Is it worth eating corn flour for weight loss, what are the benefits and harms for those losing weight?

Corn flour is endowed with beneficial properties. They say that it is harmless and brings only one benefit. This miracle product is useful for losing weight and healing the body. Cooked dishes will give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. But it is not recommended to base the weight loss process on it alone. What is corn flour, what are the benefits and harms for weight loss, we will consider further.

Chemical composition

Corn flour is ground whole corn kernels with germ and shell. It has a white or yellow color and comes in fine, medium and coarse grinds. Coarsely ground dark-colored durum corn flour is considered healthier. Corn flakes, which are in great demand, are made from it. Fine grinding is suitable for sweet sticks. For porridges, polished cereals are suitable, which are boiled in water or milk.

Corn flour is considered a healthy carbohydrate. It contains essential vitamin components, organic compounds and minerals. High-calorie, 100 grams contains 331 kcal. In the balance of BJU, 56% is occupied by carbohydrates; 22% – dietary fiber; 9% – proteins; 2% – fats. The composition contains vital microelements, vitamins “B”, “K”, “E”, “PP”, ascorbic acid “C”, iron, zinc, selenium. The ground grain contains fat-soluble vitamins A, beta-carotene, and alpha-carotene. In order not to oversaturate the body with carbohydrates, nutritionists recommend taking 100 g of the product per day.


The composition of corn flour and its calorie content may vary depending on the plant variety and production method. The average data is as follows.

Calorie content per 1 glass is 422 kcal. This volume contains:

  • 8.5 g fiber (34% DV);
  • 32% daily dose of phosphorus;
  • 26-27% each of manganese, magnesium and selenium;
  • 22% vitamin B6;
  • 19% vitamin B1;
  • 15% iron;
  • 13% each of zinc and copper;
  • 11% each of niacin and potassium;
  • 8% pantothenic acid;
  • 7% folate;
  • 6% vitamin B2.

Also, a high-quality product that has not been deeply processed contains quite a lot of antioxidants. Mainly polyphenolic group. The trace element selenium is also often classified as an antioxidant, since without its participation such a powerful internal antioxidant of the human body as glutathione cannot be synthesized.

The bulk of flour fiber comes from its insoluble forms: amylose, cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose.

What are the benefits of corn flour?

High-calorie corn flour is classified as a cereal crop and is considered healthier than wheat flour:

  1. It is easily digestible, helps the gastrointestinal tract function without causing fermentation.
  2. Helps strengthen blood vessels, making them more elastic. Iron affects the renewal of blood cells.
  3. The fluoride contained is needed for the skeletal system.
  4. Magnesium trace elements affect memory.
  5. Vitamins are involved in cell rejuvenation.
  6. Muscle tone is maintained with the help of protein.
  7. The potassium content contributes to normal heart function.
  8. In older people, consuming the product slows down the development of senile dementia.
  9. Children who love corn have strong and healthy teeth.
  10. As a hypoallergenic complementary food, it is introduced into the diet of a newborn from six months of age. Corn tortillas reduce toxicosis in pregnant women, and increase the flow of breast milk in nursing women.

Is corn flour made from natural corn kernels healthy? The answer is "Yes". A natural, high-quality product supports the normal state of the body. The ancient Indians were the first to appreciate it. They needed healthy food for strength and increased endurance. The South American population considers it a national product. The Slavic peoples did not immediately take corn dishes seriously.

Along with the positive aspects, there are also contraindications:

  1. For patients with poor blood clotting, such a product will be dangerous.
  2. Individual intolerance to the product, allergic reaction.
  3. Exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Liver problems, cholelithiasis.

Beneficial features

  1. Gluten free. This is one of the main explanations why cornmeal is beneficial. Some experts believe that this is important only for those people who have hypersensitivity to gluten or true intolerance to this protein. However, according to another point of view, gluten is a pro-inflammatory agent for all people without exception. Namely, chronic low-grade inflammation in the body, which usually goes unnoticed, is one of the main causes of the development of many serious illnesses (cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, arthritis, etc.).
  2. Abundance of fiber. 100 grams of product contains 34% of the daily value of this essential nutritional component. The types of plant fibers found in flour are fermented by beneficial intestinal microflora. This not only supports the intestinal microflora itself, but also improves digestion, in particular avoiding constipation.
  3. Anti-inflammatory properties. The absence of gluten, the presence of fiber and antioxidants, makes corn flour a product that helps reduce inflammatory activity in the body and thus helps prevent many serious diseases.
  4. The presence of a large number of vitamins and microelements. The product contains a lot of certain vitamins and microelements. You can describe the beneficial properties of each of them for a long time. But in terms of considering the benefits and harms of corn flour, it is enough to simply say that they exist. And there are many of them.

