Exercises for every day for an ideal figure. Video training at home

Secrets for effective home workouts

  1. Make a personal list of exercises that will allow you to correct your own figure.
  2. It is advisable that no one from your household disturbs you while doing the exercises. Otherwise, you will have to constantly be distracted, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the workout.
  3. Turn on some music to make it easier and more fun to do the multiple sets you need to achieve great results.
  4. Create motivation for yourself. For example, look for a new swimsuit or beautiful underwear. And imagine how surprised your husband will be when he sees your slimmer figure in the appropriate “outfit.”
  5. Connect the correct diet to the set of exercises. Don't overeat sweets or fatty foods at night. Try to eat only balanced foods, with a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits.

The simplest and most effective exercises for slimness

Unfortunately, not every woman has the opportunity to go to the gym or attend sports classes at least a couple of hours a week. But everyone has a few minutes a day that she is ready to devote to her beauty. Let's tell you a secret, even 10 minutes a day spent on physical exercise, just a couple of times a week for a month, will significantly bring your figure closer to ideal. Of course, everything depends on willpower and the desire to be perfect. Proper nutrition also plays an important role in creating a slim figure. But first, seven of the easiest and most basic exercises will be enough to help you keep your whole body in good shape.


For the neck - 10 tilts to the right and left, a semicircle and one full circle in each direction. Let's not throw our heads back! Then make circular movements with your shoulders: 10 times forward and backward. The third step is to warm up your elbow joints. Let's move on to bending, here you can help yourself with your thigh: stretch it in the direction opposite to your hand. Next, make circular movements with the pelvis and knees, also 10 times to the right and left. Lastly, squats. Feet parallel to each other, then place one leg slightly forward. We squat and stretch our arms forward. Now feet inward, and squat again. Repeat with your toes pointing out - this helps warm up the joints in all directions. We also complete the warm-up with squats, but now at the lowest point we stretch both arms to the side.


This exercise is the most popular among girls who dream of making their body slim and toned.
It effectively works the muscles of the whole body, and also prepares it for subsequent physical activity. The most important rule for him is the precise execution of the technique. The plank perfectly strengthens the muscles of the arms, thighs and abs. We lie down on the floor and focus on our arms bent at the elbows and toes resting on the floor. The back and torso do not sag and form two parallel lines with the floor. To begin with, you need to be in this position for 20 seconds. Then we gradually add time as the body is ready.

Push ups

Push-ups are an integral part of a set of exercises for a beautiful figure. By doing them regularly, you will quickly get your whole body in order. And what is very important for girls, these exercises help tighten the shape of their breasts. We rest our toes and palms on the floor. We slowly lower ourselves until we touch the floor, and then just as smoothly return to the starting position, exhaling. In this case, the back, pelvis and legs should create a straight line.

Before you start doing classic push-ups, try lighter versions.

  • Wall push-ups. The most suitable type for beginner athletes. To perform this, you need to stand a short distance from the wall and rest your outstretched arms against it. Place your hands at shoulder width.
  • Bent over from the bench. At home, use a sofa or bed as support. The main thing is that it is not mobile and stands firmly on the floor. With this exercise, the lower chest muscles are well worked out.
  • From my knees. The body position is the same as for a classic push-up, only the knees are on the floor

Exercise for hips and buttocks

This exercise tightens the shape of the buttocks well and works on the relief of the hips. From a squatting position, lean forward and take a knee-elbow position. First, 10-15 lifts of the right leg are performed, then the left. It is also important to follow the execution technique. The back should be straight without bending, the leg bent at the knee joint should be raised to parallel with the floor, the toe should be directed towards the floor.


Squats provide the necessary balance for beautifully shaped hips and buttocks. Regardless of what goals you need to achieve (build muscle or, conversely, reduce volume).

Stand in the starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart. The knees remain motionless, the legs are slightly bent. Gently squat until your legs are parallel to the floor.

