Features of proper nutrition for women after 40 and 45 years

Our body after 45 years

No matter how hard we try to take care of ourselves and keep ourselves in good shape, after 45 years our body changes. We become hot-tempered and emotionally unstable. Even the slightest trouble can throw us off balance. A difficult period is coming in our lives, which we need to survive with dignity.

After 45 years, our attractiveness changes vector. From a young spring bell flower, a woman turns into a gorgeous blooming and fragrant rose. Beauty becomes deep and meaningful. And you should never compare your 45-year-old self to your 20-year-old self. With this comparison we can lower our self-esteem or even lead to depression.

So at 45 we are approaching menopause. It's not scary or sad. This is the law of nature! We need to accept it with dignity. The irreversible process of restructuring our body has begun. Symptoms occur:

  • increased sweating
  • insomnia
  • mood swings
  • fast fatiguability
  • overweight
  • sagging skin

All these changes are associated with the cessation of the production of sex hormones estrogen. This process is also aggravated by changes in the functioning of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems. As a result of the changes, the reproductive system stops working.

Such “changes” in the body’s functioning can last up to 10 years. Our task is to help the body and develop new healthy habits.

What changes occur in the body?

A diet for losing weight after 45 years should be selected taking into account the changes that occur in a woman’s body during this difficult period. Experts point out the following significant points:

  • hormonal imbalance caused by menopause;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness, high blood pressure;
  • increased sweating;
  • slowdown of metabolic processes;
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • thickening of the fat layer;
  • psychological discomfort (depression, blues);
  • decreased physical activity.

Overweight or age norm?

First, we need to understand whether our body is healthy. To do this, you need to consult a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations.

Our body is healthy, but the weight is growing and we can’t stop this process. First, let's calculate your body mass index (BMI). You can calculate your BMI using our calculator:

To calculate, you need to know your height and weight. Just enter your data and the calculator will give you the result.

An index value of up to 25 means that your weight is normal. With a value from 25 to 30, we can talk about overweight. With a BMI of 30 or more, we can talk about different stages of obesity. According to statistics, about 60% of women after 45 years are overweight.


Another reason that prevents a woman from losing weight after 45 years of age is stress. Its effect on the body is sometimes underestimated. The fact is that when a person experiences stress, the level of cortisol in his blood increases, and it is he who begins to carefully accumulate extra pounds, trying to protect the body from hunger.

Even if a person is not starving and looks very obese, but is under stress, his vitamin reserves are very quickly wasted. The body is trying to adapt to the current atypical situation, using all its reserves. As a result, even with a weight of 85+, you can suffer from vitamin starvation. Cortisol in this case acts as an accumulator of spent reserves.

Anything can be considered stress. The main reason is lack of sleep. If a woman sleeps less than 7 hours at night, she is in a stressful situation. Stress can be excessive physical work, exhausting diets, not to mention worries and worries about any reason.

Important nutritional rules for women after 45 years

It is important to remember that losing weight is a very serious process, especially after 45 years. Changes are already taking place in the body. And then there’s the stress of losing weight. Therefore, it is permissible to lose weight no more than 1.5 kg per week. Such gradual weight loss will not harm the body. He will have time to get used to this weight and the chances of returning it will decrease.

Now let's move on to the rules of proper nutrition.

  • You should eat often, but not enough . For example, 4 times a day (this is a full breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner). The portion should fit in an ordinary glass. This is the main rule of any diet.
  • Chew your food thoroughly . During chewing, receptors work, and our body begins to be full.
  • Eat at the same time every day . The body will get used to the regime and will wait for food at the appointed time.
  • Drink plenty of water . To lose weight, the body first needs to get rid of waste and toxins. They are eliminated from the body through the excretory systems. This is why you need to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.
  • Stop eating before bed . The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime. Our digestive system also needs to rest at night.
  • Eat the right healthy foods.
  • Eliminate harmful foods from your diet.
  • Don't go hungry . Fasting leads to breakdowns. And this is already fraught with gaining even more excess weight.
  • Have a fasting day once a week . For example: on apples, kefir or buckwheat.
  • Count calories . The daily diet should be at least 1500 calories. A smaller amount will not be enough for physical activity. And we need an active lifestyle. To conveniently count calories in foods, use the calorie table, and to calculate your individual weight loss plan, use the calorie calculator.

