How Panayotov lost weight - the artist’s diet and proper menu

Why did Panayotov decide to lose weight?

Since childhood, Alexander Panayotov was prone to being overweight, but this did not bother him.

When the artist weighed 106 kilograms, he decided to pull himself together and reach his normal weight. And he succeeded - Panayotov lost 26 kilograms, and currently weighs 80 kilograms with a height of 190 centimeters.

Such results gave rise to a lot of gossip and rumors that the artist was taking dietary supplements and pills.

There was also an opinion that drugs or alcohol were to blame. But Alexander himself denies all these assumptions, claiming that the reason for his transformation was solely sports along with proper nutrition. The singer says that due to his busy schedule, he used to often eat fast food and processed foods, which have no benefit to the body. He decided to exclude such food from his diet, replacing it with freshly prepared dishes.

Alexander Panayotov is sure that a full meal should consist of a first and second course, and the menu must also include porridges containing so many necessary and beneficial substances for the body. Dishes should, whenever possible, be prepared from low-calorie and healthy products using gentle methods - stewing, baking or steaming.

In addition to the diet, Panayotov began to devote time to physical activity. He started going to the gym and playing sports, which is very noticeable in his figure and muscles.

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Panayotov before and after losing weight

Alexander admits that he has always been inclined to be overweight. Being already chubby, he was helped to avoid gaining even more weight by the lack of food in the refrigerator. This regime suited the artist for a certain time, until he realized that this was bad for his health. At this moment, Alexander came to the conclusion that it was time to change something. Diets for the singer seem boring, so, like many other stars, in order to lose weight, he decided to switch to a balanced diet and also go in for sports.

Features of the Dukan diet

Panayotov weighed 87 kg, but it was very difficult for him to return to this weight. After all, he gained almost 27 kg. Therefore, having tried all the diets, Sasha settled on the Dukan diet, let's look at the features of this diet: you can eat as much as you want, but the set of products consists only of lean meat, eggs, ham, fish, seafood, and low-calorie dairy products.


Using this diet, the results will not take long to appear. As a result, fats are broken down and muscle mass increases. Thanks to receiving the required amount of protein, hair, nails and skin look healthy and well-groomed.

Using this diet, the weight will not return, and the results will last for many years. In order for this program to work correctly and effectively, you must complete all four courses. At the beginning of the diet, you can only eat protein foods, then, having switched to the second course, you can already eat vegetables. Having reached the third stage, you can eat one fruit and a small piece of cheese per day; at the fourth stabilization stage, the person returns to his diet.

The thinner Panayotov and his secret

Panayotov, who has lost weight, said that recently his diet includes only broccoli and chicken and he is looking forward to the end of the New Year's filming so that he can eat Olivier. However, all this is not important, the main thing for him is to touch the hearts of people throughout the country with his performance. Fan support is very valuable to Alexander!

The singer’s fans believe that he should be the one representing our country at the annual Eurovision Song Contest. We know that the next competition will take place in Ukraine, but the candidate from Russia has not yet been selected. Alexander Panayotov admitted that he would be happy to represent Russia at this international competition; besides, being a native of Zaporozhye, he would like to extinguish the conflict between the two countries with his performance.

Panayotov's diet for weight loss

The most effective Panayotov diet for weight loss is to avoid eating after 18:00, and also to exclude from the diet any sweets and products that contain flour. On the contrary, eat more fruits, vegetables and no sausages or meat. Unnatural products that have chemical flavoring additives and carbonated drinks are excluded.

The singer noted that recently he was overweight and in order to return to the stage, he had to lose 20 kilograms in one year. Then Alexander ate only fruits, vegetables, kefir, and bran bread. Dark chocolate and honey were very rare. You can’t do without fitness and visit the gym and pool at least twice a week.

If this is not possible, you need to do morning exercises, walk more, organize trips out of town, and spend more time in the fresh air. In the summer you need to spend time at sea - this is an excellent way to restore your figure and health in general. As stated in the theory of the placebo effect, absolutely all problems, including physiological ones, are in the head! Based on this, we ourselves are the creators of our own happiness and we ourselves can change any situation in our favor and make our body perfect and even select body corrections.

Panayotov Alexander Sergeevich is a young rising star of Russian and Ukrainian show business. The guy amazed everyone around with his clear and clear voice when he performed on television talent shows.

Sasha always wanted to become a singer, and not an astronaut and military man, like the rest of the Soviet guys. He persistently studied vocals and at the same time studied well at school, but technical sciences were not given to him.

