Why weight stays the same with proper nutrition: 5 reasons and solutions

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The weight stands still and does not move, and with this, confidence in our actions decreases. Before looking for complex and difficult to correct reasons why your weight remains the same, carefully check that you have followed all the rules that we discussed in detail in the article Proper nutrition for weight loss.

Don’t rush to blame genes and heredity and, in desperation, cut down your calorie intake even more - your weight will not change until you find the true reason.

Ignoring even one point can stop weight loss. The body will resist and work against you and your desires.

Let us remind you that you can lose weight by following simple rules for losing weight:

  • Attitude and self-discipline. A sincere desire or forced attempts to lose weight rarely lead to success. Love yourself at your current weight and become a little better.
  • Reducing the calorie content of the daily diet by 500-600 kcal.
  • In your diet, maintain a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, not forgetting vitamins and minerals.
  • Establish a drinking regime by drinking 30-40 ml of water per kg of body weight.
  • Follow the regime and rules of eating.
  • Ensure complete detoxification of the body. The body will never allow you to lose weight when your liver and kidneys are overloaded.
  • Organization of adequate physical activity.
  • Nervous system support.
  • Complete rest and sleep.

If you tried hard, followed the whole regime, ate the right foods, played sports, and the result on the scales is short-lived or absent, you need to pay attention to your hormones.

Weight stays the same: pay attention to the thyroid gland

The barrier for our purposes is the reduced function of the thyroid gland, a correspondingly low concentration of its hormones, a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes, and a decrease in energy consumption in the body. Excess weight in such conditions will not go away.

And iodine, namely algae, will help us overcome the obstacle. Everyone has heard that in order to produce thyroid hormones, iodine is needed. But few people know that this also requires calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Brown algae contains all the microelements and most of all iodine. It also contains amino acids necessary for building the protein part of hormones.

The thyroid gland is the body’s battery, the best assistant in losing weight.

  • This power plant works well - good metabolism and normal weight.
  • Provides increased working capacity, no fatigue.
  • If you play sports, you spend even more energy, and the weight will come off more readily.
  • For girls, a healthy thyroid gland means beautiful skin, hair and nails.

Therefore, we add Kelp - brown algae - to our daily diet. 2 capsules in the morning completely provide the body with the necessary amount of iodine. If you drink vitamins at the same time (and if you approach the process correctly, you drink them), then 1 Kelp capsule.

What should a woman do if she gains weight while losing weight?

Women, who are especially susceptible to the desire to lose weight, often wonder why the weight gained and what to do to continue reducing it. Some people notice that weight loss continues on its own without any additional intervention, while others should pay attention to the tips below:

  • Drinking clean water can help the body speed up its metabolism. Two liters is the daily norm for fluid intake without any additives. It will also absolutely help in cleansing the body, removing all waste and toxins from it.

  • Following the prescribed diet will also have an effect. An immediate limitation of incoming energy will lead to the fact that all processes occurring during normal metabolism will slow down and stagnation will set in - a time when weight loss is simply impossible. Also, all the thoughts and desires of a person losing weight will be directed only towards thinking about food, about a snack or a quick cheat meal.
  • Sooner or later, all these “painful” ideas will lead to a breakdown.
  • However, you don’t have to worry about “stagnation” at all: if you focus on why the weight gained while losing weight, you may miss the most important thing - restoring the ability to reduce the numbers on the scale . The fact is that the plateau effect is just adaptation to new conditions, getting used to an unusually low mass. Immediately after the restructuring to the new state is successful, a new stage of reduction in size begins.

Losing weight in women is an extremely serious process, because any stress can cause the release of fat-forming enzymes, controlled by estrogen. To prevent hormonal imbalance, you should carefully monitor your diet and take extra care of your health.

Weight stays the same - correct estrogen levels

The reason for the bleak prospects for losing weight may be an imbalance of estrogen, both upward and downward.

Estrogens are processed by the liver. For example, the liver is overloaded with neutralizing uncontrolled toxins and foreign substances. This happens when there are problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; at the site of damage to the intestinal barrier, we get a real entrance gate. Neutralization is a vital task, so the function of processing hormones suffers. Their incomplete metabolism may occur and undestructed molecules enter the blood.

The condition is dangerous because it is not diagnosed by analysis - the structure of the hormones has already been changed, but they remain active and perform their function. This is how dishormonal disorders can occur even against the background of good tests.

Therefore, with weight loss, liver support is always carried out.


