Ouch charm! Autumn diet: menu for every day and reviews

In spring, everyone gets ready for the beach season. In the summer – they demonstrate the results of their preparation. And in the fall? And in the fall they keep fit on the diet of the same name!

Everything in a person should be perfect, and everyone tries to achieve the ideal, including getting their body in good physical shape. It’s always more pleasant to see a fit, athletic person in the mirror, rather than swollen lines of a figure.

To regain their former slimness, people often go on diets, and here there is little desire to have a good figure; what is important is will, responsibility, the ability to organize your day, and sometimes just come to an agreement with yourself.

The biggest difficulties arise at the initial stage of the diet - during the first 2-3 days. After all, the body is accustomed to a different diet and amount of nutrition. The autumn diet is considered the most gentle in terms of addiction. Let's find out why.

What are the ways to lose weight?

There are a huge variety of diets, but they all perform one task - to reduce weight and enable the body to function fully, to establish the smooth functioning of all organs and systems of the human body.

Whatever diet you choose, you must remember that it requires an attentive attitude towards yourself. You cannot go astray from your diet, interrupt the dietary process, or ignore the rules provided for by the diet.

You need to prepare yourself for the diet course both mentally and physically. You cannot suddenly replace your usual fatty and spicy foods with porridge without salt and sugar. This will cause stress and will not promote good metabolism and rapid weight loss.

Important! If you decide to go on a diet, it is recommended to consult either a general practitioner or a nutritionist.

Is there an ideal time of year to lose weight or when is the most effective time to lose weight?

The time of year affects our figure, that's a fact. But how does this happen? Should you start losing weight in the fall? Does it really make sense to organize the process of losing weight immediately after summer or should you wait until spring? Is this so, let's figure it out.

Nature influences all processes that occur in the human body. How exactly, you ask? What happens to the human body during the cold season?

With the onset of cold weather in autumn and winter, the body slows down metabolic processes. In spring, all of nature wakes up, and with it the human body, and at the same time, everyone’s hormonal background changes. Hormones such as serotonin and testosterone are hormones of the spring and summer period; it is with the onset of the warm period that the body begins to produce them more actively. And the hormone cortisol is activated in the autumn and winter with the arrival of cold weather.

I want to remind:

Serotonin is a hormone responsible for our mood; when it decreases, a person’s mood worsens and for this reason he wants to eat sweets. When we eat carbohydrates in large quantities, they stimulate the production of this hormone.

Testosterone is a hormone that helps burn fat and build muscle.

Cortisol – the body produces it in response to stress, hunger, cold and physical and emotional stress.

Now you understand why, with the arrival of cold weather, the human body slows down its metabolism and slowly begins to accumulate kilograms.

I recommend paying attention to these articles, they complement this topic well:

  • How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight.
  • Formula for calculating basal metabolic rate.

During the summer, many of us try to rest and relax as much as possible and therefore cannot deny ourselves barbecue, beer and ice cream. All this is reflected in our figure, regardless of the seasonal period, and then there is autumn, cold weather, rains and with them a depressive mood. A warm blanket, slippers and tea with sweets for relaxation are very common. But after this article, you will change your attitude towards the autumn period as a dreary time and you will be able to return your figure to excellent shape, because autumn is a great time for losing weight if you know how to do it.

Interesting features of the autumn technique

Why is the autumn diet for weight loss so attractive? First of all, because it allows us to eat everything that this time of year gives us. Autumn is the time for vegetables, fruits, berries, and grains to ripen, and all this can be used in a diet for weight loss. In addition, you can adjust the duration of the diet. Depending on your goals, you can choose a period from 7 days to 3 weeks. But first things first.

In autumn, the healthiest fruits and vegetables ripen, and grains are collected from the fields. All these products are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins of all groups, amino acids, antioxidants and other beneficial microelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron.

In autumn products, all elements are balanced in such a way as to heal our body, cleanse it of toxins, and rejuvenate organs and tissues at the cellular level.

Attention! When choosing products, you must be sure that they do not contain nitrates, nitrites, pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

The autumn diet consists of:

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • berries;
  • drinks based on fruits or herbs;
  • croup;
  • seafood;
  • lean meat.

