How did Maxim Fadeev lose 100 kg? Diet and producer regime

At the end of June, on his Instagram, Maxim Fadeev shared a photo that shocked many of his fans. In the picture, the music producer was wearing his own shorts, but instead of having two legs, he was able to fit into one.

Some of Fadeev’s subscribers became very concerned about his state of health, and doctors’ comments about the dangers of such rapid weight loss appeared in the media. However, the artist hastened to reassure the public: he did not perform any operations and, moreover, did not use special substances for weight loss.

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How has Maxim Fadeev changed?

According to Fadeev, the secret of his weight loss lies in the right approach to nutrition and exercise. According to the producer, he did not resort to any special techniques.

“All doctors and nutritionists who want us to lose weight have their own methods, but for some reason they cost a lot of money. The technique that I will write about does not involve pills or any special torment at all. My diet is very simple,” said the artist. The method that Fadeev used to lose extra pounds does not involve financial costs. As the musician said, you only need water of a certain temperature and ordinary products available to everyone. In addition, you won’t have to strictly limit yourself either.

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The composer received many compliments from fans and colleagues. Singer Lolita Milyavskaya was one of the first to congratulate him. "Max! It suits you very well, and the main thing is that you smile!” the artist addressed Fadeev.

And in the comments under the photo with the results of the transformation they began to actively wonder what the secret of such changes was. Comedian Garik Kharlamov did not stand aside either - he, like many of the musician’s subscribers, asked him to reveal the secret and share his methodology.

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Fadeev's water diet

Maxim Fadeev admits to fans that water is his element, and he clearly monitors its balance in the body. In addition to proper nutrition, a water diet played a significant role in losing weight, which, in addition to weight loss, helped cleanse the body. Maxim says that sugary drinks and coffee are not suitable for the diet. Only clean filtered water can give a positive result.

The musician learned from his own experience that a lack of fluid leads to baldness and obesity. Therefore, since he decided to get serious about losing weight, water has become an integral part of his daily diet. Max uses the following method for his water diet:

  • be sure to drink a glass of water before breakfast;
  • drink plenty of fluids half an hour before meals;
  • drink warm unsweetened green tea before bed;
  • The daily amount of liquid should be at least 2 liters.

Maxim Fadeev continues to follow the basic rules of nutrition and hopes that in a year he will be able to shave his beard, as he promised his TV viewers.

What is the secret of Fadeev’s diet?

The producer did not hold back the intrigue for long and admitted how he managed to get rid of excess weight. According to the artist, his main secret is hot water on an empty stomach. Three times a day - morning, lunch and evening - he drank 600 milliliters of hot water, “so that it would pleasantly burn the throat, but of course not boiling water.”

You can’t even imagine how the weight will start to come off. You can eat the same way as always, but drink hot water first. Surprisingly, after this you won’t eat more than three spoons!

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Of course, the producer did not forget about physical activity, but he did not resort to extreme training, and it’s not to say that he disappeared in the gym. Fadeev also noted that he plans to write an entire book that will be dedicated to losing weight. In it, he will share his own experience and talk in detail about his weight loss method.

The process and secrets of losing weight

Max Fadeev decided to declare his intention in one of the episodes of Andrei Malakhov’s program. On the program, he said that he would be able to lose weight by a record 60 kg, and until that moment he would not shave his beard. At the time of the start of fat burning, with a height of 180 cm, his weight was 152 kg. These significant figures affected the health of Maxim, who began to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Recently, Fadeev published his new photos on his Instagram account. They show that his figure has decreased in volume, and Max himself is beaming with a satisfied smile.

Maxim admits that he has currently lost 23 kg. The composer is pleased with this result, but does not plan to stop, because there is still an extra 37 kg ahead.

How did he manage to do this? Maxim Fadeev lost 23 kg. thanks to a special nutritional method that he developed independently. It is very simple, but at the same time effective. The main rules for losing weight:

  • Eating vegetables with a high water content. Among these are cucumber, pepper and eggplant. In addition to liquid, they contain a large amount of fiber, which will help cleanse the intestines of harmful substances.
  • Sport. It is not necessary to engage in active activities. You can give preference to yoga, swimming, walking. Maxim himself practices Tai Chi gymnastics, which does not involve excessive activity. In addition, he recently became interested in Nordic walking to lose weight.

Judging by the photographs before and after losing weight, Maxim managed to significantly improve his figure. According to unconfirmed information, performer Katya Lel became interested in this technique. She needed to lose weight in a short time in order to take part in the filming of the video. In a couple of months she lost 13 kg. and I am very pleased with my appearance.

Looking at the photo of Max losing weight, we can conclude that the diet is effective. Its main advantage is that you don’t have to spend days and nights in the gym and eat only oatmeal.

Fadeev's secrets of losing weight

Maxim Fadeev, in order to lose sixty kilograms, moved with his family to the picturesque islands in Indonesia on the shores of the Indian Ocean. According to the famous producer, these places are distinguished by unique natural conditions; here you can completely forget about the bustle of show business, take care of yourself, your body, find time for exercise, sports, normalize the body’s metabolism and lose excess weight.

