Crazy drying. Tasks for every day, 1, 2 weeks, training program for women, nutrition, diet. Reviews and photos

The concept of crazy drying

Vasily Smolny’s project “Mad Drying” is aimed at losing weight. Since 2015, more than 20 seasons have been held, lasting 5 weeks, 4 of which involve training and healthy eating, and one week is dedicated to summing up the results of the competition and voting for the participant who has achieved the best result.

In just 21 seasons, more than 200,000 people have already taken part in the “Mad Drying”.

The purpose of the project is to teach people to eat properly, following the rules of a healthy lifestyle, and to adhere to an active healthy lifestyle. In addition to learning new eating and physical activity habits, participants are rewarded with valuable prizes for best results.

Crazy drying, which involves completing tasks for every day, is a popular project that is gaining momentum.

The rules and tasks are the same for all participants, regardless of gender. “Mad Drying” (every player receives tasks for every day and recommendations on proper nutrition) is a project designed to spread the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Participants are helped to calculate daily kilocalorie intake and BJU ratio depending on gender, age and lifestyle.

In addition to daily tasks, on Saturday it is necessary to complete a flight task, which is recorded on video and posted in their personal account by the participants. On Sunday you can have a cheat meal and eat one prohibited product.

What is crazy drying?

This project was created for those who dream of gaining a slim, beautiful body, but at the same time lack motivation. The show is directed by Vasily Smolny, for whom this is both a job and a favorite thing, based on his personal experience.

An important component of losing weight while cutting fast is nutrition, which is based on the principles of a healthy lifestyle, and involves calculating proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a special way. Participants complete weight loss tasks for a month. Anyone who fails to cope with them may be thrown out of the project, and this is the main incentive for them. Each section is offered up to 25 different load programs and 4 types of nutrition. So every day will be

The show offers proper and balanced weight loss. Of course, not everyone can and is ready to become direct participants in the project, so many perform crazy drying tasks every day at home, and if all the rules are followed, they get excellent results.

Loads during crazy drying are not so simple, so you need to get examined and make sure that they are not contraindicated for you.

First week

Let's look at the crazy drying tasks for every day in the first week.

Each day includes four circuits of six exercises. Rest between circles should be one minute.

  • 20 squats;
  • 10 push-ups;
  • 20 hyperextensions;
  • 5 burpees;
  • 25 sit-ups;
  • plank – 1 minute.

On Monday, circuit training and a special task are performed - 700 squats. Of course, they need to be done not at once, but throughout the day.

On Tuesday, circuit training is supplemented with 300 push-ups, on Wednesday – 600 jumping lunges with alternating legs (300 on each leg), on Thursday – 200 burpees, on Friday – 1000 repetitions of the “climbing” exercise.

On Saturday there is no circuit training, but the project participants complete the take-off task - 1.5 minutes of burpees. Sunday is rest.

Second week

Let's move on to the tasks for each day of the second week of crazy drying.

On Monday, circuit training is done - 5 circles with a rest of 1 minute, which includes the following exercises:

  • 15 push-ups;
  • 20 jump squats;
  • 50 jumping jack;
  • 50 climbers;

Plus in the evening an additional task - 60 burpees without a break.


The first part is three circles with a minute break, including the following exercises:

  • 10 burpees;
  • 30 sit-ups;
  • 20 squats.

The second part is five circles with a rest of 30 seconds, which include:

  • 15 push-ups;
  • 30 seconds plank.

The task for the evening is a high chair, Tabata 8 circles 30/30 (30 seconds activity, 30 seconds rest).


Part 1 – 5 circles with a minute break, including the following exercises:

  • 20 jumping jack;
  • 10 burpees;
  • 10 jump squats.

Then rest for a minute and proceed to the second part. It will include six circles without rest with the following exercises:

  • 30 seconds plank;
  • 30 seconds high chair.

The task for the evening is 100 burpees.


Five circles with a one-minute break, consisting of the following exercises:

  • 15 push-ups;
  • 20 squats;
  • 10 triceps push-ups;
  • 20 sit-ups;
  • 50 climbers.

In the evening you need to do 10 minutes of planks, keeping it to 20 minutes in total.


Part 1: 5 circles with a one-minute rest from the following exercises:

  • 40 jumping jack;
  • plank -30 seconds.

This is followed by a two-minute rest and five one-minute circuits consisting of the following:

  • 20 squats;
  • 40 climbers.

Then rest for two minutes. The third part is 1 exercise, 4 circles, tata 30/30, burpee.

The task for the evening is 100 lunges for each leg.


The challenge is 1 minute of the chair exercise and two minutes of burpees.

Diet principles

“Mad drying” (tasks for every day will require a certain amount of strength and energy) requires observing the basic principles of proper balanced nutrition.

These include:

  • in addition to food restrictions, you need to increase the number of meals to 5 or more times a day, reducing portions;

  • do not exceed the total daily calorie intake;
  • observe the proportions of BZHU;
  • You should prepare meals in advance so as not to break down if the feeling of hunger comes suddenly and there is no opportunity to snack on permitted foods;
  • adhere to the drinking regime (2-3 liters of water daily).