Corn flour for weight loss

The aromatic, healthy product is classified as a dietary supplement:

  • the grain product contains anthocyanins, which have properties to destroy fatty deposits;
  • with its help, the metabolism in the body is stabilized, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized;
  • gives a feeling of quick satiety due to the fiber content;
  • when digested in the large intestine, carbohydrates do not turn into fat;
  • the composition contains a lot of starch.

There is no standard that regulates the consumption of dishes made from corn. Despite its high calorie content, it is easily digestible and affects blood cholesterol levels.

Positive properties of corn flour

Research into the composition of corn processing products is carried out everywhere. Scientists have found that corn grain contains:

  1. Vitamin C, which protects the body from the development of cancer cells, improves immunity, heals external and internal damage faster, removes harmful substances and promotes metabolic processes,
  2. Vitamin B1 (thiamine), which has a tonic and healing effect on all human organs,
  3. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which helps increase life expectancy, protects against aging diseases, improves the restoration of nerve cells, prevents obesity and optimizes more than a dozen other properties of the living organism,
  4. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is a hormone of joy and optimism, which promotes rejuvenation and stabilization of cardiac activity, hematopoiesis and optimizes the general condition of the body,
  5. Anthocyanins are plant glycosides that destroy harmful microflora, increase the production of red blood cells, are necessary for the functioning of vision and are a preventive measure against obesity,
  6. Dietary fiber, its presence in food, improves metabolism, reduces bad cholesterol, and regulates blood sugar.

Users of the World Wide Web ask a lot of questions about corn flour, whether it can be used as food when losing weight.

Based on the composition, nutritionists claim that the unique ratio of beneficial components in this product will be useful for those who want to lose weight.

Statistics on the population of Latin Americans show that the proportion of people suffering from obesity in them is much lower than in other countries on Earth.

Which is better - corn or wheat flour?

When losing weight, preference is given to a product made from ground corn grains considering it:

  1. Compared to white wheat, it is low in calories.
  2. Having a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. By regulating metabolism, it helps remove waste and toxins.
  4. The high content of nutrients improves the condition of the body.

However, when using corn flour for a diet, it must be selected correctly, taking into account the composition, quality, grinding, and storage conditions.

Corn flour: characteristics and applications

During the Soviet period, corn flour was not particularly popular in Russia. But now it is increasingly being added to a variety of dishes. This is largely due to the product’s ability to cleanse the intestines and reduce weight. However, its healing properties do not end there.


Corn flour basically contains corn kernels. It is characterized by a rich chemical composition and easy digestibility. The basis of the product is starch. It contains high beta-carotene content.

The composition contains vitamins A, E, B1 and B2, PP, and minerals - iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium. Finally, it contains amino acids that are essential for the functioning of the body.

A special feature of the product is the absence of gluten in its composition. The latter is a protein component present in grains of wheat and rye. For gluten intolerance and celiac disease, corn flour is used as an alternative to rye and wheat flour.

Corn flour has a fairly high calorie content. Its nutritional value is 331 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Whole wheat flour contains more fiber and fewer calories. It is widely used for the production of PP desserts and dietary dishes, which is due to the peculiarities of its effect on the body and its excellent ability to fit into the regulatory values ​​of KBZHU.

As for BZHU, the flour indicators are as follows: proteins - 7.2 g, fats - 1.5 g and carbohydrates - 72.1 g per 100 g of product. It contains fiber - 22% per 100 g of the daily requirement for a person. The glycemic index (GI) is 70, so its consumption does not cause insulin spikes.


