Cindy Crawford’s exercises with photos and videos of training programs “Perfect body in 10 minutes” and “The secret of an ideal figure”

Hello my dear readers!

The world-famous model has developed a number of workouts - these are Cindy Crawford's exercises. In the 90s, video training was known in every country, and Russia was no exception. Let's try to remember an effective and easy workout with Cindy.

Cindy Crawford is one of the most famous supermodels in the world. The peak of her popularity came in the mid-90s, when she became the face of many fashion companies. During her career, Cindy was on the covers of more than five hundred magazines around the world, and was repeatedly included in the TOP of the most beautiful women in the world.

For her ideal figure and beautiful facial features, she was often called “every American’s dream.” In addition to her supermodel career, Cindy has released several exercise courses for losing weight and staying in good physical shape, which quickly gained popularity all over the world.

For the mid-90s, her video “The Secret of the Ideal Figure” became a real breakthrough in the field of home workouts. Her “Excellence” and “New Dimension” training programs were no less successful.

Well-chosen sets of exercises combined with Cindy’s incomparable charisma ensured success in the training courses.

How Cindy Crawford works

The model constantly maintains her shape through various physical activities. Cindy says:

“Everyone thinks that models initially have an ideal figure, but this is not true. I never focus on the things I like about myself, I constantly think about what I need to do. I really wanted to be slim, I was worried about my legs, arms, and waist. And now I don’t feel like a weak woman, I feel like a strong man. It's so hard to be beautiful."

Not favoring monotony, she limited her visits to the gym to the necessary minimum. Alternatives include active play, swimming in a pool, cycling and jogging in the park.

Together with professional trainers, the model has developed many exercises designed to improve your body. Let's consider the main ones in more detail.

9 exercises from Cindy Crawford that will transform your body in 10 minutes a day

In the 90s, the legendary supermodel released several video tutorials with exercises that were wildly successful. The “Ideal Body in 10 Minutes” set of exercises is simple and effective, it involves the main muscle groups, and does not require any equipment.

Don't forget to warm up before training and get in shape!

Cindy Crawford “Perfect Body in 10 Minutes” video

This set of exercises is intended for those who do not have time to engage in the above-mentioned regime, but have a great desire to bring their body into ideal condition. According to Cindy Crawford and the trainer who developed this complex, the effect of such exercises is the same as from a full workout. But provided that you do it every day.

Whether this course is effective or not - you will understand when you start doing it. But we just want to warn you that for such loads you will need preliminary physical preparation. So first try the exercise with Cindy Crawford “The Secret of the Perfect Figure”, and then move on to the intensive course “Perfect Body in 10 Minutes”.

And now, after watching the video, it’s time to move on from Cindy Crawford and her “Secret Perfect Body” to reviews of the opinions of those who have already started or completed classes in the system.

Squats: knees to the sides

Start your workout with leg exercises. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, spread your knees and feet out to the sides, and do 10 deep squats. Actively lift your hips up, placing your hands on your waist.


Another simple and effective leg exercise is the general forward lunge. Do the exercise 10 times.

Squats: "sit on a chair"

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the waist. Do the squats again, but a little differently: imagine that you are sinking into a chair. Repeat 10 times. After this exercise, do 10 forward lunges again.

Squats: feet together

Last round of squats: feet together, hands in front. Sit down 10 times. After the exercises, do 10 forward lunges again.

Partial push-ups

Now let's do some exercises for the abdominal and chest muscles. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with your hips and feet off the mat. Perform 2 sets of 10 push-ups.

Partial body lift

Lie on your back. Knees bent, hands behind head. Rhythmically raise the body 20 times, without completely lifting your back from the carpet.

Full body elevation

Starting position - lying on your back, bend your knees, arms extended behind your head, perform a full body lift. Repeat this exercise 20 times.

We train the abs

Try to pull your left elbow to your right leg, your right hand remains on the floor or on your stomach. Do the exercise 20 times, then switch arms and legs and repeat.

Legs up

Exercises for the lower abdominal muscles: Lie on your back with your arms extended along your body or placed under your back, as you prefer. Performed by twisting and lifting the legs up. And so 20 times.

Regular exercise

Crawford has never been a fan of gyms, and even her personal instructor developed the famous video lessons specifically to make the girl more interested in working out. “I like yoga and running, but old-school techniques work better for me, for example, those that Coach Radu developed for me and which we showed in my video lessons. Now I have a new trainer, with whom I work out at home three times a week. He makes me do push-ups, squats, and weight lifts.”

If my husband asks me to help move the couch, I want to know that I can do it. Knowing my strength has a positive effect on my psyche.

Fitness with Cindy Crawford. Why 90s aerobics is cooler than modern workouts

To avoid getting bored, the model tries to add variety to her classes. For example, she puts headphones in her ears, turns on music and runs up and down the stairs that go from her house to the beach for half an hour. Or he jumps on a mini-jumping board in his yard, and on weekends he often goes hiking with his friends.

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Set of exercises “The secret of an ideal figure”

For what reason is the video “The Secret to the Perfect Figure” demonstrated by Cindy Crawford and which we attached to this article so effective?

