ones! Every single one! Here is a grandmother of seventy-five years old, but she should not pickle cucumbers and plant potatoes, but must strive to look 38 and weigh the same 55! Well, it's funny!

The writer's four principles for losing weight

Many readers, seeing her results, also want to lose excess weight. Therefore, it is worth telling how Tatyana Ustinova lost weight. The diet from the famous writer is not complicated; it is based on four principles:

  • The simpler the food, the better. Eat simple foods without mixing one food with another during a meal. If you want to eat chicken, then eat only it, without side dishes, vegetables, fruits, or drinks.
  • Refusal of fried foods; priority should be stewed, boiled, steamed.
  • Eating seafood. They are rich in protein, which fights fat, are easily absorbed by the body, and their calorie content is low.
  • Refusal of sauces and mayonnaise, salads can be dressed with soft cheese - it’s nourishing, tasty, and healthy.


A sample menu from Tatyana Ustinova looks like this:

  • breakfast - porridge with water or a steam omelette of two eggs;
  • lunch - vegetable salad or sweet and sour fruit;
  • lunch - pureed vegetable soup with mushrooms, asparagus, spinach or cauliflower;
  • afternoon snack - organic yogurt or a handful of nuts or dried fruits;
  • dinner - boiled meat with stewed vegetables;
  • before bed - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Delicious and healthy recipes from Tatyana Ustinova

We have already found out how Tatyana Ustinova lost weight and learned about her secrets of losing weight. Now we give several very tasty and healthy dishes that she recommends for those who want to lose weight comfortably.

Asparagus soup. Simmer 100 g of asparagus in vegetable oil with onions, after 15 minutes pour 100 g of low-fat sour cream into the dish and add 3 tablespoons of dry wine. After a couple of minutes, pour the vegetable broth over it all and cook for half an hour. Beat with a blender and eat.

A chicken in the oven. Place onion rings on the bottom of a baking sheet, cut lean chicken into large pieces on top and bake in the oven for two hours; after turning off the heat, simmer for another half hour, add salt and season with garlic.

Ribs marinated on a bed of vegetables. Prepare the marinade in mineral water with spices (pepper, rosemary, etc. and lemon juice). Soak the ribs in the marinade for some time, during which you will prepare the vegetable bed. Chop the vegetables coarsely, add olive oil and garlic, place the ribs on top and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 250 degrees.

Lamb with vegetables - marinate lamb ribs in lemon and rosemary, do not add salt so that they are not dry, pepper and pour in mineral water. At this time, coarsely chop the eggplant, pepper, garlic and pour olive oil. Mix everything and place in the oven for 10 minutes, preheated to 250 degrees.

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