Nutrition in autumn: against viruses and stress

Food for a good mood

You've probably noticed that as the days get shorter, the desire to eat carbohydrates, especially sweets, begins to increase. According to experts, cravings for fatty and sweet foods in the fall are normal and understandable.

Arina Tertyshnaya

sports nutritionist, nutritionist

– Due to the fact that we receive less daylight, the body intensively secretes melatonin. This hormone makes us sleepy and reduces the speed of reactions. At the same time, serotonin production decreases, causing mood to drop. To increase serotonin levels, the body sends appropriate signals that provoke the desire to eat sweet, fatty foods. The main principle of proper nutrition in the fall is to include vegetables and fruits in your diet more often. Autumn is rich in seasonal harvests - apples, pears, peppers, zucchini, pumpkin. Make every meal as colorful and varied as possible. A bright, aromatic plate will not only lift your spirits, but will also help you not to miss out on the most beneficial autumn foods for your immune system.

How many vitamins and minerals are contained in 100 grams of different foods, see HERE


Pumpkin dish ideas - HERE


Want to get the most out of tomatoes? Read the article HERE


Inna Vasilyeva

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Restaurant Business, Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanova

– In autumn and winter, we need to eat foods as often as possible that help our body produce joy hormones: dopamine, serotonin, endorphins. These are, for example, fatty fish (herring, salmon, etc.), bananas, dairy products (not low-fat), avocados, leafy greens, poultry, dark chocolate, wholemeal bread.

Vitamins from fruits and vegetables

“Vegetables and fruits in the fall are fresh, inexpensive and, most importantly, rich in vitamins,” explains expert Inna Vasilyeva

. – In autumn, the body needs vitamins and our body can store some vitamins for future use, but not all. . For example, beta-carotene (provitamin A). All orange-red fruits and vegetables contain pigments - carotenoids and lycopene, from which vitamin A is formed in a healthy body. The body has the ability to stock up on provitamin A for a period of 3 to 5 months. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is found in all fresh vegetables and fruits. It can be stored in the liver - up to 1.5 g. This supply is enough for a couple of months. Folic acid, folate (vitamin B9) – reserves of this important vitamin can amount to up to 2 mg, which can be enough for a couple of months (greens are rich in folates). How to eat healthy in the fall? Try to include vegetables, fruits and herbs in your diet every day, because it is at this time that they contain the maximum amount of nutrients, since they are grown in natural conditions (not greenhouses).

Plant foods are a generous source of biologically active compounds that are beneficial for diseases of blood vessels, heart, brain and maintaining a good mood. By the way, frozen vegetables are almost as good as fresh ones in their nutritional value and vitamin content.

Next, we will tell you what vitamins are missing in autumn and winter.

Vitamin D: eliminating deficiency

“It is necessary to pay attention to vitamin D in the diet,” says Arina Tertyshnaya

. – We are all deficient, but some have an absolute vitamin D deficiency, while others have a borderline state. Therefore, buy and eat foods rich in this vitamin: fatty fish, butter. Eating butter with spoons, of course, is not worth it, ten grams a day will be enough for health. Or consider taking additional vitamin tablets.

“It is recommended to consume 1000 IU of vitamin D per day for children under three years of age,” says Ekaterina Morozova, pediatrician, allergist-immunologist.

– For older people, doses are selected individually (based on the results of a blood test), since they depend on the body’s absorption. Formally, for children over three years of age, doses of cholecalciferol (Cholecalciferol, vitamin D3) from 1500–2000 IU/day are considered safe, and for adults – from 3000–4000 IU/day. Dosage of oil and water solution: 500 IU/drop. Children take 3-4 drops per day, and adults – 6-8 drops. There is also a drug in tablets, it contains 1000 IU / tablet. It must be taken according to the instructions.

Proteins, carbohydrates and drinking regime

– Include complex carbohydrates in your daily menu – they work better than other foods to supply the body with energy (for example, cereal porridges), recommends expert Arina Tertyshnaya

. - But not semolina, but buckwheat, bulgur, rolled oats, pearl barley. Don't forget about protein foods combined with carbohydrates. In addition to meat, I advise you to eat high-protein mackerel - it is a healthy fatty fish that is affordable.