  • Due to its high calorie content, corn flour is nutritious. It should be present in the diet of athletes and people experiencing increased physical activity. The high content of protein and amino acids in flour makes its use desirable for building muscle mass.
  • Thanks to nicotinic acid, antioxidants and iron in its composition, flour improves the functioning of the vascular system. With regular use, the elasticity of vascular walls increases, capillary permeability improves, and hemoglobin levels increase. Flour also helps lower cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The product is useful for atherosclerosis.
  • The potassium in the composition acts as a heart strengthening agent. The presence of calcium makes corn-based flour beneficial for the skeletal system and teeth. The product also protects against high blood pressure.
  • The presence of starch suggests that corn flour is beneficial for the stomach. It demonstrates an enveloping, protective effect. Thanks to this, the walls of the stomach are less affected by aggressive components. This allows you to get rid of heartburn, bloating and abdominal pain.
  • Unlike wheat flour, which clogs the intestines, corn flour, on the contrary, cleanses it. This is due to the large amount of fiber in its composition. Passing through the intestines, these indigestible particles literally scrape waste and toxins from its walls and remove them from the body. As a result, you feel better and the feeling of bloating and heaviness in the stomach disappears. Intestinal motility improves and metabolic processes are activated. Food begins to be processed better and faster, which means it brings more benefits to the body. These properties of corn flour make it possible to use it for weight loss.
  • The flour receives positive reviews from people suffering from kidney stones and inflammation of the gallbladder. This is due to the choleretic properties of the product, the ability to destroy and remove small stones from the kidneys. It also improves the condition of the bladder, relieves inflammation, and normalizes urination.
  • Flour is also useful for type 2 diabetes, as it reduces sugar levels and cholesterol levels. True, these should be porridges or oven-baked dishes without added sugar. It is introduced into the diet of tuberculosis patients, and it demonstrates a healing effect in poliomyelitis and epilepsy.

Corn flour: benefits and harms when losing weight

Baking with white flour leads to extra pounds. It contains minimal amounts of nutrients. Therefore, various types of cereal flours have appeared in health food stores. One of them includes corn. It contains starch, which is completely absorbed without storing fat, and the fiber it contains cleanses the intestines. Without health problems, you can consume it constantly without harm to your figure.

Baked goods (which you can’t do without) are less harmful. The sweetish taste limits the addition of sugar to the dough. It is possible to arrange fasting days on flour porridge. Using corn as a basis, they create mono-diets. When losing weight, corn flour, as a natural product, is not harmful.

Why are the benefits of the product mostly theoretical?

  1. Excess carbohydrates. A cup of cornmeal contains 90 grams of carbohydrates. And of this, only 8.5 grams are fiber. Everything else is easily digestible compounds that are mainly harmful to the body. They increase sugar levels, promote the formation of fat deposits and increase appetite. To saturate the body with the beneficial compounds that are in corn flour, you need to eat a lot of it. This means that you will have to introduce excess carbohydrates into yourself.
  2. Phytic acid. The product contains many microelements. But it also contains a lot of phytic acid, a substance that impairs the absorption of minerals and other useful components of food. Phytic acid is found in all seeds, nuts, cereals, and legumes. However, they can be soaked. And then the amount of this compound will decrease. It is impossible to soak flour.
  3. Combination with other harmful components. Corn flour is commonly used for baking. Therefore, they are often loaded with other harmful components, such as sugars. Since this type of flour does not produce fluffy baked goods, it is often simply added to regular wheat flour. That is, the product actually contains very little corn product. Therefore, such baked goods do not have any specific healing qualities.

Corn flour for weight loss: advice from nutritionists

To lose weight, nutritionists recommend preparing dietary dishes by adding corn flour. It is better to consume cooked food in the first half of the day. Drinking regime plays an important role. Porridge made from ground corn, swelling in the stomach for a long time, causes a feeling of fullness. The feeling of hunger after breakfast occurs several hours later. It is included in the diet for fighters who have high physical activity.

When creating a menu using a product, it is necessary to calculate the number of calories per serving. Flour and cereals are 90% digestible. Heat treatment increases this figure by 4%. To obtain the effect, it is recommended to combine it with other processed grain products.

What is the difference between corn flour and wheat flour? Corn flour: characteristics and applications

During the Soviet period, corn flour was not particularly popular in Russia. But now it is increasingly being added to a variety of dishes. This is largely due to the product’s ability to cleanse the intestines and reduce weight. However, its healing properties do not end there.


Corn flour basically contains corn kernels. It is characterized by a rich chemical composition and easy digestibility. The basis of the product is starch. It contains high beta-carotene content.

