Corn sticks. Health benefits and harms for children, adults, pregnant women, and those losing weight. How and how much to use

Technology for preparing corn sticks

This technology is not considered complex, but for its successful implementation certain conditions must be met.

The product manufacturing process consists of phases:

  1. Preparatory . The raw material in the form of corn grits is dried and sifted. During this process, grains that are smaller than 0.67 mm and larger than 1.2 mm are eliminated. The fractions must be almost the same size in order to be evenly saturated and foamed. If fine flour gets into the prepared mass, during processing it sticks together into dense lumps and burns.
  2. Air conditioning . The sifted dry mass is sent to a special conditioner, in which the cereal is kept for 3 hours, constantly stirring. The moisture level of the raw materials does not exceed 25% - this is carefully controlled.
  3. Extrusion . The aged, moist, salted mass enters a long extruder. Passing through it, the cereal warms up to high temperatures (from 200 degrees). Gradually, the effect of water vapor increases, which is why the corn mass becomes plastic and homogeneous. Hot raw materials are pushed through the opening of the apparatus, exposed to hot air. Heated water vapor passed through the raw material explodes the particles of the mass and expands it. This is how the structure of the corn stick is formed. The volume of the finished mass is significantly greater than the volume of the original cereal. A mechanical knife cuts off the ejected “dough”. The sticks are sent by air flow to the receiver, where they are dried. The humidity of the final product is up to 6%.
  4. At this stage the products are ready for consumption., but before sale they are impregnated with flavoring and vitamin additives. These fillers easily penetrate into the porous product. Usually, puffed sticks are filled with glaze, which increases the nutritional value of the product and improves its taste. The delicacy is also soaked in food essences, vitamins, and chocolate. Glazing takes place in a pan: the apparatus is filled with sticks and vegetable oil. These products are mixed for about 5 minutes. Next, additives are introduced. Fat-soluble flavor enhancers are distributed efficiently across all sticks.

  5. Packing . The technology is carried out using standard filling machines.

Corn sticks, the benefits of which also depend on the equipment of the enterprise, can be created using non-standard new technologies. The described algorithm is considered general.

During production, the quality of the sticks is assessed according to a number of parameters:

  • the size of the foam bubbles (if the bubbles are too small, the density of the sticks exceeds the norm; if the foam consists of very large bubbles, the products may turn out to be of irregular shape);
  • humidity of the sticks at the exit : a product that is too wet will not have an appetizing crunch, will quickly settle and turn into a wet lump. An overdried product can easily lose its shape and crumble;
  • quality of distribution of flavoring additives : fortifiers easily fall off to the bottom of the package; conscientious manufacturers try to minimize this defect;
  • thickness of the top layer of products : bubbles on the surface are smaller than inside the foam product; this is necessary so that the sticks remain intact and maintain the correct shape; the enveloping layer should be very thin so as not to feel like a crust.

If the product turns out crispy, whole, pale yellow, it was made from natural raw materials, observing the listed conditions.

Calorie content and composition

Corn sticks, the benefits of which are determined by the quality of the products, are prepared from basic ingredients and additives. The standard list of ingredients includes corn grits, odorless and tasteless oil, and finely ground salt. Synthetic components are also added: various flavor enhancers, preservatives, stabilizers.

This corn product is considered high in calories - more than 500 kilocalories per 0.1 kg of sweetness. BJU of this volume of sticks: 6 g proteins, 30 g fats, 60 g carbohydrates.

The benefits of corn sticks

Starch in corn products becomes easily digestible under the influence of temperature and pressure. This increases the energy value of the sweet. The sticks contain more fast carbohydrates than raw corn before processing.

Fast carbohydrates quickly enter the bloodstream in the form of glucose. The feeling of hunger disappears almost immediately and a surge of energy occurs. Corn products enriched with valuable additives (natural juices, vitamins) are considered a “healthy” product.

Vitamin composition of puffed corn products:

  • tocopherol;
  • phylloquinone;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • folic acid;

    Corn sticks. They have both benefits and harm. It is important to know this and use it correctly.

  • RR;
  • choline

Mineral composition of sticks:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc.

Of the listed minerals, sodium, phosphorus, and calcium are most abundant in the sticks, and among the vitamins, choline, riboflavin, and PP are most abundant.

Corn sticks: benefits or harm to health, calorie content

Corn sticks are a simple, inexpensive and tasty delicacy that is loved not only by children, but also by adults. What are the benefits and harms of corn sticks, what are they made of, and how to cook them at home?

How are corn sticks made?