  • A diet that removes excess carbohydrates;
  • The required amount of protein is given;
  • Sufficient amounts of lecithin and omega-3;
  • Optimally, complete liver rehabilitation with the “Health of your Liver” kit

The last point is taking phytoestrogens. They are given both in case of excess and deficiency of estrogen. In case of deficiency, they make up for the deficiency, and in case of excess, they occupy receptors, and excess estrogen is excreted by the liver, the functioning of which has already been improved.

For men with a large “beer belly”, where estrogen is produced from testosterone, phytoestrogen EF C with Dong Qua is also recommended. Then the estrogen level drops.

Dosages are strictly individual. For women - according to feelings and analyses. Some people need 1 capsule a day, others need 2-3. Only individual selection, starting from 1 capsule per day.

If you normalize the imbalance, the weight will gradually move from the dead point, otherwise there can be no talk of any weight loss.

How long is this considered normal?

However, stopping weight loss does not always mean a specific malfunction in the body: many nutritionists warn their clients about the possibility of getting “stuck” on the same number shown on the scale.

The first two to three weeks are considered the most effective in terms of shedding extra pounds : due to the restrictions clearly prescribed in the menu, in sweet and salty foods the body is literally cleansed of liquid that has stagnated under the influence of these substances. Moreover, the “new” layer of fat also disappears - the one that has not yet had time to become well established among other similar tissue.

The result of the diet in the first two to three weeks

Next, the effect of the plateau effect itself begins. The duration of its completion can range from three weeks to two months. At this time, a complete restructuring of the body and all the processes taking place in it occurs, which makes it possible to stabilize body weight and prevent its rapid return immediately after leaving a dietary lifestyle.

Over the entire period of losing weight, several such periods may occur, since the body needs to gradually adapt to its new state. However, one cannot fail to mention the fact that the plateau effect can be “diagnosed” only when both weight and volume are unchanged and do not move at all from the “dead point”. If any of these indicators shows positive dynamics, then this is also considered a decrease in weight.

The third possible reason why weight is on: excess insulin

Insulin is a protein hormone that has a whole range of effects on the body, affecting all types of metabolism:

  • enhances the uptake of glucose by cells;
  • activates glucose oxidation processes;
  • increases the intensity of glucose storage in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen;
  • reduces the formation of glucose in the liver;
  • accelerates the absorption of amino acids into the cell;
  • increases the intensity of protein synthesis;
  • slows down the breakdown of proteins;
  • reduces the flow of fatty acids into the blood;
  • enhances the formation of adipose tissue, and with a lack of insulin, stimulates its destruction

To properly normalize excess weight, you cannot ignore the influence of the last point. When there is excess insulin, it will be difficult for the body to part with fatty tissue and all our attempts to lose weight will be unsuccessful.

Since we have limited the intake of free carbohydrates into the body as much as possible, often the main reason for the accumulation of insulin in the blood is insulin resistance. A condition where insulin cannot interact with cells.

The following can increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin:

  • Chrome Chelate. Directly involved in carbohydrate metabolism and control of blood glucose levels. It is a component of the “glucose tolerance factor”. Recommended for people with impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes, it increases the effectiveness of treatment. Prevents the development of atherosclerotic changes.
  • Walnut. Contains tens more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Has a powerful antiparasitic effect. Promotes detoxification of the body. Normalizes metabolic processes. Prescribed for support in diabetes mellitus.
  • Alfalfa. It has appetite suppressant properties, which helps in many weight control diets. Helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of complications in diabetes, and is effective in diabetic angiopathy.
  • Loklo. Represents dietary fiber. Promotes the removal of toxins, normalizes metabolism. Reduces the absorption of sugars and cholesterol, reduces their level in the blood. Used to increase the effectiveness of treatment of diabetes and atherosclerosis. Used in weight loss programs.

Note! Independent attempts to influence the level of insulin in the blood unnecessarily lead to disability. It is popular among bodybuilders to try to control the increase/decrease of insulin to build muscle mass/burn fat.

Mathematics does not work in the body. Increasing the level of insulin in the blood above normal will not speed up muscle growth, and lowering insulin levels below normal will not speed up the breakdown of fat. Hypoglycemic coma and other more serious complications will overtake you first.

Progress still stands still - we are looking for the cause in adipose tissue

Do not forget that adipose tissue is a highly active endocrine tissue that produces hormones - adipokines. For example, leptin and adiponectin.

