Warm up before training at home: 22 effective exercises for girls

Warm-up before training at home for girls: what it consists of

A good warm-up lasts at least 5-10 minutes. In this case, your pulse should reach 130-160 beats. If at the end of the exercises you feel warmth throughout your body and sweating, then the warm-up was a success. Now let's look at the warm-up plan:

  1. General warming up of muscles . You can start warming up with simple steps in place and moving your arms back and forth. This usually takes 1 minute .
  2. Joint gymnastics . Usually includes exercises such as rotations with the legs, pelvis, arms, and head - they stimulate the production of joint lubrication, making muscles and tendons more pliable and elastic. 2-3 minutes on joint gymnastics .
  3. Dynamic stretching . Designed to improve blood circulation in muscles. Its essence comes down to using the maximum amplitude of muscle movement to its natural limit. It usually involves swinging movements of the arms and legs. Dynamic stretching takes about 2-3 minutes .
  4. Cardio warm-up . Active exercises will help us warm up the body even more and get closer to the training itself. Cardio warm-up usually takes about 2-3 minutes . At the end, you should do a short cool-down to restore your breathing (you can just walk in place for 1 minute as at the beginning).

Warm-up for the spine and neck

This includes a group of the simplest exercises. Their essence is to stretch to the point at which you feel sufficient muscle tension, then return to the starting position and repeat the stretch again.

Exercise 1 . Stand up straight, lower your head down. Gently stretch your chin to your chest, and stay at the lowest point for a few seconds. This simple method will allow you to stretch your neck muscles from the back of your head to the first two vertebrae.

Exercise 2 . There is another exercise for the trapezius muscle: tilt your head to the side, as if wanting to touch your own shoulder with your ear. When you feel discomfort, freeze for half a minute; at this time you can put your hand on your head as a weight.

Exercise 3 . Without wagging your chin, turn your head to the side as much as possible. Look in front of you all the time, make sure that your chin is at the same level. Having reached the extreme point, stay there for 10 seconds and start turning your head in the other direction.

Exercise 4 . The spine also requires warming up. Stand up straight, raise your arms up. Without changing the position of your hands, begin to slowly lean forward, keeping your back as straight as possible. Look ahead. Having reached an angle of 90°, freeze for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. It will be enough to do 10 such tilts.

Exercise 5 .
Domestic fitness trainers borrowed another way to stretch their backs from the training system for female air force employees. Stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up. Bend over, trying to touch the floor between your feet with your hands at least 20 times. If this exercise seems easy to you, try bending over and touching the floor twice.

A selection of videos for warming up before training at home for girls

Simple program

This is the most common pre-workout warm-up that only takes 5 minutes. Many of the exercises are well known to you from school. The complex includes exercises for the arms and legs, running in place, jumping, and movements of all joints. This program allows you to raise your body temperature, supply your muscles with oxygen and improve your metabolism.

Stretching program

This program takes about 10 minutes and warms up all parts of the body. Particular attention is paid to dynamic stretching, which improves blood circulation in the muscles and maximally prepares the body for the upcoming workout. The program is suitable for beginners, although some of the exercises may be difficult for them.

Active program

If you are going to do an active fat-burning workout, then the warm-up should be appropriate. This program includes a lot of cardio exercises that will quickly get your heart racing. The program takes 10 minutes and is more suitable for those who are already prepared.


Warm-up before training at home for girls should be done at an average pace. If you are too sluggish, you will not be able to warm up your muscles well. And if you are too active, you risk damaging yourself. A good warm-up will tone you up and prepare you mentally and physically for exercise. We hope that this material was useful to you. Bookmark our article with exercises and, of course, share it on social networks.

Upper body warm-up

The next portion of physical activity is aimed at warming up the chest, abs and back.

Exercise 1 . Stand at arm's length from the pole (a bedpost or any other support that will support your weight is also suitable), bend your pelvis back, and grab the support with your hand. Slowly straighten your legs and lean back to feel the stretch in your back muscles. Hold at the end point for 15 seconds, then repeat the same actions with the other hand.

