Calorie calculator for foods and ready meals

Having knowledge of how to correctly count calories in the food you eat, you can easily adjust your diet in order to lose weight without harm to the body. The kilocalorie table will greatly simplify the calculation process for losing excess weight. But how should people who are losing weight count calories, and why is the system effective? This is exactly what we will talk about today.

To ensure the effectiveness of the weight loss process, nutritionists recommend counting your incoming calories so that they do not exceed energy expenditure. Each table of caloric content of products and ready-made meals includes a list of food ingredients, the energy value of which is indicated per 100 grams. After reading this article you will know:

  • why and how to count calories in order to lose weight without harm to your health;
  • a method for calculating individual energy needs for weight loss;
  • categories with the most diet-appropriate products, each of them contains the most complete table of ingredients with KBJU;
  • Are there any foods with negative calories?
  • Tricks for keeping recipes low in calories.

Why do you need to count calories?

The ability to count calories is a great way to achieve any goal, be it losing weight, maintaining weight, or gaining muscle mass. If you know your calorie intake and can calculate your energy intake, you can easily create a diet for the day, including your favorite foods.

The main task of the calculations performed is to provide the body with the necessary amount of energy for the whole day. Let's take a closer look at the methods for calculating energy value and how to determine daily individual needs.

Counting calories is a guarantee of weight loss?

We often think that we count calories and lose weight. It is important to understand that you should not limit yourself to just reducing energy consumption. Additionally, it is recommended to play sports. It is advisable to do daily exercises to speed up your metabolism, especially early in the morning before a hard day at work.

It will be much more effective to visit the gym. One hour of exercise in the gym helps burn up to 300 grams of fat. If we assume that a person will exercise three times a week, then the kilogram lost in a week will be a pleasant surprise for any person losing weight. In addition, exercise on exercise machines helps a person build muscles, which is an additional advantage in the pursuit of beauty.

Calculation of daily calorie intake for weight loss

When the goal of a diet is to lose weight, then 10-20% is subtracted from the product of basal metabolic rate and activity level, which becomes a deficit. If the initial weight is not very large, then it is recommended not to increase the deficit by more than 10-15%. When you are overweight (more than 30 kg), the deficit can be 20%, but no more!

Let's look at an example.

Parameters: woman, 30 years old, weight 65 kg, height 165 cm, training 3 times a week.

BMR = 9.99 * 65 + 6.25 * 165 - 4.92 * 30 - 161 = 1372 To maintain weight, norm: 1372 * 1.375 = 1886.5 kcal To determine the deficit, you need to subtract 15%: 1886.5 - 15 % = 1550-1650 kcal

It is 1550-1650 kcal that will be the guideline when drawing up the daily menu.

Important! It is not recommended to reduce the established calorie range, because due to insufficient amounts of important nutrients, the body will begin to slow down its metabolism, which can lead to weight gain if the calorie intake is exceeded.

How to count calories correctly to lose weight

Having decided to lose weight, you need to learn how to count the calories in the food you eat. Tables with the contents of KBZHU will be an excellent assistant in counting food items on the menu. Also don't forget:

  • Be sure to take into account the energy intake from drinks. The calorie content of tea or coffee is reduced to zero, but the addition of sugar, milk, honey and other components radically changes the final figures;
  • in the finished dish, the amount of calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats is the sum of all the ingredients in the recipe;
  • add KBJU oil, which is used in the cooking process.

How to count calories correctly to lose weight?

To lose weight you need to know your own metabolism. Without much movement throughout the day, a person spends a minimal amount of energy. The first step is to calculate the number of calories.

How to count calories correctly? This question plagues millions of girls and boys around the world. However, there is a simple formula by which the required calories are calculated. The procedure is as follows:

  • First, measure your own height and multiply the resulting number by 1.8.
  • Then we measure our own body weight, multiplying the resulting number by 9.6. We add both numbers obtained to each other, adding 655.
  • Then, we multiply the indicator 4.7 by the total number of years. This number must be subtracted from the previous digit.

But the obtained indicator is not enough for a complete picture. It is necessary to additionally multiply the resulting number by the potential human activity. If a person, for example, does not play sports, then we multiply the existing number by 1.3. If sports is present, then at 1.7.

The resulting number reflects the actual number of calories needed per day.