Unusual buckwheat recipes - HERE


In the autumn season, more than ever, you want hot, warming dishes, so we remember about soups. There is a lot of controversy about them today. You can eat soups, you just need to cook them correctly. For example, to keep more nutrients in vegetables, pre-boil them in a double boiler. Of course, the best option is to prepare as much soup as you can eat in 1-2 servings.

Another important aspect is water. Drinking enough liquid in autumn and winter is more difficult than in the heat in summer. But it is necessary. Therefore, do not forget about the drinking regime - 30–35 ml of water per 1 kg of weight per day.

Roskoshestvo examined packaged drinking water without gas. Details HERE


What delicious and healthy drinks can be prepared during the cold season to strengthen the immune system - read HERE


Can't do without fats

Nagima Semchukova

certified nutritionist and member of the Russian Union of Nutritionists, Dieticians and Food Industry Specialists (RoSNDP)

– During the cold season, the body needs to warm up. This requires energy and strength, and fats are a universal source of them. In addition, fats help you stay full longer. It is better if the source of fat is not fried pork, but, for example, butter or vegetable oil, fatty fish. Additionally, you can take omega-3 fatty acids. Don't forget about nuts and seeds, but not fried ones.

What are the benefits of fats?

  • They provide the most energy (9 kcal per 1 g) compared to proteins and carbohydrates (4 kcal per 1 g).
  • Participate in the synthesis of hormones (sex and corticosteroid hormones).
  • Form the cell membrane.
  • Forms the brain and nervous system.
  • Necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).
  • They provide the body with two fatty acids that cannot be synthesized in our body: linoleic (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic (omega-3).

“According to WHO recommendations, fats should make up less than 30% of a person’s total energy intake,” explains Nagima Semchukova

. – At the same time, the share of saturated fats should be no more than 10% of the total share of fats (that is, you need to try to get the remaining 90% of fats from unsaturated fats). Without going into too much chemistry, saturated and unsaturated fats differ in molecular structure. The modern human diet contains much more saturated fat (fatty meat, dairy products, butter, etc.) than is necessary.

When creating a balanced diet, it works best not to reduce the proportion of saturated fats in the diet, but to increase the proportion of polyunsaturated fats. That is, try to add more fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and cold-pressed vegetable oils to your diet. This will naturally reduce the proportion of fatty meat and dairy products. However, remember that you shouldn’t completely give up saturated fats. They are also important for the proper functioning of our body. As mentioned above, the proportion of saturated fat should not exceed 10% of the total proportion of fat in the diet.

Everyone has also heard about essential fatty acids - linoleic (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic (omega-3) - which our body is not able to synthesize on its own. That's why they are called irreplaceable. Where can we get them from? From vegetable oil, eggs, nuts, seeds, fatty and semi-fat sea fish, beans, cauliflower, says Nagima Semchukova


Should I give up consuming fats?

Read more about what trans fats are, where they are found and why they are dangerous, HERE


Should you be afraid of spreads, and if so, why are they dangerous? Read HERE


Palm oil: good or bad? Details HERE


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What's the point?

The autumn diet for weight loss is divided meals for every day: food is taken in small portions 5-6 times a day. The properties of fresh fruits and vegetables help cleanse the body and internally burn excess fat.

General composition of the diet:

  • 50-60% fruits and vegetables;
  • 15-20% – cereals;
  • 15-20% – proteins.

When consuming these foods, it is necessary to limit the amount of calories entering the body. Therefore, each dish must be weighed.

Daily consumption rates are as follows:

  • soup – 300 ml;
  • porridge – 300 ml;
  • salads – 250 g;
  • meat – 100 g;
  • fish – 150 g;
  • casseroles – 100-200g.

Important! The autumn diet completely excludes sugar, canned food of any kind, fatty meat, and spicy foods.

Which menu should I choose?

