5 simple exercises with a shoulder expander

Alternating arm curls

Muscles involved: Bottom, middle and top of biceps, top of forearm.
Starting position: Fasten the ends of an elastic tube or several tubes to two handles and clasp them with your hands with an underhand grip. Stand with both feet on the elastic tubes. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly to the sides. Bend your elbows slightly until the elastic tubes are slightly stretched. The gaze is directed straight ahead. Tighten your lower back muscles and maintain the natural curve of your spine for the rest of the set.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, bending one arm at the elbow joint, pull the handle of the expander to the corresponding shoulder. Having reached the top point of the amplitude of movement, without delay, while inhaling, smoothly lower it back. Having straightened one arm, begin to bend the other, maintaining the tension of the elastic tubes in the lowered arm.

Exercise Tips: Keep your back straight while performing the exercise. The elbows are pressed tightly to the body at all times, all movements are made only in the elbow joints.

Choose a load at which you can reach the handles of the expander to shoulder level.

If you cannot correctly adjust the working length of the expander, the tubes are too long for you, then perform biceps exercises with the expander fixed to the wall (door).

Recommended initial load: men - black + red or blue + red tubes, women - red or red + yellow tube.

One arm curl

Muscles worked: Middle and lower biceps

Starting position: Make one turn of the elastic tube or several tubes around the foot and fasten the ends of the tube to one handle. Grasp the handle of the expander with one hand with an underhand grip, and place the hand of the other hand under the lower part of the triceps of the working arm.

Bend your arm slightly at the elbow until the elastic tubes are slightly stretched. Take a small step forward with your involved leg.

Tighten your lower back muscles and maintain the natural curve of your spine for the rest of the set. The gaze is directed straight ahead.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, bending your arm at the elbow joint, pull the handle of the expander towards your shoulder. When you reach the top point, pause and tighten your biceps even more. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position, while maintaining the tension of the elastic tubes.

Exercise Tips: Keep your back straight while performing the exercise.

The bottom of the triceps of the working arm should be pressed firmly against the hand of the other arm throughout the entire exercise.

Choose a load at which you can reach the handle of the expander to shoulder level.

Recommended initial load: men - blue or red tube, women - green tube.

Exercises with an expander for men - basics and loads

You can exercise with an expander anywhere - it is compact, convenient, takes up little space, and most importantly - very effective.

Visually, this simulator consists of two handles that are connected by a spring or elastic bands.

Depending on the desired effect and level of training, you can set the required load. A beginner should start with a load at which he can perform 10-15 repetitions at a time.

A prerequisite for the effectiveness of exercises with an expander is a gradual increase in load.

First you need to increase the number of repetitions, then approaches. And only when the exercises are performed with virtually no effort can you increase the load by adding one band or spring. But the number of approaches and repetitions should be reduced again.

So, we can highlight 5 basic principles for working effectively with an expander:

  1. You should never neglect warm-up exercises.
  2. The load level should be increased gradually.
  3. Quantitative indicators of exercise performance should not exceed qualitative ones.
  4. Between sets you need 1-2 minutes to regain strength and take a breath.
  5. The load should be selected depending on the level of training and physical development, as well as natural data.

Arm Curl

Muscles involved: Bottom, middle and top of biceps, top of forearm.

Starting position: Fasten the ends of an elastic tube or several tubes to two handles and clasp them with your hands with an underhand grip. Stand with both feet on the elastic tubes. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly to the sides. Bend your elbows until the elastic tubes are slightly stretched.

Tighten your lower back muscles and maintain the natural curve of your spine for the rest of the set. The gaze is directed straight ahead.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, bending your elbows, smoothly pull the handles of the expander to the level of your upper chest. While lifting the handles, do not move your elbows, keep them at the sides of your body and do not bend your wrists. As soon as your hands are level with the top of your chest, pause and tighten your biceps even more. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position, while maintaining the tension of the elastic tubes.

Exercise Tips: Keep your back straight while performing the exercise. The elbows are pressed to the body all the time, all movements are made only in the elbow joints.

