Okroshka made with kefir and mineral (carbonated) water. 5 step-by-step okroshka recipes

Hello dear readers!

Just recently we discussed some quite interesting topics with you. We talked about simple recipes for making okroshka with kvass and kefir. And today I want to reveal a few more ideas with mineral water. It is added to the composition to improve the taste and make the soup a little liquid.

Let's look again at what okroshka is? Firstly, this is a cold soup, it is usually prepared in the summer. Boiled and fresh vegetables are crumbled into it, and a little meat or sausage is added. Pour all this deliciousness with kefir and mineral water, kvass or whey. Many people try to use drinks such as ayran or tan, and are very pleased with the result.

For this type of okroshka, you can use mineral water, both carbonated and still. The taste will primarily depend on such important products as kefir and water. And to add sourness to your soup, you can add lemon juice or a little vinegar. This is the case if the milk drink is bland. Therefore, before adding anything, be sure to try the dish.

Classic version of okroshka with sausage

Let's start with the most classic version. Today we will prepare delicious okroshka with sausage. The recipe will be quite ordinary, but you should still watch it.

I advise you to take better milk or cream sausage. Try not to skimp on this important ingredient. After all, the taste of the dish depends on this.

We will need:

  • Kefir – 1 liter
  • mineral water - 0.7 ml.
  • sausage - 300 gr.
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • cucumber - 4 pcs.
  • greens (dill, onion) - to taste


1. Let's prepare all the products before starting cooking. Don't forget about a saucepan or deep bowl. Boil the potatoes in their skins until tender in salted water. Then cool, peel and cut it into plates, then into cubes.

2. Boil the egg and remove the shell. We will cut one part and grate the second part (preferably fine). We will cut it similarly to potatoes. We put everything into a common bowl.

3. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly. We remove the stalks. If necessary, you can peel it. Cut either into half rings or into cubes. Grate one cucumber on the same fine grater.

4. We clean the sausage from the film. First we cut it into rings, then into strips, and then into cubes. If you don’t quite like this cutting method, you can use your own.

5. We cut the greens arbitrarily, larger or smaller. Whoever likes it, you don’t have to put it in at all. But then it won’t quite look like summer soup. Pour into a common bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything well, at this point you can add salt.

Pour kefir into the prepared okroshka. Mix everything thoroughly. Then pour in the soda in a small thin stream. Stir constantly so as not to overdo the water. You know that kefir can be quite different.

By the way, this version of okroshka can also be prepared with kvass. In general, almost all recipes are identical. But each has its own zest. Please note that in this dish we cut half of the ingredients. But some part was still grated. This is because this way the soup will be thick and very rich.

The benefits and harms of carbonated water

All diets start with drinking more. It is recommended to drink plain, clean water. But many people like to drink carbonated water. At first glance, it seems that there is no difference what kind of water you drink. Plain and carbonated differ only in the presence of carbon dioxide. It is formed in the body independently to ensure normal functioning. Carbon dioxide is beneficial to the body with the following properties:

  • regulation of the synthesis of digestive enzymes,
  • normalization of metabolism,
  • improving the absorption of essential nutrients,
  • increased breathing,
  • increase in pressure.

But the gas contained in drinking water works completely differently. Carbon dioxide in drinks has a harmful effect. Nutritionists explain why you should not drink carbonated water when losing weight, citing a number of arguments. These include:

Read also: Can you eat sushi on a diet?

  • gas accumulated in the stomach stretches its walls,
  • it causes belching and fermentation in the intestines,
  • since the stomach stretches, the appetite increases, which is difficult to resist,
  • Carbon dioxide promotes digestion, that is, it speeds up the process. So digestion occurs in no more than half an hour. And then the feeling of hunger arises again. And the beneficial nutrients from food do not have time to be absorbed and begin to rot in the intestines, causing bloating,
  • If you drink carbonated water on an empty stomach, it becomes even worse. Cold liquid goes into the lower sections of the intestine, and carbon dioxide expands the stomach. A person experiences severe hunger due to increased production of hydrochloric acid. But if the stomach is not filled, then the walls and mucous membranes begin to corrode. This leads to gastritis and ulcers,
  • Sweet drinks contain many preservatives, chemical additives, dyes and acids that disrupt the acid-base balance in the body. They corrode the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach and intestines. Sweeteners provoke increased insulin production. Glucose does not have time to be processed and consumed, so it is deposited in problem areas.