Primarily because it contains a full range of exercises for different muscle groups. Each workout begins with activating the main muscle groups and joints, that is, warming up. The warm-up is done without effort, jerking or tension - Cindy shows that all movements should be smooth, reminiscent of a dance. A sufficient length of warm-up and the inclusion of various types of exercises allows you to fully prepare your body for further work.

Many of the exercises included in Cindy Crawford’s complex were subsequently actively used by fitness instructors. It is no exaggeration to say that this training system has been the basis for various fitness programs.

“The secret of an ideal figure is not in nature, but in constant work on your body and discipline” (S. Crawford)

Pros and cons of classes

Cindy Crawford's sports programs have the following benefits:

  • Simplicity and moderate load. This makes exercise accessible to people of almost any age, health status and physical fitness.
  • The best choice is classic, but very effective exercises that put stress on the main muscle groups and all problem areas. Cindy's sports training is focused on making the female figure as attractive and seductive as possible.
  • The relaxed pace of classes avoids overload.
  • The magnificent figure of the supermodel, who acts as a leader in her workouts, serves as an excellent motivation for high-quality and regular exercise.
  • At the end of the workout, good stretching not only increases women's flexibility, but also brings the body into a relaxed state after exercise.

However, the video training “The Secret of an Ideal Figure” has a number of disadvantages:

  • Please note that Cindy’s set of exercises does not include cardio training, which is known to be the most effective for weight loss. Therefore, by training with the supermodel program, you will strengthen your muscles, but this program alone may not be enough to lose weight.
  • Regular and frequent training according to the Sindy system can lead to an increase in the volume of the arms and legs due to muscle growth, which will make the image less feminine.
  • For beginners, Cindy's fitness video training can be difficult, but for experienced athletes, on the contrary, the load may not be enough. And doing the same exercise from time to time is boring. Therefore, Cindy's training course would be useful to include in the training schedule, but in any case, they should alternate with other training and programs.

Features of the exercise set

You should not pay close attention to the fact that this set of exercises was compiled in 1992; for a significant period its effectiveness did not decrease. It should be noted that some women began to perform a set of exercises from the moment it appeared and continue to do it to this day, their physical shape is at a high level, and this once again confirms that the effectiveness of these exercises is very high.

In addition to Sydney herself, many famous models and stars are involved in performing these exercises. As mentioned earlier, the lessons for the model were compiled by the famous trainer Radu, and that is why they are so perfect.

The complex consists of strength exercises with various elements of aerobics, fitness and callanetics, and also includes elements of cardio and Pilates. The main advantage is that the exercises do not require special training equipment and devices. Cindy Crawford's workouts take up minimal of your precious time and you can easily do them at home.

The benefits also include that the exercises in the video will be performed in the company of a star, because she does all the actions with you, and let's face it, that's not bad company for sports!

Let's proceed directly to the complex, it consists of 3 different workouts, 2 of the complex, namely the second and third, are considered “complete”: you will have to spend about 40-45 minutes to complete each of them.

The first part will take only 10 minutes of your free time. Just 10 minutes, and you will become the owner of the same magnificent body as this famous model, sounds impressive, right? But it really works.

You should start the complex with the first ten-minute workout, and when your body adapts to the new loads, you should gradually begin to introduce workouts No. 2 and No. 3. After passing this stage, experts recommend alternating them as desired.

Attention! Programs 1 and 2 should not be completed in one day, and a 10-minute workout is suitable only for those who have just started doing exercises based on Cindy Crawford’s “Perfect Figure” video or for those ladies who do not have time for long exercises.

Basic principles of the Cindy Crawford program

  • Accepting and loving yourself in everything is the most difficult principle that not everyone can fulfill.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • And most importantly - sport, sport and once again sport, which prolongs life and gets the body in shape.

Do not confuse sport with tedious workouts until you sweat, Cindy’s exercises repeatedly confirm this. At first you will still have to work a lot, but with each training it will become easier and easier, you will not notice how you get used to such activities.

Where did aerobics start?

Jane Fonda is not only a famous American actress, but also the main ideologist of aerobics. When she broke her leg on the set of one of the films and could no longer attend her usual ballet studio, she switched to aerobics. At that time, gyms in the United States were geared toward bodybuilders, but in the late 1970s, Fonda began her fitness revolution. She began to open fitness clubs throughout the country, which trained according to the method named after her. In 1981, the American woman published the book “Workout with Jane Fonda,” and the next year the first video lessons based on the book.

The actress turned 45 when she began to popularize women's workouts and spawned a fashion for leggings, leg warmers and sports bodysuits. Girls in bright bodysuits and leggings demonstrated simple exercises to rhythmic music that required minimal equipment - a mat, a chair and a pair of dumbbells. The exercises were universal and not boring, at the same time all the muscles of the body were worked out, flexibility developed, the cardiovascular system was strengthened, and calories were burned.

In the 1990s, the Foundation's ideas were taken up by supermodels, who were then considered the ideal of beauty. Claudia Schiffer, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington, Cindy Crawford - these names thundered throughout the world. And although many models produced video tutorials on body improvement, it was Crawford’s lessons that gained wild popularity.

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