And then a direct question arises: how to count calories to lose weight? A table and formulas are, of course, not bad, but in reality it is necessary to gradually reduce the number of calories consumed. First, let’s calculate what result a person plans to see by a specific date. Let's look at a simple example.

Let's say that initially a person, according to the formula, should consume 1800 calories per day. The goal is to lose 5 kilograms in a month. On average, a person should lose about 170 grams of weight in one day.

We take into account that one gram of protein and carbohydrates contains four calories, one gram of fat contains nine calories.

To lose 170 grams of weight per day, you need to reduce the number of calories consumed by 680. As a result, we find that instead of 1800 calories, a person will have to eat 1100 to have a significant deficiency.

Another, more radical option would be to increase the number of calories consumed per day. For example, initially a person needed to eat 1100 calories of food, when according to the formula it turned out to be 1800. You can cheat and not reduce this amount. Instead, increase the amount of physical activity that will allow a person to rapidly lose weight.

For example, you can continue to consume the 1800 calories established by the formula, but increase the amount of physical activity per day. For example, it is enough to run for an hour at an average pace to lose the desired 700 calories.

Calorie diet

Not all people, even purely psychologically, are able to withstand a strict diet for weight loss or prepare specially separate food, and they may not have enough time or opportunity to visit the gym. But the secret to success in losing excess weight remains the same - calorie consumption should be greater than their consumption.

How to choose calorie-rich diet recipes

Many people believe that diet food is monotonous and not tasty. We can safely say that this is stereotypical thinking, based on the experience of those who either only tried to cook chicken breast and eat cucumbers, or did not try to cook according to recipes at all. In order for recipes for ready-made dishes to be low in calories, the following rules must be followed:

  • choose lean varieties of meat, poultry and fish;
  • give preference to low-fat dairy products;
  • fry and stew food in a non-stick frying pan without vegetable or animal fat or with minimal addition;
  • check the full calorie tables for foods.

Calorie counting apps for weight loss

Application developers offer consumers special applications for calculating KBZHU for any smartphone system. The principle of operation is almost identical everywhere and helps the user set up their diet for weight loss. Each of them has its own unique features. Here is the TOP5 selection of the most popular applications from our editors:

FatSecret - the program efficiently calculates nutritional values ​​and calories, tracks achievements and teaches you how to create a balanced diet.

Yazio is a convenient calorie calculator that analyzes information about foods consumed and physical activity for the month.

MyFitnessPal is a high-quality development that is popular all over the world. The service is considered the best calorie counter for Android.

Diary Nutrition is a free nutrition diary with a simple interface.

Lifesum - in the program you can specify a goal (weight loss), and the application will recommend a diet in accordance with your tastes.

How to start counting calories?

It can be difficult for beginners to immediately start counting calories. It is not easy to force yourself to constantly look at the packaging of products purchased at the store, comparing the energy value.

Many people wonder how to count calories to lose weight? It is recommended to perform a number of actions:

· calculate the caloric value for the daily diet;

· start keeping a calorie diary;

· track changes in your figure in the mirror.

The recommendations listed will help you get used to the process of counting calories and even love it.

Which workout to choose for weight loss

In modern conditions, everyone has an almost unlimited choice of types of weight loss workouts. We recommend considering several options:

Short circuit training at home will allow you to train for weight loss without spending a lot of time.

Strength training for weight loss for men and women in the gym.

Cardio workouts for burning fat and losing weight outdoors.

Working out on an exercise bike for your buttocks will give you pleasure and help you lose weight.

Not sure which is better for burning fat: strength training or cardio? You can always start by walking to lose weight.

Calorie counting

Let's return to the main question of today's conversation. First you need to calculate how many calories a person needs. That is, how much he spends throughout the day, while at rest.

There are two main ways of counting.

First way

The most popular method is the Harris-Benedict formula. Most modern nutritionists resort to using this formula. However, the same nutritionists recommend rounding the resulting number, since the formula does not take into account a person’s lifestyle.

The formula for calculating BMR (basal metabolic rate) is as follows and is divided for men and women:

For men: BOO = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kilograms) + (5 x height in centimeters) – (6.8 x age in years)

For women: BOO = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kilograms) + (1.8 x height in centimeters) – (4.7 x number of years lived)

For a complete understanding, let’s look at the use of this formula using a simple example. For example, you are a woman who is 31 years old, height is 185 centimeters, and weight is 73 kilograms.

