Exercises for the buttocks for men - instructions on how to pump up a man’s buttocks at home (120 photos + video lessons)

Many athletes do not consider it necessary to pump up the buttocks, working only on the classic muscle groups of the arms, chest, back and legs. They believe that girls need to take care of this part of the body more than boys.

In fact, men can benefit just as much from effective butt exercises.

Benefits of classes

Elastic and relief forms not only look beautiful, they are also physiological. There are many significant reasons for men to take a closer look at exercises for the buttocks.

The buttocks are the largest muscles in the human body, they are the ones that are involved in abducting the legs to the sides and generally provide a person with upright posture, why then do many athletes not pay due attention to them?

Pumped up buttocks allow athletes to more effectively perform a number of basic exercises.

Well-developed muscles relieve some of the tension from the back and lower back, which is especially important during intense training or during physically demanding work.

Men with a toned backside are more popular with women. Contrary to popular belief, girls consider the buttocks a sexier part of their partner’s body than the hands or eyes - this is inherent in nature itself.

It has long been proven that a man with toned buttocks is unconsciously perceived by ladies as a strong male who is able to “harvest a mammoth” and leave healthy offspring.

There are many arguments in favor of training the spicy part of the body. This applies to athletes of both sexes, and thanks to their anatomical structure, guys are even easier to pump up their butts than girls.

Regular exercises for the buttocks by men at home or in the gym can achieve excellent results.

Gluteal bridge

Starting position - lying on your back, feet firmly on the floor, knees bent. The lower back lies on the floor, arms along the body, palms down, shoulder blades pulled together. The gaze is directed straight. Beginning of the exercise - the buttocks and lower back are lifted off the floor and raised as high as possible. The emphasis should be on the feet and shoulders, and the hands should also be on the floor. Fix in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions – 15 times.

Advice. Breathing during exercise should be free.

Contraindications. Intestinal problems, hernias and pain in the cervical spine.

Where is the best place to train?

As practice shows, the best exercises for male buttocks are squats with weights, lunges, gluteal bridges and others that do not require special equipment.

Therefore, you can successfully develop the muscles of various areas on your own or in the gym.

Training at home is suitable for young people who do not have the opportunity or are embarrassed to visit a fitness club.

For a faster and more significant result, it is advisable to have at least prefabricated dumbbells in your arsenal, but for the first time, various objects (bottles filled with water, bags, etc.) will do.

Check out some training recommendations, watch videos of exercises on the Internet for pumping up the buttocks for men and go for it. The main secret to success in any business is a positive attitude.

So is it worth paying for a subscription, or can you successfully study at home? A significant advantage of training in a fitness club is the availability of exercise equipment, thanks to which you can work on all muscles as effectively as possible.

It should be noted that there is plenty of all the necessary equipment, which allows men in the gym to perform exercises for the buttocks with weights.

A large selection of dumbbells and barbells will allow you to gradually increase the load over time. Also, in a specialized center you can always seek advice from a professional trainer.

Everyone must decide for themselves where it is best for them to train. If you work hard on yourself, you can achieve success in any conditions.

Men's program for pumping gluteal muscles

A set of exercises for pumping up the male buttocks in the gym should be compiled individually for each athlete. If it is not possible to use the services of a professional fitness trainer, a guy can engage in the following program, designed for a young man aged 20 to 35 years old who does not have serious health restrictions for strength training with weights:

  1. Monday:
  • walking at a fast pace on a treadmill – 15 minutes;
  • classic squats with a barbell – 4 sets of 15 reps;
  • lunges with dumbbells – 3*10;
  • running in place – 40 sec;
  • press crunches – 3*20;
  • swing your legs from a position “on all fours” with weights – 50 times for each leg;
  • walking on a stepper – 20 min.
  1. Wednesday:
  • walking on a stepper with minimal resistance – 15 minutes;
  • front squats – 3*20;
  • hyperextension with round back – 4*10;
  • walking with high hip lifts with weights – 3 minutes;
  • abduction of legs from a standing position in the simulator – 3*15;
  • wall squats – 2 minutes;
  • walking on a treadmill with a maximum angle of elevation of the mechanism – 10 minutes.
  1. Friday:
  • running in place with high knees – 10 minutes;
  • front squats – 3*15 reps;
  • classic squats with changing the position of the additional load – 4*10;
  • leg extension in the simulator – 3*10;
  • swing your legs back from a standing position with weights – 3*20 for each leg;
  • swing your legs to the side from a standing position with weights – 3*15 for each leg;
  • walking in a stepper – 15 min.

