Why don't you feel full even if you've eaten enough?

Constant psychological hunger is the cause of excess weight and various diseases caused by large amounts of junk food. The site sympaty.net is ready to figure out what to do if you can’t control the desire to eat.

Question: how to get rid of psychological hunger?

Answer: change your usual eating behavior and, perhaps, consult a psychologist about the root cause of the lack of feeling of fullness after eating.

You eat a lot of sweets and fast carbohydrates

A chocolate bar, a cupcake, or cookies are the easiest ways to satisfy your hunger. But this “refueling” won’t last long. Sugar and fast carbohydrates rapidly raise blood glucose levels, provide energy for a short period, but burn out just as quickly. Your sugar levels drop and you feel hungry again, which you will most likely satisfy with another dessert.

Solution: Switch to balanced meals rich in fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates. Try to start the day with a hearty breakfast, then you won't feel like eating until lunch. For a snack, choose nuts, seeds, fiber-rich vegetables, yogurt, cheese, and avocado. Don't be afraid of fatty foods, they give you a long feeling of fullness.

The main reasons for constant hunger

Regular consumption of sweets

After consuming foods containing simple carbohydrates, blood glucose levels rise rapidly, which leads to frequent feelings of hunger, and, consequently, to constant snacking even after meals.

Eating food with long breaks

Feelings of hunger may occur if the gap between meals is 4-5 hours or more. After such “abstinence” a person develops a truly voracious appetite. To suppress hunger and reduce excessive appetite, you should eat regularly 5 times a day in small portions.

Lack of sleep

Scientists have proven that hunger can occur as a result of constant lack of sleep. In such people, the production of two hormones that cause feelings of hunger and satiety increases -

  • leptin
  • and ghrelin.


Leptin is produced in fat cells, and high levels lead to lack of appetite.


Ghrelin is a hormone responsible for increasing appetite, which is produced in the stomach usually when it is empty.

Their functioning is impaired in case of sleep deprivation. Leptin levels then decrease and ghrelin levels increase in sleepless people. This condition leads to a significant increase in appetite and an uncontrollable feeling of hunger in the stomach even after eating.

Can hunger occur due to stress?

Frequent mental or nervous stress also increases the feeling of hunger, as the mechanisms that cause a feeling of satiety with food are disrupted. Constant stress increases the concentration of cortisol (adrenal cortex). Its excess leads to abdominal obesity, fat deposition on the back of the neck and insulin resistance. In addition, constant mental and emotional overload contributes to an increase in the production of norepinephrine, and, consequently, uncontrolled appetite. In turn, carbohydrates are involved in the production of serotonin, which improves a person’s mood - that’s why we eat sweets after stress.

The problem can be hidden in any system of the body; it often stems from a large accumulation of small ones and begins to grow. Therefore it is important

  • monitor the general condition,
  • get tested
  • and try to look for the real reason for the constant feeling of hunger.

What leads to uncontrolled eating of food even if the body is already oversaturated?


With the frequent occurrence of stressful situations and the occurrence of stress, the human body begins to produce adrenaline in large quantities. This hormone can dampen the feeling of hunger and make it appear that food was eaten not so long ago.


But along with adrenaline, the stress hormone cortisol begins to quickly activate. He is an opponent of adrenaline and simply blocks its action. Because of this effect, a strong feeling of hunger develops. It is impossible to get rid of it even after eating if cortisol continues to be produced, and the person is very worried. The appetite will subside when the cortisol concentration drops significantly.

You go to bed late

During sleep, the hormones leptin and ghrelin are produced, which control feelings of fullness and hunger. Thus, leptin sends a signal to the brain about satiety. Ghrelin, on the contrary, informs about the feeling of hunger. If you don't get enough sleep, leptin levels drop and you don't feel like you've eaten as much as you normally would. In response, ghrelin synthesis increases. As a result, you eat more and still very soon begin to feel hungry. The more lack of sleep, the stronger the appetite.

Solution: go to bed no later than 23:00 and sleep for at least 7-8 hours. Remove everything that interferes with normal rest. Hang thick curtains or blinds on the windows. Turn off all gadgets an hour before bed.

Perhaps the reason is poor nutrition?

The most obvious explanation for why a person is constantly hungry is that he is not eating properly. All foods have different energy values. The best options for fighting hunger are foods rich in protein and fiber. But white bread, cookies, and fast food, beloved by many, are usually deprived of the most beneficial nutrients and are not able to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. By the way, constant hunger often haunts lovers of low-calorie carbonated drinks, to which a sweetener is added instead of regular sugar.