In total, about 50 adipokines are known. They regulate metabolic processes, affect the feeling of hunger, and the breakdown of fat. For example, leptin, among other things, tells the brain that we have already eaten and it’s time to moderate our appetite and activate energy expenditure.

If the functioning of adipokines is disrupted (say hello to our favorite carbohydrates), the brain does not receive a signal to reduce the feeling of hunger and start energy-consuming processes. But we have difficulties in bringing our weight back to normal.

You can normalize the functioning of hormones with simple things:

  • Remove excess carbohydrates and fats from the diet;
  • Hunger. The simplest and safest fast for the body is night fasting. To ensure proper metabolic processes, it is useful if you fast for 12 hours. If we have breakfast in the morning at 6 am, then in the evening the latest meal is at 6 pm. If at 8, then we have dinner before 8. This maintains the proper functioning of the endocrine balance.
  • Monounsaturated fats. Dark chocolate. The higher the cocoa percentage, the better. And also pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts. Let’s not get carried away, the body doesn’t need chocolate bars and bags of nuts, otherwise the needle on the scale will move in the wrong direction.
  • Physical exercise.

Excess cortisol may be the reason why your weight has plateaued

Cortisol levels increase with any type of chronic stress. The topic of stress is more than familiar to people with increased weight:

  • Working at night;
  • Dissatisfaction with yourself, work, family;
  • Violation of sleep and rest patterns;
  • Chronic pain syndrome;
  • Excessive workload;
  • Unresolved problems, negativism

Cortisol in the body performs the function of a conscientious caretaker and strives to preserve as many of the body’s energy resources as possible to successfully overcome stress. Excess weight is a strategic reserve for him. Accordingly, in order to reduce its level and persuade the body to give up excess, it is necessary to reduce stress factors as much as possible.

What should be done:

  • Avoid stimulants: caffeine, alcohol and smoking. There is no need for extra excitement. If a person doesn’t sleep for days on end, he needs to go to sleep; it’s difficult to survive on coffee alone.
  • Fighting irritation. Find a way to relax: yoga, meditation, books, etc.
  • Adaptogens: Eleutherococcus, Noni juice, magnesium, omega-3 and lecithin, B vitamins, “Anti-stress” or “Clear Head” sets. Everything that nourishes the nervous system.

For people with low mood, five (5-hydroxytryptophan) is suitable, and it is even better to take it in the evening with eight.

Magnesium reduces irritation, does not inhibit reactions and does not reduce attention. A person reacts more smoothly to what is happening in life. You can drink for long periods.

Why: reasons

  1. “Why should I lose weight for six months? If I cut my daily calorie intake in half, I’ll lose weight twice as fast!”

    Yeah, you decided to outsmart yourself? An excellent situation, especially considering that from such a sharp decrease in caloric intake you will most likely climb the wall from hunger.

    By reducing caloric intake by 30-40%, you will lose weight faster, but only for the first time (extremely short-term) . Then our smartest mechanism in the world - the body - will adapt to the mocking new conditions and respond to you in the style of “get a fascist grenade.”

    It, through deterioration of well-being, lethargy, fatigue and bad mood, will force you to move less in everyday life, choose easier workouts or give up on them altogether, because “I’m so tired”, “I don’t feel well”, “I just can’t do it anymore”. "and this will reduce the rate of weight loss.

    By the way, you can even get sick, because immunity depends much more on your diet than pharmaceutical companies with their dummy drugs would like to admit!

    No, you will continue to lose weight, but the rate of getting rid of excess fat will be approximately the same as with a calorie deficit of 20%, because you will spend much less energy! And if there is no difference, is it worth hurting yourself more?

    In addition, you should understand that a low-calorie diet greatly increases the risk of diet failure (read more about the dangers of diets and the list of prohibited and permitted foods in this article ).

    Constant food restrictions are difficult to withstand not only physically, but also psychologically. Have pity on yourself and your loved ones!

    Bottom line : the more you reduce your caloric intake, the higher the risk of eating disorders and scandals. Therefore, reducing the deficit by more than 20% of the daily caloric intake is not recommended. Regardless of how much you want to lose - 3 kg or 30 kg.

  2. “I count calories and eat within my range, but my weight has stopped falling. So I need to reduce my calories to continue losing weight."

    The golden rule of weight loss when counting calories is to never dramatically reduce your daily calorie intake to shift weight.