Choose a load at which you can reach the handles of the expander to shoulder level.

If you cannot correctly adjust the working length of the expander, the tubes are too long for you, then perform biceps exercises with the expander fixed to the wall (door).

Recommended initial load: men - black + red or blue + red tubes, women - red or red + yellow tube.

The most effective exercises with an expander for men to train various muscle groups

For the muscles of the shoulder girdle

  • Position. While standing, one leg should be bent and slightly put forward, arms should be absolutely straight, spread to the sides, and the palms should be facing upward, holding the handles of the expander, the springs of which should be located between the chest and chin.
  • Exercise. The arms should be spread as wide as possible, while the knee bends even more and the whole body leans slightly back. In the next approach, you need to change your leg.
  • Intensity. This exercise should initially be performed 10 times with an acceptable load. Gradually it is necessary to increase the pace and increase the angle of inclination back.

For biceps

  • Position. Standing, the right leg fixes the handle of the expander, legs apart.
  • Exercise. The right hand holds the second handle and bends towards the right shoulder. Important: the elbow should not “help”, however, like other muscle groups.
  • Intensity. You should start repeating this exercise 10 times and then change your hand. To avoid performing the exercise incorrectly, do not increase the load too sharply.

For chest muscles

  • Position. Lying on a bench, the expander passes under the bench, its handles in your hands. The spring is slightly tense, the arms are at chest level, the elbows are spread to the sides.
  • Exercise. The arms straighten upward, feeling the tension of the spring. Stay in this position for a few seconds, and the hands return to the starting position.
  • Intensity. The exercise must initially be performed 8 to 10 times, gradually increasing the load.

For leg muscles

  • Position. Lying on your back, one handle of the expander is fixed in the hand at the level of the pelvis, the second is hooked with the leg bent at the knee.
  • Exercise. The leg with the handle is slowly straightened, fixed in this position for several seconds and returned to the starting position. After completing the approach, you should change legs.
  • Intensity. You need to start doing the exercise 8-10 times, gradually increasing the pace.

Expanders, depending on their purpose, design features and other parameters, are sold in various variations.

Expanders are distinguished:

  • foot and hand;
  • children and adults;
  • with a certain type of fastening (floor or wall) and universal, etc.

There is another type of expander, which is quite popular among both sexes. It is commonly called a butterfly expander , exercises with which are quite effective for various muscle groups.

For triceps

  • Position. While standing, one handle of the expander is on the thigh, the other is resting on the forearm. The elbow is pressed to the body.
  • Exercise. The expander is compressed by pressing on the upper handle, then the pressure gradually weakens. After completing the approach, you should change hands.
  • Intensity. For the exercise to be effective, it should be performed 10 times per approach with each hand.

For the shoulder joint and chest muscles

  • Position. Standing, arms extended upward and holding the butterfly handles.
  • Exercise. The “butterfly” must be squeezed as tightly as possible. The more your arms are extended, the more noticeable the result.
  • Intensity. This exercise must be performed for 4-5 minutes.

Overhand grip curl

Muscles involved: Brachialis, biceps, upper forearm.

Starting position: Attach the ends of an elastic tube or several tubes to two handles and wrap your hands around them with an overhand grip. Stand with both feet on the elastic tubes. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly to the sides. Bend your elbows until the elastic tubes are slightly stretched.

Tighten your lower back muscles and maintain the natural curve of your spine for the rest of the set. The gaze is directed straight ahead.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, bending your elbows, smoothly pull the handles of the expander to the level of your upper chest. As soon as your hands are level with the top of your chest, pause and tighten your muscles even more. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position, while maintaining the tension of the elastic tubes.

Exercise Tips: Use lighter resistance than underhand grip biceps exercises. This is explained by the fact that the main load in our exercise falls not on the biceps, but on the brachialis muscle, which is much smaller and weaker than the biceps.

Movement occurs only at the elbow joint. All other parts of the body, including the upper arm from the elbow to the shoulder, should remain motionless for the rest of the set.