While observing the quantitative composition of foods, you must also remember about your diet. The most common is a diet for 10 days, 6 of which are mandatory. The remaining 4 days are more gentle and consolidating. Let's look at the menu for 6 mandatory days of the autumn diet for weight loss.

1 day:

  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge, seaweed salad with green onions, chamomile tea with honey;
  • lunch: small pomegranate;
  • lunch: carrot and radish salad, rye croutons, boiled rice, stewed cabbage, small bell pepper, garlic clove, rosehip infusion;
  • afternoon snack: a small pomegranate or half of it;
  • dinner: potatoes baked in low-fat sour cream, greens, apple and carrot salad with olive oil, green tea;
  • second dinner: kiwi (1-2 pieces).

Day 2:

  • breakfast: cottage cheese with dried fruits, orange;
  • lunch: dried fruit compote;
  • lunch: steamed beef, stewed vegetables, natural juice;
  • afternoon snack: dried fruit compote;
  • first dinner: mashed potatoes, cabbage salad with carrots and herbs, herbal tea;
  • second dinner: fruit salad.

Day 3:

  • breakfast: sea buckthorn compote with honey:
  • lunch: oatmeal, pepper salad, cabbage with olive oil, freshly squeezed juice;
  • lunch: sea buckthorn compote;
  • afternoon snack: steamed pollock, boiled potatoes, pomegranate juice;
  • first dinner: boiled mushrooms with boiled peppers, fresh cucumber, herbal tea;
  • second dinner: orange and apricot salad.

Day 4:

  • breakfast: pumpkin puree, buckwheat porridge, kefir;
  • lunch: cottage cheese casserole and apple;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, sandwich with cheese and rye bread, rose hip decoction;
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole and apple;
  • first dinner: boiled chicken, carrot salad;
  • second dinner: pomegranate.

Day 5:

  • breakfast: fruit salad with yogurt, nuts, compote;
  • lunch: 3 pieces of cheese;
  • lunch: mushroom soup, a piece of whole grain bread;
  • afternoon snack: 3 pieces of cheese;
  • first dinner: 100 g dried apricots;
  • second dinner: pumpkin porridge, cabbage salad, herbal tea.

Day 6:

  • breakfast: lentil porridge, prunes, 5 almonds, fruit juice;
  • lunch: carrot, apple and cabbage salad;
  • lunch: chicken breast broth, sandwich with cheese;
  • afternoon snack: carrot, cabbage and apple salad;
  • first dinner: stewed cabbage, fresh bell pepper, rosehip tea;
  • second dinner: 2 apples or an apple and a pear.

Important! Food must be taken at the same time. The last dinner should be at least 2 hours before bedtime - approximately 20:00.

Is it suitable for everyone?

According to reviews, the autumn diet is suitable for almost every healthy person. But if there are any chronic diseases, especially of the gastrointestinal tract, then diets must be treated with increased caution.

Also, people suffering from:

  • anemia;
  • problems of the circulatory system;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • problems in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Attention! You may not be aware of the presence of the disease. Therefore, before going on a diet, consult a specialist for advice.

Do's and Don'ts

The autumn diet menu uses a lot of raw vegetables and fruits. Food can be steamed, baked or grilled; this method of cooking involves preserving all the beneficial substances.

The autumn diet menu contains all the necessary vitamins:

  • vitamin C: lemon, pomegranate, kiwi, sea buckthorn, parsley, cabbage;
  • iodine: fish and seafood;
  • iron: buckwheat, apples, pomegranate;
  • protein: beef, chicken, etc.

The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • fatty, spicy, salty, smoked and sweet;
  • flour products;
  • Black tea;
  • any canned food.

Important! During a diet, we do not deprive our body of useful substances, we simply normalize the consumption of microelements necessary for the body.

Food in autumn. How to prepare your body for winter

September 8, 2016

After a summer period filled with vitamins, autumn is a serious test for our body. How to smooth out this transition and move into the new season happy and, most importantly, healthy?