We substitute the available values ​​into the formula: BOO = 655 + (9.6 * 73) + (1.8 *185) – (4.7 *31) = 655 + 701 + 333 – 146 = 1543

To have a more accurate number, we recommend further evaluating your lifestyle. Let's divide lifestyle into four categories:

  1. Lack of exercise, little movement, sedentary work at the computer. We multiply the resulting SBI by 1.2.
  2. Do at least one or two days of training for an hour. SBI multiplied by 1.4.
  3. Do sports almost every day (at least five days). SBI is multiplied by 1.6.
  4. Daily painstaking training, heavy stress on the body. SBI * 1.95.

As you can see, thanks to an active lifestyle, the number of calories increases, which has a great effect on the metabolism in the body.

Second way

However, in addition to the first method, which is quite complicated to calculate, there is a second one, which is much easier to apply. In this case, you don’t have to spend a lot of time on formula calculations and other actions.

How to lose weight by counting calories? Simple enough. You just need to select the required group and multiply the corresponding number by your own weight. The table looks like this:

  1. This group includes people who completely exclude physical exercise from their lifestyle. Maximum 30 calories per kilogram of weight.
  2. The second group has little mobility, constantly moves, but also does not involve sports in their lifestyle. Approximately 35 calories per 1 kg of weight.
  3. The third group sometimes plays sports. One or two exercise sessions for half an hour is enough. For example, jogging for several kilometers is the best option. Maximum 40 calories per kilogram of weight.
  4. The fourth group includes people who regularly engage in sports (the minimum number of workouts is three). We recommend a maximum of 50 calories per 1 kg.
  5. The last, fifth group includes people who play sports almost every day. This group is recommended to count more than 50 calories per kilogram of weight.

As a result, it is enough to select a category, taking into account your own lifestyle, multiply by the required number and get the appropriate result. How to learn to count calories to lose weight? Very simple!

Negative calorie foods

Very often among people who are losing weight, you can hear about foods with a negative calorie content, for example, vegetables, which require more calories from the body than are contained in the product. In reality, everything is different.

In fact, there is really no such thing as negative calories. Any products contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates or organic acids. Vegetables and herbs, seasonings and some fruits are those ingredients whose energy value is equivalent to the body’s energy expended on their processing.

During digestion, the body spends a certain amount of energy for this work. It would be wrong to think that kilocalories from a previously eaten chocolate bar will be spent on processing, for example, grapefruit.

Proteins require the largest amount of energy expenditure of all macroelements. A 200-calorie chicken fillet eaten requires 140 kcal to process. Therefore, only 60 remain “free”. But this has nothing to do with fats and carbohydrates. For example, if you consume a spoonful of vegetable oil, it will be completely absorbed almost immediately, since the body will not need energy to process it. You can systematically eat fiber-rich foods that take a long time to digest in large quantities while losing weight and hope for a miracle, and then suffer from indigestion.

We can conclude: it is necessary to structure your diet so that it harmoniously combines all the nutrients necessary for normal human functioning.

What are calories?

A calorie is the amount of energy the body receives. For food products, the calorie content is indicated in kilocalories; often they write “kcal” on the packaging.

When calculating calories, it is important to determine the weight of the product and know the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per 100 grams. When consuming 1 gram of protein or carbohydrate, the body receives ~ 4 kilocalories, but 1 gram of fat gives the body ~ 9 kcal.

For each person, there is a certain amount of calories that must be consumed during the day. The norm for maintaining, losing, and gaining weight can be calculated using the KBZHU calculator .

On average, a girl with low activity needs 1300-1500 kcal per day to lose weight.

Calorie tables for weight loss foods

While on a weight loss diet, you should avoid high-calorie foods. Below, the caloric content tables contain exactly those ingredients that can most organically fit into the diet of a person losing weight.


