Calorie content of different types of flour per 100 g: wheat, rice, rye and others

The benefits and harms of flour

Complete exclusion of flour from the diet is not an advisable solution, since this product has many beneficial properties:

  • has high nutritional value;
  • contains a large amount of proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals;
  • improves mental activity;
  • increases immunity;
  • has a positive effect on the blood circulation process;
  • accelerates metabolism in the body;
  • prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the likelihood of gallstones forming;
  • has a positive effect on inflammatory processes, helping to reduce them at the initial stage;
  • reduces symptoms of asthma and bronchitis.

Flour is considered a high-calorie product, so its main harm is associated with rapid weight gain. This applies primarily to wheat flour, which is used in baking and bakery products. Flour can also cause allergies, since some types contain gluten (many people suffer from intolerance to this protein).

The healthiest flour is other types

Flour itself is high in calories, so people with diabetes or overweight are advised to consume a strictly limited amount of it per week.

The best option is considered to be up to 500 kcal per week. Useful varieties that are preferable to use instead of the classic type are buckwheat, spelled, oatmeal, rye and others.

Spelled or spelt

Spelled flour
One of the purest and lightest whole grain varieties of the product. Made from wheat germ, it is rich in healthy protein and nutritious fiber.

The proteins in its composition differ in structure, are absorbed faster and do not provoke an allergic reaction. It is suitable for diabetics, allergy sufferers and those with complete gluten intolerance.

Be sure to read: How many calories are in one pancake with different types of filling and a recipe for diet pancakes for following a diet

Peeled rye or wallpaper flour

Rye flour
is considered the coarsest and most sticky and does not undergo deep processing. Rye flour contains whole parts of the grains along with the shells.

Therefore, this variety is considered more beneficial for the body, it is digested and absorbed faster without complications, does not inhibit metabolism, and helps cleanse the body.

The content of minerals and trace elements in it is increased. A suitable option for baking homemade rye bread.

Coarse wheat wallpaper

This variety is different from the usual white flour; it is obtained from purified, natural whole wheat grains.

Note! There are 3 factories on the territory of the Russian Federation that produce flour of this type: the Solnechny agricultural complex, Belovodye and Diamant. When making a purchase, make sure that the packaging has a special eco-test sign.

This cooking method retains all the valuable vitamins and minerals found in regular flour, but at the same time reduces the gluten and starch content. Suitable for homemade lean and sweet baking.

Buckwheat flour

Buckwheat flour
A dietary option for those who cannot do without baked goods. Made from buckwheat grain. Unlike other varieties, it contains the lowest percentage of starch and a fairly high content of vitamins.

Suitable for baking muffins, buns, pancakes and sweet pastries.

Oat flour

has a pleasant taste and contains many nutritional elements. Thanks to its excellent taste and combination with other ingredients, it can easily replace the usual white flour.

Suitable for baking muffins, sweets, pancakes and many dietary dishes.

Corn flour

Corn flour
A natural source of protein, grains and valuable dietary fiber.

It saturates the body and has a beneficial effect on weight loss, allows you to cleanse the body of toxins, remove excess water, and speed up metabolism.

It does not contain gluten, so it is suitable for diabetics, allergy sufferers, overweight people and those suffering from celiac disease.

Be sure to read: Calorie content of cereals (table): what determines how many calories in dry and boiled form are in 100 grams

Flaxseed flour

This variety contains up to 30% fiber and is a source of healthy dietary fiber. Therefore, its use cleanses the body and stabilizes the functioning of the digestive organs and intestines.

This composition makes this variety one of the best for a healthy diet and getting rid of extra pounds.

Rice flour

It is rich in calcium, fluorine, and folic acid, so consuming rice flour will help gently cleanse the intestines and improve digestion.

Disadvantage: Excessive consumption leads to constipation. Therefore, it must be consumed in moderation.