For each participant, the calorie content of the daily diet and the proportion of BJU are calculated. Tips for creating a complete daily menu will help even vegetarians choose a suitable diet.

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Food in the project Crazy Drying

BZHU for 1-2-3 weeks: B-40%/W-30%/U-30% BZHU for 4 weeks: Mon — B-50%/U-50%, VT — B-60%/W-40 %, SR - B-50%/U-50%, CT - B-60%/W-40%, PT - B-60%/W-40%. BZHU in week 5: B-30%/F-20%/U-50%
Firstly, it is suggested to eat 5-6 times a day and maintain a drinking regime (from 2 liters per day). To do this, you need to set reminders for yourself or use apps that help you set up your drinking regimen and record everything you eat.

You will also have to give up sweets in any form. Eat cottage cheese, eggs, chicken breasts, beef, vegetables, and cereals. Fruits are allowed to be eaten, but only with a low glycemic index and only in the first half of the day (until about 15:00).

If you started working out according to the Crazy Cutting project program, then use this calorie calculator. You need to count the daily amount of calories using it ONLY if you are doing the BS program.

Allowed and prohibited foods during crazy drying

Subject to the rules of the project, the main food should be protein products and foods that are sources of slow carbohydrates. You need to exclude fast carbohydrates for the duration of the project.

Authorized Products
Protein productsMilk, dairy and fermented milk products, lean meat and poultry (veal, chicken breast, turkey, rabbit), fish, liver, seafood, eggs (chicken, quail) nuts.
VegetablesYou can eat a large number of a wide variety of vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, and temporarily reduce vegetables containing large amounts of sugar (carrots, pumpkin, beets). All varieties of cabbage and salads, greens, cucumbers and peppers should form the basis of a healthy diet for the period of the project.
Sources of slow carbohydratesTo obtain slow carbohydrates, the menu should include a variety of cereals in small quantities (buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, lentils), bran (bread) and legumes. You can also eat small portions of pasta and bread made from durum wheat or wholemeal flour.
FruitsApples and some citrus fruits.
Soy sauce is allowed as a salad dressing.
Prohibited Products
Flour productsCotton products made from white flour.
Fast carbohydratesSugar, confectionery, fast food products.
Fruits that have a high glycemic indexGrapes, bananas.
All store-bought sauces

List of allowed products for crazy drying:

Vegetables (fresh, boiled, steamed, grilled, fried WITHOUT oil) :

  • avocado
  • eggplant
  • broccoli
  • White cabbage
  • bell pepper
  • mushrooms
  • greenery
  • green bean
  • zucchini
  • leaf lettuce
  • onion
  • carrot
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • turnip
  • radish
  • radish
  • asparagus
  • beet
  • pumpkin
  • cauliflower
  • spinach

Proteins (boiled, steamed, grilled, fried WITHOUT oil):

  • eggs (whites)
  • lean beef
  • veal
  • liver
  • chicken breasts (no skin!)
  • turkey (skinless breasts)
  • low fat cottage cheese (maximum 5%)
  • fish
  • seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid, scallops, crab meat (not to be confused with sticks), octopus, etc.)


  • Buckwheat
  • oatmeal
  • green peas (frozen/fresh)
  • lentils
  • beans
  • unpolished brown rice
  • long grain rice
  • bulgur
  • couscous
  • quinoa
  • wholemeal pasta
  • wholemeal bread (whole grain)
  • grain bread (you can use Dr. Koerner)
  • bran

You can add salt and spices (but be sure to check their ingredients, many come with sugar)

Ready-made sauces are prohibited! Allowed - soy sauce (no more than 1 tablespoon per day), balsamic vinegar, olive or linseed oil (or any other non-refined vegetable).

Mad Drying quests by day

During the first week of a crazy cut, you do the same workout every day. This is one of the hardest weeks, because... you need to have time to do everything and not lose motivation. And it’s quite easy to lose, because the first results are not yet visible.

In the second week of frantic drying, various training sessions from Smolny and Yulia begin. You can do any of your choice.

The third week of crazy drying often goes by at a very fast pace, because you don’t have time to do anything at all. You need to have time to do exercises, workout, cook, eat, swim, work, run, clean and much more.

In the fourth week, a new diet begins (protein-carbohydrate alternation), training and running continue, and “after” photos are taken.

Contraindications to the diet

The project organizers do not require health certificates and do not screen out participants based on physical indications, but the person losing weight must evaluate their capabilities and take into account existing problems.

You cannot follow a diet recommended for reducing fat mass if you have the following problems:

  • chronic diseases;
  • diabetes, regardless of type;
  • kidney, liver and gall bladder diseases;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;

  • pregnancy period.

Women who are breastfeeding should first consult with a pediatrician to find out how changes in diet will affect the health and development of the baby and the composition of breast milk. On the official website of the project, breastfeeding is not considered a contraindication to participation in the game.

