Caucasian hellebore for weight loss: application and reviews

What is hellebore

Hellebore grass is a poisonous perennial plant of the ranunculaceae family.
Widely used in herbal medicine and folk medicine. Only the rhizome of the plant has medicinal value; the flowers are often used to decorate the garden; they are not endowed with medicinal properties. Since the time of Hippocrates, the herb has been used to cleanse wounds, relieve inflammation, and fight tumors. The main task of the plant is to free the body from toxins and all kinds of parasites. The grass grows in forest and mountainous regions of the North Caucasus and Georgia. To prepare medicinal products, the branched root must be separated from the stem, crushed, and then dried in the open air. In fresh and dried form, the root part of hellebore has an intense specific odor and bitter taste. The plant can be used internally and externally in various dosage forms.

The presence of potent substances classifies the plant as poisonous. All parts of hellebore in high concentrations have a poisonous effect. According to one version, an incorrect dose of a medicinal plant caused the death of Alexander the Great. This feature of the grass makes it necessary to take precautions even during harvesting in order to prevent the occurrence of headaches and arrhythmias. Before you start taking the plant for the purpose of losing weight, you should carefully study the instructions for the herbal medicine and follow the dosage.

Where does hellebore grass grow and what does it look like?

This amazing plant grows in the mountain forests of the Caucasus, in western Ukraine and on the slopes of the Carpathians.

Hellebore grows in the mountain forests of the Caucasus, in western Ukraine and on the slopes of the Carpathians

Hellebore grows in the mountain forests of the Caucasus, in western Ukraine and on the slopes of the Carpathians.

It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and durability, and is not afraid of frost and drought. For its unique ability to winter even in the most unfavorable conditions, this plant received another name - “winter plant”.

Hellebore is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and durability

Application for weight loss

Today, the main industry in which the unique abilities of hellebore have found their application is nutrition. For therapy, the root is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, dry concentrate or ready-made products for external application. The dosage and course of administration depend on the established diagnosis, as well as current weight. On average, a person loses from 6 to 12 kg during the period of consumption of hellebore. The numbers are due to different initial body parameters and the percentage of fat in a particular body.

In dietetics, Caucasian hellebore is often used for weight loss due to its detoxifying effect, which is complemented by stimulation of gastrointestinal tract (GIT) motility. The root of the plant reduces the absorption of lipids in the intestines and causes the body to use up its own fat reserves. A mild laxative effect ensures regular bowel movements, which minimizes fermentation processes that cause uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating and flatulence.



To prepare, you will need 10 g of hellebore rhizomes, crushed to a powdery state, and a glass of boiling water, which should be poured over the dry raw materials. Infusion time: 2 hours under a lid or towel (you can use a thermos). Application: 1 tsp. infusion one hour before each meal.


0.5 tsp. powder from winterberry roots, pour 0.5 liters of hot water and simmer in a water bath. After complete cooling, the decoction is used for its intended purpose. You need to take it strictly 10 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Alcohol tincture

Place 50 g of dried winterberry roots, crushed to a powder, in a dark glass container. Pour a bottle of vodka (0.5 l) into it and leave to infuse for a week. Carefully drain the tincture, the “cake” can be reused. That is, it must be poured again with 0.5 liters of vodka and left to infuse, but for 10 days. Directions for use: 0.5 tsp. tinctures once a day (recommended to add to tea).

Benefits for weight loss

Losing weight with hellebore is unlikely to suit those who want to lose weight in the shortest possible time. Weight loss is stable, but slowly, thanks to which a person gets rid of extra pounds without stress on the body, and there is no side effect of many diets in the form of sagging skin. The benefits of the Caucasian hellebore herb for weight loss are due to the following complex effects:

  1. Diuretic effect. Body weight is reduced by removing excess fluid from the body.
  2. Normalization of digestion. The system as a whole begins to work better, fats are broken down, due to which the kilograms gradually disappear.
  3. Acceleration of metabolism. The process of assimilation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates improves, lipid metabolism accelerates.
  4. Cleansing from toxins, heavy salts, toxins. A clean intestine is the key not only to quality weight loss. The normal functioning of this organ has a positive effect on the immune system, skin condition and human well-being.
  5. Reduced feelings of hunger. The high content of glycosides in the herb directly affects the production of serotonin, which reduces the feeling of hunger and reduces appetite.
  6. Restoration of metabolic processes. Thanks to effective cleansing of the body, the functioning of all human vital systems improves.