His family had nothing to do with the world of singing and show business, so the guy and his sister were considered black sheep. It is worth noting that Sasha proved to everyone around him that he is bright and talented, and therefore deserves to become a real star; by the way, he believes that one day he will represent the country at Eurovision and will definitely win.

Fans of a talented and incredibly bright young man constantly have questions about what his height, weight, and age were. How old is Alexander Panayotov is easy to find out by his date of birth.

Sasha was born in 1984, which means he was thirty-three years old. According to the zodiac sign, Panayotov is an intuitive, emotional, devoted, changeable, mysterious Cancer.

But the Eastern horoscope endows the singer with character traits characteristic of Rats, including charm, charm, talent, sociability, friendliness, and ingenuity.

Alexander Panayotov: the photos in his youth and now are not different at all, except that in recent years he has normalized his physical condition. The guy began to eat right, went in for sports and lost excess weight. Panayotov’s height was one meter and eighty-nine centimeters, and his weight was now set at eighty kilograms.

“The Voice” participant Alexander Panayotov: When I realized that Photoshop was no longer helping, I lost 20 kg

Alexander intends to reach at least the finals. Photo: Vladimir SOKOLOV

The eternal second place is Panayotov's rock. He lacked just a few points to go to Eurovision in 2007 with Channel One, and the next year at the selection the singer lost only one point to Dima Bilan. Now Panayotov has come to “Golos” and intends to sound in such a way that no one can take his place away from him.

- How did you decide?

“I’m shocked by my actions.” I have been watching “The Voice” since the first season. And only the lazy did not come up to me with the question: “When are you going there?” Of course, I haven’t appeared on TV channels for a long time, but at the same time I am an active artist. Why should I take someone else's place? But the last straw came this year, when I was a member of the jury of the Igor Krutoy Academy competition in Sochi. There, my friends Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky (participants of the “Star Factory” - Ed.) convinced me to send an application to “The Voice”.

— Were there any offers to go through the connections?

“On the contrary, I was worried that they wouldn’t take me.” After all, “People’s Artist”, in which I took second place, was on “Russia 1” (in 2003 - Ed.), and not on the First. Moreover, I have friends among the “Voice” mentors, but I didn’t tell anyone anything. I took the number, stuck it on my chest and joined the general queue. This year I got into an accident - practically the second time I was born. After this, a serious reassessment of values ​​occurred. And I decided: if life is so short, you can’t waste time on pride, despondency about oblivion or complexes. This must be eradicated and at the first opportunity go on stage. I do not claim laurels or someone else's place in the sun, but I will work on equal terms with everyone. The “Voice” featured artists who were much more popular than me.

— It was striking how much weight you have lost. Is this after the accident?

- No, I took charge of myself even earlier. After one of the photo sessions, I looked at the sources and realized: even Photoshop doesn’t help. I love to eat, but at that moment I became too relaxed and began to weigh 106 kg. In four months, with the help of sports and proper nutrition, I got rid of 20 extra kg.

— What do you expect from “The Voice” - a second chance?

“I just went to sing well.” But, as a passionate person, I’m already involved and, of course, I want to at least reach the final. I hope my voice won't let me down.

"Voice". Friday, 21.30, First.

Read the full interview in the TV program magazine on October 5.

Watch the video

Alexander Panayotov. "All By Myself"

Alexander Panayotov. "All By Myself"

Voice-5. Blind audition. Fragment of the release dated September 23, 2016

Tips from Aleksandar Panayotov:

  • Under no circumstances should you consume mayonnaise, oil, or fats throughout the diet.
  • You need to cook food in the oven or boil it, eat all salads only with lemon juice, absolutely no oils.
  • The key to the success of this diet is the consumption of bran; you can use it to make porridge, baked goods, or drink it with kefir.
  • You can buy this bran at the pharmacy, they are sold freely, thanks to their use the body is saturated.
  • Alexander, sharing his experience of losing weight, spoke about the required amount of clean drinking water, it is two liters per day.
  • Walking tours lasting at least an hour are mandatory.

Photo: YouTube
Products that should not be consumed:

  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Potatoes especially fried in a pan
  • Sweet fruits such as figs, bananas, cherries.

Having gone through all stages of the diet, the last and longest remains - Stabilization, it can last more than a year. You can eat according to the diet you have set for yourself, and do not cancel walking, running, or swimming. Due to the fact that the weight has already been reduced, you can add cheese and lean meats to your diet, but adhere to the established rules. If you constantly keep yourself within limits, the result will be maintained, and the lost kilograms will not return to you.

