Beautiful body in 20 minutes a day: exercises with weights at home (PHOTO)

Why a kettlebell?

The first question I ask a kettlebell training expert is: why kettlebell?
“Its advantage is that it is a projectile with a shifted center of gravity,” says Maria Larina. — For a dumbbell or barbell, it is located exactly in the center, but for a kettlebell it moves closer to the bottom, because there is a handle on top. This design allows the weight, unlike other projectiles, to seem to fly.” What's the use of a flying weight? Maria explains: training with a kettlebell involves smooth and rotational movements that are impossible with dumbbells. You have to not only work with weight, but also control the force of inertia. This requires more effort and - what is important - the effort of the whole body, rather than a separate muscle group .

“Kettlebell exercises are almost never aimed at isolated muscles,” says Maria. - At first glance, it seems that the arms are mainly working, but most often they are only a conductor of energy, and it is actually the abs, hips or buttocks that are working.

The best exercises with a kettlebell

Let’s consider the “Three Heroes” kettlebell complex from the classic Wod CrossFit. It consists of effective exercises with kettlebells, known since the times of Tsarist Russia.

Let's look at each movement separately:

Kettlebell swing with one/two hands (swings)

Otherwise, this exercise is called “Russian swings” or shifts. Remember, the main thing in performing this movement is inertia, not the force of the shoulder muscles. As you lower the kettlebell, give in to the weight and allow it to pull you down, and then, springing your hips, throw it back up to shoulder level. One repetition is equal to one swing.

Swing a kettlebell with one hand

Hanging Kettlebell Chest Raise

Place the weight between your legs. Moving your pelvis back, grab the kettlebell by the handle. The gaze is directed forward. Press the weight towards your shoulder and at the same time turn your wrist with your palm facing forward. Lower the weight to the starting position.

Hanging Kettlebell Chest Raise

One-arm kettlebell snatch

The kettlebell snatch is a basic exercise in kettlebell lifting, which is aimed at developing endurance and working out the entire shoulder girdle. With the correct technique, your shoulders will become more powerful and strong.

One-arm kettlebell snatch

When performing exercises with a kettlebell for beginners, there are small concessions, for example, a beginner is allowed to hold the kettlebell with both hands, while in the professional version, only the hands change at the top point of lifting the kettlebell.

And additionally, you can suggest for working the chest and latissimus muscles:

Plyometric push-ups

To perform this exercise, start in a prone position with one hand on the floor and the other on a kettlebell. Perform a push-up and jerk yourself off the floor. Springing with both hands, smoothly touch the floor and repeat all over again.

Plyometric push-ups with kettlebell

One arm bent over row

To perform this exercise, hold a kettlebell in your right hand and lean your body forward. If you have recently started training, do repetitions with only one kettlebell; in the professional version, the exercise is performed with two equipment at once.

Bent-over one-arm kettlebell row

Deep squats with a kettlebell

Grab a light weight by the handle with both hands. Hold it at chest level. Perform a deep squat. Your thighs should touch your shins. Keep your back straight. The gaze is directed forward. The knees are turned to the sides. Pause at the bottom and rise to the starting position.

Kettlebell Squats

For amateurs, we recommend considering the following best exercises from the Forge of Sports. Over 30 exercises with one kettlebell!

The effect of training with a kettlebell

Before talking with Maria, I had already tried an exercise with a kettlebell once - at a CrossFit . It was the so-called swing: we squatted, swung the kettlebell between our legs, and then stood up and pushed it forward to chest level. I easily completed just two sets of 10 reps, but my hips and buttocks hurt for several days.

“Don’t be afraid to lift weights, you’ll love it! - says Maria. — First of all, I appeal to women. It has always been believed that training with kettlebells is a man's domain, but this is not at all true. Try it - and the results will pleasantly surprise you!”

All workouts are quite short, but very effective. Classes combine strength training and intense fat burning. Studies have shown that in just 20 minutes of exercise you spend 230-250 kilocalories .

Kettlebell exercises for weight loss

Want to learn new kettlebell exercises for weight loss that will help you achieve amazing results? This is a proven way to burn more calories and challenge your own muscles. But not everyone knows what to do with these oddly shaped dumbbells. They've been used in military training and training for centuries, but now they can help you too! Kettlebells are an effective way to get in shape and help your metabolism speed up. They are often compared to a bowling ball with handles, but this sports equipment really works! Many celebrities have long been friends with them. And if you still don’t believe it, just try it. And we will help you with a selection of the most effective workouts for losing weight.