Autumn is a wonderful time of year. Unfortunately, it is precisely at this moment that fat reserves begin to accumulate in our body. This happens because with the onset of autumn, and subsequently winter, appetite increases. This article will talk about how to eat properly in the fall without harming your health, and also without gaining excess weight. First of all, our body needs vitamins. With their deficiency, vitamin deficiency appears in the body. In order to avoid it, you need to consume as many vitamins as possible. Signs of vitamin deficiency can include a significant decrease or complete lack of appetite, weakness throughout the body, dizziness, etc. At such moments, the human body is so weakened that it is simply unable to fight even the slightest diseases that come with the cold. The most important vitamin that should be consumed in the fall is vitamin C. This vitamin is involved in all processes occurring in the human body related to metabolism. Vitamin C is present in apples, kiwi, cabbage, and sorrel. But its maximum content occurs in vegetables and fruits freshly picked from the garden. The daily intake of this vitamin is 100 mg. Next comes vitamin A. The skin and eyes depend on it most in our body. It is found in a number of dairy products, especially fermented milk, carrots and most vegetables, which are bright red in color. Vitamin A is not afraid of preservation. Therefore, it is even found in canned vegetables. Its norm per day is 10 mg. Next in importance is vitamin E, since it is what protects the body from premature aging. Vitamin E is found in nuts, oils, buckwheat and its daily requirement is 6 mg. Of course, in the fall you cannot do without vitamin D. Because in its absence, calcium will not be absorbed in the body. Vitamin D can be found in marine fish and fish oil. Its norm per day is 6 mg. The B group of vitamins, such as B6, B12 and B9, is also very important. Vitamin B6 is responsible for memory, vitamin B12 plays an important role in blood circulation, and B9 is good for the nervous system. All of them are found in nuts, bananas, and buckwheat. The daily intake of vitamin B6 is 4 mg, B12 is 10 mg, and B9 is only 1 mg. The most beneficial are vegetable juices. Here, for example, is an easy-to-prepare but delicious fresh juice. For it we need carrots and a little lemon or orange juice. Even beets, etc. can be used to produce such drinks. Every day a person should eat 200-500 grams of raw vegetables/fruits, this will help maintain a healthy vitamin balance in the body. Apples, watermelons, sea buckthorn, and currants contain a huge amount of vitamins A, E and C, which also have an antioxidant (anti-oxidant) effect. For greater harmony of the body, it is recommended to refrain from eating meat, fish, eggs and dairy products at least 2 times a week. And to avoid bloating and a feeling of heaviness, you should try to eat fruit before 18:00. With the arrival of autumn, appetite increases, but you need to take into account the fact that you should not eat everything in a row, because fats begin to accumulate. After all, no one wants to gain weight, so there should be a lot of vitamins in the diet. Eat correctly, harmoniously and variedly.


  • Avitaminosis
  • Nutrition

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What effect can you expect?

In just a week, your weight will decrease by 2-3 kg. After a month, up to 6 kg of weight will be lost, the condition of the skin and hair will improve. The body will begin a renewal process, which will directly affect its appearance.

In the future, to avoid regaining lost pounds, you should eat right and move actively. The emphasis in your diet should be on vegetables, fruits, cereals and lean meat. Give up sweets, flour and fatty foods, then the effect of the diet will last for many years.

How to eat healthy in the fall

Autumn... A time of amazing colors, a generous harvest, warm sweaters and a cup of tea with something delicious. The body feels colder and requires more energy. Sometimes it is possible to beg for more than is necessary and it begins to settle “in reserve” in the form of unnecessary folds. How can you adapt to winter mode and not eat up your sides, like a bear before hibernation? Now is the time to figure this out.

How does a person change in the fall?

Cold weather and increased humidity contribute to the active development and spread of colds, which causes an increased burden on the immune system. In addition, a reduction in the number of sunny days leads to the accumulation of fatigue, lethargy, and depressive manifestations in human behavior - this is a scientifically proven fact explained by the production of the hormone melatonin, and its decrease in the autumn due to a lack of sunlight. A decrease in air temperature “hints” that it’s time to warm up and the body adjusts its metabolism, increasing a little fat. This awakens interest in carbohydrate foods, sweets and fatty foods. By the way, some doctors consider it absolutely natural and physiological to add 2-3 kilograms in the autumn, even without changing your diet. How can you organize your diet to maximize your weight gain?