  • For weight loss. Perform from 3 to 5 approaches 10-15 times. To actively start losing weight, you need to take small weights. Dumbbells or even water bottles are suitable for these purposes. Beginners need to take a weight of 1 kg.
  • To build muscle mass. Repetitions are done for quality, not quantity. Therefore, the exercises are performed in 3 sets of 5-7 times. Slowly and efficiently working through squats.

Ab exercise

Exercises for working the oblique abdominal muscles will help you quickly get your tummy back in shape. From a supine position, clasp your hands behind your head. Raise your right leg, bending the knee, and try to reach it with your left elbow. Then we raise our left leg and reach our right elbow. Repeat 10-15 times.

Cardio exercise

With your hands and feet on the floor, get into a position similar to plank pose. Then bend your right leg at the knee and try to reach your nose with your knee. Now we change legs, stretch our left knee towards our nose. The exercise is performed quickly to create a cardio rhythm. We perform 10-15 times.

Removing the sides

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are clasped behind the head. We raise our legs one by one and try to reach the knee of our right leg to the right elbow, perform the exercise 15 times. And then we repeat the approaches with the knee of the left leg, reaching up to the left knee.

Another very effective exercise for eliminating extra centimeters on the sides is bending to the sides. The whole secret is to, when tilting to the right, place your left hand behind your head and pull it towards the left side, parallel to the floor. Then lean to the left and pull your hand in the same direction, feeling how the lateral abdominal muscles stretch.

Raising the leg up from the side-lying position

A simple but effective exercise for working the muscles of the legs and buttocks. A sure way to get rid of the “breeches” problem area. Lie on your side and stretch your legs. Place one hand on your elbow for support, and place the other on your upper thigh. The entire body should be in the same plane. The elastic should be in the middle of the calf. As you exhale, forcefully lift your upper leg as high as possible, while straining your buttock, and as you inhale, return to the starting position. Try to swing without jerking, feeling the muscles working.

Reps: 20 (each leg). Approach: 3.


A well-known exercise for slender legs and a toned flat stomach. Lie on your back, raise your upper body and lean on your elbows. Move the elastic band so that it is in the middle of the foot. Pull both knees towards your chest. From this position, straighten your legs alternately. Hold your straight leg suspended above the bed for a couple of seconds, then change. Using band resistance in this exercise will add additional stress to the front and back of your legs. And to “burn” your abs more, clasp your palms behind your head and raise your shoulders so that they are suspended. Maintain the feeling of tense abs as you work your legs.

Reps: 20 (each leg). Approaches: 2−3.

Leg extensions to the sides from a lying position

An exercise for the inner thigh that also affects the abdominal muscles. From a lying position, lift your straight legs up so that they are perpendicular to your body. As you exhale, spread them strictly to the sides, and as you inhale, put them back together, but so that the elastic does not sag. Try to keep your knees straight, do not arch your lower back and spread your legs as wide as possible. To stress your muscles more, use the tightest band possible and pull your feet towards you.

Reps: 25-30. Approaches: 2−3.

Glute bridge with hip extension

A life-saving exercise for girls who want to enlarge their butt, but are afraid to pump up their legs. The bridge has a targeted effect on the muscles of the buttocks, improving their shape and size. Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, legs bent, feet on the bed next to your pelvis. From this position, as you exhale, lift your pelvis as high as possible, pressing your heels into the bed and squeezing your buttocks. At the top point, spread your knees to the sides, forcefully overcoming the resistance of the elastic band. Then bring them back and lower your pelvis.

Reps: 20. Sets: 3.

Chest rows from a sitting position

The exercise allows you to work the latissimus dorsi muscles and improve your posture. Sit on the bed with your back straight, legs stretched out in front of you. Make sure they are straight. Hook the elastic band behind your foot and pull it towards your stomach, moving your elbows back. At the extreme point, try to connect your shoulder blades. To maintain a straight body position and not fall over, bend your other leg and hold on to it with your hand.