Production is quite simple - this is evidenced even by the low cost of the product. All you need is special equipment and ingredients: corn grits, table salt, powdered sugar and refined vegetable oil. Manufacturing includes the following sequence:

  • At the first stage, the cereal is placed in an industrial apparatus called an extruder, inside which high pressure and a temperature of at least 150°C are created. Under such conditions, with automatic kneading, the cereal turns into a viscous dough.
  • After this, the resulting homogeneous mass is released from the extruder through special holes in small portions, that is, blanks are formed.
  • Since these blanks are still wet after extrusion, they are placed in a special drying drum with two compartments. In the first, water is evaporated from the dough, salt and heated vegetable oil are sprayed onto the dough.
  • At the last stage, the dried and oiled pieces are sent to the second compartment of the drum to be rolled in powdered sugar. Since the oil is still warm, the powder adheres well to the surface of the sticks.

This is where the process ends - the product is completely ready.

Calorie content and composition

A typical treat consists of just four ingredients: crushed corn grits, butter, salt and powdered sugar. At the same time, the sticks have a high calorie content - 325 calories per 100 g of product.

But their nutritional benefits are small. Carbohydrates occupy the main share - 75 g, proteins are in second place - 8.3 g, and the least fat in the product is 1.2 g.

Corn grits themselves are a valuable product, but the sticks made from them have a poor vitamin and mineral composition. During heat treatment, most of the useful elements are destroyed. Only a few of them are worth taking into account, namely:

  • vitamin B2;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper.

Harm of corn sticks

Corn sticks, the benefits of which depend on the manufacturer, can cause significant harm to the body. If you purchase airy sweets from unknown manufacturers, there is a high probability of dangerous fillers entering your body. High quality corn products are considered harmless. The only serious danger to a healthy person is possible weight gain.

Those with diabetes should limit their consumption of treats. Popsicles are known for their high glycemic index. They are not recommended for high blood sugar levels.

In case of gastrointestinal disorders, consumption of corn delicacy can cause active gas formation, accumulation of gases in the stomach and intestines. If you have an individual intolerance to corn raw materials, it is also undesirable to use air sticks. Sometimes natural and chemical fillers cause negative reactions in the body, so it is important to carefully check the composition of the product.

If the sticks are consumed regularly, over time it can lead to tooth decay. The reason for the development of the disease is not only in sweet additives. The corn mass layers and is difficult to remove from the gums and teeth. Even using a toothbrush, floss and other cleaning devices does not always help get rid of treat residue.

For ulcers and gastritis, consumption of corn sweets is undesirable. This is a prohibited product during therapeutic diets. But in the remission phase, a small amount of sticks will not harm. In this case, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the doctor’s recommendations.

If you are concerned about skin imperfections, especially those caused by digestive disorders, it is not advisable to consume corn products. The sticks contain a lot of corn starch, sugar, and fat, which can cause rashes, dullness and other skin imperfections.

Those who suffer from chronic dermatological diseases should be especially careful. Sometimes the body’s negative reaction does not appear immediately, but only over time. What negative consequences include: spasms, pain, nausea.

Tips for proper use of corn sticks

The purchase of corn sticks must be approached with full responsibility. If they are bought for a child, then it is necessary to avoid packs that contain a toy. Most likely, it will not be made of food-grade plastic or rubber, which, in contact with food, can cause allergies.

When purchasing this product, you should give preference to large manufacturers of sticks. Production is simple, equipment costs are low, so in stores you can find homemade corn sticks, where all rules and sanitation standards are unlikely to be observed.

It is better to eat them in the morning; you can eat them with sour fruits or milk. Eating a large amount can cause stomach upset.

The paradox of corn sticks is that people turn a completely useless product for the body into a harmful one. And all this to please your taste buds.

Many people use chopsticks to make all kinds of sweets. This is the famous Anthill cake, and hedgehogs, and balls, and sausages - and all this is a real calorie bomb.

Features of use

There are no strict recommendations for the use of corn sticks. Children over 3 years old can enjoy one pack of sticks per day. An adult can eat several packs of air sticks without harm to health. Products drenched in milk - a nutritious breakfast.

For one serving, take about 0.1 kg of treats and the same amount of milk. The portion will be voluminous, because the sticks are large and light. It’s still not worth eating chopsticks for breakfast every day. Ordinary sticks, not enriched with vitamins, are high-calorie foods and bring almost no benefit.

Is it possible to have corn sticks...

Everyone's favorite treat, like all foods, should not be overeated. In some cases, the consumption of corn sticks should be minimized, and in case of serious illnesses, completely excluded from the diet.

When breastfeeding

While breastfeeding, women have to carefully monitor their diet. After all, with milk, not only useful and nutritious substances enter the child’s body, but also harmful ones that can cause harm. Corn flour may cause an allergic reaction. Even if the woman herself does not suffer from sensitivity to the components of the product, the baby may experience problems. It is best to avoid sweet treats until after breastfeeding.


