Laysan Utyasheva. How I lost weight, photos, gymnastics, nutrition

Laysan or Liza Albertovna Utyasheva is a talented Russian athlete, World all-around champion and ward of the legendary Irina Viner, who has become an equally successful TV presenter and socialite. Today Laysan is a real star of Russian show business.

Having faced the problem of excess weight in the past, the wife of Comedy Clab resident Pavel Volya, and the mother of two children, after leaving the sport she was able not only to lose weight, but also to develop a simple and effective training course on weight loss, helping women, regardless of age, remain the ideal of beauty and beauty. grace.

Shape Options

Laysan Utyasheva is known in Russian show business not only for her sporting achievements, but also for her rare, oriental beauty, which periodically competes with the ideal forms of a model figure.

Laysan Utyasheva now. Photo.

For more than 10 years, Irina Viner’s ward, who has not entered the sports arena, suffered for a long time from excess weight, and having lost weight, she was able not only to regain her previous shape, but also to successfully maintain it, proudly saying that after the birth of her children she regained her “girlhood” " weight.

The parameters of Laysan Utyasheva’s figure today make her look like a real fashion model.

Height167 cm
Weight47-50 kg
Chest – waist – hips84 – 58 – 84
Bust volume85 V
Bust size2
Clothing size42-44
Shoe size37
Hair colorDark chestnut
Eye colorDark brown
Appearance typeMixed

Sports figure

Women all over the world can envy Laysan's figure. The girl has been involved in rhythmic gymnastics since childhood and has always been in great shape. Sports, daily workouts and proper nutrition have made her figure the envy of many women.

The gymnast has good parameters: with a height of 167 cm, her weight is 50 kg.

But in May 2013, she became a mother and managed to gain more than 20 kg during her pregnancy. Within three months, Laysan demonstrated an ideal figure, and the kilograms seemed to have dissolved. From that moment on, the young mother was bombarded with questions about how to get back in shape after giving birth. The star was happy to share her methods for maintaining and restoring her figure. She talks about recipes, shows exercises and shares her daily routine to achieve this effect.

The rules for losing weight are simple:

  • Strict adherence to the diet and exclusion of flour and fried foods from the diet;
  • Regular exercise, which begins during the diet and continues after the end;
  • During active weight loss, wears shapewear or corsets;
  • The main thing is to love yourself for who you are and not worry about your figure. The goal of the diet is to correctly adjust it and become better.

In 2015, Laysan became a mother for the second time and gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Sofia, and her figure quickly returned to normal again. This proves the effectiveness of this diet, after which your well-being and muscle tone significantly improve and you can lose up to 10 kg in a short period of time.

Diet and nutrition principles

The athlete lost weight with the help of a strict diet , impossible without willpower and enormous efforts on herself. According to the gymnast, she was never thin, but by the age of 20 she reached her maximum weight, stopping regular training and becoming very interested in her favorite baked goods and high-calorie foods.

Along with her increased weight and blurring figure, apathy and severe fatigue became constant companions of the former gymnast, which did not go away even after a long rest. Deciding to pull herself together, Laysan went on a diet and consulted doctors.

Some of the recommendations helped her, some didn’t, and then the TV presenter developed her own nutrition and training program, which allowed her to restore her body and get rid of 32 kg over a fairly short period.

After the birth of her first child, the problem of excess weight again became acute for Utyasheva, bringing with her 10 extra kilograms and forcing her to completely reconsider her diet.

Pavel Volya’s wife doesn’t like to remember the struggle with excess weight, but having become the leader of a weight loss project, she satisfied the curiosity of fans by publishing her own program for losing weight and keeping fit.

Principles of weight loss and nutritional basics for a former gymnast:

  • First of all, when losing weight, according to the TV presenter, the right motivation is important. It is this that allows you to tune in to the process of burning fat, stop eating your favorite, unhealthy foods and start your metabolism.