Types and varieties of flour

Flour is distributed according to several indicators:

  • Type – determines the purpose of using flour. It can be bakery (rye and wheat flour from soft wheat, a mixture of different types of flour), confectionery and pasta flour (made from durum wheat).
  • The type of flour is determined by the plant crop (mainly cereal plants) from which it was made. The most common flours are wheat, barley, rye, buckwheat, pea, rice and other types of flour.
  • The grade is determined by the amount of flour that was obtained from 100 kg of grain raw materials. This means that the lower the grade of the product, the greater its yield.

The table below shows the existing varieties of wheat flour:

VarietyProduct Features
KrupchatkaContains at least 30% gluten, has a grain size from 0.16 to 0.20 mm. Flour is white or creamy with a yellowish tint. It is added to the dough dough to give the product porosity.
HigherContains at least 28% gluten. The product is made from the core of the grain (without the outer shell). Premium flour is used to make most baked goods and is also added to sauces and creams.
FirstContains at least 30% gluten. It is used in the preparation of noodles, pies, savory buns, and pancakes.
SecondThe flour turns out brown due to the fact that it contains a lot of the outer shell of wheat.
Whole wheat flourThe product is obtained by grinding unrefined grains. The flour particles are heterogeneous and large. Contains the highest amount of useful substances.

What foods should you limit?

Diabetics should avoid white flour as it contains a lot of calories. From a dietary point of view, this variety is considered the least useful, since it inhibits digestion and complicates the digestion of food.

Rice flour, although it contains many microelements, is not considered healthy due to the presence of dietary fiber. Therefore, its amount in the diet must be reduced to a minimum, replacing it with species that are valuable from the point of view of healthy nutrition.

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Chemical composition

The chemical composition of flour depends on the grain from which it was made.

It contains the following substances:

Each type of flour has certain features of its composition, which are presented in the table below:

Type of flourFeatures of the composition
RiceGluten-free, rich in vegetable protein, lecithin and B vitamins. Helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste.
OatmealRich in mucous components that normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. The product does not contain gluten. Flour contains silicon, which is responsible for metabolic processes in the body.
BuckwheatContains a lot of copper and iron, which helps maintain normal hemoglobin levels in the blood. There is no gluten in flour.
CornContains a lot of fiber, potassium, vitamins A, B and E, improves bone and connective tissue, normalizes the flow of bile.
RyeContains a large amount of lysine. The product contains 50% more magnesium and potassium than wheat flour.

Contents of the BZHU

BJU is the ratio of substances such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins in a product. Based on the calculation of this ratio, a diet and proper nutrition are compiled taking into account the needs of the body.

The main types of flour have the following ratio of BZHU (per 100 g):

  • Wheat flour contains the most carbohydrates - 76%. In 2nd place are proteins – 10%, and in 3rd place are fats – 1%.
  • Oatmeal contains 64% carbohydrates, 12.2% protein and 7.5% fat.
  • Rye – 64% carbohydrates, 8.7% proteins, 1.7% fats.
  • Rice contains 77.7% carbohydrates, 6.8% proteins, 0.8% fats.
  • Corn – 71% carbohydrates, 8.2% protein and 1.9% fat.

  • Buckwheat – 64% carbohydrates, 16.3% proteins and 3.5% fats.
  • Barley flour contains 69.9% carbohydrates, 10.3% proteins, 1.1% fats.
  • Soy flour contains only 24.2%, and the largest amount of proteins (of the presented types of flour) – 46.5%. Fats account for 11.2%.
  • Pea flour contains 21.8% carbohydrates, 7.6% proteins, and is completely free of fat.
  • Flaxseed flour contains the least amount of carbohydrates – 12.63%. The protein content is 31.94% and fat content is 12.41%.

Calorie content per 100 g

The calorie content of different types of flour is presented in the table below:

Type of flourCalorie content (kcal per 100 g)
Wheat 2nd grade332
Premium wheat350

What flour is suitable for the diet?