These are the basic rules for losing weight for women after 45 years.

How to properly lose weight at 50 years old: the speed of the process

First you need to determine how many kilograms it is optimal for a lady at this age to have. Remember, you can get the figure you had in your youth, but it is very dangerous for your health. Over the past 20 years, many typical changes have occurred (the birth and feeding of children, constant changes in hormonal levels, the functioning of internal organs). After 45 years, a simple formula applies: height in centimeters minus 100. Now you know exactly how much you need to lose without harm to your health.

The number of calories consumed per day should be reduced every 5-10 years. For those over 45, this norm is 1600 kcal.

An important point is the speed of losing kilograms. Remember, this figure should not exceed 1.5 kg/week. Otherwise, the functioning of the liver, heart, and kidneys will be impaired, and the skin, which produces much less collagen, will become flabby and sag. Also, a sharp decrease in body weight will then lead to the same rapid gain.

People with too much weight may lose it faster, but this is only at first. Then the rate of weight loss decreases.

Healthy foods

Now we need to understand what foods are allowed to eat while losing weight. The list of healthy foods includes only healthy foods that are absorbed by our body and do not cause harm to it.

  • Legumes : soybeans, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils. They are a rich source of plant protein.
  • Coarse cereals : rice, wheat, barley, bulgur, couscous. These foods are slow carbohydrates. Eating them will relieve us of hunger for a long time.
  • Nuts : walnuts, groundnuts, hazelnuts. They are a source of Omega-6 and Omega-3, which improve brain function and strengthen the immune system.
  • Fresh vegetables : cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, celery, zucchini, pumpkin, squash. They are rich in fiber, vitamins and microelements.
  • Sea fish : pink salmon, chum salmon, flounder, pollock, greenling, salmon. It contains protein, iodine, manganese, zinc and iron. These microelements are necessary for the proper functioning of metabolism.
  • Dairy products : low-fat yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. These products must be free of sugar and additives. The percentage of fat content should be minimal. Dairy products contain calcium, which is essential for the strength of our bones and the beauty of our hair and nails.
  • Lean meat : rabbit, poultry, beef. It contains the protein we need.
  • Unsweetened fruits : apples, pears, plums, avocados, lemon, oranges. They contain vitamins and fiber.
  • Unsweetened berries : blackberries, strawberries, watermelon. They are a source of microelements and vitamins.
  • Bread made from coarse flour . This product is a source of dietary fiber, which normalizes intestinal function.

Reviews from women

It is important that the right diet is selected after 45 years. To lose weight, a woman needs a special diet, as well as additional measures. From the reviews you can learn more about the intricacies of the fight against excess weight:

  • At 45 years old, you need to take care of your health, and therefore it is best to choose a diet based on your blood type. It takes into account the individual characteristics of the body. And most importantly, significant weight loss occurs within a month.
  • If it is difficult to limit yourself in food, you should opt for separate meals. With this mode of food consumption, as well as regular physical activity, you can lose up to 5 kg per month.
  • To maintain yourself in good shape, you need to constantly adhere to the principles of rational and healthy nutrition. The weight returns to normal, and my health improves significantly.

Food "garbage"

In order for the process of losing weight in women after 45 years to be effective, you need to throw out food garbage from your diet. These are the products that clog our gastrointestinal tract, lymph and blood vessels.

  • All fast food dishes . There is no benefit in it, and it does a lot of harm. Fast food food is dead, rich in carcinogens and food additives.
  • Sausage, wieners, frankfurters . It is no longer a secret that they contain preservatives, flavor enhancers and stabilizers.
  • Carbonated drinks . If you are thirsty, drink water or brew herbal tea. Why do we need to pour into ourselves a liquid with a huge amount of sugar, dye and carbon dioxide?
  • Chocolates, chocolates, bars . These sweets are rich in emulsifiers, sweeteners and thickeners. All these substances are harmful to health. In addition, sweets are very high in calories.
  • Sugar or “white poison” . They call him that for a reason. It changes the functioning of the so-called satiety hormones, destroys enamel, promotes weight gain, and changes the functioning of taste buds. This is an incomplete list of the harms of sugar. Therefore, after 45 years it is recommended to completely abandon it.
  • Sauces and ketchups . They are a storehouse of harmful components. If you find it difficult to stop adding sauces to your food, then make your own. It is not difficult.
  • Buns, pies, pies, cookies . We have loved these products since childhood. Grandmother fed them to each of us. But baked goods contain margarine, trans fats, preservatives and a lot of sugar. Their consumption after 45 years will lead us to obesity and cellulite. Therefore, the time has come to abandon them completely.
  • Chips and crackers . Salt, flavor and aroma enhancers, dyes and preservatives - this is the list of substances contained in these products. Eating them will not only affect our weight, but also our health.
  • Alcohol . In addition to being high in calories, it also has many negative consequences. Therefore, we exclude it completely.