If discomfort occurs during the implementation of the above complex, you must stop training and consult a specialist for health problems.

Important Tips

The shape of the buttocks is determined by genetics, but with the help of sports you can reduce the amount of excess fat and significantly strengthen your muscles. Before you start choosing a suitable set of exercises, remember a number of essential rules:

Any workout should begin with a warm-up. It doesn't matter whether men do butt exercises at home or in the fitness center. To warm up your muscles, a regular jog or a short session on an exercise bike will do. If you ignore this rule, you can easily get injured.

Use basic and isolated exercises - the buttocks consist of three different paired muscles, so they should be affected differently.

Popular exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and weighted lunges are best for working your gluteus maximus muscles. The gluteus medius and minimus muscles should be trained by performing various leg swings. This will not add volume to the butt, but will give it more rounded contours.

Remember that it is useful to perform both dynamic and static butt exercises for men. The latter include a side lunge stand, a “chair” and many others.

Use a set of 3-6 exercises, do not exhaust yourself with a large number of approaches. Start with a small number of repetitions, increasing the load over time. Be sure to take into account your physical fitness and well-being.

Allow your muscles to rest - it is advisable to train one group no more than 2-3 times a week.

Pay close attention to your technique; this will not only protect your training, but also make it more effective.

Apply strength loads, but do not immediately chase heavy weights, linearly increasing the intensity of your workouts.

At the same time, you can do running, cycling or swimming. Aerobic training will not add volume to the back part of the body, but it will actively promote fat burning throughout the body.

Don’t forget about proper nutrition - to build muscle, an athlete’s diet must contain a sufficient amount of protein products, carbohydrates, vitamins and other useful microelements.

It is advisable to completely eliminate fatty foods, sugar and alcoholic drinks or consume them in moderation.

Remember that it will take complex work to achieve significant results. In addition to exercise, it is strongly recommended to follow a diet and generally lead a healthy lifestyle.

Exercises in the gym

The butt gyms have all the necessary equipment for an effective workout. In order to pump up the buttocks of a man who regularly works out in the gym, he needs to include special exercises for the butt in his training program: basic and isolating. The combined load will allow you to effectively work out the gluteal muscles and harmoniously strengthen the muscles in the hip area.

In order to effectively pump up your butt, you need to perform certain exercises on the buttocks, and also do not forget about warming up the muscles before starting classes and stretching.

An example of an effective workout in the gym:

  1. We start with a warm-up. The ideal option would be 20-30 minutes of cardio (preferably on an elliptical, this machine is effective for training for developing endurance and fat burning) and additional warming up of the legs (perform a few simple gymnastic exercises).
  2. When the muscles are ready for the load, you need to perform a set of the best buttock exercises for men. Start with squats, focusing especially on the gluteal muscles (make sure they are tense during the squats). Perform 4 sets of 10-12 reps.
  3. We do cross lunges (using a barbell): 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.
  4. We perform a leg press (make sure that the gluteal muscles are involved - they should bear the main load): 3 sets, number of repetitions: 10-12.
  5. Hyperextensions for the gluteal muscles: 3-4 sets of 10-12 times.
  6. We perform leg abductions (can be done in a crossover or with dumbbells). We perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  7. At the end of your workout, be sure to do some gentle stretching for your buttocks and thighs. Stretch diligently, but do not make springing movements during exercises - this can lead to injury to the ligaments.

Despite the fact that men do not need stretching as much as women, the benefits of stretching for a harmonious body structure cannot be denied. In addition, stretching helps the muscles relax and enhances the effect of strength training.


Squats for training the buttocks can be done in the gym, where all the necessary equipment is provided, and at home - if you have your own barbell. Classic squats will help not only tighten the gluteal muscles, but also strengthen the quadriceps femoris - this is one of the most effective and popular exercises for both men and women.


  1. Stand next to the power rack (the barbell is located on it).
  2. Take the bar, “dive” under it and press the trapeze.
  3. Lift the barbell, take a few steps away from the frame, and stand up straight with it on your shoulders.
  4. Do a smooth squat without lifting your feet off the floor, then also rise smoothly.