Cereals are classified as complex carbohydrates, which are an excellent source of energy and an assistant in building a harmonious and healthy body. Slow carbohydrates do not cause sudden spikes in blood glucose and do not allow the feeling of hunger to occur for a long time. However, heavy consumption can lead to excess body weight. On a weight loss diet, it is recommended to give preference to cereals with a low glycemic index, namely, unprocessed products.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Buckwheat groats 12,6 3,3 57,1 308
Buckwheat deal 9,5 2,3 60,4 300
Green buckwheat (“Mistral”) 13,4 3 68 328
Long grain unpolished rice (brown, brown) 7,5 2 73 340
Unpolished red rice 7,5 3 68 330
Wild black rice 14,7 1,1 68,7 357
Oatmeal 12,3 6,1 59,5 342
Cereals 12,3 6,2 61,8 352
Pearl barley 9,3 1,1 66,9 315
Barley grits 10 1,3 65,4 313
Wheat groats 11,5 1,3 67,9 329
Corn, food grain 10,3 4,9 60 325
Corn grits 8,3 1,2 71 328
Millet 3,8 9,1 70 358


Legumes are another great source of energy. On a diet, you can significantly increase your intake of complex carbohydrates and reduce calories by replacing processed grains with legumes. The fiber contained in these products quickly fills you up and contains a large amount of plant protein. You can consume any type of this product, adding it to your daily calorie intake.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Pea grain 20,5 2 49,5 298
Whole polished peas 22 2 57 330
Split peas 23 1,6 48,1 299
Fresh green peas 5 0,2 8,3 55
Mash 23,9 1,2 62,6 347
Chickpeas 20,5 4,3 63 360
Soybean grain 36,7 17,8 17,3 364
Soya beans 36,4 19,9 30,1 446
Red beans, all types 23,5 0,8 60 333
Green beans 2,5 0,3 3 23
Lentils 24,6 1,1 63,4 352
Red lentils 21,6 1,1 48 314
Red split Persian lentils (Mistral) 24,7 1,2 62,5 328
Amaranth groats 13,6 7 58.6 371
Quinoa cereal 14,1 6,1 57,2 368


In addition to their rich taste, mushrooms are rich in fiber, which is extremely important for the normal functioning of the digestive tract. A small amount of calories is another advantage of the product. They contain a lot of moisture, so after drying the amount of energy value per 100 grams increases.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Fresh porcini mushrooms 3,7 1,7 1,1 34
Dried porcini mushrooms 30,3 14,3 9 286
Fresh oyster mushrooms 2,5 0,3 6,5 3,8
Fresh milk mushrooms 1,8 0,5 0,8 16
Chanterelles 1,5 1 1 19
Honey mushrooms 2,2 1,2 0,5 22
boletus 2,1 0,8 1,2 20
Dried boletus 23,5 9,2 14,3 231
Boletus 3,3 0,5 1,2 22
Dried boletuses 35,4 5,4 33,2 315
Morels 1,7 0,3 4,2 27
Russula 1,7 0,7 1,5 19
Champignon 4,3 1 0,1 27


A huge advantage of caviar over meat is its rapid digestion. Consequently, the proteins from the component will enter the blood faster. The product is considered universal in the process of losing weight, but you should not get carried away, because... it contains a lot of salt, which will retain excess liquid, increasing the readings on the scale.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Red salmon caviar 32 15 263
Pollock caviar, punched 27,9 1,8 1,1 132
Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor" 8,1-9,3 36,9-38,6 365-382
Herring roe 31,6 10,3 222
Black sturgeon caviar granular 28,4 9,3 0,6 200
Pressed sturgeon caviar 38,2 14,5 1,5 289
Pike caviar 17,3 2 87

Sausage and sausage products

This food group cannot be classified as a healthy diet and it is better to exclude it from your menu altogether in the process of losing weight. But if it’s difficult to give up products, now you can also increasingly find natural products, but before purchasing, carefully study the composition - there should be a minimum of fat and no sugar

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Raw smoked loin 10,5 47,4 469
Selected beef REMIT cut 12 5 1 97
Boiled-smoked carbonade 16 8 135

Butter, margarine, vegetable fats

Vegetable oil is rich in healthy omega-3 fats, which help keep weight under control. It is recommended to choose unrefined varieties. The benefits of animal fats are no less valuable. Preference should be given to butter and spread due to the natural composition. Margarine is made from vegetable fats and the amount of trans fats in it is extremely high, which is extremely dangerous for health. When losing weight, you should avoid various sauces, mayonnaise and oils with added sugar.