But if the mineral water is naturally carbonated, it can be useful:

  • when cool, it quenches thirst better,
  • it is useful for low stomach acidity,
  • well alkalizes blood plasma and nourishes cells,
  • thanks to sodium, mineral water maintains the acid-base balance and enhances the production of enzymes,
  • bones are strengthened by calcium and magnesium. It also supports the nervous system when losing weight,
  • Natural carbonation improves lymphatic drainage, blood circulation, and heart function. Thanks to it, hemoglobin in the blood increases,
  • it energizes and improves muscle tone.

But you can’t drink it all the time. You need to drink mineral carbonated water of natural origin according to the plan when losing weight . To do this, you should consult a nutritionist.

And here is more information about water on an empty stomach for weight loss.

The simplest recipe for mineral water with mustard

Okroshka is one of the most popular soups in the summer. It is valued not only for its cooling qualities, but also for its ease of manufacture. Let's look at another version of a simple but very tasty dish. Anyone can handle this. The main thing is to have the desire and everything will work out.

We will need:

  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • radishes - 5 pcs.
  • Doctor's sausage - 400 gr.
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • greens (green onions)
  • mustard - 8 gr.
  • Horseradish - 10 gr.
  • Kefir - 500 ml.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • mineral water -300 ml.
  • mayonnaise - 10 gr.


1. Wash the radishes and cucumbers. Peel off the skin if necessary. Then remove the stalk. We will not cut these two products. Let’s grate it, it will be faster and quite satisfying.

2. Peel the doctor’s sausage from the film and cut into cubes.

Pay attention to the expiration date and appearance of this delicacy. The fact is that this dish does not undergo heat treatment. Therefore, the products must be fresh.

3. Boil the potatoes, preferably in advance. Giving it time to cool will make cutting it much easier. Peel the skin and cut into cubes. When you put the chopped vegetable into a common bowl, knead it with your hands, separating it from each other. It tends to stick together.

4. Boil the egg until cooked. Liquid yolk is not allowed in this case. Cool and chop as finely as possible. Add to the rest of the ingredients.

Then we put all our chopped ingredients into a deep bowl. Add mayonnaise, mustard and horseradish here. Stir, you can add salt if necessary.

Pour in kefir in a thin stream and stir. We also add mineral water here. If for some reason you are afraid that the soup may turn out to be liquid or, on the contrary, very thick. You can mix the two products in a bowl in advance, and then pour it over the okroshka.

Once the soup is completely mixed, add the herbs. Wash the green onions and shake off excess water. We cut it randomly, large or small, the choice is yours.

The finished dish can be served to the table. The layout shows the average weight of mustard, horseradish and mayonnaise. If you know that someone prefers more mustard, serve it separately in a separate saucepan. And on the side you can decorate with a small sprig of dill or parsley.

Cooking summer soup with kefir and vinegar

Summer is just around the corner, so it’s worth getting ready. I bring to your attention a light soup. It will not only quench your thirst and cool your body, but also saturate your body. And kefir will speed up your metabolism. Well, let’s try and create a miracle soup.

We will cook in a 5 liter saucepan. Therefore, the ingredients listed below will go to this volume.

We will need:

  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • cucumber - 2-3 pcs.
  • radishes - 6-9 pcs.
  • carbonade - 200-250 gr.
  • Egg - 2-4 pcs.
  • mineral water - 1.5 liters
  • kefir - 800 ml.
  • sour cream - 120-150 gr.
  • Salt - 0.5-0.7 tablespoons
  • table vinegar 9% - 0.5 tbsp
  • greens to taste


1. Boil the potatoes, you can use them in their skins or peel them in advance. Cool, peel, cut into cubes. If the vegetable falls apart a little, don't be disappointed. Chop it as finely as possible. When you put it in a common bowl, scatter it to the sides. So that during the cooking process it does not end up in a lump.

2. Wash the radishes and cut off the stalks. If in some places the skin is not completely clean, you can peel it with a knife, or better yet, cut it off. So that when you eat, you don’t get this piece. It will be very unpleasant to see him at ease. We won’t cut it, but grate it on a coarse grater. It will turn out no worse than chopped.

3. Wash the cucumbers and remove the stalk. You can also remove the skin, it all depends on the person’s preferences. First cut lengthwise, then into strips and into cubes.