Vitamins come first

As already mentioned, autumn is the season of colds and stress on the immune system. Therefore, nutrition in the fall should increase the body's resistance. The main helper of immunity is vitamin “C”, contained in lemons, kiwi, apples, peppers, parsley, garlic, which abound this time of year. It is important to remember that the maximum concentration of this vitamin is in raw and freshly picked fruits and leaves, so they must undergo minimal processing before consumption. Also, a good supplier of vitamin C to the body is rosehip decoction, which in addition has a pleasant sour taste. The next one is vitamin A, which is responsible for hormones, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. You should look for it in eggs, carrots, milk, red and orange fruits and vegetables. It is important to remember that this is a fat-soluble vitamin. Therefore, raw carrot salad must be seasoned with butter or sour cream. Now it’s the turn of the “beauty” vitamin “E”, which protects the skin and hormonal levels. You should look for it in vegetable fats and foods rich in them: nuts, seeds, olives. Also, in autumn, you should take care of a sufficient intake of vitamin D, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium. Its source is the sun's rays, fatty sea fish and their liver (for example, cod). It is worth taking care of a sufficient amount of B vitamins, which regulate the functioning of the nervous system, digestion, and hematopoiesis. Representatives of this group are found in whole grains, bananas, meat, and nuts. The above products contain the maximum benefit that an autumn diet can provide to a person. All that remains is to properly organize your nutrition.

Basic principles of proper nutrition and lifestyle in autumn

In order not to look with horror at the number on the scales and complain about poor health and weakness, it is enough to adhere to the following rules and tips:

  • Prepare soups - they will allow you to warm up in cold weather and do not carry extra calories, except for rich broths, it is better to avoid them;
  • More raw vegetables - while you still have the opportunity, you need to enjoy the variety of fresh salads and simply cut vegetables. This will recharge the immune system and will not negatively affect your appearance;
  • Don’t give up on physical activity - no matter how tempting a sofa and a warm blanket are, it’s worth finding time for at least a walk in the park. This guarantees a good mood, well-being and sound sleep. Well, the extra energy will be spent;
  • Follow your diet. This will avoid unnecessary snacks and extra calories;
  • Watch your fats, because food is a quick and effective way to warm up, and fatty foods even more so. Therefore, preference should be given to vegetable fats and the principle of moderation should be observed;
  • Preparing vegetable side dishes - with the autumn variety of vegetables, this will not be difficult, the main thing is not to overuse this method of cooking, such as frying, but give preference to baking and steaming;
  • Replace industrial sweets with natural ones. Of course, dried fruits and chalk are also high in calories and should not be overused, but along with carbohydrates they will also bring vitamins and minerals.

By following these recommendations, you can not only avoid weight gain, but also lose excess weight, if any. In addition, this is a time of unforgettable impressions from the metamorphoses of nature, romantic walks along the golden carpet and a cup of warm rosehip infusion in the company of your favorite book.


Galina, 52 years old: “I think that the autumn diet can be done easily. After all, in everyday life we ​​constantly eat cereals, vegetables, fruits, seafood and meat. Here you just need to eat it all a little less. It's OK. I was on a diet for 21 days. Honestly, I didn’t even notice.”

Vladislav: “The most effective diet is in the fall. True, fried meat is excluded. But I advise you to bake the meat or grill it. Add herbs, pepper, garlic. The taste is just as wonderful, but there is no harm. But you won’t get a big piece – maximum 200 grams.”

Irina, 23 years old: “The best diet is the autumn one! It contains everything I love: nuts, dried fruits, seafood. I already ate all this, and then I found out that I was on an autumn diet. Great!"


If you have deliberately decided to go on a diet, then feel free to choose the autumn one. Agree, you can live without white bread, black tea, fatty meat and hot sauces? Sugar can be replaced with honey. Almost everything else is present in the diet of this diet.