Useful properties of hellebore

As you know, many plants contain biologically active substances, that is, substances that can affect the human body. Such plants include Caucasian hellebore; Its use for weight loss is based on the high content of substances from the group of glycosides in the rhizomes.

Hellebore contains glycosides that promote weight loss

Glycosides have a tonic effect on the heart muscle. They increase the frequency and strength of heart contractions. Due to this, blood flow accelerates, the saturation of internal organs with nutrients and oxygen improves, and metabolism becomes more intense and faster. Urinary excretion increases and the intestines empty faster. Increases efficiency and vitality in general.

Hellebore also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system. With its use, stiffness disappears and pain is relieved.

How to take hellebore herb for weight loss

Pharmacies and specialty stores sell two forms of hellebore - for external and internal use. For external use, cream and gel are available, for internal use - powder (in bags), fiber, oil. When purchasing, you should pay special attention to the date of manufacture of the product. Hellebores are harvested in the fall, so packaging should be done in the fall or early winter. The shelf life of the herbal medicine is 2–3 years, provided storage rules are followed.

The classic course for weight loss takes 1 year and 1 month. For effective weight loss, the following regimen is recommended - 6 months of use, followed by a month break, then again a six-month course, which starts with the minimum dosage. For patients whose weight is within normal limits, a preventive regimen consisting of two monthly courses per year is recommended. It is aimed only at cleansing the body.

In addition to oral administration, hellebore is available in the form of a cream or gel for external use. Reviews from people losing weight confirm the effectiveness of this product. In addition to hellebore extract, the cream contains d-panthenol, aloe, caffeine, and natural oils. The components have the following effects:

  • hellebore provides a local irritant effect, stimulating blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and reducing the volume of subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • d-panthenol and aloe have anti-inflammatory properties and are responsible for rapid skin regeneration;
  • caffeine tones the skin, reduces the appearance of cellulite;
  • natural oils moisturize and nourish the skin, prevent stretch marks.

To achieve the best results, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules throughout the entire period of using herbs for weight loss:

  1. Gradually reduce the size of portions.
  2. Follow a fractional diet and sleep schedule.
  3. Increase physical activity.
  4. Maintain water balance (during the day you need to drink approximately 30–40 ml of clean water per 1 kg of weight).
  5. The local effect of the cream can be enhanced in combination with wraps and massage treatments.


When choosing hellebore as the main means for losing weight, keep in mind that you will have to adjust your diet and change your lifestyle. Remember that the weight loss course lasts a whole year. And for quick weight loss, try diets such as wine, military, model and ballerina.


Pharmacies and online stores offer a wide range of hellebore-based products. How to choose the right quality drug so that it does not harm the body? Here are the tips:

  1. Buy medications only from pharmacies.
  2. If you plan to order the plant root on large online trading platforms, for example, AliExpress, be prepared for the fact that you may not get what you wanted. According to reviews from most buyers, they receive rather low quality raw materials.
  3. The most optimal variety for weight loss is Caucasian hellebore; the preferred form of release is powder or dietary supplement.
  4. Buy drugs only from trusted manufacturers who have all quality certificates.

Exercising helps you lose weight

Physical activity

If possible, try to exercise more while losing weight. Take walks in the fresh air, use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Get enough rest and sleep at least 8 hours a night.


Since weight loss with hellebore occurs due to a mild laxative effect, beneficial substances are washed out of the body. The loss of calcium and potassium is especially dangerous; without them, disturbances in the functioning of the heart may occur. To prevent this, your daily diet should include:

  • garlic;
  • barley, oatmeal;
  • potato;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Parmesan cheese;
  • greens: spinach, sorrel, parsley, dill, lettuce;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • fish;
  • honey;
  • bananas;
  • seeds;
  • citrus;
  • nuts;
  • grape;
  • dried apricots;
  • soy;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • peas;
  • beans.