Always keep your elbows at the sides of your body. As soon as you begin to push your elbows forward, the front deltoids immediately come into play, which “take away” part of the load from the muscles of the forearm and the load on the shoulder muscle

Always keep your hands in line with your forearms.

Recommended initial load: men - black or blue tube, women - red or green tube.

Exercises with an expander

Leg exercises

Despite the fact that it is difficult to pump your legs with a spring expander, you can still do it. And here are a couple of exercises for your legs:

Lie on the floor, bend one leg at the knee and move it towards you. Place the toe through the handle of the expander. Take the other handle with both hands and hold it at chest level.

Move your toes away from you so that the handle does not slip off your foot. The springs must be tensioned. Straighten your leg, pushing it along the floor away from you. The exercise is shown in the lower right corner of the photo. After completing all repetitions, switch legs.

Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

  • Leg adduction while lying on your back.

As you know, this exercise affects the buttocks and back of the thigh. As in the first exercise, place the handle on your toe. Hold the free end with both hands at chest level.

In the starting position, the leg should be raised 90 degrees relative to the body. Lower your leg until your heel touches the floor. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions for each leg.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

An expander stick is good for pumping up the pectoral muscles.

  • Bending a stick in front of you.

Grab the handles. Using a powerful movement using the pectoral muscles, bend the stick in half. Return to the starting position, slowly straightening the machine. The exercise is good for the inner chest. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 curls.

  • Bending a stick with straight arms

This movement allows you to pump both the pectoral muscles and arms. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Bending a stick with an opposite grip.

The exercise will load not only the muscles of the arms and chest, but also the back and shoulders. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Back exercises

  • Horizontal arm raises.

Grab the handles of the apparatus and extend your arms in front of you. Palms are directed towards each other. Spread your arms to the sides, stretching the expander. In addition to the back, the exercise puts stress on the rear deltoids. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Taking the expander, raise your straightened arms above your head. Palms facing away from each other. Spread your arms out to the sides and down so that the springs of the machine fall behind your head (Fig. 35). Perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Hand exercises

  • Bicep curls.

Hold one handle with your foot, take the other in your hand. Perform an arm curl. The arm should bend only at the elbow. Movements in the shoulder joint should not occur. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Extension of elbows to the sides.

Exercise for triceps. Bend your elbows 90 degrees. Spread them apart so that your forearms are pointing vertically upward. Turn your palms away from each other.

Extend your arms at the elbow joint to the sides until they are straightened into a line. The exercise is similar to Fig. 38, but is performed for both arms. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps

Delta exercises

  • Moving your arm to the side.

Secure one end of the expander under your foot, take the other end in your hand. Extend your arm to the side. Switch hands and repeat the movement. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Raise your hand in front of you.

Secure the machine in the same way as the first exercise. Raise your arm straight in front of you. The exercise targets the front delts. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Here are actually all the basic exercises that can be performed with a spring expander. As always, don't forget to warm up before your workout.

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to pump up using an expander? I will say that you should not have high expectations with this simulator. This apparatus will allow you to develop certain speed-strength qualities, maintain muscle tone, or even strengthen them.

But if it is in your interests to increase muscle volume, then it will no longer help. In this case, the recipe is simple - good nutrition and hard training in the gym.

Arm Curl

Muscles worked: Middle, top and bottom of biceps.

Starting position: Secure the expander with a clamp to the wall in a position at chest level and fasten the ends of the elastic tube or several tubes to the two handles.

Stand facing the wall and clasp the handles of the expander with an underhand grip. Straighten your arms forward and move away from the wall to a distance of light tension on the elastic tubes. To give your body a more stable position, take a small step with one foot. Keep your back straight and your abs engaged for the rest of the set.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, tighten your biceps and pull the handles of the expander towards your head. Try to keep your upper arms still and parallel to the floor. At the extreme point of the amplitude, pause and tighten your biceps even more. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise Tips: Perform the movement through the full range of motion.

The legs, torso and upper arms should remain motionless until the very end of the set.