Reps: 30. Sets: 2.

Triceps exercise

This is a super exercise that creates a sculpted, toned shape of the arms and gets rid of sagging skin. Bend your legs, sit with your buttocks on your heels and straighten your back. Hold the fitness band in front above your chest with one hand, and bend the other at a right angle, holding the other end of the band. As you exhale, stretch it with effort, straightening your arm at the elbow joint to the end.

Reps: 10-15 (each arm). Approaches: 3.

The coolest set of exercises for an ideal figure

Recommendations for implementation

These exercises are best performed in circuit training mode. In this way, the maximum effect from physical activity is achieved and in addition to working out all the muscles, all metabolic processes are included in the work and our body begins to lose extra pounds. If you do them regularly, your figure will quickly become ideal and slim.

Repeat the following exercises for 6 days:

For even more simple and easy exercises for home workouts, watch the video

Exercise "Cat"

The back muscles also need physical activity - the “Cat” exercise is ideal for keeping them in good shape. It will also relieve you of lower back pain and help straighten your posture.

Get on your knees and place your palms on the floor - during the exercise, your arms should be straight and your legs bent at a right angle. Exhale deeply and arch your back upward, rounding it and lowering your head down. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Now repeat the same thing, only in the opposite direction: take a deep breath and bend your back down, raising your head up. Complete the exercise with a deep breath, returning to the starting position. Perform at least 5-10 repetitions.

Incorporate these exercises into your daily exercise routine for maximum results.
And to make the effect more noticeable, do not forget to adhere to proper nutrition. Text: Diana Snetkova

Exercises for an ideal figure every day

Every day exercises for an ideal figure should be simple, but capable of bringing the first visible results after just a few weeks of regular training. Only in this way will an athlete, working out at home, be able to maintain his motivation and exercise until he reaches his initially set goal.

For arms and shoulders

To effectively work out the muscles of the arms and shoulders at home, it is recommended to perform exercises that involve using both your own weight and additional sports equipment, such as dumbbells.

Before training, it is necessary not only to warm up the body, preparing it for the upcoming load, but also to set the pace for the work of the cardiovascular system.

ExerciseTechnique for its implementation
Circular rotations with weights
  1. Fix dumbbells of working weight in your hands (if you don’t have the usual sports equipment, you can use water bottles with a volume of one and a half liters, or books convenient for playing sports as weights); move your chest forward; place your feet at shoulder distance; lift your chin.
  2. Move your upper limbs to the sides without changing your body position.
  3. Controlling the frequency of breathing, perform 10 circular rotations with your hands clockwise, avoiding sudden movements. The exercise works only the lower parts of the upper limbs up to the elbow joint (hand and forearm).
  4. Change the direction of rotation and perform 10 circular movements counterclockwise.
  5. Inhale deeply and, releasing the air collected into the lungs, slowly lower your arms, thus taking the starting position (IP).
Weight lifts through the sides
  1. Stand up straight; move your feet away from each other at a distance of 15-20 cm; bend your back slightly forward in the thoracic spine; take weights in your hands.
  2. As you exhale, raise your arms to the sides until a right angle is formed between the upper limbs and the body.
  3. Fix the position for 5-7 seconds.
  4. Lower your arms to the original position as slowly as possible.
  5. Without pausing in the lower position, perform the required number of repetitions of swinging your arms to the sides.
Shoulder rotations
  1. Take a stable vertical position; straighten your back; slightly lengthen the neck; place your legs at a distance equal to the space between your shoulders; take working weights into your hands.
  2. Raise the upper limbs to the sides until right angles are formed in the armpits.
  3. Perform 10 clockwise rotations with your arms, using the entire limb completely (the moving part is the shoulder joint).
  4. Perform 10 rotational movements counterclockwise.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 as many times as necessary.
Push ups
  1. Lie on the floor, evenly distributing the total body weight between your hands, resting the backs of your hands on the floor and the tips of your straight toes.
  2. Pull your stomach in and make sure that all the main muscle groups of the body are tense.
  3. As you exhale, bend your arms and bring your body as close to the support as possible, avoiding bending in the lower back or thoracic spine.
  4. Without stopping, slowly return to the IP.
Weight press up
  1. Lie on a supporting surface with your back down.
  2. Take weights in your hands and press them to the chest area.
  3. As you exhale, straighten your upper limbs, thus moving the weights to a position above the body.
  4. As you inhale, bend your arms and return to IP.