  • The basis of normal weight is considered to be a balanced, but not high-calorie diet, consisting of minerals, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the proper functioning of all organs and systems. Leysan does not advise strictly and strictly restricting yourself in food, since a sudden change in diet will only cause harm and will contribute to the further accumulation of extra pounds. It is best to choose a gentle diet for yourself and completely exclude high-calorie foods from your diet.
  • Constant training helps not only to fight extra pounds, but also to improve body contour. The gymnast is sure that sports activities should not be very intense, causing fatigue, but they must work out all muscle groups, eliminate sagging skin and tighten muscles.

A feature of the diet is also intermittent fasting, which consists of an 8-hour meal and a “hunger break” for the next 16 hours.

The “starvation diet” of the former gymnast quickly became known to the public, who were not only amazed, but also admired by the strength and tough will of Utyasheva.

During the period of “fasting”, the diet of Pavel Volya’s wife consisted of:

  • a warm glass of water, drunk for breakfast and dinner along with a fruit salad and berry smoothie;
  • baked fish and shrimp or chicken fillet with vegetable salad for lunch.

Before each meal, Utyasheva always drank a glass of warm water.

According to Laysan, such nutrition is best done in the warm season while on vacation, since it not only helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds, but also conducts a complete detox of the body.

Weight loss formula: harmony + diet + exercise

Initially, you need to understand: how we look depends on our emotional mood. The first thing you need to do is love yourself. It is very important to be in harmony with yourself, then it will be enough to make some effort to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters.

An important secret to a good figure and, importantly, excellent health is not a choice between sports and diet. The main thing is an integrated approach, that is, diet + sports + psychological comfort. And this is not an unfounded statement. Laysan has been adhering to these rules for many years, and we can see the result with our own eyes.

The tips below are effective at all stages of life, be it pregnancy, breastfeeding, postpartum, or just falling in love and wanting to look good.

Diet rules for Leysan Utyasheva and sample menu for 1 day

Laysan Utyasheva lost 32 kg over the course of several months due to a strict diet, and having regained her shape, she switched to a sports diet, tailored to the body’s need for minerals and vitamins, completely eliminating from it:

  • confectionery, baked goods and other flour products;
  • sweets, chocolate and cakes;
  • any fried food;
  • fatty foods;
  • alcohol.

The gymnast composes her menu according to the following rules:

  • Breakfast and lunch should include protein dishes made from lean chicken, fish or seafood.
  • Among pasta products, you can only consume durum products containing large amounts of B vitamins and minerals.
  • Dairy products enrich the body with calcium, so it is impossible to exclude them from the diet completely. Instead of full-fat milk and sour cream, you should consume fermented milk products, cottage cheese, hard cheese and bio-yogurt containing no more than 10-15% fat.
  • It is impossible to go hungry, especially for a long time, since this technique only harms the body, provoking the appearance of stress, which subsequently forces the body to accumulate calories. In addition, refusing food along with extra pounds depletes the body, causing a loss of strength.

  • Fasting days spent on kefir, buckwheat or cucumbers are completely useless and only contribute to the appearance of weakness and deterioration of health.
  • All foods in the diet should undergo minimal heat treatment, which allows them to preserve enzymes and minerals. Vegetables should be eaten raw, and other dishes boiled, baked or steamed. Leysan does not like to fry food, noting that such heat treatment does not contribute to weight loss and health of the body.
  • The body needs water to maintain basic body functions, therefore it is mandatory to adhere to the drinking regime at the rate of 1-1.5 liters of water per day. In addition, plenty of fluid helps maintain skin elasticity and health. When drinking water, you should also remember that the liquid is at room temperature, which is most suitable for the human body. Laysan drinks a glass of warm water at least 4 times a day: immediately after waking up, before playing sports, before breakfast, lunch and dinner. On vacation, the gymnast also recommends avoiding sweet lemonade, coffee and cold milkshakes, which contain a large amount of carbohydrates.

To lose weight, Laysan actively went in for sports.
The gymnast’s usual menu includes 5 meals, 200 g each, which allows you to maintain the body’s level of satiety and the necessary energy:

  • 2 soft-boiled eggs with a slice of whole grain bread;
  • green tea.
  • 50-70 g of cottage cheese with berries or fruits.
  • Low-fat steamed fish cooked with rice;
  • raw vegetables.
Afternoon snack
  • A glass of bio-yogurt or fruit salad.
  • Boiled or steamed chicken breast with broth.