It is not recommended to abuse alcohol and carbonated drinks. Alcohol, when reacting with cardiac glycosides, can increase the laxative effect of the plant, causing vomiting.

To prevent dehydration, you should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day. It is also necessary to give up bad habits, switch to proper nutrition and not eat 2-4 hours before bedtime.


There are several options for using hellebore internally for weight loss. Select the appropriate method of administration from those presented in the following list:

  1. Cold infusion. To prepare 50 mg of the plant (1 level measuring spoon), add 50 ml of clean cold water. Leave the drink in a dark place for 8–12 hours. Then shake and drink along with the sediment. It is recommended not to eat for the next 1–2 hours after taking it.
  2. Hot infusion. The drink is prepared according to the same proportions; the powder is poured with boiling water and does not require infusion. The dosage regimen is similar to the cold infusion.
  3. Dry powder. It is the simplest method of administration, but the amount of extractive substances available for absorption is much less. Place the standard dose (50 mg) on ​​the root of the tongue and drink with plenty of clean water. Take on an empty stomach, two hours before breakfast.
  4. Honey mixture. Recommended for people prone to constipation, as well as those who have problems with sleep disturbances. Mix a measuring spoon of herb with a teaspoon of honey. Take immediately before bed; this method of administration establishes regular bowel movements in the morning.


According to the recommendations of doctors, the dosage of herbal medicine for effective weight loss is calculated individually, based on the current state of a person’s health and the desired goal. The standard dose, which is prescribed at the beginning of the course, is ¼ measuring spoon (a little more than 10 g). During the course, the dosage increases and by the end a single dose is already a full measuring spoon (50 g).

Reception scheme

Take ¼ scoop of hellebore throughout the week. After this time, the volume of the herbal medicine increases to ½ measuring spoon. After another week, they switch to the full dose, that is, a whole measuring spoon (without a slide). This scheme is designed for an average person weighing 70 kilograms. If your weight differs significantly from the indicated figure, then adjustment of the amount of the drug is acceptable.

Dosage and method of administration

The standard course of treatment for obesity with hellebore is one year and one month. Experts recommend that overweight patients take the medication for 6 months, then take a break for 30 days and continue taking the medication for six months again. To treat obesity, you need to grind the hellebore root into powder or buy a ready-made remedy at the pharmacy.

During the first week, the daily dose of the medicine should not exceed 50 grams. And then you can gradually increase the dosage, gently adapting the body to the laxative effect. The maximum dosage is 200 g. ground hellebore root per day, which can be taken after two months of treatment. But to prevent obesity, experts recommend taking a monthly course twice a year. But, despite the preventive purposes, the instructions for use must also be followed.

You can take hellebore to treat obesity in different forms.

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Dosage form
Cold infusion.50 gr. Add hellebore powder to 50 ml of cold water and let it brew for 10–12 hours. You need to drink it along with the grounds, and after taking it, do not eat for 2–5 hours.
Hot infusion.It is prepared in the same way as cold, but there is no need to infuse it. The medicine is drunk hot along with the grounds.
Taking the powder.Having collected 50 g of powder in a spoon, put the medicine on the tongue and wash it down with plenty of cold water. This is the simplest method of treatment, which is carried out on an empty stomach 2 hours before meals.
Honey mixture.50 grams of hellebore powder is mixed with 1 tsp. honey and taken at night. This method is recommended for people who are prone to constipation.

Hellebore should not be taken together with other medications for weight loss. After all, like any other medications, taking hellebore has its own contraindications, which include:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic diseases of the intestines, kidneys and liver;
  • oncology;
  • serious disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Since hellebore is a poisonous plant, it is important to choose the right dosage, having previously discussed all the nuances with your doctor. After all, using the product without consulting a specialist can cause harm to health, causing side effects. Experts recommend not only undergoing an examination before starting treatment, but also strictly following all the instructions of the attending physician.

