Pasta with chicken in creamy sauce - 10 step-by-step recipes

Pasta is considered one of the most popular Italian dishes. Pasta goes well with a variety of foods. If you need to prepare a hearty dish, then a chicken pasta recipe is ideal. Chicken or sauce is always prepared separately from pasta. This is due to different cooking times. Pasta takes 5-10 minutes to cook, chicken takes a little longer. Pasta is dipped in boiling salted water. Do not cover the pan with a lid.

Italians prepare pasta “to taste.” This means that the top is soft and the inside is hard. It is better to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. The pasta is immediately mixed with the sauce after cooking. The dish is infused for 5-7 minutes and served. Pasta cooked by the tooth contains fewer calories than a boiled product. Therefore it is more useful. Nutritionists recommend limiting the amount of pasta in your diet. This is due to the fact that the paste increases blood sugar levels. Therefore, you should eat no more than 100 grams of pasta per meal. The amount of pasta should fit into 1 glass of 200 ml.

Pasta Carbonara with chicken in creamy sauce

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