For the chest

Every day exercises for an ideal figure involve working out the chest muscles, the tightness of which is important for both women and men. You can tighten your pectoral muscles with basic exercises.

ExerciseTechnique for its implementation
Bringing palms together
  1. Take a vertical position; place your feet as close to each other as possible; straighten your back, lift your chin.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbows and bring them together in the chest area, placing the backs of your palms against each other.
  3. Inhaling deeply and sharply releasing air from the lungs with a powerful stream, squeeze your palms as hard as possible, as if trying to move your hands from their original position. At the moment of tension, only the chest muscles should be involved.
  4. Record the state for 20 seconds.
  5. Slowly relax your upper limbs for 10 seconds.
  6. Repeat steps 3-4 as many times as necessary.
Raising walls
  1. Stand in the doorway; place your legs in any position; straighten your back; direct your gaze straight ahead; spread your arms to the sides, fixing the backs of your palms on the sides of the opening.
  2. As you exhale, tense your chest muscles, as if trying to move the walls apart, expanding the door arch.
  3. Hold the position for 20 seconds, then pause for no more than 5 seconds.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 as many times as necessary.
Raising weights from a lying position
  1. Lie down on a horizontal surface; press your lower back to the support; bend your legs at the knees and rest your feet on the floor; Fix dumbbells or improvised weights in your hands.
  2. As you exhale, without bending, spread your arms to the sides, pointing the backs of your palms with additional weights upward.
  3. Return the upper limbs to the original position and, without stopping, repeat step 2 the required number of times.
Raising weights from a standing position
  1. Stand up straight; place your feet apart at a distance equal to shoulder width; take weights in your hands; move your chest forward.
  2. Bend your body forward, bending your knees slightly and moving your buttocks back. Leave your hands in a free position below.
  3. As you exhale, spread your arms to the sides without changing the inclined position of your body.
Weighted bench press on a fitball
  1. Lie on the fitball with your back down (the fulcrum should be on the chest area); bend your legs at the knees and rest your feet on the floor; hold one load with both hands.
  2. Simultaneously with exhalation, “squeeze” the muscles by moving the dumbbell above you.
  3. Return your hands to the IP, trying not to change the position of your body, constantly balancing on the fitball.

For abdominal muscles

Every day exercises for an ideal figure will help strengthen the abdominal muscles, as well as speed up blood circulation and lymph flow in the pelvic area. This contributes not only to the external transformation of the athlete’s body, but also to the improvement of his health.