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Basic principles of the diet of Alexander Panayotov

  • Alexander tries to always have meals at the same time, never skips breakfast and drinks more water.
  • He does not overeat and finishes his meal before he feels full. But when he feels hungry and the first urges of the stomach, he immediately allows himself a light snack of fruits or vegetables rich in fiber, or fermented milk products containing bacteria beneficial to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The artist began to limit the amount of salt and fat. The necessary fats contain vegetable oils, and he gets carbohydrates from cereals, replacing baked goods and baked goods with them.
  • An active lifestyle and sports activities influenced the fact that proteins began to occupy a special place in his diet.

Products that Alexander Panayotov chooses

  • Fresh fish, preferably young and medium-sized: trout, chum salmon, pink salmon, horse mackerel;
  • Poultry: skinless chicken breasts and wings or turkey;
  • From meat, Alexander chooses veal or beef, but gives the greatest preference to liver;
  • Fruits should be present in the daily menu in quantities of at least 4-5 pieces;
  • Dried fruits (prunes have a positive effect on digestion, and dried apricots have a preventive effect against cancer);
  • Nuts (not counting salted and roasted);
  • Vegetables are eaten raw, stewed, baked or steamed;
  • Cereals;
  • Bread;
  • Fermented milk drinks: kefir, cottage cheese, natural yoghurts;
  • Non-sharp varieties of natural cheese;
  • 1.5 liters of water per day.

The most important rule that Panayotov adheres to is to eat small portions, but often, at least 5 times a day.

Prohibited Products

Some foods have a bad effect on the body, which is expressed not only in heaviness after eating or nausea, but also in extra pounds on the figure and poor skin condition.

The artist advises to refrain from eating packaged sauces and mayonnaise, salt and sugar, pork and smoked meats, sweets, especially milk chocolate, and baked goods made from wheat flour. In addition, it is not recommended to drink juices from packages, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Sample menu

  • Such an important meal as breakfast necessarily includes porridge, such as oatmeal, with berries or fruits. The singer chooses unsweetened tea or coffee as a drink.
  • Lunch consists of fruit or fruit salad.
  • Lunch can be represented by chicken broth soup and seafood salad.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can eat a handful of nuts or natural yogurt.
  • For dinner, steamed cutlets with a side dish of vegetables are suitable.

Principles of nutrition and how much weight did Alexander Panayotov lose?

Alexander Panayotov lost a lot of weight - he lost 20 kg! At the same time, he emphasizes that this happened without the participation of any pills, dietary supplements, drugs, alcohol, etc. First of all, he gave up fast food, processed foods and other foods in vacuum packaging with a long shelf life. The artist is convinced that the diet should contain only freshly prepared dishes, while every day there should be both the first and second dishes on the table, as well as cereals that infect the body with energy and provide it with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Now the singer does not skip breakfast and tries to sit down at the table at the same time so that the body is ready to process food. He gets up from the table slightly hungry, not allowing himself to overeat, but at the first urge of his stomach he immediately eats something from vegetables or fruits, dairy products. Meals should be at least five times a day, and this includes snacks, so you shouldn’t take them so lightly. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain fiber, which is so necessary for normal intestinal motility, and fermented milk products, rich in beneficial bacteria, also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Alexander began to drink more fluids, but consumed less salt, as well as refractory fats. He gets most of the necessary fats from vegetable oils, and carbohydrates from cereals, rather than baked goods and baked goods. Proteins occupy a special place in his diet, because he exercises a lot - swims, goes to the gym. The photographs show how his muscles have tightened, his face has become thinner, and this clearly has a positive effect on the artist’s appearance - he no longer looks like a chubby boy, but has become a mature and self-confident man. All that remains is to wish Alexander success in his career and remain exactly as we know him today.

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Panayotov's secret to losing weight

And only on the “Voice” program in 2021, I saw Panayotov in a new guise, he completely lost weight, became a creative, fit and attractive guy again. In an interview, the singer said that the Dukan diet finally helped him achieve results.

Photo: Diet-diet

The process of losing weight based on this diet involves consuming only protein foods. In addition to diet, physical activity is required. The singer went swimming and ran a lot in the fresh air.

Using this diet, the guy was able to lose almost 26 kg, and he did it in less than 4 months. While rehearsing for the show, Alexander tried to immediately go to the pool, then jog in the evening before going to bed.

Photo: skystream

Concerts also helped; thanks to performances, the singer lost a lot of weight; a well-performed and emotionally fulfilling concert helps him lose 3 kg.

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