Exercise 2 . Stand up straight, keep your head straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Tighten your stomach, spread your arms to the sides and fix them with your palms up. Without changing the position of your head and lower body, rotate your shoulders and chest so that one arm is in front of your body and the other is behind you. Slowly return to the starting position and make 5-7 turns in each direction.

Exercise 3 . The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Place your right hand on your hip, lift your left up and lean all the way to the right, as if trying to reach an imaginary point to your right. Then repeat the same tilt to the left.

Exercise 4 . Lie on the floor on your back, legs straight, arms extended above your head. By contracting your abdominal muscles, rise to a sitting position, while at the same time bending your legs so that your feet constantly touch the floor. It is forbidden to help yourself with your hands; they must describe a semicircle and at the extreme point be extended forward. You need to lower back in the reverse order: your legs slowly bend and straighten, your lower back also slowly presses against the floor, your hands are behind your head. Repeat at least three approaches 7-10 times.

Exercise 5 . Stand up straight, clasp your hands behind your back and make small pushes until you feel muscle tension. Then raise your hands up, also clasp them in a lock and stretch upward for 20-30 seconds.


It is necessary to distribute the intensity of exercise depending on the individual characteristics of each female body. The program must take into account training exercises for all muscle groups.

When developing an individual program, there are some principles to consider:

  • All activities must be distributed without causing harm to the body, that is, training and diet should be used to shape the figure, and not to deplete the body.
  • Increase the load on problem areas, most often the hips, abdomen, and sides.
  • Select the load on the body depending on the woman’s age.
  • Eliminate bad habits, smoking and drinking alcohol reduce the effectiveness of classes.
  • During pregnancy, strength training should be reduced to a minimum volume.
  • Select physical activity depending on your body type and tendency to gain weight.

Also, much attention is paid to a sufficient amount of vitamins and essential minerals entering the body.


You should not immediately start exercising with weights; this most often leads to injuries and the cessation of further training.

Warm-up must be done correctly; running at a slow pace for 10 minutes is considered the most appropriate. Perform squats and stretches, after which you can begin to perform more complex types of exercises.

Exercises for weight loss

Training exercises for weight loss are aimed, first of all, at activating the process of breaking down fat deposits and acquiring sculpted muscles.

During this type of activity, it is necessary to adhere to a certain type of dietary nutrition, the effect of which will be to eliminate harmful substances from the body and accelerate the metabolic process.

First day:

ExercisesNumber of times and approaches
Running for20 minutes
Push-ups with weight3 sets of 10 times
Lungesat least 3 sets of 10 times
Hyperextension2 sets of 20 reps
Raising arms with weight3 sets of 15 times
Raising the upper body2 x 20 times
Regular press2 x 15 times
Fast walk10 minutes

Second day:

ExercisesNumber of times and approaches
Run20 minutes
Hyperextension2 sets of 15 reps
Romanian deadlift3 x 10 times
Scissors on the machine3 sets of 20 reps
Press, from the floor with dumbbells2 sets of 15 reps
Weighted arm raises2 sets of 15 reps
Twisting3 sets of 15 times
Raising the lower body3 sets of 20 reps
Fast walk10 minutes

The third day:

ExercisesNumber of times and approaches
Stretching5 minutes
Fast walk10 minutes
Leg Press3 x 15 times
Squat with weight2 x 20 times
Scissors with weight2 sets of 15 reps
Dumbbell press3 sets of 15 times
Raising the upper body3 sets of 20 reps
Regular press3 sets of 15 times
Run15 minutes

If the implementation of the compiled program causes difficulties, you should remove one approach at a time for a while, then gradually return it to its place and perform the full volume of the exercise.

To increase weight

Weight gain is recommended if you want to increase muscles in certain places, or make your body more sculpted and toned. The basis is most often taken on exercises that increase the muscles of the lower body.