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

Kettlebell swing

One of the best kettlebell exercises to complete your workout. It will help work out your legs, buttocks and torso. The main thing is not to squat while doing it, as this will be incorrect. Helps you lose weight and improves metabolism. Start with 1 set of 12 repetitions and gradually work your way up to 3!

Biceps curl

Quite simple, complementing the usual dumbbell biceps curl. It is important not to spin around; yes, it’s easier, but it’s wrong, and the results won’t please you. Do 3 times 18 repetitions and take your own strength to the next level! Strengthen your biceps and enjoy great results!

Triceps kickback

A great way to work your triceps. The key is to take it slow so you get the most out of it. And contract your triceps to engage active muscles. Start with 1 set of 18 reps and work your way up to 3 to tone your triceps and increase your strength!


Abs exercise. You will get the most out of it if you do it slowly. Tighten your abdominal muscles as you lift the kettlebell. Do 1 set of 12 reps and eventually work your way up to 3.


The exercise is used to work large and small muscle groups at the same time, so take advantage of every moment of time to “pump” your entire body. It is important to bend your legs to 90 degrees and focus on your arms. Do 1 set of 10 repetitions and gradually increase to three in order to have a toned, sexy body in the future!

Russian crunches

Let's forget about abdominal pumping and twisting for a while and move on to the next level. It's amazing, the kettlebell adds resistance and challenges your abdominal muscles. Try doing 1 set of 18 repetitions and see the difference for yourself.


If you need to work your tendons, buttocks and thighs, you can't do better than the kettlebell row. The main thing is not to overdo it with weight, because maintaining balance is necessary to perform. We recommend starting with 2.5 kg and gradually reaching 9 kg. Prove to yourself that you can do everything, and studying will become more fun!

We hope you enjoyed these exercises. So, are you ready to start a new workout program to achieve amazing weight loss results? Then go ahead!

Who invented training with kettlebells?

All these features were noted in the late 90s by a former Soviet soldier, and now a consultant to the US Marine Corps and famous fitness instructor Pavel Tsatsouline . He began to develop kettlebell fitness in the USA: he took exercises from kettlebell lifting as a basis and came up with new ones in addition to them. Over the course of ten years, this movement quickly gained popularity, and now in the States there is already a system of certification of kettlebell fitness trainers, and Tsatsouline, as the founder of the discipline, all weightlifters simply call Pavel and are happy to get a photo with his handshake.

In Russia, the birthplace of kettlebell lifting, kettlebell fitness is just beginning to penetrate. Only a couple of fitness clubs develop it, and exercises with weights are also used in CrossFit training. But thanks to activists like Maria Larina, the situation can change very soon.

Kettlebell workouts

It's time to dust off those weights you inherited from your grandfather, or bought in a fit of enthusiasm at a flea market, and start training.

Quick workout with one kettlebell

Only have one kettlebell available at home? You're already lucky. Kettlebells can be a huge ally in achieving any fitness goal. If you're a little tired of the machines or having trouble finding time to workout, kettlebells might be just what you've been looking for.

Here is an example of a simple program. Try to complete it in 5 minutes.

Equipment for training with kettlebells

If you have no training experience at all, Maria recommends starting to train with a 5-6 kg weight and increasing the weight to 8 kg as soon as possible. Those who are already confident in lifting weights need to start with 12 kg .

You can do kettlebell fitness in any comfortable sportswear, but there are special requirements for shoes. It's better not to have it at all. If working out barefoot is uncomfortable, then wear sneakers or flat-soled sneakers, as shock-absorbing running shoes will not work. When training with kettlebells, it is important to stand very firmly on the floor and feel the support in your heels. If the heel is raised, the center of gravity will shift forward, the exercise technique will be disrupted, and the load will be removed from the target muscles. For example, if the hamstring muscles are shortened, they will produce less work needed.

A set of exercises with a kettlebell

The set of exercises with kettlebells presented below is suitable for strengthening all major muscle groups of the body. Training can be carried out both in a circular mode (for losing weight and burning fat), and in alternating exercises - to increase muscle strength.