Fat consumption during weight loss is not so high, but do not forget about the importance of the presence of all nutrients in the diet. Monitor the amount of consumption of this group of products, keeping within your KBZHU norm.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Butter 0,5-1 78-82,5 0,7-0,9 709-748
Butter "Valio" 0,7 82 0,7 740
Ghee 0,2 99 892
Olive oil 99,8 898
Sunflower oil 99,9 899
Spread 40 360
Walnut oil 0 99.8 0 898
Cacao butter 0 99.9 0 899
Coconut oil 0 99.9 0 899
Corn oil 0 99.9 0 899
Sesame oil 0 99.9 0 899
Flaxseed oil 0 99.8 0 898
Almond oil 0 90.7 0 816
Palm oil 0 99.9 0 899
Rapeseed oil 0 100 0 884


Dairy products are a unique source of protein. With their help, you can build an excellent, varied diet menu, giving preference to low-fat foods without added sugar. They also improve gut health thanks to probiotics. Cheese contains a large amount of calcium, and cottage cheese provides the body with slow-moving protein.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Low-fat cow's milk 0.5% 3 0,05 4,9 32
Milk 1.5% fat 3 1,5 4,8 45
Milk 2.5% 2,9 2,5 4,8 54
Low-fat cottage cheese 0.6% 18 0,1 3,3 85
Cottage cheese 1.8% 18 1,8 3,5 101
Cottage cheese 5% 16 5 3 121
Low-fat kefir 3 0,05 4 31
Kefir 1% 3 1 4 40
Kefir 2.5% 2,9 2,5 4 53
Cow's milk cheese 22,1 19,2 0,4 262
Cheese "Adygei" 19,8 19,8 1,5 264
Whole milk mozzarella cheese 22,2 22,3 2,2 300
Whole milk ricotta cheese 11,3 13 3 174
Suluguni 20,5 22 0,4 286
Chees Feta" 14,2 21,3 4 264
Yogurt "Activia" 3,8-4,5 2,9-3,5 14-15,8 97-107
Greek yogurt 5-7 3,2-6 3,5-4,2 66-100

Meat, poultry

Animal meat and poultry are the main source of protein in the diet of losing weight people. There is white meat, which is considered more dietary, as well as red. The absence of carbohydrates is a big plus, but in red meat you should definitely pay attention to the amount of fat before purchasing. It is recommended to give preference to the least fatty products.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Beef 1 category 18,6 16 218
Beef category 2 20 9,8 168
Beef, tenderloin 22,2 7,1 158
Veal 1 category 19,7 2 97
Pork, tenderloin 19,4 7,1 142
Lamb 2 categories 19,8 9,6 166
Beef liver 17,9 3,7 5,3 127
Pork liver 18,8 3,8 4,7 109
Beef heart 16 3,5 2 96
Beef kidneys 15,2 2,8 1,9 86
Udder 12,3 13,7 173
Broilers (chickens) 2 cat. 19,7 11,2 180
Chicken 2 cat. 21,2 8,2 159
Chicken breast 23,6 1,9 113
Chicken legs 16,8 10,2 158
Chicken liver 19,1 6,3 0,6 136
Chicken heart 15,8 10,3 0,8 159
Turkey, breast 23,6 1,5 114
Domestic goose, meat 22,7 7,1 161
Quail, meat and skin 19,6 12 192
Rabbit 21,2 11 183
Boar 21,5 3,3 122
Elk 23 1,5 111
Venison 19,5 8,5 155

