How to do push-ups correctly for girls: subtleties of technique

When working out at home or in fitness centers, girls very often ignore such an exercise as push-ups.

This can happen for a number of reasons:

This is a unique list

1. Most often, girls pay attention to problem areas - the abs and buttocks; they work less on the upper body.

2. Push-ups are a difficult exercise. If you haven’t done push-ups for a long time or have never done it at all, then most likely you won’t be able to do it correctly more than 1-2 times.

3. Some people believe that push-ups can cause your chest volume to decrease.

4. While others think that this exercise will make them masculine and they will become the owner of 40 cm biceps.

  • The benefits of push-ups for girls - can girls do push-ups on the floor?
  • What muscles are used by push-ups?
  • Types of push-ups for girls: learning to do it correctly
  • Basic rules for performing push-ups
  • Push-ups for beginner girls
  • Execution technique
  • Knee push-ups for girls (video)
  • Push-ups with narrow, medium and wide arms
  • Technique for performing push-ups with a narrow grip
  • Technique for performing push-ups with wide arms
  • Medium grip push-up technique
  • Weighted push-ups
  • Weighted push-ups
  • Incline push-ups
  • Push-up technique “legs above head”
  • Head-over-toes push-up technique
  • Bench push-ups
  • 30 day push up program for girls
  • 30 day push up routine for girls

But in fact, push-ups are a basic exercise that plays a very important role in the formation of beautiful posture and the development of the upper torso muscles, so we advise you to finish reading this article. We will tell you why you need to do push-ups and how to do it correctly, and we will analyze the variations of this exercise.

You can learn how to do push-ups even if you've never done it before.

You can learn to do good push-ups from scratch in a month.

The benefits of push-ups for girls - can girls do push-ups on the floor?

If you perform the exercise correctly, push-ups bring enormous benefits to the female body and figure:

  • posture improves
  • breasts are tightened and their shape improves
  • For those with large busts, back pain stops
  • Hands become more attractive, skin tightens and sagging decreases
  • increases strength and endurance
  • the stomach becomes flatter
  • push-ups help you lose weight

Push-ups are the best exercise for the pectoral muscles, and for the entire body. It is basic, as we said earlier, which means that it is one of the main exercises for developing strength, endurance, strengthening and muscle growth.
It, unlike isolated exercises in simulators for the chest or arms, involves the entire body in the work, which is why it is so important.

How to learn to do push-ups for a girl: where to start?

If you can’t do push-ups on the floor even once, you need to start with the simplest option:

Wall push-ups

For one girl this option will be too simple, but for another it will be a preparatory stage that will tone the necessary muscles.

  1. Go to the wall, rest your palms against the wall at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. Take a few steps back, forming a slight tilt with your straight torso. The further from the wall, the more difficult the load.
  3. As you inhale, bend your elbows and press against the wall.
  4. As you exhale, apply force to your arms and pectoral muscles and push up, straightening your elbows completely.
  5. Do this until the muscles themselves stop working.

Perform 3-4 sets of maximum repetitions.

Table push-ups (elevated)

The higher above the floor level, the easier. Gradually reduce the incline as you get used to the load.

  1. Place your palms wider than your shoulders on the edge of the table, take a few steps back, forming a straight line between your body and your hips.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and keep them toned.
  3. As you inhale, lower your chest, touching the surface of the table.
  4. Exhale and do push-ups, but under no circumstances lift your pelvis up separately from your torso, reducing the load on the shoulder girdle.

It is important to keep your lower back without sagging so as not to injure the lumbar spine.

Do push-ups until your muscles get tired, 3-4 approaches.

Reverse push-ups

This option will strengthen your triceps and stretch your pectoral muscles. The technique can be simplified by performing the variation with bent knees.

As you get used to the load, straighten your legs completely or place your feet on a hill.

  1. Turn your back to the bench, place your hands under your shoulder joints, and your feet on the floor under your knees.
  2. The elbows are straightened, the pelvis is closer to the bench.
  3. As you inhale, bend your elbows to a right angle, lowering your pelvis to the floor.
  4. As you exhale, squeeze your torso with your arms and straighten your arms.

Perform the maximum number of times, 3-4 approaches.

Learn more about how to do reverse push-ups →

What muscles are used by push-ups?

There are quite a lot of variations of doing push-ups and in each the emphasis is placed on a specific muscle group, but all of them in one way or another affect the core muscles:

  • pectoralis major and minor muscles
  • deltas
  • all three triceps muscles
  • biceps

During push-ups, the muscles of the chest, shoulders and arms are worked.

These muscles are involved in work and pumped dynamically, but some muscles participate in the process isometrically, that is, maintaining the correct position of the body. This:

  • latissimus
  • muscles that support the spine
  • deep chest muscles
  • abdominal muscles

In addition, the muscles of the lower body also help with work:

  • hips - the outer, inner, front and back sides of the thigh are involved
  • buttocks

For stabilization, the following are also loaded:

  • Feet
  • fingers
  • brushes

Do not forget about the joints and tendons, which, when performed correctly, become more flexible and elastic.

It turns out that the process of doing push-ups requires coordinated work of the whole body.

Types of push-ups

There are many varieties of push-ups depending on which muscle groups are emphasized. We must remember that you cannot thinklessly approach training and immediately try to perform exercises with weights or on weak muscles. The easiest consequence will be severe soreness a few hours after the approaches, but an unprepared person can also get serious injuries. It is better to start with classic push-ups, and after gradually strengthening the body, complicate the exercises and the load on the body.