Eating enough protein is very important to maintain a normal appetite. Protein has properties that reduce hunger, which helps you eat fewer calories throughout the day. Protein foods activate the release of hormones that signal satiety. People whose daily diets lack protein foods are more likely than others to experience bouts of severe hunger. As part of the study, scientists suggested that overweight people consume more protein: protein foods accounted for approximately 25% of their daily diet. After 3 months of eating this way, the experiment participants admitted that they were less likely to experience bouts of severe hunger and did not think about food as often as before, and they also less often had the desire to eat something very high in calories before bed. Good sources of proteins: eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, legumes, nuts, seeds.


People who eat too many refined carbohydrates, as well as foods that contain too little fiber, vitamins and minerals, also often feel hungry during the day. The most popular source of refined carbohydrates is wheat flour, which is used to make white bread and pasta. Sugary sodas, candy and other sweets are also considered refined carbohydrates. Since there is practically no fiber in such foods, the body digests them very quickly, after which hunger also quickly returns. In addition, consuming refined carbohydrates causes sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. This leads to an increase in the level of insulin, the hormone responsible for transporting glucose into the body's cells. When the amount of insulin is excessively high, carbohydrates are removed from the blood very quickly, which can lead to hypoglycemia and therefore a hunger pangs. Therefore, it is advisable to replace refined carbohydrates with more healthy complex ones, which are found in fruits, vegetables, cereals, and beans. In addition, the listed foods also contain a lot of fiber, which helps fight hunger.


Fats play a key role in maintaining satiety. This is partly due to the peculiarities of the metabolism of fatty foods. It stays in the stomach longer and takes longer to break down. In addition, consuming fat promotes the production of hormones responsible for satiety. Therefore, people whose diet contains very little fat are more likely to experience hunger pangs.

Research shows that people on very low-fat diets have increased cravings for carbohydrate-laden foods. Additionally, experts have found that people who eat very low-fat foods are more likely to feel hungry than those on a low-carb diet.

In order to curb hunger, experts advise including foods rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids and medium-chain triglycerides in your menu. The latter, for example, are found in coconut oil, and omega-3 is found in fatty sea fish, walnuts and flaxseeds. Sources of healthy fats include avocado, olive oil, full-fat dairy products and eggs.


If hunger returns again and again, even after a seemingly hearty snack, it may be that there is not enough fiber in your diet. High-fiber foods slow down the rate at which your stomach empties, helping you feel fuller longer. In addition, research shows that fiber stimulates the release of hormones that reduce appetite. Fiber is found in many foods: vegetables, some fruits, seeds, grains, beans.


People often don't even realize that their voracious appetite may actually be a signal from the body about dehydration. But experts remind: in case of dehydration, appetite also increases. If you feel a constant feeling of hunger, you should not start eating right away. First you should drink 1-2 glasses of clean water. If hunger disappears within 10-15 minutes, its true cause is dehydration.


Alcohol abuse can also cause constant hunger. Scientists have found that ethanol can inhibit the production of leptin, a hormone that suppresses hunger. Experts have calculated that it is enough for men to drink only 40 ml of strong alcohol for their body to require 300 calories more than usual. People who drink alcohol regularly are 10% more likely to experience hunger pangs during the day than people who do not drink alcohol.

Liquid food

Liquid and solid foods have different effects on appetite. Therefore, those who like to replace solid foods with smoothies, juices and lean soups may constantly feel slightly hungry throughout the day. The main reason is that liquid passes through the stomach much faster than solid food. In addition, studies have shown that liquid foods are not as active as solid foods in influencing the release of hormones responsible for satiety. Since liquid foods are digested very quickly, the brain does not have time to receive information that food has entered the body, and as a result, the feeling of hunger does not go away.

How to reduce your appetite if you constantly want to eat

Recognizing the problem is only the beginning of the path to getting rid of the habit of constantly chewing something. How to reduce appetite at home without pills:

  • Portions need to be made small, and you need to eat more often. There should be 5 meals, not 3. You can have snacks, but no more than 2 times. At the same time, your appetite will decrease;
  • You should not eat a lot of foods that make you feel hungry. For example, coffee, spicy seasonings, canned foods;
  • You need to include more fiber-containing foods in your daily diet;
  • The feeling of hunger will disappear if you drink a glass of water;
  • You can use traditional medicine recipes (decoctions of mint, parsley or infusions of chamomile and wormwood);
  • Some foods burn calories and reduce appetite, such as bell peppers.