“Know ours” (week 4, day 3)

Part 1

4 exercises, 3 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • rock star
  • running in a straight arm stand
  • air squats
  • superman bar

Rest 1 minute

Part 2

4 exercises, 3 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • worm with pushup
  • lying leg raise
  • boat static
  • glute bridge on straight arms

Rest 1 minute

Part 3

4 exercises, 3 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • fast running in place
  • Jackie in high plank
  • diagonal lunges (alternately)
  • straight leg deadlift (alternating)

Rest 1 minute

Part 4

4 exercises, 3 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • jumping jack
  • reverse plank on straight arms
  • situps
  • burpee

Sample drying menu for girls for two weeks

The project does not provide a strict menu indicating the dishes and products that should be consumed on each specific day. Each participant chooses how best to organize their meals. We can only give an approximate daily diet, which consists of 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks - second breakfast, afternoon snack and second dinner.

Portion sizes and volumes of dishes do not change, for example, if 200 ml of kefir is indicated, then the next day you can drink the same volume.

Day1 Hard-boiled egg
Hercules on water – 200 g
Steamed or boiled meat (veal)

Cabbage salad (from white and/or red cabbage)

Boiled breast
Any vegetable

Cheese – 20 g

Grapefruit/ Boiled egg whites with lettuce/ Natural yogurt - 200 ml
Day 2Cottage cheese, to which you add a little greenery - 50 g Omelet of 2 eggs or whites, you can use kefir with 100 g of shrimp (pre-boiled)Boiled brown rice
Breast baked with soy sauce


Funchoza from beans
Salad from allowed vegetables
Natural yogurt / Cottage cheese mixed with herbs / Low-fat kefir 200 ml
Day 3Chopped apple and grapefruit mixed with yogurt
Eggs (poached) - 2 pcs.
Vegetable broth
Steam cod

Sea kale

Boiled breast
Green salad with cucumber


Cottage cheese / Green salad and boiled egg whites / Low-fat kefir
Day 4Hard-boiled egg – 2 pcs.
Hercules on the water

Gender citrus

Salmon baked with cheese
Fish broth
Stewed green beans with sour cream
Cucumber, tomato
Apple / 2 egg omelet, optional with kefir Sea kale / Unsweetened yogurt
Day 5Salad of permitted fruits – 150 g
Omelet with kefir – 150 g
White rice
Breast in the oven with soy sauce

Salad with celery and cucumber

Arugula salad
Fried cod without oil
Natural yogurt/Cottage cheese and greens/Low-fat kefir
Day 6Boiled egg
Hercules on water
Boiled beef with beans (green beans)
Vegetable salad
Boiled breast
Cottage cheese and yogurt/ Grapefruit/ Any green salad/
Day 7Poached egg – 2 pcs.
Cauliflower stewed with mushrooms and cheese
Boiled breast

Celery salad with cucumber

Stuffed squid
Sea kale


Low-fat kefir / Boiled eggs 2 pcs / Cottage cheese
Day 8Buckwheat porridge
Poached egg – 2 pcs.
Boiled breast
Cabbage salad (white and/or red)
Steamed fish
Any green salad


Low-fat kefir / Apple / Cottage cheese and greens
Day 9Hercules on water
Fruit with natural yoghurt – 150 g
Steamed turkey meatballs


Boiled breast
Cabbage salad
Unsweetened yogurt / Boiled eggs - 2 pcs / low-fat kefir
Day 10Boiled or poached eggs - 2 pcs.
100 g boiled shrimp

Cottage cheese mixed with herbs

Baked Salmon
Salad with Allowed Vegetables
Stewed zucchini
Grapefruit/Cottage cheese and greens/Unsweetened yogurt
Day 11Omelette of 2 proteins, optional with kefir – 150 g
Half a grapefruit
Breast baked in kefir
Salad with radishes and cabbage
Steamed veal cutlet
Salad of any greens
Unsweetened yogurt / Any vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes / Cottage cheese and greens
Day 12Hercules on the water
Boiled egg – 1 pc.
Boiled breast
Brown rice

Buckwheat fish fried without oil
Apple / Salad of allowed vegetables with herbs / Unsweetened yogurt
Day 13Boiled or poached eggs - 2 pcs
Fruits with natural yogurt
Cabbage salad
Steamed fish
Pilaf with chicken
Grapefruit / low-fat kefir / Cottage cheese and greens
Day 14Hercules on the water
Steamed veal cutlets
Sea kale
Boiled chicken breast


Low-fat kefir/ Kefir omelette – 150 g/ Cottage cheese and greens

Updated Caramel McFlurry workout (2 weeks, 1 day)

1 part

9 exercises, 3 circles, rest between circles 1-2 minutes

  • 20 jumping jack
  • 15 gorizhops hands behind the head
  • 10 push-ups / 10 push-ups with wide hands
  • 20 diagonal lunges (alternately 10 on each leg)
  • 30 seconds side plank (right side)
  • 30 seconds side plank (left side)
  • 7 burpees / 7 twist burpees
  • 10 sit-ups / 10 sit-ups obliquely
  • 20 seconds running in a straight arm stand