Maxim Fadeev achieved significant results in losing weight thanks to a long-term water diet, Chinese tai chi gymnastics, and water sports.

Water diet

With a chronic lack of water, the human body is transformed - weight increases, skin, hair and nails are in an unsightly state. The body constantly feels a lack of moisture, and no carbonated, alcoholic drinks, juices, or coffee can replace regular non-carbonated drinks.

You can quickly lose weight, make your appearance more pleasant, and your body attractive, using a water diet. Nutritionists advise drinking non-carbonated water, because then the metabolism in the body, as well as the skin, significantly improves. With a long-term water diet, intestinal function is normalized, and headaches practically disappear.

Maxim chose the water diet, believing that there is no better way to lose weight quickly, comfortably and inexpensively.

Using the water diet, Maxim adhered to the following wishes:

  • Constantly drank purified, unboiled water at room temperature;
  • When I woke up, I immediately drank a glass of water, and ate breakfast only an hour after that;
  • I always drank water an hour before each meal and two hours after I tried to drink several glasses of water;
  • A few hours before going to bed, Maxim always drank at least half a liter of water;
  • Never drank water during meals, did not wash down food,
  • Throughout the day I tried to drink at least two and a half liters of clean, non-carbonated water.

Max Fadeev, while on water fasting, ate almost nothing but exotic fruits, some vegetables, and green herbs. Preference was given to melon, cucumbers, tomatoes, apricots, and citrus fruits, which contain enough water.

By consuming water-containing foods, Fadeev quickly saturated his body with useful substances and vitamins, and almost never felt hungry.

Chinese gymnastics

Physical exercises take place in crowded gyms. Fadeev admitted that he prefers gymnastics classes in home clothes on the shores of the Indian Ocean to noisy gyms.

The essence of the Chinese technique is the harmony of the human spirit and physical body through smooth, slow exercises along with calm breathing.

Maxim performed such exercises every morning, quickly improved his metabolism, and strengthened the functioning of all internal systems of his body. Following the recommendations of the Chinese instructor, the artist learned to quickly relax, maintain excellent balance, improved coordination of movements, and increased the endurance of his body.

Water sports

Maxim Fadeev is madly in love with the water element and considers it one of the main components in the life of mankind. That’s why he swims every day, each swim lasting at least an hour.

Fadeev, who has lost weight, most often swims in cold ocean water, which helps him burn extra calories and fat, energizes the body, relieves stress, and prevents various diseases.

Fadeev loves to dive into water and cannot imagine his life without scuba diving. According to the artist, diving is the unity of the human body and nature. Maxim relatively recently learned to scuba dive and discovered the amazing and unique underwater world of the Indian Ocean.

The artist spends a lot of time with his family in his house on the ocean, where, after losing 70 kg, he continues to use a water diet, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and often swims and scuba dives. This human path is the road to excellent good health.


Maxim Fadeev lost an extreme amount of weight by 70 kilograms

Maxim Fadeev
Photo: Instagram

Sometimes even show business stars cannot keep up with rapidly changing fashion trends. Thus, Maxim Fadeev was extremely surprised that a plus-size model appeared on the cover of one of the fashion magazines - 155-kilogram Tess Holliday has always been proud of her curves, promoting body positivity in every possible way.

Fadeev himself has been intensively fighting excess weight for several months - he has already managed to lose about seventy kilograms.

“As soon as I lost 70 kilograms, the fashion for body positivity came. What do you think about this? And where is the end of this trend? — Maxim asked the fans.

The composer began to monitor his weight
Photo: Instagram

Many fans were delighted when they learned about the producer’s achievements in losing weight. Previously, Fadeev said that due to excess weight it was difficult for him to move, so he had to develop a special diet, which turned out to be very effective.

By the way, fans have long noted that Maxim began to rapidly lose weight. They never tire of complimenting him, advising him not to stop there. However, there are also those who urge the composer not to torture himself with grueling diets and simply enjoy life.

The issues discussed by Fadeev also greatly excited his subscribers. Many of them came to the conclusion that following fashion trends is useless, since they change too quickly and dramatically.

The popularity of body positivity has also excited many stars of domestic show business. Thus, Lolita Milyavskaya noted in the comments to Fadeev’s post that she is not going to go on a diet yet.

“With this fashion I can sleep peacefully,” said Lolita.

Tess Holliday is one of the most talked about models in the world
Photo: Instagram

But popular blogger Lena Miro is sure that one can only sympathize with Tess Holliday, because due to excess weight she may have serious health problems. “Abstract even from assessing how ugly Tess is. Think about the load that her knees and hip joint receive, how her blood vessels suffer, and in what mode the woman’s heart and her endocrine system work. Anyone who is even slightly familiar with medicine will become absolutely clear that Tess Holliday is a deeply sick person,” Miro wrote on her microblog.

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Fadeev himself has not yet spoken about his own attitude to the popular fashion trend. However, his fans are confident that the demand for body positivity will not in any way affect the producer’s desire to continue to wage a persistent struggle with extra pounds, because he has already managed to achieve considerable results in losing weight.

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