It turns out that with the autumn diet we eat almost everything that we would without the diet, only the portions become smaller and the meals become more frequent. The autumn diet is a great way to help you lose weight both in autumn and summer.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Autumn in the minds of the average person is often accompanied by quiet evenings alone with sad thoughts, a favorite book, a scented candle and a delicious apple pie. And everything would be fine, but according to the assurances of doctors: despondency leads to prolonged depression, and the abuse of apple pie, even if prepared with one’s own hands, leads to the appearance of extra pounds.

After all, autumn does not last forever and soon a series of endless corporate events, New Year holidays will begin, and then February 14 and March 8 are just around the corner. Spring is traditionally considered the time of renewal, but how about this fall going against tradition and creating a “new you”? You can start with nutrition. In autumn it should be given special attention...

When the temperature outside the window begins to drop, the body, in turn, tries with all its might to protect itself from heat loss. Therefore, you are more often drawn to warm, spicy, fatty foods and hot drinks.

However, many misinterpret the body’s signals and fill the need for hot drinks with coffee drinks with a lot of sweet syrups, and explain cravings for sweets as the need to stock up on fat for the winter. No matter how it is...

The body cannot be deceived, and as a result, instead of filling yourself with new strength and energy, which we so need in the autumn, you begin to get tired more often and gain a couple of kilograms in weight, which also does not contribute to your mood.

Let's decide how you really should eat in the fall and turn to the ancient teaching - Ayurveda.

Typically, experts in this field attribute autumn to the predominance of Vata dosha. Vata is air and ether. What moves. By its qualities, autumn is light, cold, windy, uneven and empty (leaves fall from the trees).

1) It is recommended to stop drinking coffee and black tea, replacing them with herbal drinks with various spices. The perfect drink for fall is a turmeric latte or turmeric latte.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of warmed plant milk (almond, oat, rice-coconut or soy - to your taste) with the addition of a pinch of ginger, cardamom or cinnamon.

2) Autumn is the time for nuts and dried fruits!

Start your day with hot porridge topped with these oriental delicacies, but don't overdo it. And for a snack, nut and fruit snacks are perfect - put them in your bag and always keep a couple in your desk drawer at work. This way you will avoid the temptation to snack on chocolate from the machine or a piece of cake at a colleague’s birthday.

3) Don't forget about fats!

If you saturate your body with healthy fats, it will not ask you for another bun or cake. It is also recommended to add various oils to porridges, soups and main courses: ghee, flaxseed, sesame, pumpkin, olive and coconut. Don't forget about the benefits of nuts - the fats they contain are among the healthiest.

4) Eat foods that are naturally sweet.

For example, sweet potatoes, yams, bananas, Basmati rice and natural fruit syrups - apple, date or agave syrup.

5) Vegetable dishes should prevail in your diet.

All kinds of vegetable stews, puree soups, ratatouille - give free rein to your imagination and lean on seasonal products! In autumn it is:

  • Pumpkin
  • Zucchini
  • Carrot
  • Grenades
  • Sea ​​buckthorn
  • Feijoa
  • Cranberry
  • Apples
  • Plum
  • Figs
  • Nuts

It is a source of dietary fiber, fiber, pectin, carotene and many other vitamins and nutrients.

6) Be sure to include onions and garlic in your diet, and then the cold season will bypass you!

These vegetables have strong antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It is important to clarify here: in Ayurveda, onions and garlic are not particularly welcome, because they are perceived not as food, but as medicine (they lead to an increase in fire in the body). But this is exactly what we miss in the fall.

7) Don't forget about spices!

What better time to brew aromatic mulled wine, bake ginger cookies and prepare masala tea. Pay special attention to turmeric - it is a natural antibiotic that will help protect you from colds and illnesses. Ginger and wasabi have the same properties. Cinnamon and vanilla will add cheerfulness to gray autumn days, and rosemary and oregano will bring the aroma of a Mediterranean resort to your home. But it’s better to avoid excessive salt consumption - fill your dishes with flavor using the spices mentioned above.

These are the main recommendations of experts for the fall. We invite you to start following them right now! Stop postponing your life for later - there will only be one autumn 2021, so why not spend it in such a way that you can enjoy the fruits of your labors this winter, instead of raking up the consequences of three months of apathy? And with the appearance of the first snow, we will draw up a new action plan to meet spring fully armed.

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