Rest 2 minutes

part 2

1 exercise, 4 circles, rest between circles 30 seconds

  • 30 glute bridge / 30 glute bridge on one leg (15 on each)

“The hot stuff has arrived” (week 2, day 2)

1 part:

5 exercises, 2 circuits, up to 1 minute rest between circuits

  • 15 push-ups / 15 push-ups with wide hands
  • 16 gorizhops / 16 gorizhops with knee lift
  • 15 sit-ups / 15 sit-ups with weights
  • 20 step-back lunges (10 on each leg)
  • 12 lying leg raises

1-2 minutes rest

Part 2:

4 exercises, 3 circuits, up to 1 minute rest between circuits

  • 6 worms with pushup
  • 20 seconds static star
  • 20 seconds boat static
  • 5 burpees / twist burpees

1-2 minutes rest

Part 3:

3 exercises, 4 circuits, up to 1 minute rest between circuits

  • 15 jacks in high bar
  • 15 jumping jack
  • 30 second plank / 30 second superman plank

1-2 minutes rest

Part 4:

2 exercises, 5 circuits, up to 30 seconds rest between circuits

  • 20 glute bridges
  • 16 diagonal lunges (8 per leg)

“Vietnamese star” (week 2, day 3)

The workout consists of 5 parts, training time is 24 minutes

1 part:

3 exercises, 3 circuits, Tabata 20/10, no rest between circuits

  • jumping jack
  • gorizhops with wide stance
  • rock climbers

Rest 30 seconds

part 2

3 exercises, 3 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • short crunches with bent legs
  • hyperextension
  • boat static

Rest 1 minute

Part 3

3 exercises, 3 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • glute bridge on straight arms
  • diagonal lunges
  • twerk plank

Rest 1 minute

Part 4

5 exercises, 2 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • left arm side plank
  • right arm side plank
  • Jackie in high plank
  • doggy left heel push
  • doggy right heel push

Rest 1 minute

Part 5

2 exercises, 2 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • pushups
  • air squats

Tabata is an interval training principle. Work alternates with rest. For example, in the first part of the workout, 20/10 means that you do jumping jacks for 20 seconds, and rest for 10 seconds, then you do horizhops with wide legs for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds, and climbers do 20 seconds. And so 3 times. No breaks. Then you proceed to the next part of the training, everything is the same, the exercises, the number of circles and the number of exercises in the part change. Watch closely!

Rules for training on Crazy Drying

Exercises must be done daily. All exercises are performed without special sports equipment; you only need sports shoes and a mat to avoid slipping on the floor. Each workout takes 30-50 minutes and does not require a visit to the gym. Therefore, the program is suitable for the busiest participants and girls with small children.

“Mad drying” - the tasks for every day here are a circuit training consisting of several exercises of 2-4 circles (sets) with a 1 minute rest break. To achieve results, you need to master the correct technique, which you can watch in a video online or on the game website.

In addition to training, a special task is issued for each day, which can be completed within 24 hours. This could be 700 squats or 200 burpees.

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Crazy drying - what is it?

Crazy drying is a program that helps normalize your lifestyle and appearance. This method of losing weight is becoming increasingly popular not only in Russia, but also in many other countries.

This is interesting! You can choose 1 type of nutrition from 4 presented diets, as well as a set of exercises from 25 presented.

Main requirements:

  1. Compliance with nutrition rules.
  2. Intense workouts.

The advantage of crazy drying is that in order to fulfill its conditions, you don’t even need to leave the house.

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Exercises for the first week

“Mad drying” (tasks for each day can be the same or change daily) in the first week gives participants the opportunity to perform one set of exercises for 4 sets with a break of 1 minute for all 5 days.

List of exercises:

  • lifting the body (sitaps) 15 times;
  • burpees - 3;

  • push-ups (or push-ups) - 10;

  • hyperextension – 15 times;
  • burpees - 4;
  • squats (horizhops) - 20;
  • plank - 60 seconds;
  • burpees - 5.

Special task:

  • day 1 – chair (against the wall), stand for the maximum amount of time, 20 approaches;
  • day 2 – 12 minutes of planks for several approaches;
  • day 3 – 15 sets of push-ups for the maximum number of repetitions;
  • day 4 – 20 sets of burpees, increasing the number of repetitions from 1 to 20 in each approach;
  • day 5 – 600-1000 climbers.

How to do the exercises correctly:

  1. Sitap. From a lying position with your knees bent, legs apart, arms straight behind your head, lift your torso. Having risen with a sharp swing of your arms, lower them (arms) so that they touch the floor in front of you or your feet.
  2. Burpees are two exercises in one, first you need to push up from the floor, touching it with your chest, then jump up, clapping your hands above your head.
  3. Pushup is a push-up from the floor surface.
  4. Hyperextension. From a lying position on your stomach, lift your upper body with your elbows slightly bent and your arms spread to the sides. The deflection in the lower back should be maximum, the palms should not touch the floor. The legs are slightly spread to the sides.
  5. Horizhops or squats - performed with a straight back; when lowering the pelvis down, you need to make sure that your knees do not go beyond the level of your feet.
  6. Plank – a static exercise from a lying position, you need to lean on your elbows. The legs, buttocks and torso are on the same straight line.

