How to remove excess fat from arms and shoulders at home with exercises? Why is fat deposited on the arms? How to quickly and easily remove fat from arms and shoulders: arm workout, exercises, surgery

Even when the weight goes away, the arms do not become thin right away and not for everyone. Today on the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” we are talking about how to reduce the size of your arms at home.

Of course, there are many ways. One that is not homemade is surgical, that is, liposuction. But we are interested in what you can do yourself. And these are diets, proper physical activity, massage.

It is best to combine several methods to quickly achieve results. An exercise or exercise once a week will definitely not give results, but a systematic approach may well help.

About the reasons for volume

Before thinking about how to reduce the volume of her arms, a girl needs to understand what causes such excessive fullness and why her arms are like that. By the way, plump hands are also called “angel wings.” Of course, it’s difficult to call such an aesthetic feature angelic, especially for those who want to wear a dress with straps or a sundress so that their arms and shoulders are completely open.

Here are the probable reasons for this volume:

  • incorrect posture means that first of all you should think about how to correct it;
  • features of the constitution - the arms and shoulders of mother, grandmother, great-grandmother are exactly the same, there is volume, and they also could not do anything to reduce it;
  • the arms look voluminous because it is obvious that the muscles, the triceps, are undeveloped and weak.

Of course, it is quite rare that only the arms need to be reduced in volume; usually this is accompanied by fullness of the whole body. So you need to systematically do everything to become slimmer, as the weight loss portal constantly writes about.

Why fat is deposited on the arms

To understand how to deal with fat on the arms, you need to first talk about the reasons for fat deposition in this area. The most common reasons are:

  1. Genetic predisposition. You are an inverted triangle body type. In this type, fat deposits appear first on the back, shoulders and arms. Towards the bottom, the figure seems to narrow, and the hips look very narrow in comparison with the shoulders.
  2. Lack of physical activity. Most often found among office and retail workers. Then, as a rule, a person gains weight not only in his arms.
  3. Poor nutrition. A large amount of fatty, sweet or, on the contrary, salty foods can also provoke the appearance of fatty deposits in the arms and not only.
  4. Age. With age, the body begins to spend energy differently, and hormonal levels change. Fat can be deposited in the most unexpected places: on the knees, elbows, and shins. Including on the hands.
  5. Weak muscle tone in the arms. If the muscles of the forearm do not work enough, then most likely with age the arms will look more and more flabby. Even with a small percentage of fat, your arms will look fat.
  6. Well developed muscles. If a person is “in body” and has developed arm and forearm muscles, then most likely his arms will look plump. This happens because adipose tissue is superimposed on muscle tissue, further increasing it.

Sometimes there can be several reasons for the appearance of fat on the arms.
A hidden, but serious reason is a metabolic disorder in the body. Some diseases, such as endocrine diseases, can cause swelling and accumulation of fluid and fat in certain parts of the body. For example, on the arms or legs. If you are losing weight, but your arms remain full, we recommend that you check your hormones with an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

Thus, of the seven common causes of fat deposits in the arms, only one is uncontrollable. This is age. With this “problem” you can contact a plastic surgeon or a cosmetologist. Other causes can be eliminated by consulting a doctor, a fitness trainer, or by adjusting your lifestyle.

Men can also suffer from fat deposits in the arm area.

Is there a perfect exercise to reduce size?

Something that a girl can do, but her shoulders and arms will become thinner and thinner in a short time?

It’s worth upsetting someone: there is no such “magic pill” that deflates volume like a balloon.

But you can reduce the volume of overweight arms if you pay attention to all the trainings in which your arms are involved in one way or another, and do the exercises regularly, and not occasionally and according to your mood.

The good thing about aerobics, dance, and all kinds of group programs is that the load falls on all muscle groups. But we have already noted that most often not only the hands need a special load, but also the whole body.

Workouts that include a variety of appropriate movements for the arms are quite effective if you follow the instructions of the instructor in the gym or follow the video tutorials.

