I want to lose weight: a review of video workouts for doing at home

Walking at home with Leslie Sansone

Perhaps these workouts are the simplest and are suitable for almost everyone. They are based on simple walking, there are no jumps, running, somersaults or somersaults. So this is ideal if you have minimal training, or, for example, you are starting to get back into shape after pregnancy or illness. This is also a good idea for people who are overweight. You will be surprised how you can diversify even such a banal action as walking in place! The workouts are accompanied by energetic music, and Leslie Sanson herself has strong energy, encourages and smiles all the time. Therefore, your training will be positive, even if you do not understand English!

Tips for training at home

The effectiveness of physical activity depends on a number of factors.

  1. Systematicity

Regular training will help you achieve the desired result. Without this there will be no result! If you give up, all your achievements will be nullified.

  1. A smart approach to starting

You need to become an “athlete” wisely. Start small: you don’t need to take on everything at once, increase the load gradually. No one expects records from you, and you should think about your health!

  1. The correct start and end of self-training

Strength training at home should begin with a warm-up, which includes stretching and cardio exercises. And it’s better to end physical activity with relaxation: a two-minute rest in “shavasana” or “dead man’s pose” will consolidate the result.

  1. Planning

Develop the most convenient training plan: an hour-long approach several times a week or a fifteen-minute set of exercises every day. Having a chart like this in front of you is stimulating! We recently wrote about how important it is to take the training process seriously in the article “Three pitfalls on the path to an ideal figure,” read it.

Fitness Blender Channel

Here you will find a lot of classes for different levels of training: general and specialized, cardio and strength, independent or with equipment. The authors of the channel focused on technology. You can review in detail the correct technique for performing each exercise. And, by the way, there are a great many of them here - the trainers offer classic options, and there are also many new ideas. As for the atmosphere, there is no eternally positive trainer here - this is a channel for those who like to carry out training scrupulously and thoughtfully.

Types of fitness

If you have never worked on developing your body, know that all exercise can be aerobic and strength. Aerobic exercise is intense walking, running, dancing or aerobics: those exercises during which we consume a lot of oxygen and train the heart muscle and blood vessels. Strength loads, also known as anaerobic ones, are needed to develop muscles. Fitness at home, as in the gym, should combine both of these types of loads.

Fitness for beginners is divided into several types:

  • Aerobics. In 2021 it is no less popular than in the 80s. There are many varieties of it: water aerobics, step aerobics, kick aerobics, slide aerobics, dance aerobics and many others. Some sports require sports equipment. Develops coordination and trains the heart, helps to lose weight quickly. Today, the most popular type of aerobics is Zumba: a fun, active fitness for weight loss, suitable for all lovers of dancing;
  • Pilates. Not the most intense load, all exercises are slow and thoughtful. Works the muscles perfectly, and is not traumatic at all. Suitable for training at home. Pilates has no contraindications. Some exercises may require sports equipment;
  • Callanetics. This system belongs to the “Intelligent Body” category. Stretches deep muscles. Not a bad option for the most inexperienced;
  • Tai-bo. A system of exercises based on boxing, martial arts and dancing. This is not to say that this is fitness for beginners: the exercises are very intense and require a lot of effort, but this is a strong fitness for weight loss;
  • Fitball. All exercises are done with a special ball. Good not only for losing weight, but also for improving your back health;
  • Bodyflex. The system is based on the effect of oxygen on all metabolic processes in the body. It has been noticed that it is most effective for those who have never been involved in sports or physical education before. If you are wondering where to start, then start in body development with bodyflex.

Fitness includes yoga, dancing, stretching and much more.

Training with Natalia Papusha

If you are a supporter of leisurely static workouts, then Pilates is your option! Natalya Papusha maintains several of her own resources, where she talks about Pilates and other training of this type. Hour-long classes are aimed at strengthening the entire body. In Pilates, more than anywhere else, it is important to understand how to perform the exercises correctly, and the fact that the channel is in Russian is a huge plus! On her channel you will find both training for beginners and advanced ones. And also several useful videos on specific training issues!

General recommendations for doing fitness at home

First of all, you need to determine a place for fitness classes. There should be enough space to perform exercises in a large amplitude - stretching, swinging arms and legs, running in place. Before each lesson, the room must be ventilated.

It is important to carry out fitness training in comfortable clothes - you should not skimp on this aspect, because high-quality equipment is an important key to achieving a positive result. It is better to give preference to well-known manufacturers who produce truly high-quality sportswear for fitness.

To make it comfortable for you to perform exercises in a lying position, do not be lazy to purchase a karemat - a fitness mat.

Pilates with Blogilates

If an hour of Pilates is too long, then try Blogilates. There are a lot of mini-workouts for 10-15 minutes. Is this the amount of time you are ready to allocate in your schedule? Get up a little earlier, do mini-workouts as exercise, and in two weeks you won’t recognize yourself. Tested for yourself! True, there are no lengthy explanations here, everything is short and to the point. We also note that before the training itself it’s a good idea to do a little warm-up, since these classes take place without preludes - straight to the point! A good bonus from the channel: videos with healthy recipes!

Video exercises for fitness at home

Some find it difficult to do without a trainer and healthy competition in general classes in fitness centers, but for individual lessons there are video recordings that describe in detail the progress of the exercises. There are different training programs in areas where more attention is paid to certain parts of the body, or to maintain overall health. A pregnant girl should perform exercises only in the first months, with less load and depending on how she feels.

For beginners

If you are determined to start doing fitness at home via video, this is already a big step forward. It doesn't matter how many years have passed since your last lesson, or if you're doing it for the first time. You need to start your workout with warm-up exercises. By turning on the recording of the video below, you can easily repeat this small complex. If you experience some difficulties when performing exercises in the first stages, do not quit what you started. Proper breathing and the right pace will help the body adapt faster.

After just a couple of lessons, it will be easier for you to cope with the warm-up suggested in the video if you do everything correctly. Remove muscle soreness (painful sensations) with a hot shower after training. During exercise, lactic acid, which occurs during physical activity, is excreted through the skin, which causes pain. Once you feel that you are physically ready to move on to the next stages of training, go ahead and choose more complex exercises. In the meantime, master the initial complex using this video:


Exercises for weight loss

There are various reasons in a woman’s life when she gains excess weight. After pregnancy, the kilograms you gain do not always go away immediately. A video with a set of exercises for weight loss will help you decide which exercises burn calories faster. Any workout should begin with a warm-up to warm up the muscles. Turn on your favorite upbeat music and move at your own pace.


Fitness aerobics

Aerobics, which many girls love, can be done at home. The video below describes each exercise in detail with comments. With proper body balance, the desired load on a specific muscle group is regulated. Don't forget about proper breathing. Half-squats and stretching the leg muscles will give a visual result in just one or two weeks. Make classes regular, perform the complex several approaches, and even uninitiated people will pay attention to your slimness and fit.


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