  7. High chair. Sit down, pressing your upper body tightly against the wall, arms straight along your body, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, stay in this position.
  8. Climber. From a lying position, leaning on your arms outstretched in front of you, take turns pulling your legs bent at the knees towards your elbows.

The challenge is to jump at least 9 burpees in 90 seconds. The task must be filmed and posted in your personal account on the game website.

Rules of the game

There are a lot of rules in Mad Drying, violation of which can lead to elimination from the project. And the very first rule is don’t be stupid. As it turns out, this is also the most important thing. Under no circumstances should you ask questions to Smolny on Instagram. And even in a personal meeting it’s not worth it. Never ever. I wonder why? (Stop, stop, that wasn’t a question for Smolny!). Well, of course, you can’t insult anyone or cheat. You can't advertise anything. And for some reason, write posts with the hashtag #rabidzozhnik.

Every day for four weeks, Mad Drying offers certain tasks that you can complete or not complete. But on Saturday, you need to do and film a “Task for Relegation” - whoever completed it plays further, the rest are expected in the next seasons.

Mission reports are checked by the cutest creatures in the world - minions who love, encourage and console us. Regularly receiving banana hugs, warm words and green checks helps you last the whole month.

In terms of nutrition in Sushka, everything is simple and banal: 40% carbohydrates, a complete ban on all sweets and joys, except for one cheat meal on Sunday, a fairly high calorie intake, which, however, is compensated by a fairly high energy expenditure.

Exercises for the second week

“Mad drying”: tasks for each day in the second week of the project are presented in two workouts, one of which is recorded on video. You can launch it and do exercises behind Yulia Smolnaya.

The person losing weight chooses what kind of workout he will do.

PartExerciseNumber of repetitionsNumber of approaches
Day 11
  • jumping (or jumping jack);
  • side bar;
  • burpees (for advanced ones - with a twist);
  • diagonal lunges;
  • burpees (advanced);
  • squats with hands behind the head;
  • pushup (for advanced ones - with arms wide apart);
  • jumping;
  • lifting the body (possibly with weights);
  • running while leaning on straight arms.
20 x 30 sec 5 10 each leg 5 151020 1040 sec3
  • lifting the buttocks, or gluteal bridge (you can lean on one leg, break 30 seconds).
Day 21
  • push-ups with worms;
  • star;
  • static sprocket;
  • a chair against the wall.
10 10 15 sec 60 sec3
  • squat (with knee lift);
  • lunges;
  • plank (or superman plank);
  • jack in high bar.
16 15 each leg 60 sec 152
  • rock climbers or oblique climbers;
  • lifting the buttocks;
  • lifting the body (obliquely);
  • air squats.
20 each leg 20 15 104
Day 31
  • jumping;
  • push up;
  • squat;
  • lunges;
  • rear lunges.
Tabata 20/10 (20 sec exercise, 10 rest)3
  • bar
tabata 40/204
  • hyperextension;
  • lifting the buttocks.
  • rock climber;
  • jacks in the plank.
Day 41You need to complete 50 laps in 50 minutes. One minute is given for one exercise; the time remaining until the end of this minute after completing the task is allotted for rest. 2010
  • lifting the buttocks;
  • lunges.
4 each leg
  • pushups;
  • reverse triceps push-ups;
  • squats (hands behind head).
8 8 810
  • Superman bar;
  • jack on high bar.
20 sec 1010
  • burpee
  • jumping;
  • rock climbers.
15 10 each leg5
  • jumping;
  • sitap.
15 205
Day 51
  • side press;
  • sitap.
5 each way 103
  • lying leg raises;
  • squats or wide-legged squats;
  • burpees;
  • bar;
  • dog heel push;
  • burpees;
  • static boat;
  • reverse triceps push-ups.
15 5 30 sec to 15 7 30 sec 10
3• rock climbers.Tabata 20\105

The special task for each day is different and constantly becomes more complicated:

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
Complete the plank in 20 minutes for a total of 10 minutesDo push-ups and jumping jack in a minute. In 1 minute, do 10 push-ups, the remaining time do jumping, in the second - 9 push-ups and jumps, and so on until 3 push-ups. You can choose a special task from several options:
  • 80 burpees;
  • 100 simple or reverse push-ups;
  • 100 air squats;
  • 150 body lifts.
Two special tasks to choose from:
  • 30 worm push-ups (after every 10 push-ups, 40 seconds of planks);
  • 30 worm push-ups (after every 10, do a new exercise for one minute - handstand running, rock climbers and jacks).
Special task - straight leg deadlift (ladder from 12 to 5) or Bulgarian lunges.

How to do the exercises correctly:

  1. Jumping jack is a jump in which you need to spread your legs slightly to the sides and clap over your head.
  2. Side plank. Turning on your side from a lying position, lean on one straight arm, while the body should lie on one straight line without bending.

