Body measurements. Why it is needed and how to do it correctly

Why are measurements needed?

Single measurements obtained are of no value when losing weight; They can only be used to determine clothing size. Only systematic measurements will be beneficial because they allow you to see progress. Often numbers become an additional source of motivation, since they help not only to record weight loss, but also show its speed and changes in body quality.

The readings will also help determine whether the nutrition and training system is suitable. If necessary, adjustments can be made in a timely manner.

To get more accurate results, you need to measure several parameters at once:

  • body weight;
  • chest girth;
  • waist circumference;
  • hip circumference.

You can measure:

  • neck;
  • wrists;
  • forearms and other parts of the body.

This way it will be possible to determine changes in body quality

This is especially important when the weight remains almost unchanged, while there is less fat and more muscle: it will not be possible to track using only scales

How often should measurements of volumes, weights and photographs be taken?

In my opinion, it is better to measure your body and take photos once a month. If more often, you are unlikely to see significant changes and, most likely, you will simply be nervous that you are not seeing results.

But you can weigh yourself once a week or two. Many people practice this every day. I can say with confidence that as much as it disciplines some, it stresses others. After all, body weight is a rather unstable quantity. It can be influenced by the retention of “water” in the body, and how late you ate yesterday, and the day of the girls’ cycle, and much more.

Accordingly, if you feel comfortable weighing yourself every morning, then weigh yourself; if not, weigh yourself once a week or two.

How to correctly take body measurements when losing weight using a caliper?

If someone who is losing weight managed to purchase a caliper for measuring subcutaneous fat, then they will make their task much easier.

All that remains is to figure out how to use it:

  1. You need to take the device in your hands and wipe it well with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Then a piece of skin is taken between the shoulder and elbow joints of the back of the arm.
  3. The caliper needs to be grabbed by an area of ​​skin.
  4. The divisions at the bottom are read. The indicator at the level at which the right side of the clipper grips the skin is an indicator of the subcutaneous fat content.

The exact same procedure is performed on the biceps, which is located between the shoulder and elbow joints on the front side of the arm. Subcutaneous fat is measured in the area of ​​the shoulder blade at an angle of 45-50°. The same operation is performed on the waist 10 cm to the right or left of the navel.

Body measurements for weight loss can be performed with a special device - a caliper.

All four values ​​must be added up and the required number must be found using a special table designed for the clipper. When making calculations, it is important to take into account gender and age.

Body measurements

Do you measure your body parameters? If not, then be sure to start doing it.

If your goal is to lose weight or gain muscle, measure yourself before starting a fitness program.
Many people are accustomed to tracking results using scales. But this traditional method is not an accurate indicator of overall progress. Measuring the volumes of body parts will help keep a more clear record of the results. Keep a special journal and record your observations of changes there. This will not only provide additional motivation, but will also help you re-track your results if you decide to take a break and step away from training for a while. Keeping a journal will not take much of your time, and the benefits from it will be invaluable.

When the enthusiasm from the first workouts begins to disappear, look at the magazine. What you have already achieved will not allow you to deviate from your goal on the path to a slim body.

Now attention! We detail how to accurately measure your body from head to toe.

Let's look at the body by zones:


Many people begin to visually lose weight “from top to bottom.” Their face and neck undergo changes first. If you are one of them, use a centimeter to measure the volume of your neck. Measure the area in the middle of your neck and record the result.


Those who set out to build muscle mass need to monitor changes in shoulder parameters. Stand up straight and ask someone to measure the circumference of your shoulders with a centimeter.


This part of the body is correctly measured as follows: wrap the tape measure around you at nipple level. Record the data.


When measuring this area, consider 2 parameters. First measure the muscles in a relaxed state, and then in a tense state.


To get accurate measurements, wrap the tape measure around your waist at the level of your navel.


The most correct area for measuring the volume of the hips is their widest part. The pelvic bones will serve as a guide.

Area from hips to knees.

To properly measure this area, find the midpoint between your hip and knee. Measure this part of your body in a relaxed state, without straining your leg muscles.

Calves of the legs.

The change in these parts of the body is negligible even with intense physical activity. And, nevertheless, do not be lazy. Select the widest part of the calf, measure and record the result in a journal.