The composition contains vitamins A, E, B1 and B2, PP, and minerals - iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium. Finally, it contains amino acids that are essential for the functioning of the body.

A special feature of the product is the absence of gluten in its composition. The latter is a protein component present in grains of wheat and rye. For gluten intolerance and celiac disease, corn flour is used as an alternative to rye and wheat flour.

Corn flour has a fairly high calorie content. Its nutritional value is 331 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Whole wheat flour contains more fiber and fewer calories. It is widely used for the production of PP desserts and dietary dishes, which is due to the peculiarities of its effect on the body and its excellent ability to fit into the regulatory values ​​of KBZHU.

As for BZHU, the flour indicators are as follows: proteins - 7.2 g, fats - 1.5 g and carbohydrates - 72.1 g per 100 g of product. It contains fiber - 22% per 100 g of the daily requirement for a person. The glycemic index (GI) is 70, so its consumption does not cause insulin spikes.


  • Due to its high calorie content, corn flour is nutritious. It should be present in the diet of athletes and people experiencing increased physical activity. The high content of protein and amino acids in flour makes its use desirable for building muscle mass.
  • Thanks to nicotinic acid, antioxidants and iron in its composition, flour improves the functioning of the vascular system. With regular use, the elasticity of vascular walls increases, capillary permeability improves, and hemoglobin levels increase. Flour also helps lower cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The product is useful for atherosclerosis.
  • The potassium in the composition acts as a heart strengthening agent. The presence of calcium makes corn-based flour beneficial for the skeletal system and teeth. The product also protects against high blood pressure.
  • The presence of starch suggests that corn flour is beneficial for the stomach. It demonstrates an enveloping, protective effect. Thanks to this, the walls of the stomach are less affected by aggressive components. This allows you to get rid of heartburn, bloating and abdominal pain.
  • Unlike wheat flour, which clogs the intestines, corn flour, on the contrary, cleanses it. This is due to the large amount of fiber in its composition. Passing through the intestines, these indigestible particles literally scrape waste and toxins from its walls and remove them from the body. As a result, you feel better and the feeling of bloating and heaviness in the stomach disappears. Intestinal motility improves and metabolic processes are activated. Food begins to be processed better and faster, which means it brings more benefits to the body. These properties of corn flour make it possible to use it for weight loss.
  • The flour receives positive reviews from people suffering from kidney stones and inflammation of the gallbladder. This is due to the choleretic properties of the product, the ability to destroy and remove small stones from the kidneys. It also improves the condition of the bladder, relieves inflammation, and normalizes urination.
  • Flour is also useful for type 2 diabetes, as it reduces sugar levels and cholesterol levels. True, these should be porridges or oven-baked dishes without added sugar. It is introduced into the diet of tuberculosis patients, and it demonstrates a healing effect in poliomyelitis and epilepsy.

What dietary food can be prepared from corn flour?

All peoples of the world prepare food from corn. In Moldova they prefer mamalyga (steeply brewed porridge), in Italy polenta is held in high esteem. In Russia, flat cakes are made from it - a dietary product that replaces bread. For the dough, use medium or fine flour. Pancakes and pancakes with a rich taste that you can prepare for breakfast without worrying about your figure. Corn dough is used for baking meat, vegetables and fish.

In cooking it is considered a universal additive that easily replaces white flour. At the same time, the baked goods do not suffer in quality and nutritional value; they turn out to be tender in taste and crumbly.

A dietary dish made from corn flour for weight loss includes porridge. Prepare it with water or milk:

  • in 100 g it contains 86 kcal;
  • balanced beneficial elements have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • During heat treatment, a minimal amount of useful substances is lost;
  • It is recommended to eat corn porridge up to three times a week;
  • crumbly porridge is obtained from large grains; for thick and viscous grains, fine grains are used; homogeneous ones are cooked from flour or flakes.

Add up to five parts of water to one part of the cereal, bringing it to the desired consistency. Cook for 40 minutes, first over high and then over moderate heat. By adding vegetables, fruits or berries to it, it is possible to double the benefits received.

How to select and store

Corn flour is inexpensive. There is no point in faking it. But you can accidentally buy a caked and expired product. Choose packaging with a manufacturing date within the last 2 months. Store cornmeal for no more than 5 months.

