How to pump up your abs in 30 days: table for girls

At all times, representatives of the fair sex want to look attractive. The standards of female beauty are changing, but this desire always remains.

Today, a beautiful toned body, elastic buttocks, slender legs, and a flat stomach are in fashion. Today’s article is about how to pump up a girl’s abs at home.

When is the best time to pump up your abs?

When training at home, many recommend doing exercises in the morning on an empty stomach. This is effective because the body uses up all the evening energy during sleep, so morning workouts use fat energy. A sure step towards getting rid of belly fat.

However, remember that in the morning the glycogen reserve (these are “canned” carbohydrates, the energy reserve of our body) is practically zero, so strength training is not recommended. It’s good to do yoga, stretching, and simple exercises without stress. Monitor your well-being.

Perform the exercises using the correct breathing technique: force as you exhale, relax your muscles as you inhale. The most effective workout will not give the desired result without the correct breathing technique.

Tips for doing ab workouts at home

Not every exercise out of the huge variety that exists can be performed at home. But training for the development of the abdominal press is a pleasant exception: there is nothing impossible in pumping it up without the use of any exercise equipment. Abdominal pumping at home does not require the help of a trainer, and therefore requires special attention to health and safety.

The following tips will help you approach this as responsibly as possible:

  1. For home workouts you need a good mat. It should be non-slip, not too thick and wear-resistant. It is not necessary to buy a product from well-known sports brands; any high-quality mat designed for yoga will work well (they are usually longer and more comfortable than fitness mats). It is recommended to read several reviews before purchasing, as this purchase may last for many years.

  2. You should exercise in comfortable, preferably sportswear. It’s not only about convenience and safety, but also about observing a certain ritual that will allow you to get into a working mood. Some exercises require quality running shoes.
  3. No need to immobilize your legs or feet. This, like fastening the legs in a “Roman chair,” deprives the exercise of its meaning and prevents the abdominal press from engaging in work.
  4. It is recommended to exercise no earlier than an hour after eating.

How quickly can you pump up your abs?

As for the timing, on average, it takes at least a month of regular exercise to give the abdominal muscles definition (pump up the abs with “cubes”). It is better to exercise every day, spending half an hour on exercises. Assurances that there are miracle programs that can help you achieve perfect abs at home in a week are simply a myth. The task becomes more complicated if the girl is overweight. A layer of fat on the abdomen more than 1 cm thick will hide the cubes even during the most intense exercise. In this case, strength training is necessarily accompanied by weight loss exercises (running, walking), healthy eating and drying the body.

Abdominal exercises for girls at home: contraindications and warnings

Contraindications to performing abdominal exercises may include various diseases and ailments of the organs located in this area, hernias, recent surgeries, and problems with the spine. I think this is already clear, but I’ll say it once again - pregnancy is also a significant contraindication to performing this kind of exercise. The first month after childbirth is also better to refrain from physical activity.

Rules for home training for girls

  • You need to exercise no earlier than two hours after eating;
  • you can go to bed a few hours after training;
  • It is better to do exercises on a hard surface, since a soft one will not give the desired effect and can damage your back;
  • It is better to train every other day, so the body will have the opportunity to recover;
  • The most suitable training for girls will be a workout where each exercise will be repeated 10-15 times, and the number of approaches will not exceed 4;
  • the load should be increased gradually;
  • You should warm up before exercising.

For the last point, running, warming up or intensive cleaning of the apartment are perfect. Which will help you combine business with pleasure, warming up, and clean housing.

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How to build perfect, beautiful abs in 30 days - training program for girls: table

Before you start training, carefully read, and most importantly, understand a few general rules of the “eight pack”:

  • Get rid of subcutaneous fat. The first step is proper balanced nutrition.
  • Always and everywhere draw in your stomach. In this case, the abdominal muscles will be strengthened due to constant static tension.
  • Work all your abdominal muscles evenly.
  • Remember, the press loves not effort, but time, i.e. The longer you work, the faster you move towards your goal.
  • Your friends and helpers in the fight for the perfect belly: horse riding, skiing, SUP surfing.
  • A technique that will save the lazy and busy is the elbow bar. This technique will pump up not only your stomach, but also your arms, back, and hips. Plank stand time for beginners: from 10 s per approach. Gradually increase the time to 120 seconds per approach.

What muscles work when performing the “elbow plank” technique
? And if you have both time and willpower, then use a set of exercises to practice at home.

Remember, to activate the abdominal muscles, it is enough to lift your shoulder blades off the floor from the “lying on your back” position. It’s good if you raise your legs during the exercise, for example, lean them against a wall. It’s ideal if you don’t just raise your legs, but keep them suspended.

Exercise 1.

Important: do not exercise immediately after eating! Wait 1-2 hours.

How to perform the first exercise in a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
Exercise #2.

Based on your own body's capabilities: do as many exercises as you can.

How to perform the second exercise in a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Exercise #3.

If during a series of exercises you feel that you are straining your abdominal muscles too much, perform a muscle stretching exercise:

  • roll over onto your stomach;
  • lift your upper body with your arms;
  • bend back (feel the abdominal muscles stretching).