We recommend measuring your body parameters after waking up. In the morning, our body is not yet burdened with the food it will receive during the day. Thus, you do not risk adding a couple of extra centimeters to the magazine, for example, in waist circumference.

Repeat your body measurements every 10-12 weeks. It is during this time period that the body has time to adapt to the new training regime, and we can talk about any visual changes.

Experts recommend. Depending on the body type, the plan for working on the muscles also changes. So it’s more logical for an ectomorph to start with pumping up the shoulders. An endomorph needs to reduce his waist size.

Don't be discouraged if the results are insignificant at first. Even this is a great victory over oneself. Rejoice at the smallest changes in your parameters, praise yourself for your achievements and move on.

Article author: Samantha Clayton. Olympic medalist, fitness expert, director of Herbalife fitness training.

If you would like to connect with a Personal Consultant to help you create a training program, please follow the link:

Find out how to eat a balanced diet and control your weightLearn more November 10, 2021, 6:11 p.m.2016-11-10

Author: Be in Shape

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Types of measurements

Those losing weight need to take various measurements to obtain accurate data. A larger number of measurements will allow you to notice even small progress.


Weight is not the only indicator. In the initial stages, however, it helps well to understand whether the training and nutrition program is effective. In addition, the indicator allows you to understand whether you need to reduce calories or increase them. Body quality, however, can change while maintaining the same mass: there is less fat, and more heavier muscles. A person may look slimmer at higher weights if muscles account for more of the mass. To find out why the weight has decreased, you can use a caliper.

Measurements should be taken at regular intervals without shoes or clothing. It is important to weigh yourself at the same time, on an empty stomach. You should go to the toilet before taking measurements. You can use bathroom scales. You need to stand in the middle of the device, slightly spreading your feet to the sides. If you stand on the edge, the indicators may be distorted.

Weighing yourself will help you track your weight loss progress.

Body measurements

This method is more accurate. You can notice how the body becomes more slender. It is recommended to combine it with weighings.

There are 2 ways to take measurements.

  1. The first one uses a special measuring tape. The readings can be viewed during the process.
  2. The second method is not so convenient. Thread is used. Having completed the measurement, you need to record the data obtained, and then take readings using a ruler. An error may occur.

It is important to note in what state the measurement was taken: tense or relaxed. After training, you should not measure: the blood flow to the muscles increases, which is why they become larger in girth. It is best to measure on an empty stomach in the morning. You should not repeat it more than once a week when increasing muscle mass: muscles will not grow during this time. Those who are losing weight can be measured more often, since volumes can decrease faster.

Read more How to lose weight in a week at home

Measuring subcutaneous fat

It is most convenient to make such measurements using special scales that calculate the ratio of fat and muscle tissue in the human body. Accurate results will also be obtained when using caliperometry. The point of this technique is to use a special device, a caliper, to measure the size of the skin fold. The device also gives readings about the percentage of subcutaneous fat. Easy to use on your own at home.

There are other methods, but they are more complicated and a large error is possible.

Photo recording

The technique involves using photographs to determine progress. You need to take photos at the same time (preferably in the morning, before eating). It is advisable to take photos in underwear or identical sportswear that fits your figure: this way progress will be better visible. It is better to take photographs from several angles: front, side, back. It is important, however, that a distance be maintained between the person losing weight and the camera each time. In addition, differences are possible with relaxed and tense muscles.

Using photography, you can track the gradual dynamics of weight loss

Why measure your body?

Take measurements every two weeks and write them down so you can track your progress. This is a great motivator! Of course, you may not like it at first, but once you start seeing results, you will get an incredible sense of achievement. Even if you have already started your program, it is still never too late to start measuring (body fat or body measurements) because it is amazing and rewarding to see how your body continues to change. If you want, enter your body measurements into a body fat calculator to estimate your body fat percentage.

Something interesting about body measurements

An interesting fact about body measurements is that studies have shown that a woman's attractiveness is influenced not so much by her weight as by her waist-to-hip ratio. It appears that women with a ratio of 0.7 (i.e., waist circumference 70% of hip circumference) are generally perceived as more attractive by men, regardless of culture or body type. Various beauties such as Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Beyonce Knowles, Kate Moss, Alessandra Amrosio and Salma Hayek have a waist-to-hip ratio of about 0.7.

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