Vegetables and greens

Greens and vegetables are considered essential in the process of losing weight. They contain fiber, which is not absorbed by the body, and the amount of calories and dietary fat in the products is extremely insignificant. They also improve digestion and quickly saturate the body. You can eat any kind of vegetables, but the portion of potatoes needs to be controlled more carefully.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Artichoke 1,2 0,1 6 28
Basil 2,5 0,6 4,3 27
Eggplant 1,2 0,1 4,5 24
Yam (sweet potato) 1,6 0,05 17,1 86
Boiled sweet potato without skin 1,4 0,14 15,2 76
Swede 1,2 0,1 7,7 37
Mustard leaf 2,9 0,4 1,5 27
Daikon 1,2 4,1 21
Ginger, raw root 1,8 0,75 15,8 80
Zucchini 0,6 0,3 4,6 24
White cabbage 1,8 0,1 4,7 28
Sauerkraut 1,8 0,1 3 23
Broccoli 2,8 0,37 6,6 34
Brussels sprouts 3,4 0,3 8,9 43
Kohlrabi cabbage 2,8 0,1 7,9 44
Red cabbage 0,8 0,2 5,1 26
Cabbage 1,2 0,2 2 16
Cauliflower 2,5 0,3 4,2 30
Kale (Kale) 2,8 0,6 6,6 42
Collards collard greens 3 0,6 1,4 32
Potato 2 0,4 16,3 77
Watercress 2,3 0,1 0,8 11
Green onion 1,3 0,1 3,2 20
Bulb onions 1,4 0,2 8,2 41
Red onion 1,4 0,1 9,1 42
Leek 2 0,2 6,3 36
Chard 1,8 0,2 2,1 19
Carrot 1,3 0,1 6,9 35
Ground cucumbers 0,8 0,1 2,5 14
Greenhouse cucumbers 0,7 0,1 1,9 11
Pickles 0,8 0,1 1,7 13
Squash 0,6 0,1 4,1 19
Sweet pepper 1,3 0,1 4,9 26
Parsley greens 3,7 0,4 7,6 49
Parsley root 1,5 0,6 10,1 51
Ground tomatoes 1,1 0,2 3,8 24
Greenhouse tomatoes 0,9 0,1 2,9 17
Cherry tomatoes 0,8 0,1 2,8 15
Salted tomatoes 0,5 0,1 1,6-2,1 10-11
Radish 1,2 0,1 3,4 20
Green radish 2 0,2 5,6 32
Turnip 1,5 0,1 6,2 32
Fresh rosemary 3,3 5,9 17,6 131
Arugula 2,6 0,7 2,1 25
Leaf lettuce 1,5 0,2 2 16
Beet 1,5 0,1 8,8 42
Celery greens 0,9 0,1 2,1 13
Celery root 1,3 0,3 6,5 37
Asparagus 1,9 0,1 3,1 21
Fresh thyme 5,6 1,7 15,9 101
Jerusalem artichoke 2,1 0,1 12,8 61
Pumpkin 1 0,1 4,4 23
Dill 2,5 0,5 6,3 40
Horseradish 3,2 0,4 10,5 59
Zucchini 1,2 0,2 2.7 17
Garlic 6,5 0,5 29,9 149
Spinach 2,9 0,3 2 23
Sorrel 1,5 0,3 2,9 22
Wakame seaweed (Undaria pinnate) raw 3 0,64 9,3 45
Laminaria (seaweed) raw 1,7 0,56 8,9 43
Dried kelp (sea kale) 31,5 21,8 38,1 476
Dried spirulina 57,5 7,72 23,4 290

Nuts and dried fruits

Nuts and seeds are a balanced source of nutrition that must be present in the diet of people who care about their health and figure. They contain polyunsaturated fats, which lower “bad cholesterol” levels, control hunger and are a versatile source of protein for vegetarians.

Dried fruits are also very healthy due to their high content of micronutrients, enzymes and plant fibers. With their help, you can satisfy your sweet tooth, but in reasonable quantities. Candied dried fruits should be excluded from the menu while losing weight.

Both of these products are still quite high in calories, so it is necessary to control their consumption, fitting it into your norm.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Peanut 26,3 45,2 9,9 552
Roasted peanuts 26 52 13,4 626
Brazilian nut 14,3 67,1 4,2 659
Walnuts 16,2 60,8 11,1 656
Pine nuts 13,7 64,1 9,4 673
Cashew 18,5 48,5 22,5 600
Roasted cashews 17,5 42,2 30,5 572
Coconut raw 3,3 33,5 6,2 354
Hazelnut (hazelnut) 13 62,6 9,3 653
Almond 18,6 53,7 13 609
Roasted almonds 22,4 55,9 12,3 642
Almond petals 22 58 12 650
Macadamia nut 7,9 75,8 5,2 718
Pecans 9,2 72 4,3 691
Sunflower seeds, dried kernels 20,8 51,5 17,4 584
Pumpkin seeds, dried kernels 30,2 49,1 9,3 559
Shelled hemp seeds 31,6 48,7 4,7 553
Unshelled hemp seeds 20,1 32,5 14 429
Sesame seeds 19,4 48,7 12,2 565
Flax seeds 18,3 42,2 1,6 534
Poppy seeds 17,5 47,5 14,5 556
Chia seeds 16,5 30,7 7,7 486
Raw pistachios 20,2 45,3 16,6 560
Roasted pistachios without oil with added salt 21,1 45,8 17,3 569
Hazelnuts (cultivated hazel) 15 61,5 9,4 651
Roasted hazelnuts 17,8 66,1 9,4 703
Dried bananas 3,9 1,8 78,4 346
Dried cherries 1,5 73 290
Dried pear 2,3 0,6 62,6 270
Dried melon 0,7 0,1 82,2 341
Raisin 2,5 0,54 67,7 296
Raisins sultanas 2,3 0,5 65,8 281
Dried figs 3,1 0,8 57,9 257
Dried apricots 5,2 0,3 51 232
Dried peach 3 0,4 57,7 254
Dried apricots 5 0,4 53 242
Dates 2,5 0,5 69,2 292
Prunes (dried plums) 2,3 0,7 57,5 256
Dried apples 2,2 0,1 59 253