First day:

ExercisesNumber of times and approaches
Walking10 minutes
Stretching5 minutes
Hyperextension3 sets of 15 times
Squats4 sets of 20 reps
Lunges with weights3 sets of 12 reps on each leg
Scissors3 sets of 15 times
RunWithin 15 minutes

Second day:

ExercisesNumber of times and approaches
StretchingWithin 10 minutes
Hyperextension4 sets of 20 reps
Floor press3 sets of 12 times
Torso twists2 sets of 50 reps
Bend over with weight3 sets of 20 reps
Raising the upper body3 sets of 15 times
Dumbbell press3 sets of 15 times
Stretching10 minutes

The third day:

ExercisesNumber of times and approaches
Warm-up10 minutes
Squats with weight3 sets of 20 reps
Bent-overs with weights3 sets of 15 times
Deadlift3 sets of 10 times
Smith machine leg press3 sets of 10 times
Bench press with barbell3 sets of 12 times
Slow running10 minutes


Instructors who develop training programs recommend adhering to the following tips:

  • During exercise, you should drink plenty of regular still water.
  • All exercises should be performed at a slow pace.
  • During the first months of training with an instructor, it is not recommended to change the trainer, since each specialist has a different approach to training methods.
  • There is no need to allow overly active training, because this will lead to acute painful sensations during the next session; the intensity must be increased gradually.
  • During classes, a program must be present; this will help train the muscles comprehensively.
  • In order to see the result, you need to take your photo every two weeks and compare them after that.
  • After playing sports, you should be careful about the food you eat, you need to use natural protein and eat it.
  • The main task of training is not to stop halfway; many girls cannot maintain this pace and abandon classes, citing unforeseen circumstances.
  • It is imperative to adhere to proper nutrition during training; excessive consumption of food during training will not give any results from visiting the gym.
  • Gradually, the number of approaches to completing the task should increase, and the break time should decrease.

For every girl, the appearance and condition of her figure is of great importance.

For those people who cannot put their appearance in order on their own at home, there is the opportunity to go to gyms to work with an instructor. This allows you to achieve visible results for a long time, and make sports a part of your life.

Strength exercises

Elimination of extra pounds occurs much faster if you add additional weight to standard exercises.

Strength training greatly speeds up the metabolic process and also helps eliminate toxins.

There are a large number of strength training types; the following types are most suitable for girls:

ExercisesNumber of times and approaches
Performing a floor press while kneeling2 sets of 15 reps
Squat with weights3 sets of 10 times
Raising legs on sports equipment3 sets of 10 times
Raising dumbbells with arms outstretched2 sets of 15 reps
Bending arms with weight while sitting2 sets of 8 times
Twisting3 sets of 10 times

The use of this type of load is contraindicated for women who suffer from joint problems or have previously suffered various types of injuries. Very often, after some time of exercise, weight gain is observed due to an increase in muscle tissue.

Beginners should start with light weights and gradually add weight to the strength load. This will allow you to gradually accustom your body to strength training.

Leg warm-up

Exercising in the morning not only gives you energy, but also kickstarts your metabolism. They are an integral part of a weight loss program and maintaining a normal weight.

We stretch the joints and tendons:

  • swing your legs forward/backward and sideways – 10-20 times, support on the wall if necessary;
  • rotation of the pelvis - half a minute in different directions;

  • rotation in the knee joints, thigh parallel to the floor, shin suspended - 10-20 times;
  • rotation of the foot in weight - 10-20 times, on each leg, rotation in different directions;
  • the leg is slightly raised (5 centimeters from the ground), the foot is pulled away from the body with tension and pressed back, pushing with effort towards the shin - 10-20 times for each leg.

After the joints and tendons are stretched, you should work on the muscles. To do this, first raise your toes for about a minute.

Next, perform various variations of squats 10-20 times each:

  • squats when the legs are pressed together;
  • squats with your feet approximately under your shoulders;
  • sumo squats;
  • plie squats.

After squats, it is useful to do exercises on transverse and longitudinal splits. In general, these exercises improve tissue trophism in the legs, relieve fatigue and are an excellent prevention of cellulite.

Proper nutrition

The following features should be highlighted:

  • Choose only high-quality products; protein foods should only be of animal origin. But you should choose complex carbohydrates; they are absorbed more slowly and converted into energy for the body.
  • Diet regimen - you need to eat food often in small portions, this will allow you to digest food faster and prevent the deposition of waste and toxins.
  • Systematically, it is necessary to calculate a certain number of calories that will be consumed during the day and divide by the number of meals. The same number of calories should be consumed daily

A girl’s diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as lean meat, this will help saturate the body with proteins and fiber, which are necessary for physical training.

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