People who want to lose excess weight or have certain diseases or health problems follow a special diet. Based on the characteristics of the diet, the optimal type of flour is selected.

Weight loss

When losing weight, it is recommended to build a diet based on the ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

The following indicators are considered optimal:

  • proteins – 40-50%;
  • carbohydrates – 10-20%;
  • fats – 30-40%.

Therefore, it is recommended to include dishes made from corn flour in your diet. It is rich in potassium, phosphorus, and contains a lot of fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol levels and speed up the process of losing excess weight. Corn flour also improves the microflora of the intestines and stomach, and has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels.

The calorie content of different types of flour varies significantly

Rice flour has also proven itself well in dietary nutrition. It removes salts from the body and normalizes the digestion process due to the content of potassium, calcium and folic acid. It is also useful to consume buckwheat flour when losing weight. The slow sugars it contains satiate the body, satisfying the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Additionally, the product helps remove cholesterol from the body due to its selenium content. Oatmeal regulates fat metabolism in the body, cleanses it of toxins due to its fiber content. Also, when consuming the product, the body produces the substance serotonin, which is responsible for a person’s good mood.

On the diet, you are allowed to eat products made from several types of flour. For example, Borodino bread, which contains rye and wheat flour, helps fight excess weight, prevent the development of cancer and iron deficiency anemia.


The calorie content of different types of flour must be taken into account when creating a diet for people with diabetes. It is also necessary to take into account the glycemic index (the rate of breakdown of glucose that enters the blood after consuming the product) of flour. The optimal figure is up to 50 units.

Among the main types of flour, flaxseed flour has the lowest indicator - 35 units. Its use allows you to reduce the glycemic index (GI) of various dishes due to the low carbohydrate content.

The use of oatmeal is also allowed - its GI is 45 units. It has the ability to reduce blood glucose levels, improve liver function, and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If you have diabetes, you can also use rye flour. Its GI is 45 units. It is rich in magnesium, which is involved in the activation of many enzymes in the body, including the enzyme responsible for the production of insulin.

Why is white wheat flour harmful?

Wheat flour does more harm than good. Regardless of the variety, it does not exclude dietary fiber, affects health and leads to weight gain.

This simple, refined product contains gluten, a protein derivative of gluten, which glues the contents of cereals together and causes diseases.

The gluten content will depend on the variety and grinding of the product: usually it is higher in premium varieties.

A beneficial solution for the daily menu of diabetics is the complete exclusion of the product, but often most patients are not capable of such sacrifices.

Different types of flour

An alternative in this case would be to replace wheat flour with healthy types:

  • spelled;
  • spelt;
  • coarse buckwheat;
  • bran;
  • cereals;
  • airy cookies and bread.

Instead of traditional white flour, it is recommended to purchase coarsely ground wallpaper, which is suitable for baking baked goods and unsweetened cookies.

Daily volume of flour consumption on a diet

A person who does not have health problems, but wants to lose a few extra pounds, should consume up to 150 g of flour products per day. At the same time, a single serving containing flour products should not exceed 50 g.

Here are some tips to help you lose weight:

  • Flour products are best consumed in the first half of the day.
  • It is recommended to combine flour dishes with vegetables and dairy products.
  • It is undesirable to simultaneously eat flour products along with cereals, fatty dairy products, and vegetables containing a lot of starch.
  • The combined consumption of flour with sweet dishes, pickled and salted vegetables, as well as protein products is prohibited.
  • Do not give up eating flour products - the substances they contain cannot be replaced with other food products.

Is it possible to lose weight on flour products?

We have already highlighted above several types of flour that would be ideal for those who are on a diet due to illness or a desire to lose weight. In fact, even on wheat flour you can remain slim and beautiful. We've done some research and decided to share with you some interesting facts and tips from nutritionists and food industry experts.