While doing this, try to breathe correctly: inhale when squatting, exhale when lifting. Keep your back straight and do not allow it to curve, and also make sure that your hips do not “fall” inward: maintain the correct position.

You can squat with dumbbells or even with “live weight” on your shoulders.

Video: weighted squats

Exercises for the buttocks on machines

In the gym, a man has the opportunity to effectively work on his gluteal muscles by performing two simple exercises on machines:

  1. Leg raises on the machine: do it slowly and exhale. Keeping your legs in the air with your gluteal muscles, move your legs as far apart as possible and hold in this position. As you inhale, bring your legs together: remember that during the exercise the body must remain motionless, work only with your buttocks.
  2. Back swings with one leg: performed with a leather cuff on the ankle (the lower block of the machine is engaged). You should be facing the scales: bend your knees slightly and squeeze your buttocks. As you exhale, smoothly move your leg with the cuff back along the trajectory of the semicircular leg, and while inhaling, return to the starting position.

It is recommended to do these exercises at the end of the main workout - this way they will give maximum effect.

Exercises with kettlebells

Kettlebells are an excellent weighting material that makes any workout more effective (and, accordingly, it is more difficult to perform exercises with them). For men, the use of these equipment is mandatory, since it is impossible to pump up the buttocks without thoroughly working out the muscles: you will have to work with weights in any case.

There are several effective exercises that can be performed with kettlebells:

  • Russian swings;
  • plie;
  • squats holding a weight above your head with one hand;
  • lunges with weights placed under the foot.

Choose the equipment carefully, according to your physical form - weights that are too heavy can lead to injury, and weights that are too light will not give the desired result. In order to work out your buttocks well and give them shape, you need to train them 2-3 times a week.

Leading exercises

As a rule, after a good warm-up, they begin the main activities. What exercises can men develop their buttock muscles? We have already named many of them.

The most popular here, of course, are squats, lunges and deadlifts, and for medium and small muscles - leg swings.

To enhance the effect of the exercises performed, use different weights - choose them based on your athletic form, gradually increasing the load.

The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it can lead to muscle strain and even more serious injuries!

At the end of any workout, it is advisable to stretch or perform static exercises. Let's take a closer look at the most popular basic exercises.

Squats to train the gluteus maximus muscles

Perhaps, squats are most often used by athletes of any gender who dream of getting firmer buttocks. For greater effect, exercises are performed with different weights - a barbell or dumbbells.

It is extremely important to understand how to perform squats technically correctly. Otherwise, there is a high risk of serious injury, because the exercise creates a strong load on the joints and ligaments.

Beginning athletes are better off seeking advice from a professional trainer.

The depth of squats should depend on the physical capabilities of a particular person. While performing the exercise, imagine that you are sitting down on a chair and linger a little at the lowest point. Returning to the top, tense your buttocks with effort, this will increase the effect of the load done.

It is recommended to perform 10-15 repetitions in three sets.

A set of 7 best butt exercises for men

Smooth movements that warm up the muscles and joints will help prevent any injuries and unpleasant incidents; you can start warming up with the “Scissors” or “Bicycle” exercise. Then basic exercises are performed directly to pump up the muscles, one after the other, complementing each other.

We have compiled a rating of the TOP 10 exercises for the buttocks - be sure to check them out .

An excellent start for pumping up the “fifth point” would be squats, you can continue with lunges, then load the gluteus maximus muscle with deadlifts and finish it off with a gluteal bridge. Then work the middle and small muscles with swings. At the end, it is advisable to do some stretching or some static loads. You can use both a stretching complex, joint gymnastics, and yoga. If you don’t have time for a full-fledged stretching and relaxation program, simply stretch each leg with leisurely movements and complete the workout with a contrast shower. Important! The first step before starting each workout should be a warm-up.

Squats with dumbbells

The main thing in this exercise (as in everything else, but especially here) is the correct technique. Squats for the buttocks for men give a fairly strong load , and if the force is directed incorrectly, it can go to the joints and ligaments, thereby causing injuries. This is the biggest difficulty of this exercise - to feel “how to do it right” and perform it, strictly following the technique. It works the gluteus maximus, hamstrings and indirectly the quadriceps. There are 4 more effective variations of dumbbell squats.