4. In this case we use carbonate. You can use cream sausage. The main thing is that it is without fat. Cut into cubes and place in a common bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

5. Boil the egg in the classic way. Cool under running cold water. We peel the shells and cut them arbitrarily, but not coarsely.

6. You can use absolutely any greens. The main thing is that there is a lot of it. This way your soup will turn out very rich and healthy. We wash the greens, shake off the remaining water and, in our case, chop them as finely as possible.

Place all ingredients in one pan. Pour kefir on top and stir everything. Salt to taste, add mineral water, stirring constantly. This action is necessary to correctly determine the consistency of the dish. Then add vinegar, again as desired, mix everything thoroughly.

The finished soup can be served. It is better to cool it by covering it with a lid and putting it in the refrigerator. This way it will become even colder and richer, all products will be saturated with the aroma of kefir. If you don’t plan to eat it right away, you don’t have to fill it with kefir at all, but simply put it in a cold place.

How to prepare kefir water?

If you want to make water kefir , you need to follow these steps:

  1. Mix ½ cup (120 ml) hot water with ¼ cup (50 g) sugar in a container. Shake the mixture until completely dissolved.
  2. Add kefir grains and about 3 cups (710 ml) room temperature water to the water.
  3. Cover the jug and place it in a warm place (20-30°C).
  4. Leave to ferment for 24-48 hours.

To add flavor, you can add vanilla extract, fruit juice, frozen fruit, or mint leaves. Additionally, once fermentation is complete, you have the option of separating the kefir grain mixture.

Cold dish with chicken meat

What could be better than natural meat as part of a dish? Agree that your own is much tastier and healthier than any sausage from the store. Plus, this is a good option if there are no meat delicacies in the house, but you have a piece of excellent meat on hand. It doesn't matter if it's chicken or beef. The main thing is to prepare a delicious soup and please your family.

We will need:

  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • boiled egg - 5 pcs.
  • radishes - 7 pcs.
  • chicken breast (boiled) - 300 gr.
  • Kefir (thick) - 700 ml.
  • mineral water - 500-700 ml.


1. Prepare the chicken fillet. Let's boil it in salted water in advance. We will cook until done. After cooling, cut into cubes. Pour into the prepared bowl or saucepan.

2. Wash the radishes and remove rot (if any). We cut randomly, but not coarsely. Grate one or two radishes.

3. Wash the cucumbers and remove the stems. If necessary, remove the skin. We will not cut into large cubes. Grate one cucumber.

4. Boil the egg. During cooking, you can add a little salt so that if the shell cracks, the protein does not leak into the water. And rolled up and cooked until done. Cut in the same way, into cubes.

5. Wash the greens, shake off the remaining water. Can be dried with a paper towel. Chop as finely as possible.

Place all the ingredients in a deep bowl. Salt to taste, fill with kefir and mineral water. Stirring constantly.

This is such a savory dish we got. Which will give you strength and saturate the body. Try it before it gets cold, just kidding.

Can you or can't drink while losing weight?

Considering the harmful qualities of carbonated water, it can only be consumed in limited quantities when losing weight. This applies only to plain water, without additives. The only exception is mineral with natural carbonation. These include “Essentuki” and “Borjomi”. They improve intestinal motility and cleanse the body of toxins. You can drink naturally carbonated mineral water for no longer than a week. This should be done according to the following scheme:

  • To cleanse the intestines and thin the gastric juice, you need to drink it in the morning before meals,
  • throughout the day half an hour before meals. It helps reduce appetite and eat 30% less.

In addition, a mineral water diet requires adherence to a certain diet. You need to give up fast food, sweets and flour, alcoholic beverages, processed foods and pickles. Losing weight with carbonated water will be very slow. Therefore, it is imperative to engage in physical exercise.

In addition, due to the high salt content, when losing weight, the amount of mineral carbonated water should be consumed no more than 500-600 ml per day. The level of mineralization should not exceed 4 mg.

As for sugary carbonated drinks, even those labeled “0 calories” or “diet”, they must be completely excluded. These are just marketing gimmicks.

Watch the video about the benefits of sparkling water:

Video on how to cook okroshka without meat and potatoes

This option is perfect for people who care about their body and health. We will cook as usual, but without adding two ingredients. Potatoes and meat are included in any okroshka, but ours will not. Well, let's learn the right recipe...

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