  1. If you don’t want to replace wheat flour with something more expensive and healthy, it doesn’t matter. You can always buy coarse or second grade wheat flour. It contains more useful elements, and at the same time, a very small amount of carbohydrates.
  2. The composition of rye flour is considered very good due to the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. However, there is a point that can put you off from using this flour - a specific taste. Moreover, the dough from this flour does not always turn out the way we are used to seeing it. It is best to use this flour for making sourdoughs - there it will show its qualities best.
  3. Even though rice flour does not contain gluten, it still remains high in calories. If you are on a diet but have a gluten allergy, replace rice flour with soy or corn flour.
  4. You can make your own oatmeal from oatmeal. It makes very tasty desserts, and if you prepare the “right” cream for diabetics and those losing weight, you will get a real PP cake!
  5. It is worth remembering that no matter what flour you use, you need to eat dishes with it in the first half of the day, even if it is dietary flour. As a rule, there is no specific norm for using flour. You can only abuse this product if your diet consists entirely of flour-based dishes. This way, you don’t have to worry about overdoing it with this product.

Terms and conditions of flour storage

To get the maximum benefit from flour, it is necessary to store this product correctly.

Some recommendations will help with this:

  • Favorable temperatures range from + 5 to + 18 0C.
  • The ideal humidity level is no more than 60-70%. Its high level indoors can cause the development of fungus in the product.
  • The formation of condensation should be avoided - it will cause the flour to become damp and mold may appear in it.
  • The flour should not be exposed to direct sunlight - it is better to choose a shaded place (for example, a closed cabinet).
  • The storage room should be dry and clean, free of foreign odors, since the wheat product tends to quickly absorb them.
  • Do not allow changes in temperature and humidity, as the flour may deteriorate.
  • The room where flour is stored must be periodically ventilated and cleaned to avoid the appearance of pests.
  • After opening the bag, it is best to pour the flour into a glass or metal jar or box that closes tightly. You can also choose fabric or paper bags for storage.

  • Storing flour in the refrigerator extends its shelf life.
  • It is recommended to periodically inspect the flour - if insects are found, the flour should be sifted and left for listening.
  • One of the ways to prevent insects and pests is to place 1-2 unpeeled cloves of garlic in flour.
  • If you take flour in your hand and feel cold, this indicates increased moisture in the product. Therefore, it is recommended to dry the flour.

Its shelf life depends on the type of flour, which is presented in the table below:

Type of flourShelf life (in months)
Wheat flour (highest grade)12
Whole grain wheat6-8
Corn (low-fat)3-6
Soy (deodorized)12
Barley, rice6

When pouring flour from the original packaging, it is necessary to put a sticker on the container where it will be stored indicating the expiration date (indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging). After the end of the storage period, it is not recommended to use the product, as it loses its nutritional and quality properties.

Flour contains a large number of useful substances. This is a high-calorie product, but with the right choice of flour, you can create an optimal diet containing healthy flour products.

We choose premium wheat flour

When choosing premium wheat flour, you should definitely pay attention to such product properties as ash content, moisture content and gluten content.

The optimal moisture content of wheat flour does not exceed 15%. The ash content should be at the level of 0.55%, and the gluten saturation of the product should be at least 24%. If the gluten content is insufficient, you may encounter poor quality food made from flour.

When studying the composition, pay attention to the expiration date of wheat flour. Packaged premium flour is stored for 12 months in a dry, clean place and at an ambient temperature of no more than 18 °C.


If you are losing weight and have diabetes, you should completely avoid premium wheat flour because of the high calorie content of this product and the high starch content in it. Low-calorie types are corn, spelled, buckwheat, rye and flaxseed flour. From these types you can prepare a variety of baked goods, which in taste are in no way inferior to products made from white wheat flour. Coconut and almond flour are useful for weight loss, since these products contain a lot of fiber and polyunsaturated fats, which speed up metabolism and are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:

“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

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