When the arms are straightened and the elbows are at shoulder level, then when bending the arms, the load is focused on the middle of the long head of the biceps, due to the development of which the biceps acquires a convex shape (biceps peak).

Don't relax your hands, keep them tight, and don't let your wrists flare as you pull the handles toward your head.

It is allowed to bend your wrists slightly as you approach the top point. This will put more stress on your forearms and help your biceps contract more.

Recommended initial load: men - black or blue tube, women - red or red + yellow tube.

Arm Curl

Muscles worked: Middle and lower biceps.

Starting position: Secure the expander using the clamp to the wall (door) in the lower position and fasten the ends of the elastic tube or several tubes to the two handles.

Stand with your back to the wall and clasp the handles of the expander with an underhand grip. Pull your arms straight back and move away from the wall to a distance of light tension on the elastic tubes. To give your body a more stable position, take a small step forward with one leg.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, tighten your biceps and, bending your elbows, smoothly pull the handles of the expander forward. Try to always keep your elbows still and close to the sides of your torso. Once your forearms are parallel to the floor, pause. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise tips : For additional resistance, take another small step forward in the starting position and move your arms back even further.

Recommended initial load: men - black + red or blue + red tubes, women - red or red + yellow tube

Example workout

At home

I will give an example of training for the muscles of the back, arms, and shoulder girdle. Warm up and start by raising your arms. Then take a minute break and perform overhead movements.

After a two-minute break, you can move on to alternate bicep curls for each arm. When performing, you do not need to tilt your body.

Take a minute break again and start raising your arms behind your back. It is similar to the first two exercises with the only difference being that the expander must be placed behind the back so that the arms are bent. The palms are facing outward. Then straighten your arms to the sides. Then, bend them and return to the original stance.

For training, 4-5 exercises are enough so as not to overload the body. It will take approximately 40 minutes.

In the gym

Place your right foot into the handle of the mini-trainer. This is the starting position. Insert a stick 40-60 cm long into the other handle. Grab the stick with both hands and pull it towards you, then lower it, returning to the starting position.

Attach two expander cords to the wall bars parallel to each other. Grab the handles and pull your arms towards your chest. Squat into a sumo stance.

Then turn your back and move your arms back. At the same time, hold the handles of the expander. Perform Bulgarian split squats on each leg. The expander will create resistance.

Then perform the same exercise while jumping, changing legs alternately.

Arm Curl

Muscles involved: Middle, top and bottom of biceps, top of forearm.

Starting position: Secure the expander using the clamp to the wall in the lower position and fasten the ends of the elastic tube or several tubes to the two handles.

Stand facing the wall and clasp the handles of the expander with an underhand grip. Move away from the wall to a distance of light tension of the elastic tubes. To give your body a more stable position, take a small step towards the wall with one foot. Straighten your arms and lean back slightly. Keep your back straight and your abs engaged for the rest of the set.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, tighten your biceps and pull the handles of the expander to the top of your chest. Try to keep your elbows always stationary and near the sides of your torso or slightly in front. At the top, pause and tighten your biceps even more. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise Tips : Perform the movement through the full range of motion. At the top point, your elbows go slightly forward; at the bottom point, fully straighten your arms, while maintaining the tension of the elastic tubes.

Use a workload that allows you to perform the exercise without bending your torso back and forth.

Recommended initial load: men - black + red or blue + red tubes, women - red or red + yellow tube.

Arm curl from a lying position

Muscles involved: Biceps.

Starting position: Secure the expander using the clamp to the wall in the lower position and fasten the ends of the elastic tube or several tubes to the two handles.

Lie on the floor with your feet facing the wall and clasp the handles of the expander with your hands with an underhand grip. Straighten your arms along your body and move away from the wall to a distance of light tension on the elastic tubes.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, bending your arms at the elbow joints, pull the handles of the expander towards your shoulders. Pause and tighten your biceps even more. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise Tips: Make sure to keep your upper arms flat on the floor at all times throughout the set.

When using a heavy load, bend your knees and place your feet firmly on the floor.