You can get rid of psychological dependence on food if you find in which stressful situations the desire to eat arises. If the cause of snacking is clear, it’s time to start actively combating it.

Sometimes even gourmet food isn't enjoyable. This is because the person has no appetite at this moment. The feeling of satisfaction is needed not by the stomach, but by the soul. The stomach does not need food in large quantities if the soul has found satisfaction.

If after this a person still continues to eat a lot, he begins to blame himself for his problems with excess weight. It's so good to just eat. Food will never offend or hurt feelings; it is impossible to argue or quarrel with it. Overeating causes chronic diseases and health problems. It becomes impossible to give up habitual snacks on your own. It seems that there is no way out, but you just have to look around you and there will be a lot of interesting things to do. An ordinary walk will bring a lot of positive impressions. Life abounds. No need to sit next to the refrigerator. There will be acquaintances and meetings with interesting people.

Love is the main weapon in the fight against the desire to constantly eat.
Once you fall in love, you immediately want to transform yourself and look slimmer. This is the best way to help you forget about food. Leave feedback

Pathological predisposition

A person’s connection with food begins from the moment he is born. Food is associated with mother’s warmth, affection, comfort, attention. Children think that adults feed them out of great love. And when a person becomes a teenager, all associations associated with food remain for life. There may be a feeling that if something is missing in life, then love or care can easily be replaced by delicious food.

Why does a person eat? The most logical thing is to live and stay healthy. But how much food should you eat? This is what a person’s body tells them to do. In the brain, the food department is responsible for this, and when there is not enough energy for normal functioning, it sends a signal of hunger. How to understand that this is not a false signal?

This is evidenced by the following symptoms of hunger:

  • Weakness and lethargy in the body;
  • Prostration;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the stomach and mouth;
  • Headache and others.

If a person experiences these sensations, he is really hungry. But what to do with the desire to just eat something, regardless of the fact that the main meal was recently. Available and varied products only make the problem worse. People's dependence on constant consumption of food has only intensified in recent years, and middle-aged women are especially affected.

Food is the solution to many of life's problems. There is no happy family, children, stable and successful job, and food becomes the only joy in life. A person finds himself in a vicious circle. If there is no good life, a person eats, and if he eats too much, he becomes overweight and has a number of diseases, and this is also a problem that needs to be addressed. But these are not all the reasons for uncontrolled eating.

The main reasons why you want to eat all the time:

  • Food quality. If the food is not of high quality, it may not saturate the body with nutrients in sufficient quantities. This doesn't mean you should only eat fatty or high-calorie foods. You need to eat more fiber-rich foods. Food of plant origin takes quite a long time to digest and leaves you feeling full, while the calorie content is low.
  • A person will want to eat more often if his daily diet consists of sweets and delicacies. They are very tasty and you want to eat such food regardless of the feeling of hunger. It is better not to cook delicacies without a special occasion. By eating only them, you can noticeably and quickly gain weight.
  • Hunger can be caused by certain diseases or heavy physical labor. Spring vitamin deficiency also contributes to feelings of malnutrition. If the body needs to replenish energy, food products should contain more carbohydrates and vitamins. You can take a vitamin complex for this period.
  • The body should not be saturated with foods rich in carbohydrates. They increase serotonin levels in the body and are addictive. If you then suddenly stop eating carbohydrates, this will lead to rapid weight gain, because serotonin is involved in the process of controlling appetite. Carbohydrates need to be chosen correctly. You need to eat grains, vegetables, fruits.
  • Improper metabolism may be the reason for constant snacking. The body may be deficient in various nutrients. Food should be varied. To understand what exactly the body needs, you should listen to it more often.
  • Eating as a habit that accompanies your other daily activities. For example, you can watch your favorite movie on TV and take something tasty with you. And then watching programs and shows without a plate of food will not be so interesting. Everything repeats itself in the cinema. A person cannot do without sparkling water and popcorn, although he actually does not want to eat.
  • It is impossible not to succumb to the feeling of hunger if something is being prepared in the kitchen. The smell that comes from a freshly prepared favorite dish makes you reflexively want to eat. The reflex is also triggered when a person eats food in different places in his home (on the bed, near the TV or computer). It is very difficult to control the feeling of hunger and do other activities at this time. The body will not remember the meal, and will want to eat again.
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines also exacerbate the desire to eat. A sour taste in the mouth after eating indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract. You must immediately consult a doctor and undergo all examinations. If there is increased acidity in the stomach, the doctor will prescribe medications, and some of them reduce appetite.

It is human nature to eat away all problems, stress, and worries. A person must admit that he eats a lot and quite often.

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