Reader review:

Thank you for the article! After three months of training with weights, I gained incredible strength. His shoulders are like balls, his arms have become bigger, his back is bulging with muscles. I even had to change my wardrobe. All my friends are surprised at how healthy I have become.


Kettlebell swings are one of the classic exercises. Strengthens the muscles of the hips, buttocks and back, developing explosive strength. Grasp the kettlebell with both hands, then lift it upward in a throwing motion to the horizontal, feeling the work of the abs and hamstrings. At the top point, tighten your buttocks.

Deadlift with kettlebell

A variation of the classic strength exercise performed with a kettlebell. Starting position – legs slightly wider than shoulders, legs in a semi-squat. Using the strength of your leg muscles, lift yourself up, keeping your spine straight and your abs tense. During the exercise, the chest is pushed forward and the shoulders are open.

// Deadlift - step-by-step technique

Side plank kettlebell row

Exercise of advanced difficulty. Starting position: side plank. Keeping your body still and without arching your spine, slowly lift the kettlebell up to chest level—feeling your latissimus dorsi muscles work. Keep your abs in conscious tension.

// Best back exercises

Kettlebell push-ups

The starting position is the lowest point of the push-ups. Lift your body up, keeping your spine straight. Take the kettlebell with your left hand (right hand on the floor) and, keeping your abs tense, move the kettlebell to the side. Repeat for the other hand.

// Program of the best types of push-ups

Exercise “Mill”

Beginners are recommended to perform under the supervision of a trainer. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees in a half-squat. Lift the weight off the floor with both hands, then slowly move it to the side and up—repeat on the other side. Make sure that the movement is performed using the core muscles.

Chest clean

One of the classic kettlebell exercises. The starting position is similar to swings. Raise the kettlebell up to neck level with your palm facing down (to protect your wrist). Straighten your legs and, keeping your abs and buttocks tight, press the weight up.

One-arm kettlebell lift

An isolation exercise to develop arm muscles. Starting position: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, weight held in one hand. Keeping your abs tight and the natural arch of your lower back, slowly lift the weight up, making sure to keep your elbow in front.

Kettlebell exercises for women: a beautiful body in 20 minutes a day!

1. Kettlebell rotation

Warm-up exercise. Take the weight with both hands, place your feet shoulder-width apart, open your shoulders. Rotate the kettlebell around yourself, grabbing it with your other hand in front of you and behind your back. You can put your feet together and then you will increase the load on the buttocks. Rotate the kettlebell for 30 seconds in each direction.

2. Swing with two hands

Exercise for the muscles of the legs (emphasis on the back of the thigh) and buttocks, as well as for developing endurance. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, rest your weight on your heels, and place the kettlebell slightly in front of you. Push your hips back (like a deadlift) until you can comfortably grasp the kettlebell. Don't intentionally bend your knees - they should bend slightly following the movement of your hips. Maintaining the natural arch of your back, grasp the kettlebell with both hands. Swing the kettlebell between your legs, and then straighten your legs and body with a jerking motion. The weight should pass forward and upward between your legs and stop at chest level. Do not make any effort with your arms - the movement should occur through a jerk of your hips. Without slowing down, repeat the swing between your legs. Focus on sharply straightening your hips, tightening your abs and buttocks. Perform 15 repetitions.

3. Belt pull

Exercise for the back muscles. Grasp the kettlebell with one hand and step forward into a shallow lunge with your opposite leg. Place your free hand on your leg. Pull the kettlebell towards you, moving your elbow back. Keep your shoulders turned, your abs tense, and maintain the natural arch of your back. Perform 10 repetitions.

4. Repeat the swing

5. Repeat the row with your right hand.

6. Repeat the swing.

7. Standing press (“military press”)

Exercise for triceps and deltoid muscles. Bend your arm and lift the weight toward your shoulder. Hold the kettlebell without bending your wrist. Lower your free hand down, transfer your body weight to your heels. Press the weight upward until your arm is fully extended. In the upper position, turn your hand away from you, pointing your palm forward. Maintain tension in the muscles of the abs, buttocks and back. Pull your arm straight up, without leaning forward, so that there is no tilt in the shoulder joint. Perform one approach with only your left hand: with a weight of 4-5 kg ​​- 10 repetitions, with a weight of 8 kg - 5 repetitions.