Proceed with the main exercise.

How to perform the third exercise in a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Exercise #4.

Remember: It is perfectly acceptable to take short breaks between exercises.

How to perform the fourth exercise in a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
Exercise #5.

Important: At the end, the entire set of exercises takes about 30 minutes. Take this into account when planning your daily schedule.

How to perform the fifth exercise in a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles
Exercise #6.

The proposed set of exercises will help you quickly bring your abdominal muscles into proper shape. However, even very prominent abs will be lost under a layer of subcutaneous fat.

How to perform the sixth exercise in a series of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Important: six exercises performed in a row constitute 1 training set.

The duration of 1 set is approximately 36-40 s.

The training scheme is shown in the table below.

DayNumber of sets
1st6 sets 1 time per day
2nd, 3rd6 sets 2 times a day
4th, 5th, 6th6 sets 3 times a day
7th, 8th, 9th, 10th8 sets 3 times a day
11th, 12th, 13th, 14th10 sets 3 times a day
15th, 16th, 17th, 18th12 sets 3 times a day
19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd14 sets 3 times a day
23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th16 sets 3 times a day
27th, 28th, 29th, 30th18 sets 3 times a day

Training can and should be continued according to the following scheme (see table).

DayNumber of sets
31st, 32nd, 33rd, 34th20 sets 3 times a day
35th, 36th, 37th, 38th22 sets 3 times a day
39th, 40th, 41st, 42nd24 sets 3 times a day

Exercises for forming “cubes” for girls

However, many women who are wondering whether it is possible to pump up abs in a month want to get sculpted abs with noticeable six-packs. For this purpose, you can use the following exercises:

Sit on the edge of a chair or bed with your legs extended forward. Bend them and pull them towards your chest, tensing your abdominal muscles as much as possible, then return to the starting position.

Lie on the floor, straighten your legs forward, put your hands behind your head, hold on to the edge of the sofa. Raise your straight legs slowly and smoothly lower them.

Do the bicycle exercise.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your hips at right angles to the floor surface. Pull your knees closer to your chest, tightening your abdominal muscles, then return to the starting position. These exercises are called reverse crunches.

It is recommended to perform the exercises in three sets of 15-20 times.

Effective exercises for pumping up the abs for girls

As we already know, the abdominal muscles are divided into upper, lower and lateral. To cope with such a task as pumping up abs in a month for a girl, you need to ensure that all of them are worked out. For each muscle group there are separate exercises that help pump it up.

Exercises for the upper abdominal muscles


Starting position – lying on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, spread your elbows, bend your knees at a right angle, without lifting your feet from the floor. The upper body must be lifted off the floor so that it forms an angle of approximately 30 degrees with the surface. Try to hold it at the top for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position. When you want to increase the load, you can put a gymnastic ball on your feet while performing this exercise.


You need to lie on your stomach. Keep your legs straight, clasp your hands behind your back. You should try to raise your torso on the floor surface. Hold in this position, then inhale and exhale slowly five times and return to the starting position. Do two sets of 15-20 reps .

Leg raises

This exercise is also recommended to be included in the program on how to pump up your abs in a month. You need to lie on your back, straighten your legs, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your legs slowly until they are at right angles to your body, then lower them. Repeat the exercise 10 times .

Lower abs exercises

Weighted leg bending

For this exercise, how to pump up your abs in 30 days, you need to sit on the floor, bend your arms at the elbows, stand up, and straighten your legs. Raise your legs to an angle of 45 degrees, fix them in this position for a few seconds, pull them towards your chest and straighten them. Do two sets of 15 reps.

Vertical scissors

We lie down on the floor, keep our legs straight, raise them above the surface at an angle of 45 degrees. We actively and energetically perform vertical scissors, and thus pump up the abs in a month. It is recommended to perform the exercise at least 35 times .

Raising the pelvis on one leg

This effective exercise can be included in your abs pumping program in a month. You need to lie down, spread your arms to the sides, straighten your right leg forward, place your left leg on the floor, bent at the knee. Now you need to engage your abs, lean on your legs and shoulders, and lift your body and straight leg above the floor. An angle of 180 degrees should be maintained between the raised leg and the body. Repeat the exercise 25 times.

Exercises for oblique muscles

Leg straightening

Effective abdominal exercises for 30 days, which work the side muscles. You need to lie on your back or sit down with your torso tilted back. Raise your legs, bent at the knees, place your calves parallel to the floor (this parallel must be maintained). Alternately straighten your legs forward in weight, hold them for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

Side crunches

Lie on your back, bend your knees, then pull them to your chest and spread your arms to the sides. Trying not to open your body from the surface, throw your bent legs first to the right, trying to touch the floor, and then to the left. At the same time, the abdominal muscles should work. Repeat the exercise 30 times, do three approaches.

Horizontal scissors

This exercise can also take part in pumping up the abs in a month. The starting position is the same as in vertical scissors, but the movements of the “scissors” are performed in the horizontal plane.