Do not rotate your wrists during the entire movement.

Recommended initial load: men - black or blue + green tubes, women - blue or red + yellow tubes

Exercises with a home expander for women

Expander ring

The trainer is made of thicker material. The expander has the shape of a circle or ellipse. Typically, the simulator is used to train arm muscles.

Exercises with a home-made expander ring for women

  • Take the ring in your hand and begin to squeeze it sharply and as tightly as possible. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  • Take the ring in your hand, but squeeze it not with your entire palm, but only with your fingers. Squeeze gently for a minute.

Expander with footrest or shoulder blades

Such a device has two solid handles connected by an elastic cord to a transverse handle. Athletes usually repeat exercises with a home resistance band, similar to rowing. How to make them? You need to put your feet on the handles and then slowly stretch them out.

How to properly use an expander with a footrest at home

  • Bend legs under tension

Set the mount in a low position and secure your legs in the handles of the expander. Lie on your stomach, and then, as you exhale, begin to bend your legs. At the end point, pause for a few seconds and lower your legs. Do not lift your pelvis off the floor during the exercise.

  • Legs abducted to the sides

Place your foot through the loop and sit parallel to the clamp. Start moving your leg to the side, and then smoothly return it to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Latex tape

The tape is a piece of elastic rubber without handles. Typically, the machine is used to train the upper and lower body. It is quite versatile - latex tape is used for strength, general development, rehabilitation and Pilates exercises.

Training with an expander - latex tape

  • Bridge

Lie on your back and lift your pelvis off the floor. Place your feet on the floor and bend your knees. First place the tape just above your knees. Then begin to spread your legs without lowering your pelvis.

Place the band at your shoulders, then get into a push-up position. As you inhale, begin to bend your arms and lower yourself down without touching your stomach to the floor. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Press down with two hands

Muscles worked: Triceps

Starting position: Secure the expander using the clamp to the wall in the upper position and fasten the ends of the elastic tube or several tubes to the two handles.

Stand facing the wall and clasp the handles of the expander with your hands with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 ° and move away from the wall to a distance of light tension on the elastic tubes. Feet shoulder width apart. Knees slightly bent. The torso is tilted slightly (15-20 ° ) forward. The elbows are slightly extended in front of the body. Maintain this body position for the rest of the set.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, keeping your elbows as close to your sides as possible, bend your arms down. Extending your arms downward, at the moment when your little fingers are below your elbows, begin to smoothly turn your hands and spread your arms out to the sides along your body so that when you fully straighten your arms, your palms are pointing back. With your arms fully extended, achieve peak triceps contraction. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise Tips : Do not move your elbows throughout the exercise. The upper arms, torso and legs remain motionless until the end of the set!

Do not loosen your grip during the exercise and do not straighten your wrists!

Increasing the load should not be an obstacle to maintaining the correct technique for performing the exercise.

Recommended initial load: men - black or blue tube, women - red or green tube.

Arm extension from the top position

Muscles worked: Long (back) triceps

Starting position: Secure the expander using the clamp to the wall in the upper position and fasten the ends of the elastic tube or several tubes to the two handles.

Stand with your back to the wall and grab the handles of the expander with an overhand grip. Raise your arms up and forward at a 45° angle from the vertical. Bend your elbows at an angle of 90° and move away from the wall to the distance of light tension of the elastic tubes. Feet shoulder-width apart or, to give your body a more stable position, take a small step forward with one leg.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, keeping your shoulders motionless, smoothly straighten your arms at the elbows.

With your arms fully extended, achieve peak triceps contraction. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise Tips : The resistance should not be too high, as this can disrupt the technique of the exercise, which significantly reduces the load on the triceps and the effectiveness of the entire exercise.

Fixing the upper arms at an angle of 45° to the vertical is an important element of the exercise. Fully straighten your arms at the top of the exercise to achieve maximum triceps contraction.

Recommended initial load: men - black or blue tube, women - red tube.