ExerciseTechnique for its implementation
Twists or crunches
  1. Lie down on a hard supporting surface; press your lower back; bend your legs at the knees and rest your feet on the floor; place your hands behind your head or cross them on your chest.
  2. Tear off the upper part of the body (to the shoulder blades) from the support, as if trying to reach your chin to your knees (as you exhale).
  3. Lower your back to the floor (as you inhale) and perform the required number of crunches at a moderate pace, controlling the frequency of your breathing.
  1. Lie on the floor with your back down; stretch your arms and legs up and down, respectively; direct your gaze to the ceiling.
  2. After another inhalation, making an effort with the abdominal muscles, raise the upper and lower limbs, bringing them together at a point that forms a perpendicular to the athlete’s body.
  3. Without resting, return to IP, and then perform as many repetitions of the specified abdominal exercise as possible.
Alternating knee plank
  1. Lie on the floor with your stomach down.
  2. Lift your body off the supporting surface, distributing the weight evenly between your hands on your elbows and your toes.
  3. Feel the extreme tension of all the muscles of the body.
  4. As you exhale, without changing the initial distance of the body from the floor, bend one leg at the knee and pull it to the chest, while simultaneously turning the knee in the appropriate direction.
  5. Return to IP.
  6. Perform step 4 using the other leg.
Full press raises
  1. Lie on the floor with your back down; cross your arms in the chest area or straighten them and bring them straight in front of you; stretch your legs in a natural position, securing it additionally from above (for example, the front of the foot can be placed under the sofa).
  2. As you exhale, take a sitting position without bending your back and while lifting, using exclusively your abdominal muscles.
  3. Return to the PI, avoiding sudden changes in the position of the body or limbs.
  4. While performing this exercise, you must ensure that your neck and lower back are relaxed. Otherwise, such a load can provoke muscle overstrain, which contributes to the occurrence of pain in the athlete’s body in the post-training period.
Rock climber
  1. Take a horizontal position with your stomach down, choosing the floor as your supporting surface.
  2. Lift your body from the support, distributing the mass between straight arms standing on the backs of your hands and straight toes.
  3. Tighten the muscles of your entire body as much as possible.
  4. Alternately pull the lower limbs to the chest, bending them at the knee to do this. The pace of the exercise is moderate.

For thighs and buttocks

Exercises for every day for an ideal figure, aimed at working out the lower body, are especially relevant for representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Basic exercises, which can be performed even at home or during a break at work, will help tone your buttocks and thighs, since they do not require a lot of energy.

ExerciseTechnique for its implementation
Leg bends at the knee joint
  1. Take a vertical position; place your feet apart at a distance equal to shoulder width; bend your back slightly in the thoracic and lumbar spine; straighten your arms and bring them in front of you, raising them to chest level.
  2. As you exhale, bend your knees and bring your buttocks closer to the floor until a parallel is formed between the floor and the back of the thigh. When performing a squat, it is important to ensure that most of the athlete’s weight falls on the heels, and the knees do not go beyond the visual boundaries of the feet.
  3. Straighten your lower limbs and return to IP.
Lunges forward with weights
  1. Stand up straight; place your feet close to each other; place your hands on your belt; raise your chin; straighten your shoulders.
  2. Simultaneously with exhalation, take a step forward with your left leg, bend it at the knee and perform a squat. When at the lowest point, the body weight must be distributed evenly between the two limbs.
  3. Having fixed the position for 2-3 seconds, take the original position.
Gluteal bridge
  1. Lie on a hard surface with your back down; bend your legs at the knees and rest your feet on the floor; place your hands in a free position along the body; direct your gaze upward; pull in your stomach.
  2. Leaning on your feet, lift your buttocks off the floor, lifting them straight up as high as possible.
  3. Fix the position for as long as possible.
  4. When the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thigh begin to tremble, perform several pushing movements with the hips upward, as if “hammering” the muscles.
  5. Slowly return the lower body to the IP.
Taking your legs back
  1. Get into the “on all fours” position; straighten your back; Direct your gaze to the floor so that your neck is a continuation of your torso.
  2. Take your right leg back and, without bending, bring it up.
  3. Hold the position for 3 seconds.
  4. Return the lower limb to its original position and do the same with the other leg.
Raising legs to the sides from a lying position
  1. Lie on your left side, choosing the floor as a supporting surface; straighten your legs; Tighten your stomach and buttocks as much as possible; minimize back arching.
  2. As you exhale, raise your right leg as high as possible.
  3. Without stopping at the top point, return to the IP.
  4. Repeat the above steps at a fast pace as many times as necessary.
  5. Turn over onto your right side and, following steps 1 – 4, work the lateral surface of your left thigh.