Swimming pool to reduce your hands

Of course, this is not exactly a homemade way to reduce the fullness in the forearms, but it is worth going swimming regularly so that your arms become more prominent and their volume is not so large. In addition, swimming is good for the reason that in general it helps to become slimmer, tighten your skin and strengthen your immune system.

Do pull-ups and push-ups: it won't hurt!

Pull-ups will also help reduce the undesirable size of your arms. Although many are mistaken: they think that this will make them almost “terminators”. It turns out that the girl is harming herself: she doesn’t pull herself up and doesn’t do any exercises on her arms so that they don’t become too pumped up, and as a result, sometimes even after a diet, plump and rounded forearms are still noticeable.

Pull-ups help develop biceps, reduce body fat and turn all this volume into muscle.

We perform the exercise like this: you need to hang on a special crossbar and make a reverse grip with your hands. In order for the execution to be high-quality, you need to tighten your torso, using only the muscles. You need to pull yourself up until your chin rises above this bar.

Of course, a girl who does not have good athletic training is unlikely to be able to do this right away. If you can’t do even 5 pull-ups at all, then you can start with a low bar and in a position at an angle of forty-five degrees.

If a girl can’t handle this, then she needs to take up yoga. You won't be able to get slimmer quickly, but it will strengthen your body.

Push-ups are another strength workout that is useful for getting into shape the triceps extensors.

The starting position is traditional: straight back, legs extended. To maintain balance, you need to stand strictly on your toes. To ensure that the entire load goes directly to the forearms, you should not press your elbows against your body.

For those who find it difficult to stand on their toes, you can first try doing approaches on your knees.

What to do to lose weight on your arms

Efforts aimed at losing weight in the arms above the elbow should include a comprehensive approach to solving the problem, including adjusting the usual diet, including reasonable physical activity and additional measures to eliminate fat on the forearms, such as massage or body wraps. However, to lose weight in your arms above the elbow, you shouldn’t go to extremes - a strict diet and grueling workouts can cause a negative effect - you will be able to lose weight, but instead of beautiful, toned forearms, you can get dry, but very wavy piles of muscle above the elbow.


In order for your arms to lose weight and look feminine and attractive, the first measure in the fight against excess fat in the problem area from the elbows to the shoulders should be to adjust your diet. You can go on a low-carb diet or simply adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition:

  • exclude sugar in all its forms from the menu;
  • give up high-carbohydrate foods: flour, sweets, cereals;
  • give preference in diet to all kinds of vegetables and fruits, supplementing them with meat;
  • reduce to a minimum the consumption of fried, fatty, smoked, salty foods;
  • strictly adhere to a healthy drinking regime.

Exercise stress

If you are interested in how to make your arms thin, you must understand: without exercise, it will be difficult to lose weight from your elbows to your shoulders. A diet is a diet, but exercises for losing weight in the forearms are also very important, because they help not only get rid of excess fat and sagging skin, but also pump up the forearm muscles (biceps and triceps), which without training become weak and flabby. There is no need to spend hours working your arms; a few approaches for your forearms during your morning exercises will suffice. Breathing exercises (bodyflex, oxysize) are good for toning biceps and triceps.

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A very effective way to remove thick arms above the elbow is an anti-cellulite massage. It stimulates blood circulation well, due to which the internal subcutaneous fat deposits in the arm area above the elbow are quickly broken down. You don’t have to spend money on salon treatments; you can do this massage yourself at home. You just need to remember some important rules:

  • do not concentrate on one area, but massage the entire surface of the arms from elbows to shoulders;
  • Before the massage, take a shower (preferably a contrast one) to soften and prepare the skin;
  • use special massage or regular cosmetic oil;
  • start the massage just below the elbows, smoothly rising to the shoulders;
  • at the beginning of the procedure there should be calm stroking, and after a couple of minutes you can move on to more intense movements - tapping, pinching, pressing, etc.;
  • The massage must be completed by rubbing the skin, working more intensively on the back surface of the forearms;
  • carry out such procedures regularly - ideally daily or at least at least 5 times a week.