Exercise No. 1. Raising your arms in front of you with a shoulder expander

Goal: development of the pectoral and anterior deltas. Technique: Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We build up the required resistance of the expander, after which we grab both handles and, while inhaling, move them apart to maximum tension. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. We repeat the movement 10-15 times. Note: The best exercise with a chest (shoulder) expander for developing the pectoral muscles. One of the most energy-intensive movements, which is why it should be performed at the beginning of the workout. An alternative is dumbbell flyes or arm flyes in a special machine.

Kneeling Press Down

Muscles involved: Triceps.

Starting position: Secure the expander using the clamp to the wall in the upper position and fasten the ends of the elastic tube or several tubes to two handles or straps.

Kneel down facing the wall (about 1 meter from the wall) and clasp the handles of the expander with an overhand grip. Bend your elbows at an angle of 90°. The torso is tilted slightly (15-20 ° ) forward.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, keeping your elbows as close to your sides as possible, bend your arms down. With your arms fully extended, achieve peak triceps contraction. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise Tips : Do not move your elbows throughout the exercise. The upper arms, torso and legs remain motionless until the end of the exercise.

Increasing the load should not be an obstacle to maintaining the correct technique for performing the exercise.

Recommended initial load: men - black or blue tube, women - red tube

French press

Muscles worked: Long (back) triceps

Starting position: Secure the expander using the clamp to the wall in the upper position and fasten the ends of the elastic tube or several tubes to the two handles.

Stand with your back to the wall and grab the handles of the expander with an overhand grip. Take your arms bent at the elbows back behind your head.

Tighten your psoas muscles and maintain the natural, S-shaped curve of your spine. The chin is parallel to the floor or slightly raised up.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, keeping your shoulders motionless, smoothly straighten your arms at the elbows.

With your arms fully extended, achieve peak triceps contraction. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise tips : Throughout the entire set, do not relax the lumbar muscles and firmly fix the spine in a natural position (torso straight, back slightly arched in the lower back).

Try to always keep your upper arms (elbow to shoulder) still and as close to vertical as possible. By bending your elbows forward, you reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, since the focus of the load shifts from the triceps to other muscles.

Fully straighten your arms at the top of the exercise to achieve maximum triceps contraction.

The decisive role in the exercise is played not by the working weight, but by the correct technique.

Recommended initial load: men - black or blue + yellow tube, women - red tube.

One-arm press down

Muscles worked: Outer triceps

Starting position: Secure the expander using the clamp to the wall (door) in the upper position and fasten both ends of the elastic tube or several tubes to one strap or handle.

Stand with your side to the wall and grab the strap or handle of the expander with the hand farthest from the wall. Bend your arm at the elbow joint and press it towards your body. The working hand should be in the same vertical plane with the expander. Move away from the wall to a distance of light tension of the elastic tubes.

Performing the exercise: As you exhale, keeping the elbow of your working arm pressed to your body, straighten your arm down. With your arm fully extended, achieve peak contraction of the triceps. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

After completing the set with one arm, begin performing this triceps exercise with the other arm.

Exercise Tips : Keep the elbow of your working arm motionless and as close to the side of your body as possible. By moving your elbow to the side, you strengthen the contraction of the long head of the triceps, but at the same time weaken the load on the lateral (side) head of the triceps, which is precisely what this exercise is aimed at.

The reverse grip squat press also thoroughly engages the medial (inner) head of the triceps. It is she who begins to straighten the arm. But if you want to achieve its maximum contraction, stand facing the wall and perform arm extension in a plane perpendicular to the torso.

Recommended initial load: men - red or red + yellow tubes, women - green or yellow tube.

Results from exercises with an expander

By regularly performing exercises with an expander for men, you can:

  • strengthen and develop the muscles of the arms, abdomen, legs, shoulder girdle;
  • increase the level of endurance and get rid of excess fat (to do this, you should perform the exercises quickly, with minimal breaks between approaches and with a large number of repetitions);
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system (exercises with an expander are similar in effectiveness to running, which can cause knee problems if you are overweight or old);
  • increase joint mobility and flexibility. published. If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project here .

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