Fish and seafood

Fish and seafood are excellent sources of protein. The low calorie content of the product makes it ideal for weight loss. Red fish also contains omega-3. This type of polyunsaturated fatty acids has a beneficial effect on all body functions, which is especially important during weight loss.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Goby 17,5 2 88
Pink salmon 20,5 6,5 140
Dorado 18 3 96
Catfish 19,6 5,3 126
Squid 18 2,2 2 100
Far Eastern flounder 15,7 3 90
crucian carp 17,7 1,8 87
Carp 16 5,3 112
Chum salmon 19 5,6 127
Mullet 21 0,4 124
Coho salmon 21,6 5,9 146
Baltic sprat 14,1 9 137
Caspian sprat 18,5 13,1 192
Kamchatka crab, meat 18,2 1 82
Shrimps 17-22 0,6-1,6 80-97
lobster 18,8 1,3 0,5 89
Bream 17,1 4,1 105
Lobster 18,8 0,9 0,5 90
Atlantic salmon (salmon) 20 8,1 153
Mussels 11,5 2 3,3 77
Pollock 15,9 0,9 72
Fish milk 16 2,9 90
Scallop 17 2 3 92
Navaga 19,2 1,6 91
Burbot 18,8 0,6 81
Red sockeye salmon 20,3 8,4 157
Sea bass 18,2 3,3 103
River perch 18,5 0,9 82
Lobster 18,8 1,3 0,5 89
Halibut 18,9 3 103
Pangasius 15,3 3 89
Haddock 17,2 0,5 73
Roach 17,5 2 88
Blue whiting 18,5 0,9 82
Crayfish 15,5 1 1,2 76
Carp 18,2 2,7 97
Atlantic herring low-fat 19,1 6,5 135
Pacific herring low-fat 18 7 135
Salmon 21,6 6 140
Som 17,2 5,1 115
Oceanic horse mackerel 18,5 4,5 114
Sterlet 17 6,1 122
Zander 18,4 1,1 84
tilapia 20,1 1,7 96
Atlantic cod 17,8 0,7 82
Pacific cod 15,3 0,4 69
Bluefin tuna 23,3 4,9 144
Yellowfin tuna (yellowtail) 24,4 0,5 109
Oyster 9 2 4,5 72
Trout 19,2 2,1 97
Sea trout 20,5 4,3 157
Hake 16,6 2,2 86
Pike 18,4 1,1 84
Marine language 10,3 5,2 88
Ide 18,2 1 81


In the case of sweets, everything is simple - you need to exclude products that contain sugar. If you really want something sweet, it is better to give preference to dried fruits. Also, the modern market offers a wide range of dietary products without sugar and fructose.

Before purchasing, be sure to make sure that these ingredients are not present in the composition and do not forget to enter the treat in your food diary. Self-discipline and goal-setting must come first, not allowing temptations to take over.