Ignoring the rules for taking hellebore or self-medicating can lead to negative consequences.

The main side effects include the following:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, arrhythmia;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nervous disorders.

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately stop taking hellebore and consult your doctor. In addition, it is important to follow the eating instructions during treatment. To do this, eat 3-5 times a day, reduce the consumption of flour products as much as possible, replace sugar with fruits, and also exclude fried, salted and smoked foods from your diet.

Side effects

According to reviews from those losing weight, hellebore herb for weight loss can cause harm in the form of a number of side effects, often caused by an overdose of the herbal medicine:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorder;
  • burning sensation in the mouth;
  • weakness;
  • numbness of the tongue;
  • convulsions;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • vitamin deficiency (components in the composition of the drug can wash away beneficial substances from the body);
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for use

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Obesity.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Anemia.
  6. Helminthiasis.
  7. Pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  8. Respiratory diseases.
  9. Male and female infertility.
  10. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  11. Contraindications and side effects

The rhizomes contain a certain amount of poison, so overdose of drugs containing hellebore roots should be avoided. Pregnant women at all stages of pregnancy and nursing mothers are completely prohibited from taking medications based on winterweed. Individual intolerance is a key contraindication, as well as some pathologies:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • endocarditis;
  • tachycardia.

Overdose can be fatal! Long-term use of drugs containing hellebore can lead to unwanted side effects. These include: insomnia, delirium, vomiting, nausea, itching, numbness of the limbs, weakness.


Hellebore herb for weight loss is available in several forms: fiber, cream, powder and oil for internal use. The cost varies slightly depending on the manufacturer. Current price range for herbal medicines in Moscow pharmacies:

The product's name Volume Price
Hellebore in fiber 300 grams 135-265 rubles
Figure correction cream 125 milliliters 120 rubles
Powder 10 grams 80-85 rubles
Oil for internal use 100 milliliters 300 rubles

What does Caucasian hellebore cure?

Medicinal properties

  • Hypothetical;
  • Choleretic;
  • Cleansing;
  • Calming;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Laxatives;
  • Diuretics;
  • Expectorants;
  • General strengthening;
  • Antioxidant.

What cures

The beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant allow it to be used to treat the following diseases:

  • Damage to the heart and blood vessels, stroke;
  • Hypertension;
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • Metabolic disorders and dysbacteriosis;
  • Rheumatism, polyarthritis;
  • Migraines, melancholy;
  • Neuroses, hysteria, insomnia;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Bronchial diseases, tuberculosis;
  • Hemorrhoids, constipation;
  • Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis);
  • Gynecological abnormalities (fibroids, fibroids);
  • Obesity.

Therapeutic effects

Properly prepared roots have a lot of beneficial properties for humans.

What are the benefits of hellebore? – its main therapeutic effect is cardioprotective and cardiotonic.

The plant is able to strengthen heart contractions and increase their amplitude, thereby eliminating tachycardia and increasing myocardial endurance.

Treatment with hellebore also has the following beneficial effects for the body:

  • laxative property allows you to cleanse the intestines of deposits of feces;
  • cleanses lymph and blood, removes toxins that have accumulated in the body for many years;
  • lowers cholesterol levels, normalizes the quality of blood, and prevents atherosclerosis;
  • frees the body and joints from salt deposits, prevents the development of nephrourolithiasis, gout, osteochondrosis;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, activates the production of food enzymes and juice, normalizes acidity, eliminates gastritis, dysbacteriosis, stomach ulcers and hemorrhoids;
  • improves the functioning of the pancreas and liver, clearing it of excess fat;
  • helps with hepatitis, providing a powerful antiviral effect;
  • normalizes genitourinary activity, providing a diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Helps with kidney inflammation, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, urethritis, cystitis;
  • the expectorant effect of hellebore stimulates the liquefaction and waste of bronchial secretions, which helps in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis;
  • tidies up the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • calms the nervous system, improves concentration, increases stress resistance, eliminates depression, insomnia, helps to gain lightness and good mood;
  • has a detrimental effect on atypical cells, slowing down the growth of tumors, helps in the treatment of intestinal polyps and uterine fibroids;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the functioning of internal organs and appearance;
  • stimulates the body's defenses, increasing resistance to colds and viral infections during epidemics;
  • is an effective means for losing weight by activating metabolism, metabolism, cleansing effect and reducing appetite.