  3. Burpee with a twist. The first part of the exercise is a push-up, in which you need to touch your chest to the floor, the second part is a jump with a clap and at the same time a 180° turn.
  4. Diagonal lunges. From a standing position, squat on one leg, while moving the other to the side. The knee of the bent leg should not extend beyond the level of the edge of the foot.
  5. Running in a handstand. Leaning on your outstretched arms, quickly pull your legs up to your elbows one at a time, without reaching them.
  6. Gluteal bridge. From a lying position with your arms extended along your body and pressed to the floor, and your knees bent (your feet a little further from your knees), lift your hips and pelvis off the floor and lift them as high as possible, squeezing your buttocks at the top point.
  7. A squat with a knee lift is performed like a simple squat; when straightening your legs, one of them, bent at the knee, rises up to the opposite arm.
  8. Lunges are performed forward, the knee must not go beyond the level of the foot.
  9. Jack in high plank. Standing in a plank with your arms straight (high plank), jump your legs apart, together, then jump your legs towards you and back.
  10. Superman plank performed by leaning on one arm, the other extended forward above you.

  11. Worm push-ups . From a standing position, bend at the waist and, moving your arms, move to the upper plank position, do a push-up, then step over your arms to return to the starting position.
  12. Sprocket, static sprocket. From a lying position with your arms above your head, stretch one hand at a time to the opposite leg. In a static star, lift your arms and legs off the floor and hold on for a certain period of time.
  13. Climbers obliquely. The exercise is similar to that of rock climbers, but here the legs alternately reach towards the elbows of the opposite arms.
  14. Air squats. They are performed like simple squats, but when lifting you need to jump up.
  15. Rear lunges. From a standing position, perform lunges alternately with each leg backward, bending the leg that remains in place.
  16. Reverse triceps push-ups. Place a chair behind you and lean your hands on it, bend your legs as if you were sitting on a chair. Make downward and upward movements with your arms so that when lowering, the angle at your elbow is 90°.
  17. Side press. From a lying position with your knees bent, lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Alternately reach your feet with your hands off the floor - to the right and to the left.
  18. Lying leg raises. From a lying position, lift your straightened legs up to the maximum height, applying effort from your lower abs.
  19. Doggy heel push. Standing on all fours, raise your legs one at a time at an angle of 45 degrees or more. Move up and back, tensing your gluteal muscles and trying to push your heel out.
  20. Static boat. Lying on your stomach, raise your legs and arms extended forward above the floor, bending your lower back. Stay in this position.

  21. Straight leg deadlift. From a standing position, lower yourself to the floor with your hands, while raising one straight leg. The legs and back should be at the same parallel while performing the exercise.
  22. Bulgarian lunges. Bulgarian lunges are performed by taking one leg back and placing it on a chair, and bending the other at the knee, as if lunging at it.

The task for day 6 is to jump at least 11 burpees in 90 seconds, performing 1 jump more than last time.

Smolny project “Mad Drying”

This is not just an intense online training, but an entire Internet project that includes recommendations from trainers on both special nutrition and physical exercise. Participants in the show are given tasks that they must complete within a month.

The punishment for those who failed is elimination from the project. To help them, they are given 25 variations of loads and 4 types of diet. The final goal of the project is weight loss and giving the body definition.

Vasily Smolny, the creator of the “Healthy Lifestyle Game,” endowed the thirty-day training program with the following features:

  • As an assessment of the result, each applicant must take a photo of his body before the start of the complex and upon its completion.
  • Participants receive nutritional advice prior to exercise, allowing them to begin their weight loss journey immediately. Program trainers recommend preparing food for a day or several, placing it in containers. The main rule is that everywhere and everywhere you need to eat only these preparations.
  • The list of physical exercises can be performed throughout the day, and on Instagram and YouTube, you can easily find technically correct examples of their implementation. In addition, each participant is sent a detailed video lesson.
  • The training program is drawn up regardless of the gender, age, or size of the participants.
  • Saturday's challenge assignments provide extra motivation to work hard.
  • The results are assessed through online voting.
  • Possibility of communication between all participants in the project chat.
  • A variety of prizes for first positions in ratings by category.

Exercises of the program

Unlike many other online intensives, Crazy Drying is not differentiated by level of difficulty - the tasks are the same for everyone, both for inexperienced athletes and pros.

The drying effect is achieved through the following exercises sent to participants in the form of daily tasks (an example of the first week is given):

  • 7 + 5 Burpees
  • 20 Squats;
  • 15 Sitapov;
  • 20 hyperextensions;
  • 10 push-ups (push-ups);
  • Plank at max.

The training is classified as circular, so the set of exercises is repeated 4 times in a circle with 1 minute of rest between the last and the first.

Important additions to the program:

  1. From the second week, in addition to new exercises, another condition appears - a contrast shower.
  2. In the third week, the tasks become even more difficult and “poetic cardio exercise” is added. According to the author of the project, such a load includes running or squats while simultaneously singing, reading poetry, etc.
  3. In the fourth week, changes occur in the diet, physical activity becomes as difficult as possible.
  4. Before you start doing the exercises, you need to carefully study the list of contraindications for drying. This list applies not only to “Crazy Drying”, but also to all similar trainings.