Key nutrition rules

A strict diet for losing weight after 45 years may not be necessary if a woman adheres to generally accepted principles of proper nutrition that are appropriate for her age. These include the following points:

  • You need to drink up to two liters of liquid per day. If you are prone to swelling, its amount should be reduced.
  • It is worth limiting the consumption of foods with high fat and carbohydrate components.
  • Optimize the size of single food portions. Learn to fill yourself up with fewer foods.
  • The main amount of food consumed should occur before lunch. Before going to bed, the digestive system should not be overloaded.
  • To speed up metabolism, the diet should include foods and substances with fat-burning properties.
  • Instead of sandwiches and chocolate bars, fruits and yoghurts should serve as a snack.
  • When trying to lose weight, do not forget that the body must receive the necessary nutrients in full. If you limit yourself in food, take multivitamin complexes.

Menu for a week for weight loss for women after 45 years

Reducing the calorie content of food, eating smaller meals, eating the right and healthy foods - all this will allow us to lose weight without compromising our health.

The table shows an approximate menu for the week, taking into account all the recommendations. You can use this diet or create your own using this table as a basis.

MonOatmeal with water without sugar 150 gr., poached egg.Several walnutsSalad Panicle from cabbage, apple and carrots 150 gr., steam chicken cutlet 100 gr.Low-fat cottage cheese 100 gr.Vegetable stew 200g.Tomato
WBoiled rice 150 gr., banana.Several pieces of dried apricotsBaked cauliflower 250 gr., meat broth 100 ml.BreadBoiled chicken breast 150 gr., piece of steamed turkey 100 gr.Apple
WedA piece of whole grain bread, a piece of cheese.Two green applesBrown rice 200 gr., piece of steamed fish 100 gr.Two boiled eggsTomato and cucumber salad 150 g, piece of boiled beef 100 g.Banana
ThuBoiled buckwheat 100g, poached egg.1 glass of kefirBulgur 200 gr., stewed beef.Low-fat cottage cheese 100 gr.Grilled vegetables 250 gr., piece of steamed fish 150 gr.Cucumber
FriBoiled buckwheat 100g1 glass of kefirBoiled buckwheat 300g1 glass of kefirBoiled buckwheat 200g1 glass of kefir
Sat3 egg omelette, a slice of whole grain bread.A few peanutsSalad of tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs 150 gr., piece of boiled chicken breast 100 gr.Several pieces of dried fruitsBaked pumpkin 200 gr., steam chicken cutlet 150 gr.bell pepper
SunMillet porridge on water 150 gr., poached egg, coffee without sugar.AppleBaked vegetables 200 gr., baked chicken breast 150 gr.BreadVinaigrette 150 gr., fish cutlet 150 gr.Low-fat cottage cheese 100 gr.


So, at 45 years old we remain as beautiful as when we were young. Life is full of wonderful moments that we enjoy!

No troubles can ruin our mood! This is exactly the attitude each of us should have. Problems with excess weight can be corrected. It is important to follow nutritional rules, avoid eating unhealthy foods and lead an active lifestyle.

Important factors for losing weight

A diet for losing weight after 45 years is not enough to achieve a normal weight and a beautiful figure. There are several other key factors to consider, namely:

  • Frequent exposure to fresh air. If you don't have enough time for quiet walks, try just walking more. If possible, avoid public transport.
  • Spend time on physical activity at least a couple of times a week. This could be fitness, yoga, therapeutic exercises or swimming in the pool.
  • Monitor your well-being and health. Don't forget about regular medical examinations. Perhaps the cause of excess weight is precisely health problems.

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