During pregnancy, you can sometimes treat yourself to a sweet treat, but you should not forget about the high calorie content of the product and know when to stop. If the expectant mother has problems with the digestive system, then eating corn sticks is not recommended in order to avoid exacerbation of the disease. Also, the sweet product is very high in calories and contributes to excess weight gain in women. This may negatively affect the development of the fetus.

For children

It is not recommended to give corn sticks to small children. They can contribute to metabolic disorders in a fragile body, which will subsequently lead to weight problems. Corn sticks are recommended to be given to children starting from three years old. Children should not be given more than one pack per day. When you start using the product, you need to monitor the child’s condition. If red spots, itching or rashes appear on the skin, the treat should be excluded from the diet.

When losing weight

For those who want to lose excess weight, eating the treat is not advisable. The product is high in calories and only contributes to weight gain, not weight loss. Corn sticks contain very few useful substances, and the composition does not contain natural ingredients, but flavors and taste enhancers. When ingested, crushed particles of sticks stick to the walls of the intestines and stomach, and other food, in turn, sticks to them.

For pancreatitis

People suffering from problems with the pancreas can use sticks only during the period of remission. Under no circumstances should you eat them during an exacerbation of the disease. In addition, during this period you must follow a strict diet.

For gastritis

Stomach disease requires a certain diet, in which the action of food is aimed at not irritating the weak walls of the mucous membrane. Corn sticks can cause pain, especially in the acute phase. For gastritis, corn sticks can be consumed only during remission and only in small portions.

Can it be used for pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers?

In case of pancreatitis, the salt in the corn delicacy aggravates the inflammation of the pancreas. Powdered sugar and other sweeteners increase the stress on the insulin production function. With this disease, the absorption of fats becomes more difficult due to an insufficient amount of enzymes. The sticks use vegetable oil, which negatively affects the functioning of the inflamed organ.

Synthetic fillers and some natural additives (spices, glaze) are harmful for pancreatitis. At the exacerbation stage, the emphasis is on soft, tender foods. During the period of remission, relaxations of the strict therapeutic dietary regime are allowed. At this time, food can be varied with “rough” products. A small handful of natural sticks without additives is allowed.

The products must be washed down with yogurt, juice, and warm tea. This combination will soften the rough components of the sticks and make them more gentle on the pancreas. But it is still undesirable to satisfy your hunger with a corn product. The hard texture and the abundance of coarse fibers stimulate the formation of gases, which cause pain, cramps, and bloating.

It is important to discuss with a specialist the possibility of consuming coarse fibers. Even during the weakening of disease syndromes, any product can renew attacks.

If you eat a large amount of corn sticks during acute gastritis or ulcers, the consequences will also be negative: increased symptoms, bloating, stomach pain and weakening of the entire digestive system.


Sticks are not useful for everyone.

Corn delicacy can be harmful to many:

  • breastfed babies (if the nursing woman uses chopsticks);
  • pregnant women;
  • with a negative individual reaction to the components of the sticks;
  • in case of dysfunction of the digestive system (especially at the stage of exacerbation);
  • anyone with elevated blood glucose levels;
  • if you are concerned about skin imperfections (inflammation, rashes, dullness);
  • for diseases of the oral cavity.

Anyone who is not included in the listed groups can periodically enjoy corn sweetness with liquid.

Contraindications and harm

The sweetness has a high glycemic index. Like other foods high in glucose, the treat is contraindicated for people with diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis. Healthy people should not abuse it either. The maximum amount of product that can be eaten per day without harm to the body is 2 packs, and for children - 1 pack.

It is not recommended to eat the product for those who suffer from ailments of the digestive system. The treat causes increased gas formation and bloating. For gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, it is better to abstain from it. Can be consumed in small quantities during periods of remission.

An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. If you are allergic to corn or other ingredients, eating chopsticks is strictly prohibited.

Despite the fact that corn sticks have benefits, they also have harmful properties. Namely:

  • provoke rapid weight gain,
  • digest slowly and cause intestinal problems,
  • significantly increase blood glucose levels, which can lead to diabetes.

In some cases, the product is contraindicated. It should not be used:

  • if you are allergic to corn flour,
  • after surgery to remove the gallbladder,
  • for diabetes and obesity,
  • for gastritis, pancreatitis and gastric ulcers in acute stages.