Drying the body is strictly contraindicated when:

  • problems with digestion, intestines, stomach, metabolic processes;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders.

The training course is intended only for people in excellent health.

Sports nutrition for crazy cutting

“Mad Cutting” is not a project for professional athletes, therefore, in the game conditions there is no mention of the mandatory use or prohibition of sports nutrition. By receiving tasks and nutritional recommendations for each day, the participant receives the norm of essential nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) that need to be consumed that day.

Sometimes a person simply cannot reach the protein requirement from food, then sports nutrition in the form of whey protein comes to the rescue. Half of the protein can be obtained from such a source. You need to take protein in several doses, usually an hour before training and an hour after.

To increase energy metabolism in muscles, some trainers may recommend taking creatine. The substance is safe and will help speed up the fat burning process.

Week 1

There is one more contraindication for Crazy Drying: I would not recommend participation for people suffering from such a rare disease as arithmophobia - this is the fear of large numbers. Because in the first week the dryers consistently did:

  • 700 squats
  • 300 push-ups
  • 600 jumping lunges
  • 200 burpees
  • 1000 climbers.

And so that it wouldn’t be too easy, every morning began with a circuit training code-named “Die, but do it”:

6 exercises, 4 circuits, rest between circuits 1 minute

  • 20 squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • 20 hyperextensions
  • 5 burpees
  • 25 sit-ups
  • 1 min. bar

By the way, the drying community has adopted its own vocabulary, which is slightly offensive to the eyes of a shy girl. And where all the dryers do “horizhops” and “sysepols,” I modestly do deep squats and push-ups.


Over the three years of the game's existence, it has gained many followers who regularly take part in new seasons. Some participants get so excited that, without becoming a winner the first time, they try to go through the season again and reach the finals.

There are also negative reviews about participating in the game. Some of them are related to the fact that the participant was unable to qualify for the final vote, despite having visible achievements. Some complain about the intensity of training and the heavy load on the body.

Most former participants speak positively about the game and their results, share photos before and after losing weight, and advise their friends to take part.

Crazy drying teaches you new habits, endurance tasks every day help people overcome themselves and achieve their goals. Even without winning the main prize, the participant has already received a valuable gift in the form of willpower and a new healthy body.

Article design: Oksana Grivina

Functionality of your personal account

In the Big Drying personal account, the user can take advantage of a wide range of functionality.

Main functions of the Big Drying personal account:

  1. Upload photos before and after participating in the program. It is with the help of photographs that voting for the winner is carried out and the results of the participants are evaluated.
  2. Each uploaded photo undergoes strict moderation. In the settings of the personal account, the user can familiarize himself with the results of the check by moderators and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments.
  3. The user can familiarize himself with various weight loss programs and seasons.
  4. Keep a personal blog in the “My Wall” tab, sharing successes and failures in losing weight.
  5. Get access to online training programs with detailed and step-by-step descriptions of correct execution.
  6. Develop an individual diet. A professional nutritionist will draw up a detailed nutrition plan, taking into account permitted and prohibited foods, dishes, as well as daily caloric intake.

Registered users can use the online chat, select the city of interest and communicate with other participants in the Mad Drying project.

The first week of crazy drying

The first week of crazy drying was the most difficult from a psychological point of view.
But when I was waiting for the first task, which was supposed to appear on the site the day before, I believed so much that a new life would begin. which will make me healthier and physically stronger. That is, there was anticipation of something new and beautiful. And then the task appeared. What. We had to do it: for the first 5 days of the first week of frantic drying, we had a circuit morning workout, the same every day. And the Assignment for the day, for each day - its own. The training was called “Die, but do it” and at the initial stage it really lived up to its name. (this was when I was already in the second week. I realized that worse things can happen) The technique for performing the workout is posted here. You can always check to see if you're doing it right.

On the first day, the training took me an hour and a half. I rested for a very long time between exercises and after the first round I was clearly nauseous. This was my physical training. I was able to recover after circuit training within 5 hours.

Task for the day:

Monday – 700 gorizhops (squats)

Tuesday – 300 sisepoles (push-ups)

Wednesday - 600 lunges

Thursday - 200 burpees

Friday – 1000 climbers

It was difficult, very difficult! The burpees were the hardest, I was terribly afraid of them. Moreover, I knew that the missions for departure were burpees. And if the workouts on Monday and even the push-ups on Tuesday went quite well, they really took up most of the day. Then on Wednesday I went to work with such determination as in the last battle. After all, I even did 5 burpees in a row in the morning workout with a rest break. and here it’s 200. But I managed. Although I was very tired.

Summary: no matter how scary the numbers indicating the number of exercises may seem, they can be done, just some will cope with it faster, others slower, but of course the remaining strength will be different. For example, during the first 2 weeks of drying, I completely abandoned my hobby, although previously I only thought about it.