Laysan tries to use this kind of nutrition constantly, noting that its balance allows you not to feel hungry, but also saturates the body with important microelements.

Among the foods chosen by the former gymnast, buckwheat is also especially loved, which Laysan often includes in her lunch along with grapes and green salad. The TV presenter usually adds tomatoes or cucumbers to dinner, and tries not to eat meat products.

Pavel Volya’s wife does not consider herself a vegetarian, but prefers fish and seafood to meat dishes. Utyasheva replaced any baked goods that she previously loved so much with yeast-free flatbreads, which saved her in moments when she really wanted flour.

Despite Laysan’s strict diet, according to her, she spends a lot of time in the kitchen, and considers cooking to be the sacred duty of any woman. On the TV presenter’s stove there may be pasta with vegetables, pureed soups, fish steaks or omelettes with spinach.

The main thing in cooking, according to Utyasheva, is the minimum cooking time , which allows you to preserve a large number of enzymes. The longer food is heated, the less nutrients remain in it, so all dishes should be quickly fried, briefly stewed or boiled, or steamed.

Vegetables, according to the gymnast, should remain crispy, so they retain a large amount of fiber and microelements.

“I weigh 52 kilograms”: Laysan Utyasheva about losing weight, nutrition for gymnasts and the Olympic Games

Laysan Utyasheva
A new online interview was published on the YouTube channel of the Sport Expess publication, and its guest was TV presenter, Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics and multiple winner of Russian and international competitions Laysan Utyasheva (34). In the conversation, she revealed the secrets of gymnasts’ nutrition and told what she was doing during self-isolation. She also shared her opinion on who the next athlete will go to the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

About self-isolation

“The first couple of weeks felt like a vacation. Finally, you don’t have to get up early and rush to any classes! And now the stage of waiting has already begun for all this to end. But every cloud has a silver lining: in the third week of quarantine, I came up with a project (“Exercise with Laysan Utyasheva” on YouTube), where we do exercises with various famous guests. This is an entertaining format, I help each specific guest choose the exercises that suit him, and give some advice. And so that the viewer doesn’t think: it’s easy for Laysan to do this, because she is a former gymnast, in the frame we have my assistant in life and specifically in this project - my husband Pasha.

About the nutrition of gymnasts

I have the right to talk only about my sport, in which I was from 4 to 20 years old. And I’ll tell you absolutely honestly that Irina Viner’s Russian team doesn’t starve the athletes. For example, for breakfast - an egg, vegetables, some fruit, a drink made from dried fruits. Or maybe freshly squeezed carrot juice with olive oil. If you need to lose weight now, they won’t give you bread and butter, but everything else will be there. For lunch - vegetable soup, steamed fish or fish cutlets, chicken breast with buckwheat, and more vegetables. Is this hunger? This is normal, healthy eating, just not like at grandma’s home with pies and everything. Yes, when we saw the football players’ table filled with delicious food, it was a shame. But over the years you realize that our set of products is the most correct.

Laysan Utyasheva

About losing weight

By the way, I still use this power system to this day. It’s funny now to read all sorts of “yellow” news that Utyasheva has lost extreme weight. This is written by people who simply did not know me in my normal form before giving birth. In the process of feeding Robert, I was plus 20 kilograms. But now, with a height of 1.71 m, I weigh 52 kg, and this is my normal, usual shape.

Laysan Utyasheva

About the participants of the Olympic Games in Tokyo

We have six first numbers, and all are potential Olympic champions. Personally, I am a fan of the Averin sisters. Usually, someone at the sisters embroiders, or does mathematics, and someone is an Olympic champion. This has never happened before in history where two sisters competed on equal terms! Dina and Arina are incredibly good. I like that they already have a girlish charm, they have an acting gift. After all, our trio - Alina Kabaeva, Irina Chashchina and I - have always been distinguished by their expressiveness. Our object could fly off the stage, but we were excellent actresses. And then for several years I missed something like that on the carpet. I respect the work of others, I understand that in my life I would not do on the carpet what, say, Evgenia Kanaeva did. But the Averins, their playfulness is something special. I dream that they will go to the Olympics and share first place there.

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