The exercise technique is familiar from school physical education (the natural position of the body when a person wants to rise from such a position). The lying position is supported on the toes (feet together or slightly apart) and open palms. Place your palms slightly wider than your shoulders. The ideal execution is to touch the floor with your chest and chin, looking in front of you. The deltoid muscles, triceps, and deltoids are worked out. After a few weeks you can already increase the level of difficulty.

With weights

These push-ups are used by those involved in strength sports. Their focus is designed for the deep development of muscle tissue more than for the formation of relief. It is important to remember that weights cannot be done instantly, that is, on some day, add 10 kilos of additional weight to yourself in the approach. Ideally, when the load is increased, special vests are used, the weights of which can be changed (they are tailored to distribute the load throughout the body as comfortably as possible).

In the gym, you can use a barbell plate, which a partner will place on the trainee’s back and make sure that the load does not fall. A bench press with a girl lying on the athlete's back is often a simple show. Such an extra the load (40-50 kg) is actually beyond the strength of the average person. To reach this level, you need to train long and professionally.

Deep push-ups

This technique is designed for maximum efficiency in working out muscles with a large vertical amplitude. To do this, the level of the floor (the lowest point during the press) is lowered. In the gyms you can often find athletes who perform exercises using chairs or dumbbells with wide weights. This can cause injury because the supports are unstable. The ideal solution would be to purchase special handles from a sports store to increase the amplitude.

Slow push-ups

From the name it is clear that the exercise (of any type) is done at a slow pace. Its meaning is that endurance is trained without weights, and strength is trained with additional weight. The key to slow presses is continuity. This means that you do not need to stop at the bottom and peak points of the arm curl, but immediately begin the reverse movement. Each person chooses a speed different from standard push-ups, based on the fact that 8-10 repetitions should be done.

From my knees

A simplified form of classic push-ups, which is designed for beginners, older people and those who have contraindications to standard exercises. They differ from basic exercises in that the emphasis is not on the toes, but on the knees, while the feet need to be crossed. Studies have shown that the useful load on the spine is reduced by approximately 15%. The press itself is no different from regular push-ups.

Wide grip

To emphasize the load on the pectoral muscles, a wide grip is used: the hands rest on the floor at a distance twice as wide as the shoulders, the elbows diverge to the sides when lowering down. Weightening of this exercise occurs by raising your legs on a bench or stand. Raising the fulcrum of the feet 60 cm from the floor will increase the load to 75% of the athlete’s weight. It is important to constantly keep your back straight and not allow your stomach to sag, otherwise the meaning of the press is completely lost.

With a medium grip

This grip will help pump up your triceps if done correctly. The palms are positioned exactly shoulder-width apart, and when lowering the body, the elbows move parallel to the body, pressing as close to it as possible. Weightening or simplifying the exercise follows the same pattern as for classic push-ups (adding weights, raising the fulcrum of the legs or kneeling).

With a narrow grip

One of the most difficult push-up variations. The emphasis is on the palms (slightly turned outward), which are located at the point corresponding to the middle of the chest. Feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. At the lowest point, the sternum should touch the fingers. In this position, the exercise gives maximum load to the triceps and the front part of the deltoid muscle.

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On one hand

Another difficult exercise designed for trained athletes. For those who are just starting training, it is better not to even try to do such a press, because there is a high probability of breaking the supporting arm. In this case, the person will simply hit his face on the floor from a height of half a meter. Correct execution: the supporting hand is in line with the body, the second is placed behind the back; legs spread wide to provide balance. At the lowest point, the chest touches the floor; in the reverse movement, the shoulders are kept parallel to the floor.

On fingers

This emphasis strengthens the hand and all its joints. The type of push-up in this case is not important (the only exception is a narrow grip, since it is extremely difficult to position your fingers comfortably). In order to understand whether you can do a push-up, you should stand for a while in the starting position. If your fingers are tired and start to hurt in the first seconds, then it is better to abandon the exercise and work with an expander to strengthen the hand.

30 day push up program for girls

Push-ups are a great way to increase strength and strengthen your chest muscles.

If you want to actively work out your muscles and learn how to do a lot of push-ups, we suggest you arrange a small challenge for 30 days.

This way you can quite easily and quickly go from 5 push-ups to 50.

30 day push up routine for girls

1 Week2 week3 week4 week
1 day - 5 timesDay 8 - restDay 15 – 20 timesDay 22 - 35 times
Day 2 – 5 timesDay 9 - 12 timesDay 16 - 24 timesDay 23 – 35 times
Day 3 - restDay 10 – 12 timesDay 17 - restDay 24 - rest
Day 4 – 5 timesDay 11 - restDay 18 - 25 timesDay 25 – 38 times
Day 5 – 10 timesDay 12 – 15 timesDay 19 - 30 timesDay 26 – 40 times
Day 6 - restDay 13 – 15 timesDay 20 - restDay 27 - rest
Day 7 – 10 timesDay 14 - rest21 days - 32 timesDay 28 – 42 times
2 more days
Day 29 - 45 timesDay 30 – 50 times

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of push-ups for the female body, for the formation of beautiful posture and a slim figure, and most importantly for the prevention of various joint diseases, improving the flexibility and elasticity of ligaments and muscles.

After 30 years, a person begins to lose 2% of muscle mass every year. If you think this is not much, then by the age of 70 this figure increases to 80%. This process can be prevented by regular exercise and an active lifestyle. It has been scientifically proven that people who play sports retain more than 80% of their muscle mass after 60 years.

Push-ups use almost all the muscles in the body, isn't this a great way to keep yourself in good shape?

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