Hellebore has a powerful cleansing effect and promotes weight loss

Overdose and poisoning

If an increased dose of hellebore enters the body, severe thirst, diarrhea, tinnitus, muscle weakness, arrhythmia, nervous irritability and hallucinations are observed. With uncontrolled use or high doses of the plant, its toxic substances accumulate in the body and cause poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • increased salivation;
  • tingling in the mouth and larynx;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • slow heart rate;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • pupil dilation.

If nothing is done, then the following signs appear - excitability, delirium, convulsions, collapse and, ultimately, death.

In case of poisoning and overdose, it is necessary to call an ambulance; while it is on its way, the victim is given 500 ml of warm salt water to drink and is induced to vomit. Take up to 20 tablets of activated carbon to absorb the remaining toxic substance in the gastrointestinal tract.

Hellebore in gynecology. Hellebore Caucasian for women's health

The healing properties of Caucasian hellebore roots have been known since ancient times. It has been widely used in Oriental, Tibetan and Eastern European medicine to treat many female diseases. When used internally, hellebore normalizes metabolism and is an excellent means for losing weight. It is not necessary to adhere to exhausting diets. Body weight is normalized: fat people lose weight, and thin people gain normal weight.

Hellebore is a strong antitumor agent; there is extensive experience in using hellebore in the treatment of mastopathy, fibroids, and fibroids. Hellebore is a poisonous plant, so it must be taken in precise dosage. But it is precisely this property of hellebore that suppresses the growth of tumor cells. Hellebore kills infections of the chest and genitals, restores blood circulation in the pelvic organs and normalizes the activity of the uterus, ovaries and vagina. Caucasian hellebore is effective in treating mastopathy at home. Mastopathy is a nodular or diffuse change in breast tissue. Nodes appear in the mammary gland, and possibly in both. Most often they form in the upper chest area and may be accompanied by pain. After 1-2 months of treatment with hellebore, chest pain decreases, lumps become smaller and softer, discharge from the nipples ceases to be purulent or stops altogether. Hellebore has advantages: long-term use of the herb is possible for up to 2 years, and at the same time this traditional medicine treats other diseases.

Planting and caring for hellebore

  • Planting: in April or September.
  • Flowering: from late February to April.
  • Lighting: bright sun, partial shade and even shade.
  • Soil: heavy clay, rich in humus, deeply cultivated, neutral reaction.
  • Watering: regular, especially in hot weather.
  • Feeding: twice a season with a mineral complex and bone meal.
  • Reproduction: by seeds and spring division of the bush.
  • Pests: snails, slugs, aphids, hop moth caterpillars and mice.
  • Diseases: downy mildew, ring spot, anthracnose.

Read more about growing hellebore below.

Hellebore care

Growing conditions

Caring for hellebore is very simple: in the spring, before flowering begins, you need to remove all old leaves to prevent fungal spotting of young leaves and flowers of hellebore. Young leaves appear on the plant only after flowering. When the flowers fade, mulch the soil around the bushes with decomposed peat or compost. In hot weather, the plant needs regular watering, weeding and loosening of the area, as well as feeding with bone meal and mineral fertilizer twice a season.

Hellebore propagation

Hellebores are propagated both generatively and vegetatively, although the seed propagation method is most often used. Hellebore seeds are sown for seedlings immediately after ripening and harvesting - usually at the end of June - to a depth of 1.5 cm in loose, humus, moist soil. Shoots usually appear by March of the following year. When they grow up and have one or two pairs of leaves, the seedlings dive into a flowerbed located in partial shade and grow there for another two to three years.