Saturday was judgment day. You had to do burpees for 1.5 minutes, as long as you could and with the correct technique. Apparently, somewhere deep inside me there is an “excellent student complex” hidden; I have never missed a workout or exercise for the day. And it was very important for me to get to the next stage. Psychologists say that this was ingrained in childhood - “I couldn’t cope.” that means you're bad." I suspect. that I greatly shook the nerves of my loved ones. But they still supported me. I ended up doing 19 burpees in 1 minute. My brothers in crazy drying did much more, I was the weakest, Ksyusha did 28 in my opinion, Vika - 21.

But nevertheless, I made it through the next week and was terribly happy! Moreover, out of 13 thousand project participants, more than 2 thousand dropped out after the first judgment day. I suspect that these were those who underestimated the complexity of the training and the amount of time that needed to be spent on it and simply gave up before even reaching the day of judgment.

"Vietnamese star"

The workout consists of 5 parts, training time is 24 minutes

1 part:

3 exercises, 3 circuits, Tabata 20/10, no rest between circuits

  • jumping jack
  • gorizhops with wide stance
  • rock climbers

Rest 30 seconds

part 2

3 exercises, 3 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • short crunches with bent legs
  • hyperextension
  • boat static

Rest 1 minute

Part 3

3 exercises, 3 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • glute bridge on straight arms
  • diagonal lunges
  • twerk plank

Rest 1 minute

Part 4

5 exercises, 2 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • left arm side plank
  • right arm side plank
  • Jackie in high plank
  • doggy left heel push
  • doggy right heel push

Rest 1 minute

Part 5

2 exercises, 2 circuits, Tabata 20/10

  • pushups
  • air squats

But the tasks “For the evening” were killer:

On Monday I had to do a plank for 10 minutes in 20 minutes. The maximum number of breaks is 3. I took 4 breaks and stood 5 times for 2 minutes. And guess what? It was cool!!!

Tuesday – chair near the pyramid wall for 10-20-30-40-50-60 seconds with a break of up to 30 seconds. On the last lap the thighs were burning noticeably.

Wednesday is one of the optional tasks: I chose 100 push-ups and did them for several sets with a break of 1 minute.

Thursday - 30 worms with a pushup with special tasks every 10 worms.

There was a hard and light option. I chose hard and somehow managed to do everything right:

And on Friday there was a training session “Third Wind”. Apparently, before the Day of Judgment, the task was made simpler. In general, on Friday I did the main workout and then the task for the evening. Here it is:

Dictionary of Mad Drying

Beginners may not understand many of the words in the crazy drying tasks, so I decided to compile a kind of crazy drying dictionary so that you can always go in and look up what you forgot.

Healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle is a call for a healthy lifestyle.

Horizhops - squats. Horizhop technique.

Sisepols - push-ups. Push-up technique.

Hyperextensions are an exercise for working the back muscles. Hyperextension technique.

Burpees (burpees) - they are crazy zodiacs . From a standing position, you “fall” to the floor and do push-ups, then lift your body and jump out, clapping overhead. Burpee technique.

Sit-ups - pumping up the abs. Sitap technique.

The plank is an exercise for all muscle groups. Plank technique.

Bullock shakes are jumps with alternating changes of legs during the jump. Bull shaker technique.

Climbers - from the “plank” position, but with outstretched arms, alternately touching your elbows with your knees. Climbing technique.

Jumping jack - while jumping, we spread our legs to the sides and clap above our heads. Jumping jack technique.

An air squat is a jump squat. Air squat technique.

Lunges - when you put one leg forward, the other back and squat. Lunge technique.

Triceps push-ups - push-ups on the triceps brachii muscle (the thickest part of your arm, above the elbow). Triceps push-up technique.

Tabata is interval training. For example, Tabata plank 40/20. Stand in the plank for 40 seconds, rest for 20 seconds. And this can happen 10 times.

Chair - performed against the wall, but without a chair. High chair technique.

KBJU - calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Cheat meal - one meal on Sunday. Only one. Otherwise it's a glutton.

A glutton is when you get a taste for a cheat meal and can’t get out of it. This is bad.

No carbohydrates - reducing the daily diet to proteins and fats. That is, we exclude carbohydrates.

The flight assignment is sent on Friday. It needs to be filmed and posted on YouTube, and the link should be sent to the minions. If you didn’t and you don’t have immunity, then you’re out.

Immunity - immunity purchased along with participation or later in the game gives the right to a one-time failure to complete the elimination task.

Judgment Day is Saturday. On this day you complete and film a flight mission.

MinOn is a yellow belly who checks your Saturday assignments for departure. Also, during the week, every day he waits for your reports on the work done and encourages you in every possible way.

Gang - 4 people united in one gang. They may know each other because they found each other on the Internet, or they may have been friends for a long time and bought the “Gang” package together. Gangs, in which people often do not know each other, are combined (most likely randomly) by some kind of internal system of frantic drying.

This is all for now, but in the future the dictionary will be updated. If you have any questions, write in the comments. And don't forget to share your workouts with your friends

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