High-quality corn flour for delicious recipes for weight loss has a sweetish taste, does not taste bitter, does not stick to your hands, and is uniform in texture.

  • Be sure to empty the product from the plastic bag. Store in a clean glass container with a well-fitting lid that has holes in it. You can make them with a gypsy needle. The flour must “breathe”.
  • To prevent the flour from getting damp, place a bag of salt inside. Twist a piece of gauze with rock salt, just like our grandmothers did.

Place a clove of garlic, bay leaves or chestnut in the jar. This will protect against insects.

Corn flour for weight loss: which one can you buy in Russia

Dietary recipe for bread with cornmeal

Homemade bread made from wheat flour is considered a high-calorie product. When losing weight, this is an unacceptable pleasure. By replacing white wheat flour with corn flour, you can bake delicious bread. You rarely see cornbread on store shelves. It tastes sweetish, has a bright yellow color and the smell of corn. Low-calorie baked goods containing useful elements have a positive effect on digestion and regulate metabolism.

For yeast-free dough, take 2 tbsp. flour (one - corn, 1 - whole grain) and sift into a container. Add a teaspoon of soda, 10 grams of baking powder, and a pinch of salt. In another container, beat one chicken egg and 350 ml of kefir, two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix with dry ingredients and place in the oven at 180 degrees for thirty minutes.

Corn flour bread is not recommended for people suffering from underweight; it is contraindicated for gastritis, cholecystitis, and intestinal ulcers.

Calorie content and BZHU

Let's consider the composition of the most correct product for weight loss - medium-ground yellow corn flour. The percentage of the average daily value for an adult is indicated in parentheses.

Per 100 grams:

  • Calorie content - 361 kcal (18%)
  • Glycemic index - 70 (high!)
  • Proteins - 6.9 g (14%)
  • Fats - 3.9 g (6%). Of these, omega-6 fatty acids (FA) - 1706 mg and only 53 mg omega-3 FA
  • Carbohydrates - 76.8 g (26%)
  • Dietary fiber - 7.3 g (29%)


In corn flour recipes, more than 4 tablespoons are rarely used. And what’s especially good: if you decide to replace wheat flour in pancakes or cheesecakes, then you can use less corn flour. Approximately by 30%. This will give us reduced calories and fewer carbohydrates.

In the table in the figure you see how easy it is to overdo it with calories if you rely on corn flour without calculation. Remember: the pp diet requires precision. Weigh and count. Count and weigh!

Most often, in your favorite baking recipes, you will use 3-4 tablespoons of flour. This amount contains at least 250 kcal.

Recipe for diet cornmeal cookies

To prepare the dough you will need 300 grams of corn and whole grain flour. 3 tbsp. l. sesame seeds and cinnamon (to taste) are mixed with a small amount of water. Add flour, a packet of dry yeast, and salt. Mix together with flour until smooth. Add two beaten eggs and 100 g of olive oil. Thinly rolled dough is cut into a glass. Place cookies on a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake for twenty-five minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

According to nutritionists, it is recommended to add a product made from corn grains to the menu for those who are over thirty years old. Having crossed this age, many people have the problem of excess weight. Corn is considered an effective and safe way to lose extra pounds. When starting a corn diet, it would not hurt to initially consult a doctor who will help you evaluate the benefits and harms of the cereal you are taking. The product is not very popular in Russia, despite the fact that valuable components can have a positive effect on the body.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Use and storage of corn flour

Shelf life is no more than 3 months. All technical requirements and deadlines are outlined here.

Storage conditions: temperature 20±5 °C and relative humidity - no more than 70%. The storage place must be clean, dry and well ventilated.

There is an opinion that if you strictly follow the storage conditions of the product or store the flour in the refrigerator, the shelf life increases to 6 months. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that with increasing shelf life, the content of nutrients in flour significantly decreases and the quality of the product decreases. So the choice is up to the consumer.

Side effects and contraindications

  1. Corn flour is considered a dangerous product with poor blood clotting, since the enzymes it contains can increase its density, which will negatively affect the general condition of the body.
  2. Another common contraindication to the use of corn flour is individual intolerance and allergy to the product, so when introducing the product into the diet, care should be taken to avoid possible side effects.
  3. It is not recommended to consume such flour in case of increasing problems with the digestive and digestive systems, as this can cause even more inflammation, which can lead to many unpleasant consequences.
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