Fruits and berries

The amount of nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins in 100 grams of fruits and berries is colossal. These products are considered an extremely healthy delicacy, but do not forget that they contain fructose, which, when consumed in excess, can be converted into fat. Therefore, it is necessary to control the consumption of this food group during the period of weight loss.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Watermelon 0,6 0,1 5,8 27
Apricots 0,9 0,1 9 44
Avocado 2 14,6 8,5 160
Quince 0,6 0,5 9,6 48
Cherry plum 0,2 0,1 7,9 34
A pineapple 0,4 0,2 11,5 52
Oranges 0,9 0,2 8,1 43
Cherry 0,8 0,2 10,6 52
Grapefruit 0,7 0,2 6,5 35
Pear 0,4 0,3 10,3 47
Melon 0,6 0,3 7,4 35
Fresh figs 0,7 0,2 12 54
Kiwi 0,8 0,4 8,1 47
Lemon 0,9 0,1 3 34
Tangerines 0,8 0,2 7,5 38
Nectarine 1,1 0,3 9 44
Papaya 0,5 0,26 9,1 43
Peach 0,9 0,1 9,5 45
Pomelo 0,8 0,04 8,6 38
Plum 0,8 0,3 9,6 49
Turn 1,5 0,3 9,4 54
Feijoa 0.7 0.4 8.8 61
Cherries 1,1 0,4 10,6 52
Apples 0,4 0,4 9,8 47
Cowberry 0,7 0,5 8,2 46
Blueberry 1 0,5 6,6 39
Blackberry 1,5 0,5 4,4 34
Strawberry 0,8 0,4 7,5 41
Cranberry 0,5 0,2 3,7 28
Gooseberry 0,7 0,2 9,1 45
Raspberries 0,8 0,5 8,3 46
Cloudberry 0,8 0,9 7,4 40
White currant 0,5 0,2 8 42
Red currants 0,6 0,2 7,7 43
Black currant 1 0,4 7,3 44
Blueberry 1,1 0,6 7,6 44

Bread and bakery products

During the period of weight loss, it is better to give up the usual baked goods. There are exceptions in the form of bread made from whole grain flour and bran without sugar. Along with the product, the body will receive vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on digestive processes.

Another irreplaceable ingredient in the diet of those losing weight is bread, which is also rich in fiber and vitamins. Pay attention to the composition; they should not contain sugar and fructose.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Rye bread 4,7 0,7 49,8 214
Whole grain bread from a mixture of cereals 13,3 4,2 43,3 265
Dr.Körner “Seven Grains” breads 10 2 57 290
Dr.Körner “Borodinskie” bread 11 3 52 280
Dr.Körner “Buckwheat” bread with vitamins 11,6 3 52,4 283
Dr.Körner “Rice” crispbread with vitamins 6 1 69 310

Flour and pasta

Pasta made from durum wheat, like cereals, is classified as complex carbohydrates, which are an excellent source of energy and an assistant in building a harmonious and healthy body. However, heavy consumption can lead to excess body weight. To prepare healthy baked goods, it is also recommended to give preference to wholemeal flour.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Wheat flour 2 grades 11,6 1,8 64,8 322
Wheat flour 11,5 2,2 61,5 312
Seeded rye flour 6,9 1,4 66,3 305
Peeled rye flour 8,9 1,7 61,8 298
Rye wallpaper flour 10,7 1,9 58,5 294
Pasta made from premium durum flour 11 1,3 70,5 338
Corn flour 8 1 75 340
Rice flour 7 0,5 78 320


Eggs are one of the most versatile and affordable foods. They are part of a healthy diet and are relevant during weight loss.

Products, 100 grams Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Energy, kcal
Chicken egg 12,7 10,9 0,7 157
Protein 11,1 44
Yolk 16,2 31,2 1 354
Quail egg 11,9 13,1 0,6 168
Goose egg 13,9 13,3 1,4 185
Duck egg 13,3 14,5 0,1 185
Melange 12,7 11,5 0,7 157
Egg powder 46 37,3 4,5 542

Calorie table for drinks

Various types of drinks are present on the menu of any person every day. And this is where many make mistakes in calorie counting, because they do not take into account the calorie content of, for example, a latte, but milk is added to it, which has a certain energy value. Adding sugar also significantly increases the calorie content of the drink.

Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol blocks the process of breaking down protein into amino acids, which reduces the level of fat burning. Alcohol also removes fluid from the body, which interferes with the process of protein absorption, neutralizing any goal pursued by a person. Therefore, during the period of weight loss, you should avoid such drinks.

Additional Counting Tips

How to correctly count calories in food? To correctly count calories and quickly start losing excess weight, you need to:

  • Eat small portions. It is recommended to spread the number of calories over several meals. This will allow a person not to feel hungry throughout the day. The minimum number of meals per day is four. This will speed up the metabolic process in the body, which will noticeably affect the figure.
  • Drink more water. If between meals there is a wild desire to break loose, you can drink a glass of clean, filtered water. This will help you get rid of this feeling with ease.
  • To quickly count calories, we recommend using online programs that automatically display the required number in the shortest possible time.

How to count calories correctly to lose weight? Tables, formulas, calculations are a necessary component for an effective fight against excess weight.

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