Attention! With a mild course of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, you can treat yourself to a treat, but in minimal quantities and with the permission of the attending physician

  • provoke rapid weight gain;
  • digest slowly and cause intestinal problems;
  • significantly increase blood glucose levels, which can lead to diabetes.
  • if you are allergic to corn flour;
  • after surgery to remove the gallbladder;
  • for diabetes and obesity;
  • for gastritis, pancreatitis and gastric ulcers in acute stages.

Attention! With a mild course of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, you can treat yourself to a treat, but in minimal quantities and with the permission of the attending physician

How to choose

To select quality products, pay attention to the product characteristics described in the table:

Product FeatureQuality sticksPoor quality sticks
Product integrityfew crumbs, pieces, almost all products are solid, not loosea lot of loose, partially crumbled products, a lot of crumbs at the bottom of the package
Compounda small natural list of ingredients (cereals, butter, sugar, salt); light yellow color, faint smell of sticks harmful synthetic substances as additives indicated on the packaging (honey, chocolate, condensed milk); strong smell, bright color of products; stabilizers, flavorings in the list of ingredients
Freshnessthe expiration date has not expired (varies between different brands: 3 – 8 months)there is no expiration date or production date on the package; storage period has expired
Humiditydry dense crispy productswet soft sticky sticks

It is better to choose well-known brands with a positive reputation. But even their products should be carefully checked.

How to make your own corn sticks

Products are prepared in a regular kitchen or using special equipment.

On professional equipment

The sticks are prepared using special equipment. For conveyor production of delicacies, you can purchase special equipment: a household extruder, a screw conditioner. For this recipe, the components are taken “by eye”.

Cooking steps:

  1. Corn grits are ground in a coffee grinder. Evaluate the size of the grains: they should be the same. A mass consisting of different fractions will be saturated with moisture unevenly, and lumps will appear in it.

  2. Place dry raw materials in a screw conditioner and fill it with slightly heated salted water. The mass should be mixed evenly for 3 hours. Make sure that the humidity in the apparatus is maintained at the same level - 25%.
  3. Well-broken wet cereal is placed in an extrusion device, heated to 200 degrees, and foamed. A homogeneous corn foam is obtained.
  4. The device squeezes the dough into a drying container, cutting off identical sticks with a mechanical knife. The products are dried to a standard humidity level of 5%.
  5. The finished air strips are glazed. First, they are coated with transparent vegetable oil, then in a mixing drum they are combined with powder additives (sweet powder, fine salt, herbs).

If you use professional technology and strictly follow the instructions for creating sweet sticks, the product will not differ from the factory version.

Simplified home method

Such products are much denser and heavier. They are softer inside than the factory version.


  • milk (natural, any fat content) – 70 ml;
  • flour (corn, fine grinding) – 0.1 kg;
  • butter (you can use the same amount of lean butter) – 50 ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.

Cooking steps:

  1. Any liquid oil is combined with milk and left to simmer over low heat until it boils.
  2. Add flour in small portions, constantly stirring the liquid. This will prevent lumps from appearing.
  3. Remove the brewed flour from the burner and cool.
  4. Pour the eggs into the corn mixture and beat.

  5. The pastry bag is filled with thick dough.
  6. Squeeze the sticks out of the mass onto the parchment paper that is used to cover the baking sheet. You can also draw other figures.
  7. Products are baked at 160 degrees for 25 minutes.

Sticks baked at home may become covered with a golden, crispy crust during baking. These homemade sticks are a bit like cookies. This makes their taste rich, “homemade”.

Corn sticks are introduced into the diet with caution: after checking with a doctor, having studied the composition of the products. But even in the absence of contraindications, you should not consume several packs of the product per day. Small portions of fortified sticks will be beneficial and will give you a feeling of fullness.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

What can you make from corn sticks?

The sweet delicacy is consumed as an independent product and used to prepare various desserts: cakes, cookies or pastries. Many culinary masterpieces made from corn sticks do not require heat treatment. If you have a simple set of necessary products in your house, then you can make a cake from corn sticks. To prepare you will need:

  • corn sticks - 1-2 packs (depending on what size cake you want to make);
  • condensed milk – 1 can (you can take boiled condensed milk);
  • butter – 1 pack;
  • chocolate – 1 bar;
  • bee honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • cocoa powder – 2–3 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh or frozen berries (may not be used in cooking).

Two-thirds of a stick of butter, half a can of condensed milk and honey should be mixed and beaten well with a mixer. This will be the cream for the cake. Add cocoa to the prepared thick mass and beat well again with a mixer. Pour corn sticks into a deep bowl; you can cut them first. Place the prepared cream here and mix, trying to coat each stick with it. Cover the prepared container with cling film and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Place the mixed mass into the mold and compact. After this, put the cake in the refrigerator for 40–50 minutes. Before serving, place berries on top for decoration.

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