For legs

To maintain a figure in ideal shape, it is recommended to complete the daily set of exercises with a load on the lower part of the body - the legs. Such training helps to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, increase the endurance and strength of the athlete.

ExerciseTechnique for its implementation
Sumo squats
  1. Take a vertical position, placing your feet as wide apart as possible; place your hands on your belt or fix a weight in your hands; turn your feet into the opposite position.
  2. As you exhale, bend your knees and lower your buttocks to the floor until straight lines form in your hips. If it is necessary to increase the load, squats below the specified level are allowed.
  3. Without pausing, slowly return to IP, leaving your legs slightly bent.
Abduction of the lower extremities
  1. Stand near the wall, turning your face to it; Place the backs of your palms in front of you; place your feet as close as possible.
  2. Alternately, at an average pace, move the lower limbs back, lifting them as high as possible from the floor.
  3. Pause for 5-10 seconds.
  4. Turn your right side to the wall and, with similar abductions of your legs upward, work your left limb the required number of times.
  5. Turn your left side to the wall and repeat the described steps the required number of times.
Jumping from the lowest point
  1. Stand up straight; place the legs from each other at a distance equal to the space between the athlete’s shoulders; put your hands on your belt.
  2. Squat down, bending your knees and pressing your buttocks as close to your calves as possible.
  3. As you exhale, jump from the bottom point, rising as high as possible above the floor.
  4. Without lingering in a neutral position, after the jump, squat down again.
  5. Perform the required number of jumps, and then return to the IP.
Steps in place
  1. Take a vertical position; move your feet away from each other at a distance of 20-30 cm; put your hands on your belt; straighten your back.
  2. Sit down, slightly bending your lower limbs at the knee joints, and move your body forward.
  3. Place your right leg to the side, straightening it as you exit.
  4. Return the leg to the IP.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 at a fast pace the required number of times.
  6. Place your left leg and do the same on the other side.
Lock squatsThe principle of performing this exercise is as similar as possible to classic squats. The only difference is that in this case, throughout the entire work with the leg muscles, you need to keep them as close to each other as possible.

10-minute set of exercises for tightening the whole body

You should start a set of exercises to tighten your entire body with a warm-up and end with a cool-down.

The time spent on such stages is not taken into account when calculating the total duration of the express workout:

  1. Running in place with high hip raises – 2 min.
  2. Forward lunges with weights – 3*10.
  3. Knee push-ups – 10 reps.
  4. Plank with alternating knees – 3*5.
  5. Lying down crunches – 30 reps.
  6. Leg abduction to the sides and back – 15 for each direction.
  7. Jumping from the bottom point – 2 min.

To achieve visible results from express training, you must perform it daily, gradually increasing the load and number of repetitions.

As a physical activity for every day, it is not recommended to choose a long complex consisting of more than 10 exercises for different muscle groups. You can achieve an ideal figure with the help of basic training that can work the muscles of the whole body without spending a large amount of the athlete’s physical and emotional resources.

Knowledge of the execution technique, as well as the principles of compatibility of exercises, will allow you to independently create a training program, even for a person far from the world of sports.

Home workouts: no equipment required

Home bodyweight workouts include:

  1. Push-ups (10 times). If it’s difficult, do push-ups on your knees.
  2. Climber. Stand in a plank position with your arms extended, and then pull each leg toward your chest 15 times.
  3. Burpees (10 times). To make it easier, you can replace it with jump squats.
  4. Squats (20 times).
  5. Lunges (10 times on each leg). For variety, lunge to the side and back.
  6. Plank (30 seconds). If it’s very difficult with the classic one, try standing in a plank with your arms outstretched. For variety, include side planks for 30 seconds on each side.

This home workout plan is suitable for both men and women, only the former will need 4 circles, and the latter - 1-2. Beginners can do fewer exercises or sets at once, and then gradually increase their number.

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