  1. Starting position - dumbbells in the hands, which are located along the body, the back is arched, the chest and shoulders are put forward, the legs should be placed at shoulder width, pressing the heels into the floor, you need to look strictly in front of you;
  2. When performing a squat, you make sure that your knees and toes are pointing in the same direction - slightly to the side. Moving to the bottom point, you inhale, and to the top point, exhale. The depth of the squat depends on your physical capabilities. To guide the bottom point, imagine that you are sitting on a chair and hovering there for a few seconds.
  3. Returning to the top, tighten your buttocks with effort. Thus, you will only increase the effect of the load done.

Also check out the 30 Day Butt Squat Challenge.

It is recommended to do squats in 3 sets of 10-15 times.
With gradual progress, the weight of the weight increases and the number of repetitions decreases. The weight for this and each exercise should be such that the last 2-3 repetitions are done with effort. Note! If you place some kind of support (books, folded towel) under your toes, then the effectiveness of the load will be maximum.


The difficulty of implementing this exercise is already increased due to the fact that in addition to the effect on the effort, you also need to control the coordination of the whole body. But all the difficulties pay off with well-developed and pumped up gluteal muscles, which, after some time, will delight you with their relief and elasticity. There are as many as 7 types of lunges for working the gluteal muscles.

  1. Starting position – body straightened, hands holding dumbbells and positioned along the body;
  2. The lunge is performed in this way: you step forward with one leg, obtaining a 90-degree angle at the knee , while the second leg remains in place and also bends at a right angle. The knee of the front leg should not go beyond the toe area.
  3. As you push back, you need to exhale and return to the top position.

You need to do 15-20 lunges on the left and right legs in 3 approaches. How to select weights is described in the exercise above.


By performing this type of training, you pump both the gluteal muscles and the back. It must be implemented smoothly and slowly, observing all technical requirements. The exercise is hard, but very effective. Find out the differences between the “Romanian” and “Dead” deadlifts here.

  1. Starting position - dumbbells or a barbell are in your hands and located close to the body at groin level. Straighten your back so that your shoulder blades are squeezed together.
  2. The load is applied in such a way that you lean forward while keeping your back straight. The pelvis moves back. The movement of the arms occurs downwards along the body. The legs are slightly bent at the knees for a beginner and strictly straight for an experienced athlete. Movements are smooth and measured. The main feature of these actions is a high-quality stretch of the femoral biceps.

Traction is carried out in 2-3 approaches of 10-15 times.

Gluteal bridge

The difficulty of performing this load is directly related to the weight of the weight that you choose for yourself. An excellent movement for pumping up the “fifth point”.

There are as many as 6 types of bridges for pumping up the buttocks.

  1. Starting position - lay a rug or blanket on the floor and take a lying position, while bending your knees and placing them as close to your body as possible. Weights in the form of dumbbells or pancakes should be placed on the pelvic area. The lower back is pressed into the floor.
  2. We exhale and push our pelvis up, getting the body from the neck to the knees like a taut string. We strain our buttocks with effort and create a slight twist in the back. Inhaling deeply, return to the floor.

For beginners, you need to perform the bridge 15-20 times in 2-3 passes, gradually adding weight.

Swing your legs back

The final exercise is isolating and is aimed at working the small and medium gluteal muscles and their main function - leg abduction. It is not difficult to perform, the main thing is to concentrate on the sensations. You must definitely feel tension in the fifth point, otherwise you are doing something wrong. See here about 4 different types of swings for legs and hips.

  1. Starting position - stand on all fours with emphasis on your knees, your back is straight, your gaze is directed forward.
  2. While inhaling, take one straight leg back, fix the position for 1-2 seconds and exhale, return it to place. Repeat similar steps for the other leg.

To finish off your buttocks, you need to do 2-3 approaches of 12-15 repetitions of the action on each leg.


An equally common exercise is lunges. To begin with, they can be done without additional weights and after some time add dumbbells or weights. You can start with 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions on each leg.

The difficulty in implementing this exercise lies in the fact that, among other things, you need to control the coordination of the whole body.

There are a lot of different exercises that successfully help develop the gluteal muscles - the same jumping rope, glute bridge, pistol squats, etc. Therefore, experiment and choose which exercises are best for you.

The main thing is not to try to immediately perform all the exercises you can remember; you should follow the moderation.

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