Exercises for forming “cubes”

The exercises proposed above are more aimed at removing the stomach and tightening its muscles. However, many women who are wondering whether it is possible to pump up abs in a month want to get sculpted abs with noticeable six-packs. For this purpose, you can use the following exercises:

  • Sit on the edge of a chair or bed with your legs extended forward. Bend them and pull them towards your chest, tensing your abdominal muscles as much as possible, then return to the starting position.
  • Lie on the floor, straighten your legs forward, put your hands behind your head, hold on to the edge of the sofa. Raise your straight legs slowly and smoothly lower them.
  • Do the bicycle exercise.
  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your hips at right angles to the floor surface. Pull your knees closer to your chest, tightening your abdominal muscles, then return to the starting position. These exercises are called reverse crunches.

It is recommended to perform the exercises in three sets of 15-20 times .

We pump up the lower abdominal muscles at home

There are a lot of exercises for girls to pump up their lower abdominal muscles at home. Take the method described above for strengthening the abdominal muscles as a basis. But be sure to complement it:

  • Lying on your back, place your hands behind your head and bend your knees. Raising your pelvis slightly, try to pull your knees towards your chest. If you can’t perform this action right away, pull it up as much as possible.
  • Maintaining the previous position, straighten your legs and lift them slightly off the surface, keeping them parallel to the floor. Now we perform “scissors”, alternately spreading our legs and crossing them together.

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Pump up six-pack abs for a girl at home

List of basic exercises for pumping up the abs

To create several different programs, you can use the following fitness exercises in the gym:

  • straight crunches with different leg positions;
  • twisting with a rope handle at the lower block;
  • lateral thrust of the upper block;
  • abdominal crunches in an ab machine;
  • lifting straight or half-bent legs upward from a position - lying on your back, resting your hands behind your head;
  • straight twists at an angle downwards on a Roman chair;
  • leg lifts on a Roman chair in a supine position;
  • cross crunches on a Roman chair;
  • “book” on the press in the position of sitting on a bench;
  • twisting in a position - lying on each side;
  • turns to the sides, holding the bar on your back;
  • hanging on parallel bars or a Swedish wall with leg lifts;
  • scissors: vertical or horizontal in a supine position;
  • holding straight legs in a position - lying on your back;
  • touching the heels of the feet with the fingers while lying on the back to work the oblique abdominal muscles;
  • touching the floor with your hands from a standing position;
  • bending to the side with sliding hands.

An ideal workout would be to include two exercises for working the rectus abdomen (getting the upper and lower abs), two exercises for the oblique muscles - external and internal, one for the transverse muscles, two for the core muscles.

We previously wrote about chest exercises for girls and recommended bookmarking this article.

Abdominal muscles

It is important to know: pumping up the oblique (side) abdominal muscles will visually make your waist wider and your figure straighter. Daily pumping of the press for girls will not only become useless, but also harmful, since muscle recovery requires 48 hours.

We also recommend studying this topic:

Effective exercises to reduce your waist and trim your sides

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Abdominal pumping without sports equipment

On how to pump up the abs of a girl without sports equipment, examples are given in Tables 1 and 2. In order for the muscles to recover, you should exercise three times a week, devoting 40-60 minutes of time. Before training, do warm-up exercises or running.

Exercises Sets Replays
Leg raise from IP - lying down 3 15-20
Harmonic 3 15-20
Side twist 3 15-20
Walking steps 3 15-20
Lifting the legs and pelvis from the IP - lying down 3 15-20
Scissors 3 15-20
Deflections 3 15-20
Classic twist 3 15-20
Leg straightening 3 15-20

Exercise "Vacuum"

You can pump up your abs to a six-pack with the “vacuum” exercise. It can be turned on in cases where you need to quickly remove a few extra centimeters from your waist. The position for performing the vacuum is chosen: lying on your back, sitting on a bench, standing (on your feet, on your knees and on all fours). How to properly perform a vacuum:

  • exhale all the air from your lungs;
  • hold your breath and pull your stomach in as far as possible;
  • fix the position for 20 seconds and inhale;
  • after a pause of 1-2 seconds, repeat the exercise.

Exercise "vacuum" - sitting on a bench

In a week, this exercise will help tighten your stomach and get rid of a certain percentage of internal fat. The waist will become thinner without pumping up the abs, so it can be done daily.

A daily abdominal pumping scheme for girls may include 9 approaches of the “vacuum” exercise, as can be seen in photo 4.

A weekly scheme for pumping up the abs with the “vacuum” exercise.

Readers found these materials useful:

  • Push-up program for girls: learning to do push-ups correctly
  • How to effectively pump up your abs at home?

We pump up the muscles of the upper abs at home

  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent and hip-width apart. Your arms can be behind your head or crossed in front of you. Raise your shoulders and shoulder blades. No need to try and raise your lower back! It should not come off and be pressed tightly.
  • Another complex for the upper abs is leg raises. Lying on the floor, straighten your legs. Lift them up until they reach a right angle with the floor. Lower it. To make it more difficult, you can raise your legs not perpendicular to the floor, but at 45° and hold them.
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