Hellebore from seeds will begin to bloom only after three years, when the plant has taken root in a permanent place, where it needs to be transplanted in April or September. This type of plant, like stinking hellebore, reproduces by self-sowing.

You can propagate hellebore by dividing the bush. In the spring, after it has flowered, five-year-old bushes are dug up, the hellebore rhizome is divided into several parts, the cuts are treated with crushed coal and planted in pre-prepared holes. By dividing the bush in the spring, black hellebore is propagated, and in the fall it is better to divide the eastern hellebore bushes.

Pests and diseases

Hellebore can be harmed by gastropods - slugs and snails that eat its leaves, as well as aphids, mice and caterpillars of the hop moth. Mice are gotten rid of with poison baits placed in the places where they appear, snails and slugs are collected by hand, and insecticides are used against insects: aphids are destroyed with Antitlin or Biotlin, and caterpillars with Actellik.

Diseases that are dangerous for hellebore are downy mildew, anthracnose and ring spot. The carrier of spotting is aphids, which is why it is so important to prevent their presence in the garden. Parts of plants damaged by spotting are removed and burned, and the hellebore and the area are treated with fungicides.

Anthracnose is diagnosed by the appearance of black-brown spots on the leaves with a barely noticeable ring pattern. Leaves affected by the disease are removed, and the plants are treated with preparations containing copper.

On hellebores affected by downy mildew, new leaves stop growing, and those that have already appeared become deformed, becoming covered with dark spots on the upper side of the leaf and a gray coating on the lower side. The affected parts of the plants are cut out, and the area and hellebore are treated with Previkur or Copper Oxychloride.

In general, hellebore is a fairly resistant plant to pests and diseases, and harm can only be done to it when planting and caring for the hellebore was carried out carelessly or the growing conditions of the plant were systematically violated, for example, in an area with too high acidity of the soil.

Conduct a soil acidity test: take a soil sample from the area, about the size of a teaspoon, pour it onto glass lying on a dark surface, and lightly sprinkle with table vinegar. If foaming is abundant, it means that the soil in the area is alkaline, if it is average, it is neutral, and if there is no foam at all, then it is time to add fluff lime, wood ash or dolomite flour to the area.

Cream-gel for weight loss

Gel-cream “Hellebore” is a cosmetic product aimed at solving the problems of local fat deposits. It has the following properties:

  • removes toxic substances through the skin;
  • enhances metabolic processes;
  • breaks down lipids of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • eliminates congestion in tissues - swelling;
  • restores elasticity and firmness to the skin;
  • enhances the restoration of the skin, is a wound healing agent;
  • reduces scars, prevents the development of stretch marks.

The cream-gel is used according to the following scheme:

  1. Before applying it, take a shower and steam the skin.
  2. A small amount of cream is applied with light massaging movements.
  3. Particular attention is paid to problem areas.

To combat problem areas, wraps are also done:

  1. Apply the ointment to the desired areas.
  2. Wrap in film and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Exercise for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the fixing film and take a shower, washing off the cream.

To avoid risk, a tolerance test is performed before the first use. Apply a little cream to the elbow or wrists and watch the skin's reaction. If a rash, redness and itching appears, then you are intolerant to this product.

Planting hellebore

When to plant

A hellebore bush can grow in one place for about 10 years, and since it tolerates transplantation very poorly, you need to approach the choice of place to plant the plant responsibly. Hellebore grows best in moist, loose, clay-drained soil of neutral reaction in partial shade, among bushes and trees. Hellebores look more impressive when planted in small groups - a bright island against the backdrop of a snow-covered or dull gray garden. Hellebores are planted in April or September.

  • Salpiglossis: growing from seeds, types and varieties

How to plant

Holes for planting hellebore are dug 30x30x30 in size at a distance of 30 cm between specimens. Half of the pit is filled with compost. Then, having lowered the rhizome into the hole, carefully hold the plant with one hand, and fill the hole with earth with the other, compact it and water it. Within three weeks after planting, hellebore needs frequent, abundant watering.

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