8. Repeat the swing.

9. Repeat the standing press with your right arm.

10. Repeat the swing.

11. Hot potatoes

Exercise for the abdominal muscles. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and hold the weight in your hands upside down. Bend your arms and slowly transfer the weight from one hand to the other, holding it at approximately shoulder level. At the initial stage, the distance between the hands should be no more than 5 cm. Over time, you can increase both the distance and the speed of shifting. Be sure to keep your abdominal muscles tense. Perform for 1 minute.

12. Repeat the swing.

13. Repeat rotating the weights for 30 seconds in both directions.

14. Perform the final swing.

After completing the exercises, walk a little at a calm pace, then do stretching exercises for the muscles of the whole body.

Basic kettlebell training

Circular - 5 circles on each arm
Kettlebell row Sumo style

  • 1 set of 1-5 reps
  • Body part: Trapeze Equipment: Kettlebells

One-arm kettlebell press

  • 1 set of 1-5 reps
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Kettlebells

Bent-over one-arm kettlebell row

  • 1 set of 1-5 reps
  • Body Part: Middle Back Equipment: Kettlebells

Lifting a kettlebell onto your shoulder from the floor

  • 1 set of 1-5 reps
  • Body part: Hamstrings Equipment: Kettlebells

Swing a kettlebell with one hand

  • 1 set of 1-5 reps
  • Body part: Hamstrings Equipment: Kettlebells

Kettlebell Lift

  • 1 set of 1-5 reps
  • Body part: Hamstrings Equipment: Kettlebells

Intercepting weights between legs

  • 1 set of 1-5 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Kettlebells

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The workout can also be done in a classic sequential format, as shown in the video earlier.

Complex training with kettlebells with analysis of biomechanics

The following video discusses 7 exercises with weights, including simple and complex movements with an explanation of the biomechanics of our body. We will learn the correct technique for performing them and mistakes that can ruin progress.

  • Kettlebell swings in partial amplitude with one hand
  • Kettlebell swings to full range
  • Kettlebell swings and lunges
  • Lunges and Kettlebell Press
  • Lunges with emphasis on the buttocks
  • Walking with lunges
  • Kettlebell push

Further in the video all the movements are discussed in detail.

Everyday workout

Let's consider another complex from the Forge of Sports with one weight for the whole body. The kettlebell complex for every day is performed using a ladder with a decreasing number of repetitions 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. It includes the following exercises:

  • Right hand kettlebell snatch
  • Right hand kettlebell press
  • Squats with a kettlebell at the chest
  • Kettlebell snatch with left hand
  • Shvung press with kettlebell left hand

The recommended weight of the projectile for men is 16 kg. Total reps: 275

Description of the complex from the author

Mega Complex from Jurij Vysjegorodskij

Kettlebells are a functional and simple apparatus with which you can work your entire body. This continuous series of kettlebells won't take up much of your time, but will give you a lot of benefit. By performing this series and other exercises with weights, you will get a strong body, good breathing and mobility in the joints:

  • Rotation of the weight around the pelvis (left / right 10 times)
  • Swings with one hand to eye level (Russian kettlebell swings) (left / right 10 times)
  • Kettlebell snatch with one hand (left / right 10 times)
  • Take and point with one hand (left / right 10 times)
  • Kettlebell swing + overhead (left / right 10 times)
  • Thruster with two weights (10 times)
  • Bend forward on one leg with a weight in hand + placing the weight on the floor (10 times per leg)
  • Bend forward with a kettlebell on the back (10 times)
  • Picking up and pressing the kettlebell upside down (left / right 10 times)
  • Swing the weights to the side - left and right (10 times)
  • Mill with weights (left/right 10 times)
  • Intercepting the weights from palm to palm while sitting on the floor (10 times)
  • Turkish kettlebell lift (left/right 10 times)
  • Swing the kettlebells over the shoulder (like sledgehammer blows) (10 times each)
  • Scissors with two weights (10 times)

We repeat the technique of the author of the complex in the next video.

You did a great job, now the main thing is not to hide this miracle shell again in the closet or garage from where you removed it.

Train 3-5 times a week, remember about healthy eating and proper rest! Do these workouts with weights, prove to yourself that there are still more heroes on Russian soil.

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