An effective measure to eliminate subcutaneous fat in the forearms is wraps. They can be carried out using different components that accelerate the blood well, thereby stimulating the breakdown of internal fat deposits. Honey, coffee grounds, cosmetic clay, and algae are often used as fat-burning substances. After applying the selected component, wrap your hands tightly in 2-3 layers of cling film and leave for 30 minutes to an hour, then rinse with warm water and treat the skin with anti-cellulite or regular moisturizer.

Exercises with dumbbells

Another solution to reduce the size of your arms, the fullness of your arms, is to lift dumbbells. These projectiles must be lifted one by one from the starting position while sitting. This is how you can quickly remove excess deposits.

The correct technique is important: all the emphasis is on the biceps when you bend your elbows.

  • Here is a “home recipe” for doing it if it is not possible to consult with an instructor. Sit on a chair, while keeping your back straight. Take dumbbells and take turns raising and lowering them. It is important to act not jerkily, but smoothly. Optimally for each training – 3 times, 20 repetitions for each limb.
  • Another exercise - again the same position with a straight back on a stool. Hands with dumbbells should be lowered and then pulled back all the way. You should feel a little tension in your muscles, this is normal.

A home option for dumbbells for those who don’t have them and who are not going to buy such equipment are plastic bottles filled with sand or water. The first stage is to choose 0.5 liter bottles, then increase the volume.

How to remove excess fat from arms at home with exercises?

Getting rid of arm fat should be approached comprehensively. You should not only increase your physical activity, but also begin to control your diet. In order for your arms to become slender and graceful, you need to alternate aerobic and strength training. We will now look at the best options for exercises that can be done at home or in the gym with dumbbells.

Exercise No. 1 . Raising your arms to the sides.

  1. Starting position - take a vertical position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides, gaze directed forward.
  2. Take 1-2 kg dumbbells in your hands.
  3. Raise your arms to the sides, hold for 1-2 seconds in the extreme position.
  4. Put your hands down.
  5. Repeat the task.

Approaches need to be done 2-3 with 10-18 repetitions each.

Exercise "raising arms to the sides"

Exercise No. 2. Lifting dumbbells for biceps.

  1. Starting position - take a vertical position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.
  2. Take 1 kg dumbbells in each hand.
  3. Bend your elbows simultaneously or alternately, as shown in the picture below.
  4. Straighten your arms.
  5. Repeat the task.

This exercise is recommended to be performed in 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions for beginners. More experienced ones should increase the number of repetitions and the weight of the dumbbell. You can perform the exercise either standing or sitting.

The advantage of this exercise is that the biceps and forearms are involved - the body’s favorite places for storing fat in the arms.

dumbbell curls

Exercise No. 3. Lifting a dumbbell with both hands behind your head.

  1. Starting position - take a vertical position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.
  2. Pick up one 3 kg dumbbell (adjust the weight yourself).
  3. Place your hands with a dumbbell behind your head.
  4. Raise and lower the dumbbell while contracting your triceps.

Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions. You should feel very tired in your arms, possibly weak. After performing this exercise, shake your hands several times to relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation.

Exercise technique

Advice! If you don’t have dumbbells at home, replace them with bottles of water or sand.

Or use the instructions for making your own dumbbells.

DIY dumbbells

What if there are no weights at all?

And this is also possible, since you can reduce the volume of your shoulders and arms, eliminate sagging skin, and gain relief in the shoulder area not thanks to weights, but thanks to systematicity and regularity.

  • Mahi. You need to do them forward and then backward. Make them quite deep. In this case, the stomach should be tense, the body should lean forward slightly. Do 60 swings.
  • Imitation of a jump rope. You just have to pretend that you are jumping rope. 2 sets of 30 repetitions is enough. But, if you are very zealous in your desire to reduce the shoulder area, do not forget to perfect your technique: land on your toes, and not on your entire foot or heel, so as not to damage it.

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