    Firstly, if you have been frozen at one number for several days or even weeks, this does not mean at all that you are not continuing to lose weight. Perhaps it’s just that water is retained in your body , and meanwhile fat continues to disappear, but you cannot see this on the scales.

    Secondly, if you reduce calories every time you lose weight, then you can end up with a norm of 1000 kilocalories. Therefore, continue to eat with a deficit of 20% (no more!) and do nothing.

    Thirdly, double-check your calculations - after all, you have lost weight, which means you now need to recalculate the formula with your new weight and reduce your calorie intake, focusing strictly on your changed condition!

    But if you are still tormented by inactivity, then you can increase the calorie corridor . Yes, yes, you read that right, increase it. But you can increase your daily calorie intake by no more than 200 kcal. You won't gain back the lost weight, but you will shake up your body.

  3. “God, I’m so full, it’s okay! Tomorrow I’ll have a fasting day, sit on apples/kefir/water.”

    Throw this nonsense of fasting days out of your head forever! A fasting day is a huge stress for the body, which leads to eating disorders. In addition, this is again a negative factor for metabolism.

    If you exceeded your caloric intake today, then reduce it the next day, but no more than 200-300 kcal.

    If you experiment with your body and periodically underfeed it, then with great pleasure it will begin to force you to accumulate fat “for a rainy day” even more actively - it will trigger hysterics and breakdowns.

    Try to eat a balanced diet, without sudden jumps up and down relative to your calorie range. But if you violated it, don't blame yourself. Just continue to eat within your daily caloric intake and don't go on a hunger strike. You will definitely lose weight.

    We have 2 super detailed and cool articles on these topics, we highly recommend them to you:

      Benefit or harm: fasting days for weight loss - reality without embellishment and myths
  4. Detailed analysis of 25 effective options for fasting days for weight loss with examples and instructions on how to do it correctly
  5. The most dangerous type of delusion: “Oh, well, today I sweated in the gym. I can afford a pie - I deserve it! And all calories are processed during exercise"

    Just a weight loss killer! One of the main misconceptions of trainees is that when doing fitness, you can forget about food restrictions and not count calories. Even the most intense workout will help you burn no more than 500 kcal. For the whole thing, not for an hour. This is slightly less than 1 chocolate bar . Yes, yes, this is the price of your suffering.

    We also have an article on this topic - it will also be useful to you. Weight does not go away from sports and training: “why do I play sports but not lose weight”

    If you do not control your diet, then these 500 kcal will be compensated for very quickly during the day. Try to separate for yourself: nutrition means losing weight, getting rid of excess fat; training is the quality of the body, toned shape. Nutrition is 80% of success, sports is 20% .

    By the way, a common mistake: do not count the calorie consumption from training twice.

    For example, you spent 300 kcal during class and keep in mind that you can eat on these 300 kcal without any twinges of conscience. But when calculating the daily calorie intake, the amount and intensity of training is always indicated, which means that’s it, you don’t have more of these calories in your calculation.

    Accordingly, your calorie corridor already assumes that you are training. This common mistake when counting calories can seriously hamper your weight loss process!

  6. “Hurray, the treasured number on the scales, let’s go to McDuck”

    A sharp increase in daily caloric intake always leads to weight gain. Let's say you've been eating within 1600 kcal for a long time and losing weight. And then bam, and you have a 4,000 calorie glutton (believe me, it’s easy to fill them up with fast food).

    And what will happen? For weight loss, it is not the caloric content of a specific day that is important, but the totality of several. So your gluttony will cover the “suffering” of others: in 2 days you will get 5600 instead of the 3200 you need for weight loss!

    Of course, this will not happen in one day, but some people are so addicted to cheat days that they completely cover the deficit they have cured with such difficulty on the “correct” days of the diet.

    And remember, you won’t be able to endlessly increase your caloric intake without damaging your figure. Most likely, you will stop at the daily caloric intake without taking into account the deficit. But the abandoned kilograms are guaranteed not to return to you.

Last piece of advice: to keep the weight off, sleep

For proper functioning of hormones, you need sleep 7-8 hours a day.

Many hormones that are necessary for proper fat burning are produced from 11 pm in the deep phase of sleep. The later you go to bed, the less of these hormones you will receive.

PS Good luck to you in your endeavors. Don't try to lose weight for the sake of losing weight because it's fashionable now. Concentrate with all your might on maintaining your health, stop constantly standing on the scale. Then losing weight will not mark time, and slimness will improve by itself. Weight is just one indicator of health.

We recommend reading: Proper nutrition

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